remove click to run with intune script
I’m trying to remove the en-us, es-es, and fr-fr versions of office clicktorun on my pcs to free up space and clean them up. I’m running this script via intune:
<# Sample Data: “scenario=install scenariosubtype=ARP sourcetype=None productstoremove=O365HomePremRetail.16_fr-fr_x-none culture=fr-fr DisplayLevel=False”
$AllLanguages = “en-us”, “es-es”, “fr-fr”
$ClickToRunPath = “C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedClickToRunOfficeClickToRun.exe” foreach($Language in $AllLanguages){ Start-Process $ClickToRunPath -ArgumentList “scenario=install scenariosubtype=ARP sourcetype=None productstoremove=O365HomePremRetail.16_$($Language)_x-none culture=$($Language) DisplayLevel=False” -Wait Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 }
But apparently I’m missing something and it’s not uninstalling the programs. Has anyone done a similar thing or can spot where I messed up?
I’m trying to remove the en-us, es-es, and fr-fr versions of office clicktorun on my pcs to free up space and clean them up. I’m running this script via intune: <# Sample Data: “scenario=install scenariosubtype=ARP sourcetype=None productstoremove=O365HomePremRetail.16_fr-fr_x-none culture=fr-fr DisplayLevel=False”#> $AllLanguages = “en-us”, “es-es”, “fr-fr”$ClickToRunPath = “C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedClickToRunOfficeClickToRun.exe” foreach($Language in $AllLanguages){ Start-Process $ClickToRunPath -ArgumentList “scenario=install scenariosubtype=ARP sourcetype=None productstoremove=O365HomePremRetail.16_$($Language)_x-none culture=$($Language) DisplayLevel=False” -Wait Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } But apparently I’m missing something and it’s not uninstalling the programs. Has anyone done a similar thing or can spot where I messed up? Read More