rotate polygon in geographic axes
I have a n-sided polygon with vertices as (lat,lon) coordinates. I plot this on a geographic axes. I want to rotate it and end up with a new rotated set of (lat,lon) coordinates. I don’t want a filled polygon, but perhaps I could adjust the transparency if that’s the only way (such as patch). Here is what I tried, but not sure it works accurately due to the oblate earth surface. I prefer not to use Mapping Toolbox, but just core Matlab.
polyin = polyshape([lat’,lon’]);
refPoint = [refLat, refLon];
polyout = rotate(polyin, angleDeg, refPoint);
lat = [polyout.Vertices(:,1); polyout.Vertices(1,1)];
lon = [polyout.Vertices(:,2); polyout.Vertices(1,2)];
geoplot(lat,lon,’b–‘)I have a n-sided polygon with vertices as (lat,lon) coordinates. I plot this on a geographic axes. I want to rotate it and end up with a new rotated set of (lat,lon) coordinates. I don’t want a filled polygon, but perhaps I could adjust the transparency if that’s the only way (such as patch). Here is what I tried, but not sure it works accurately due to the oblate earth surface. I prefer not to use Mapping Toolbox, but just core Matlab.
polyin = polyshape([lat’,lon’]);
refPoint = [refLat, refLon];
polyout = rotate(polyin, angleDeg, refPoint);
lat = [polyout.Vertices(:,1); polyout.Vertices(1,1)];
lon = [polyout.Vertices(:,2); polyout.Vertices(1,2)];
geoplot(lat,lon,’b–‘) I have a n-sided polygon with vertices as (lat,lon) coordinates. I plot this on a geographic axes. I want to rotate it and end up with a new rotated set of (lat,lon) coordinates. I don’t want a filled polygon, but perhaps I could adjust the transparency if that’s the only way (such as patch). Here is what I tried, but not sure it works accurately due to the oblate earth surface. I prefer not to use Mapping Toolbox, but just core Matlab.
polyin = polyshape([lat’,lon’]);
refPoint = [refLat, refLon];
polyout = rotate(polyin, angleDeg, refPoint);
lat = [polyout.Vertices(:,1); polyout.Vertices(1,1)];
lon = [polyout.Vertices(:,2); polyout.Vertices(1,2)];
geoplot(lat,lon,’b–‘) rotate, polygon MATLAB Answers — New Questions