Save document with custom properties with actxserver Word
The following script shall change custom properties of a word document using the activexserver syntax for Microsoft Word.
%% Initiallize Word Connection
hdlWord = actxserver(‘Word.Application’);
hdlWord.Visible = true;
%% File and Location
fullLocation = ‘C:UsersNameDocumentsMATLABPropTest.docx’;
hdlDoc = hdlWord.Documents.Open(fullLocation);
%% Property Change
hdlProp = get(hdlDoc.CustomDocumentProperties, ‘Item’, ‘Property1’);
set(hdlProp,’Value’,’nice’); % saved as "jealous" before running the script
%% Save Doc
The property change itself is working. Sadly, the script is not saving the document. There is no error or warning given out.
If I comment the close functions and click save manually it works fine.
If I save the document as a another file the properties are changed and saved. Therefore, a work around by deleting and renaming and so on would work.
Could someone help me out on how to save the opened document and close it by script?The following script shall change custom properties of a word document using the activexserver syntax for Microsoft Word.
%% Initiallize Word Connection
hdlWord = actxserver(‘Word.Application’);
hdlWord.Visible = true;
%% File and Location
fullLocation = ‘C:UsersNameDocumentsMATLABPropTest.docx’;
hdlDoc = hdlWord.Documents.Open(fullLocation);
%% Property Change
hdlProp = get(hdlDoc.CustomDocumentProperties, ‘Item’, ‘Property1’);
set(hdlProp,’Value’,’nice’); % saved as "jealous" before running the script
%% Save Doc
The property change itself is working. Sadly, the script is not saving the document. There is no error or warning given out.
If I comment the close functions and click save manually it works fine.
If I save the document as a another file the properties are changed and saved. Therefore, a work around by deleting and renaming and so on would work.
Could someone help me out on how to save the opened document and close it by script? The following script shall change custom properties of a word document using the activexserver syntax for Microsoft Word.
%% Initiallize Word Connection
hdlWord = actxserver(‘Word.Application’);
hdlWord.Visible = true;
%% File and Location
fullLocation = ‘C:UsersNameDocumentsMATLABPropTest.docx’;
hdlDoc = hdlWord.Documents.Open(fullLocation);
%% Property Change
hdlProp = get(hdlDoc.CustomDocumentProperties, ‘Item’, ‘Property1’);
set(hdlProp,’Value’,’nice’); % saved as "jealous" before running the script
%% Save Doc
The property change itself is working. Sadly, the script is not saving the document. There is no error or warning given out.
If I comment the close functions and click save manually it works fine.
If I save the document as a another file the properties are changed and saved. Therefore, a work around by deleting and renaming and so on would work.
Could someone help me out on how to save the opened document and close it by script? matlab, activexserver, word, save MATLAB Answers — New Questions