set simulnk Scope Property—-BackgroundColor
i‘m try to set simulnk Scope Property—-BackgroundColor; use below code ,it works, but when close and reopen the model, the property recovered to default;
open_system([modelname ‘/scop4sim’]);
handles = guihandles(gcf);
handles.VisualizationPanel.BackgroundColor=[1 1 0];
but when set the BackgroundColor use style GUI by mouse,then close and reopen ,the BackgroundColor property is the set Vaule by mouse,not recovered;
so what’s the problem, why set by code reopen model Scope not save the property seted;i‘m try to set simulnk Scope Property—-BackgroundColor; use below code ,it works, but when close and reopen the model, the property recovered to default;
open_system([modelname ‘/scop4sim’]);
handles = guihandles(gcf);
handles.VisualizationPanel.BackgroundColor=[1 1 0];
but when set the BackgroundColor use style GUI by mouse,then close and reopen ,the BackgroundColor property is the set Vaule by mouse,not recovered;
so what’s the problem, why set by code reopen model Scope not save the property seted; i‘m try to set simulnk Scope Property—-BackgroundColor; use below code ,it works, but when close and reopen the model, the property recovered to default;
open_system([modelname ‘/scop4sim’]);
handles = guihandles(gcf);
handles.VisualizationPanel.BackgroundColor=[1 1 0];
but when set the BackgroundColor use style GUI by mouse,then close and reopen ,the BackgroundColor property is the set Vaule by mouse,not recovered;
so what’s the problem, why set by code reopen model Scope not save the property seted; simulink, scope, property set MATLAB Answers — New Questions