SharePoint query throttle exception
we are developing app for our customer, where we interact with document library.
It recently passed 5000 items and switched to throttle mode. Im now trying to solve displaying items in our app, so they can interact with it.
This is the main query for data:
“dataSource”: “${SP.Web.AbsoluteUrl}/_api/web/lists/getByTitle(‘PublicDocuments’)/items?$select=ID,Folder,**A lot of selects**&$expand=Editor,File,ContentType&$orderby=Code desc&$filter=Folder eq ‘${QueryString.Path}/’ and State ne ‘Replaced’ and ContentType eq ‘Document’&$top=5000”,
All the fields used in order and filter are indexed. Currently it contains around 5050 documents and this query should return around 2800 – I tested that using Excel, where I exported the query from the Document library, opened it in Excel and selected respective fields as in the filter.
We cannot pinpoint source of the SPQueryThrottle Exception.
On folders with less documents it works just fine.
Hi,we are developing app for our customer, where we interact with document library.It recently passed 5000 items and switched to throttle mode. Im now trying to solve displaying items in our app, so they can interact with it.This is the main query for data:”dataSource”: “${SP.Web.AbsoluteUrl}/_api/web/lists/getByTitle(‘PublicDocuments’)/items?$select=ID,Folder,**A lot of selects**&$expand=Editor,File,ContentType&$orderby=Code desc&$filter=Folder eq ‘${QueryString.Path}/’ and State ne ‘Replaced’ and ContentType eq ‘Document’&$top=5000”,All the fields used in order and filter are indexed. Currently it contains around 5050 documents and this query should return around 2800 – I tested that using Excel, where I exported the query from the Document library, opened it in Excel and selected respective fields as in the filter.We cannot pinpoint source of the SPQueryThrottle Exception.On folders with less documents it works just fine. Read More