Simulation 3D Camera gimbal in UAV Toolbox
I am using the Scenario Simulation blocks to implement an autonomous mission for fixed-wing UAVs, with the possibility of including Computer Vision. I would like to know if there is a possibility to implement a gimbal for the Simulation 3D Camera, since I want a steady image during turns.
Thank you in advance.Hello,
I am using the Scenario Simulation blocks to implement an autonomous mission for fixed-wing UAVs, with the possibility of including Computer Vision. I would like to know if there is a possibility to implement a gimbal for the Simulation 3D Camera, since I want a steady image during turns.
Thank you in advance. Hello,
I am using the Scenario Simulation blocks to implement an autonomous mission for fixed-wing UAVs, with the possibility of including Computer Vision. I would like to know if there is a possibility to implement a gimbal for the Simulation 3D Camera, since I want a steady image during turns.
Thank you in advance. scenario simulation, uav toolbox, simulation 3d MATLAB Answers — New Questions