stream3 returns error: Sample points must be unique
Hello, I searched the community forum and tried my best to resolve the issue myself, but I could not do it.
Here is my code:
clc; close; clear all;
format compact
%% Cylindrical Coordinates
% Generate cylindrical coordinates
phi = [0 pi/2 pi 3*pi/2];
rho = [0.25 2];
z = [1 2];
% Create a meshgrid for theta, r, and z
[Phi, Rho, Z] = meshgrid(phi, rho, z);
% Convert cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates
[X, Y, Z] = pol2cart(Phi, Rho, Z);
% Combine X, Y, Z into a single matrix
points = [X(:), Y(:), Z(:)];
% Find unique rows and their indices
[unique_points, ~, ~] = unique(points, ‘rows’);
% Check for duplicates (optional)
num_duplicates = size(points, 1) – size(unique_points, 1);
if num_duplicates > 0
fprintf(‘There are %d duplicate points.n’, num_duplicates);
fprintf(‘All points are unique.n’);
% Plot the points in 3D space (optional)
% plot3(X, Y, Z, ‘o’,’DisplayName’,’Sample Points’);
title(‘3D Cylindrical Coordinates’);
grid on; axis equal; hold on;
%% Circular magnetic field
% Current in negative z-direction (negative values mean the current
% direction is in positive z-direction)
I = 1;
% Absolute Value of the cylindrical H-field at corresponding positions of
% the radius in phi-direction (all other components are zero)
Hc_phi = 1/(2*pi*Rho);
% Calculate the x-, y- and z-components of the cylindrical field
Hc_x = Hc_phi .* sin(Phi);
Hc_y = -Hc_phi .* cos(Phi);
Hc_z = zeros(size(Z));
% Draw the vector-arrows of the cylindrical field
%% Longitudinal magnetic field
Hl = 0.4; % Absolute field strength (+ = neg. z-direction)
Hl_x = zeros(size(X));
Hl_y = zeros(size(Y));
Hl_z = -Hl .* ones(size(Z));
% Draw the vector-arrows of the longitudinal field
%% Helical magnetic field (sum of cylindrical and longitudinal field)
H_x = Hc_x + Hl_x;
H_y = Hc_y + Hl_y;
H_z = Hc_z + Hl_z;
% Draw the vector arrows of the helical field
% Draw the fieldlines of the helical field
[startX,startY,startZ] = meshgrid([-1 1],[-1 1],1);
% startpoints = [startX(:), startY(:), startZ(:)]; % unique, manually checked
% samplepoints = [X(:), Y(:), Z(:)]; % unique, manually checked
verts = stream3(X,Y,Z,H_x,H_y,H_z,startX,startY,startZ);
lineobj = streamline(verts);
Sorry, it might be a bit overwhelming. Ultimately, I just want to get streamlines of H_x, H_y and H_z on the X, Y, Z grid. But I get the following output of the script:
All points are unique.
Error using matlab.internal.math.interp1
Sample points must be unique.
Error in interp1 (line 188)
VqLite = matlab.internal.math.interp1(X,V,method,method,Xqcol);
Error in stream3 (line 66)
Error in test (line 62)
verts = stream3(X,Y,Z,H_x,H_y,H_z,startX,startY,startZ);
What is the Problem here? Is my check for unique points wrong?
Thank you very much in advance!Hello, I searched the community forum and tried my best to resolve the issue myself, but I could not do it.
Here is my code:
clc; close; clear all;
format compact
%% Cylindrical Coordinates
% Generate cylindrical coordinates
phi = [0 pi/2 pi 3*pi/2];
rho = [0.25 2];
z = [1 2];
% Create a meshgrid for theta, r, and z
[Phi, Rho, Z] = meshgrid(phi, rho, z);
% Convert cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates
[X, Y, Z] = pol2cart(Phi, Rho, Z);
% Combine X, Y, Z into a single matrix
points = [X(:), Y(:), Z(:)];
% Find unique rows and their indices
[unique_points, ~, ~] = unique(points, ‘rows’);
% Check for duplicates (optional)
num_duplicates = size(points, 1) – size(unique_points, 1);
if num_duplicates > 0
fprintf(‘There are %d duplicate points.n’, num_duplicates);
fprintf(‘All points are unique.n’);
% Plot the points in 3D space (optional)
% plot3(X, Y, Z, ‘o’,’DisplayName’,’Sample Points’);
title(‘3D Cylindrical Coordinates’);
grid on; axis equal; hold on;
%% Circular magnetic field
% Current in negative z-direction (negative values mean the current
% direction is in positive z-direction)
I = 1;
% Absolute Value of the cylindrical H-field at corresponding positions of
% the radius in phi-direction (all other components are zero)
Hc_phi = 1/(2*pi*Rho);
% Calculate the x-, y- and z-components of the cylindrical field
Hc_x = Hc_phi .* sin(Phi);
Hc_y = -Hc_phi .* cos(Phi);
Hc_z = zeros(size(Z));
% Draw the vector-arrows of the cylindrical field
%% Longitudinal magnetic field
Hl = 0.4; % Absolute field strength (+ = neg. z-direction)
Hl_x = zeros(size(X));
Hl_y = zeros(size(Y));
Hl_z = -Hl .* ones(size(Z));
% Draw the vector-arrows of the longitudinal field
%% Helical magnetic field (sum of cylindrical and longitudinal field)
H_x = Hc_x + Hl_x;
H_y = Hc_y + Hl_y;
H_z = Hc_z + Hl_z;
% Draw the vector arrows of the helical field
% Draw the fieldlines of the helical field
[startX,startY,startZ] = meshgrid([-1 1],[-1 1],1);
% startpoints = [startX(:), startY(:), startZ(:)]; % unique, manually checked
% samplepoints = [X(:), Y(:), Z(:)]; % unique, manually checked
verts = stream3(X,Y,Z,H_x,H_y,H_z,startX,startY,startZ);
lineobj = streamline(verts);
Sorry, it might be a bit overwhelming. Ultimately, I just want to get streamlines of H_x, H_y and H_z on the X, Y, Z grid. But I get the following output of the script:
All points are unique.
Error using matlab.internal.math.interp1
Sample points must be unique.
Error in interp1 (line 188)
VqLite = matlab.internal.math.interp1(X,V,method,method,Xqcol);
Error in stream3 (line 66)
Error in test (line 62)
verts = stream3(X,Y,Z,H_x,H_y,H_z,startX,startY,startZ);
What is the Problem here? Is my check for unique points wrong?
Thank you very much in advance! Hello, I searched the community forum and tried my best to resolve the issue myself, but I could not do it.
Here is my code:
clc; close; clear all;
format compact
%% Cylindrical Coordinates
% Generate cylindrical coordinates
phi = [0 pi/2 pi 3*pi/2];
rho = [0.25 2];
z = [1 2];
% Create a meshgrid for theta, r, and z
[Phi, Rho, Z] = meshgrid(phi, rho, z);
% Convert cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates
[X, Y, Z] = pol2cart(Phi, Rho, Z);
% Combine X, Y, Z into a single matrix
points = [X(:), Y(:), Z(:)];
% Find unique rows and their indices
[unique_points, ~, ~] = unique(points, ‘rows’);
% Check for duplicates (optional)
num_duplicates = size(points, 1) – size(unique_points, 1);
if num_duplicates > 0
fprintf(‘There are %d duplicate points.n’, num_duplicates);
fprintf(‘All points are unique.n’);
% Plot the points in 3D space (optional)
% plot3(X, Y, Z, ‘o’,’DisplayName’,’Sample Points’);
title(‘3D Cylindrical Coordinates’);
grid on; axis equal; hold on;
%% Circular magnetic field
% Current in negative z-direction (negative values mean the current
% direction is in positive z-direction)
I = 1;
% Absolute Value of the cylindrical H-field at corresponding positions of
% the radius in phi-direction (all other components are zero)
Hc_phi = 1/(2*pi*Rho);
% Calculate the x-, y- and z-components of the cylindrical field
Hc_x = Hc_phi .* sin(Phi);
Hc_y = -Hc_phi .* cos(Phi);
Hc_z = zeros(size(Z));
% Draw the vector-arrows of the cylindrical field
%% Longitudinal magnetic field
Hl = 0.4; % Absolute field strength (+ = neg. z-direction)
Hl_x = zeros(size(X));
Hl_y = zeros(size(Y));
Hl_z = -Hl .* ones(size(Z));
% Draw the vector-arrows of the longitudinal field
%% Helical magnetic field (sum of cylindrical and longitudinal field)
H_x = Hc_x + Hl_x;
H_y = Hc_y + Hl_y;
H_z = Hc_z + Hl_z;
% Draw the vector arrows of the helical field
% Draw the fieldlines of the helical field
[startX,startY,startZ] = meshgrid([-1 1],[-1 1],1);
% startpoints = [startX(:), startY(:), startZ(:)]; % unique, manually checked
% samplepoints = [X(:), Y(:), Z(:)]; % unique, manually checked
verts = stream3(X,Y,Z,H_x,H_y,H_z,startX,startY,startZ);
lineobj = streamline(verts);
Sorry, it might be a bit overwhelming. Ultimately, I just want to get streamlines of H_x, H_y and H_z on the X, Y, Z grid. But I get the following output of the script:
All points are unique.
Error using matlab.internal.math.interp1
Sample points must be unique.
Error in interp1 (line 188)
VqLite = matlab.internal.math.interp1(X,V,method,method,Xqcol);
Error in stream3 (line 66)
Error in test (line 62)
verts = stream3(X,Y,Z,H_x,H_y,H_z,startX,startY,startZ);
What is the Problem here? Is my check for unique points wrong?
Thank you very much in advance! stream3 MATLAB Answers — New Questions