Summing values based on certain time?
Is it possible WITHOUT using VBA to sum values if it’s not a certain time on the clock (the live computer clock). For example, if before 6pm sum values and if after 6pm don’t. I’d assume you have to use the now() function in someway to do this.
If before 6pm it should be 150. If after 6pm it should be 0. The time will change/update since its based on the current time (not a value listed on a spreadsheet).
Is it possible WITHOUT using VBA to sum values if it’s not a certain time on the clock (the live computer clock). For example, if before 6pm sum values and if after 6pm don’t. I’d assume you have to use the now() function in someway to do this. Ex505050 If before 6pm it should be 150. If after 6pm it should be 0. The time will change/update since its based on the current time (not a value listed on a spreadsheet). Thanks! Read More