Tag Archives: matlab
I can not use the command‘plot’,what should I do?
error information:
错误使用 plot
查找类 matlab.graphics.chart.primitive.Line 时出错。
But I cannot find the’primitive’ floder. What should I do if I want to use ‘plot’ normally?
ps:The executed program is as follows, which is a simple piece of code.
x = linspace(0,2*pi);
y1 = sin(x);
y2 = cos(x);
title(‘y1=sin(x), y2=cos(x)’)
ylabel(‘Y(m)’)error information:
错误使用 plot
查找类 matlab.graphics.chart.primitive.Line 时出错。
But I cannot find the’primitive’ floder. What should I do if I want to use ‘plot’ normally?
ps:The executed program is as follows, which is a simple piece of code.
x = linspace(0,2*pi);
y1 = sin(x);
y2 = cos(x);
title(‘y1=sin(x), y2=cos(x)’)
ylabel(‘Y(m)’) error information:
错误使用 plot
查找类 matlab.graphics.chart.primitive.Line 时出错。
But I cannot find the’primitive’ floder. What should I do if I want to use ‘plot’ normally?
ps:The executed program is as follows, which is a simple piece of code.
x = linspace(0,2*pi);
y1 = sin(x);
y2 = cos(x);
title(‘y1=sin(x), y2=cos(x)’)
ylabel(‘Y(m)’) plot MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How do I check if a subsystem handle is for a stateflow chart
I am trying to write a script that parses my model identifying all subsystems for subsequent processing/modifications via the script.
However, when I have a handle that actually corresponds to a stateflow chart I need to switch to using the stateflow API but how can I easily check if a subsystem handle is a stateflow chart?Hello,
I am trying to write a script that parses my model identifying all subsystems for subsequent processing/modifications via the script.
However, when I have a handle that actually corresponds to a stateflow chart I need to switch to using the stateflow API but how can I easily check if a subsystem handle is a stateflow chart? Hello,
I am trying to write a script that parses my model identifying all subsystems for subsequent processing/modifications via the script.
However, when I have a handle that actually corresponds to a stateflow chart I need to switch to using the stateflow API but how can I easily check if a subsystem handle is a stateflow chart? subsystem handle MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Use only the schema without using pre-trained weights
I want to use RESnet-50 without using pre-trained weights by deep learning Toolbox,how can i do?I want to use RESnet-50 without using pre-trained weights by deep learning Toolbox,how can i do? I want to use RESnet-50 without using pre-trained weights by deep learning Toolbox,how can i do? deep learning, deep learning toolbox MATLAB Answers — New Questions
environment of a ROV in simscape
i exported my rov model from solidwork as you can see in the picture bilow i added a transforme sensor and a scoop so that i can see my rov under the influence of gravity but now i want to see my rov in the simulation move in the 3 axes x y z when i searched in internet it says that i need to creet and environment for my rov but i dont know how to do it would you please help mei exported my rov model from solidwork as you can see in the picture bilow i added a transforme sensor and a scoop so that i can see my rov under the influence of gravity but now i want to see my rov in the simulation move in the 3 axes x y z when i searched in internet it says that i need to creet and environment for my rov but i dont know how to do it would you please help me i exported my rov model from solidwork as you can see in the picture bilow i added a transforme sensor and a scoop so that i can see my rov under the influence of gravity but now i want to see my rov in the simulation move in the 3 axes x y z when i searched in internet it says that i need to creet and environment for my rov but i dont know how to do it would you please help me simscape MATLAB Answers — New Questions
2D MIMO virtual antenna array with different tx and rx antennas
Hi All!
I am trying to build up an antenna object, which consists of 3 TX and 4 RX antennas, which would eventually end up as a 2D 12 element virtual antenna array. The TX and RX antennas would have different design, therefore I need to import different characteristics for TX and RX.
My plan is to check and optimize the virtual antenna array pattern, however, I cannot combine the TX and RX array as a virtual array.
I can also combine the TX and RX patterns, but as far as I know, that is just the magnitude, and not the phase. I want to make sure, that the TX and RX phase pattern is properly taken into account.
Here is the code I have so far (the antennas are not real, just a simulated patch and vivaldi antenna data, I won’t even use vivaldi antenna in the future). All the filepath and sensor positions info is deleted.
Many thanks in advance!
clear all;
%% Parameters
Freq = 62e9;
c = 3e8;
Lambda = c/Freq;
Phi = [0:2:360];
Theta = [0:2:180];
%% Create TX array
% Add Patch element
PatchMagPat = readmatrix(‘VVV.csv’);
PatchPhasePat = readmatrix(‘WWW.csv’);
PatchMag = reshape(PatchMagPat(:, 3), length(Phi), length(Theta))’;
PatchPhase = reshape(PatchPhasePat(:, 3), length(Phi), length(Theta))’;
AntElem_Patch = phased.CustomAntennaElement(‘PatternCoordinateSystem’,’phi-theta’,’PhiAngles’,Phi,’ThetaAngles’,Theta, …
txarray = phased.ConformalArray(‘Element’,AntElem_Patch,…
txradiator = phased.Radiator(‘Sensor’,txarray,’OperatingFrequency’,Freq,…
%% Create RX array
% Add Vivaldi element
VivaldiMagPat = readmatrix(‘XXX.csv’);
VivaldiPhasePat = readmatrix(‘YYY.csv’);
VivaldiMag = reshape(VivaldiMagPat(:, 3), length(Phi), length(Theta))’;
VivaldiPhase = reshape(VivaldiPhasePat(:, 3), length(Phi), length(Theta))’;
AntElem_Vivaldi = phased.CustomAntennaElement(‘PatternCoordinateSystem’,’phi-theta’,’PhiAngles’,Phi,’ThetaAngles’,Theta, …
rxarray = phased.ConformalArray(‘Element’,AntElem_Patch,…
rxcollector = phased.Collector(‘Sensor’,rxarray,’OperatingFrequency’,Freq,…
‘PropagationSpeed’,c);Hi All!
I am trying to build up an antenna object, which consists of 3 TX and 4 RX antennas, which would eventually end up as a 2D 12 element virtual antenna array. The TX and RX antennas would have different design, therefore I need to import different characteristics for TX and RX.
My plan is to check and optimize the virtual antenna array pattern, however, I cannot combine the TX and RX array as a virtual array.
I can also combine the TX and RX patterns, but as far as I know, that is just the magnitude, and not the phase. I want to make sure, that the TX and RX phase pattern is properly taken into account.
Here is the code I have so far (the antennas are not real, just a simulated patch and vivaldi antenna data, I won’t even use vivaldi antenna in the future). All the filepath and sensor positions info is deleted.
Many thanks in advance!
clear all;
%% Parameters
Freq = 62e9;
c = 3e8;
Lambda = c/Freq;
Phi = [0:2:360];
Theta = [0:2:180];
%% Create TX array
% Add Patch element
PatchMagPat = readmatrix(‘VVV.csv’);
PatchPhasePat = readmatrix(‘WWW.csv’);
PatchMag = reshape(PatchMagPat(:, 3), length(Phi), length(Theta))’;
PatchPhase = reshape(PatchPhasePat(:, 3), length(Phi), length(Theta))’;
AntElem_Patch = phased.CustomAntennaElement(‘PatternCoordinateSystem’,’phi-theta’,’PhiAngles’,Phi,’ThetaAngles’,Theta, …
txarray = phased.ConformalArray(‘Element’,AntElem_Patch,…
txradiator = phased.Radiator(‘Sensor’,txarray,’OperatingFrequency’,Freq,…
%% Create RX array
% Add Vivaldi element
VivaldiMagPat = readmatrix(‘XXX.csv’);
VivaldiPhasePat = readmatrix(‘YYY.csv’);
VivaldiMag = reshape(VivaldiMagPat(:, 3), length(Phi), length(Theta))’;
VivaldiPhase = reshape(VivaldiPhasePat(:, 3), length(Phi), length(Theta))’;
AntElem_Vivaldi = phased.CustomAntennaElement(‘PatternCoordinateSystem’,’phi-theta’,’PhiAngles’,Phi,’ThetaAngles’,Theta, …
rxarray = phased.ConformalArray(‘Element’,AntElem_Patch,…
rxcollector = phased.Collector(‘Sensor’,rxarray,’OperatingFrequency’,Freq,…
‘PropagationSpeed’,c); Hi All!
I am trying to build up an antenna object, which consists of 3 TX and 4 RX antennas, which would eventually end up as a 2D 12 element virtual antenna array. The TX and RX antennas would have different design, therefore I need to import different characteristics for TX and RX.
My plan is to check and optimize the virtual antenna array pattern, however, I cannot combine the TX and RX array as a virtual array.
I can also combine the TX and RX patterns, but as far as I know, that is just the magnitude, and not the phase. I want to make sure, that the TX and RX phase pattern is properly taken into account.
Here is the code I have so far (the antennas are not real, just a simulated patch and vivaldi antenna data, I won’t even use vivaldi antenna in the future). All the filepath and sensor positions info is deleted.
Many thanks in advance!
clear all;
%% Parameters
Freq = 62e9;
c = 3e8;
Lambda = c/Freq;
Phi = [0:2:360];
Theta = [0:2:180];
%% Create TX array
% Add Patch element
PatchMagPat = readmatrix(‘VVV.csv’);
PatchPhasePat = readmatrix(‘WWW.csv’);
PatchMag = reshape(PatchMagPat(:, 3), length(Phi), length(Theta))’;
PatchPhase = reshape(PatchPhasePat(:, 3), length(Phi), length(Theta))’;
AntElem_Patch = phased.CustomAntennaElement(‘PatternCoordinateSystem’,’phi-theta’,’PhiAngles’,Phi,’ThetaAngles’,Theta, …
txarray = phased.ConformalArray(‘Element’,AntElem_Patch,…
txradiator = phased.Radiator(‘Sensor’,txarray,’OperatingFrequency’,Freq,…
%% Create RX array
% Add Vivaldi element
VivaldiMagPat = readmatrix(‘XXX.csv’);
VivaldiPhasePat = readmatrix(‘YYY.csv’);
VivaldiMag = reshape(VivaldiMagPat(:, 3), length(Phi), length(Theta))’;
VivaldiPhase = reshape(VivaldiPhasePat(:, 3), length(Phi), length(Theta))’;
AntElem_Vivaldi = phased.CustomAntennaElement(‘PatternCoordinateSystem’,’phi-theta’,’PhiAngles’,Phi,’ThetaAngles’,Theta, …
rxarray = phased.ConformalArray(‘Element’,AntElem_Patch,…
rxcollector = phased.Collector(‘Sensor’,rxarray,’OperatingFrequency’,Freq,…
‘PropagationSpeed’,c); radar, phased array MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Help needed to make a 3d contour plot
Hello. I have around 50K data points (x,y,z co-ordinates of each point) and the value of a function at each of these points. I want to make a filled contour plot of this function on the 3d surface that would so be formed by joining all the data points. I have tried various functions like contour3, tricontour, scatter3, surf etc but nothing seems to work. If it matters, the value of the function is in no way dependent on the co-ordinates of the point.
As an example to clear things up, <http://imgur.com/tmW4X5b this> is what I want to plot.Hello. I have around 50K data points (x,y,z co-ordinates of each point) and the value of a function at each of these points. I want to make a filled contour plot of this function on the 3d surface that would so be formed by joining all the data points. I have tried various functions like contour3, tricontour, scatter3, surf etc but nothing seems to work. If it matters, the value of the function is in no way dependent on the co-ordinates of the point.
As an example to clear things up, <http://imgur.com/tmW4X5b this> is what I want to plot. Hello. I have around 50K data points (x,y,z co-ordinates of each point) and the value of a function at each of these points. I want to make a filled contour plot of this function on the 3d surface that would so be formed by joining all the data points. I have tried various functions like contour3, tricontour, scatter3, surf etc but nothing seems to work. If it matters, the value of the function is in no way dependent on the co-ordinates of the point.
As an example to clear things up, <http://imgur.com/tmW4X5b this> is what I want to plot. contour, contour3, surf, surf3, 3d plots, plot MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How can I add dates to bar charts when the data I am plotting are matrices?
I am trying to plot a matrix of N * 7 elements in a bar chart.
N are different dates for which I have 7 variables under study. If I have N around 8, the graph looks nice and it shows what I want. Namely, the date for the group of variables on the x axis. However, if I have N = 20 or bigger it only shows the first five dates spanning the whole x-axis.
The code I am using right now is the following:
width = 6; % Width in inches
height = 3; % Height in inches
%FIGURE 1: Sectors Jump Days
pos = get(gcf, ‘Position’);
set(gcf, ‘Position’, [pos(1) pos(2) width*100, height*100])
and dayIndjumpstr is a cell array.
Thank you very much.I am trying to plot a matrix of N * 7 elements in a bar chart.
N are different dates for which I have 7 variables under study. If I have N around 8, the graph looks nice and it shows what I want. Namely, the date for the group of variables on the x axis. However, if I have N = 20 or bigger it only shows the first five dates spanning the whole x-axis.
The code I am using right now is the following:
width = 6; % Width in inches
height = 3; % Height in inches
%FIGURE 1: Sectors Jump Days
pos = get(gcf, ‘Position’);
set(gcf, ‘Position’, [pos(1) pos(2) width*100, height*100])
and dayIndjumpstr is a cell array.
Thank you very much. I am trying to plot a matrix of N * 7 elements in a bar chart.
N are different dates for which I have 7 variables under study. If I have N around 8, the graph looks nice and it shows what I want. Namely, the date for the group of variables on the x axis. However, if I have N = 20 or bigger it only shows the first five dates spanning the whole x-axis.
The code I am using right now is the following:
width = 6; % Width in inches
height = 3; % Height in inches
%FIGURE 1: Sectors Jump Days
pos = get(gcf, ‘Position’);
set(gcf, ‘Position’, [pos(1) pos(2) width*100, height*100])
and dayIndjumpstr is a cell array.
Thank you very much. bar charts dates MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to read grib files
I have tried to read grib files with thisfunction but it always displaies
Error using readgrib (line 39)
Not enough input arguments.I have tried to read grib files with thisfunction but it always displaies
Error using readgrib (line 39)
Not enough input arguments. I have tried to read grib files with thisfunction but it always displaies
Error using readgrib (line 39)
Not enough input arguments. grib MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Non-Virtual-Bus setting not recognized when integrating an FMU file
I have successfully compiled and created a FMU from a model with the Simulink Coder.
The Model accepts and exports a Simulink Bus structure as FMI from/to the parent model.
When running the parent model, which integrates the FMU (see first picture below) the following error message is shown:
Error:’Output Port 1′ of ‘MyModel/FMU’ expects a nonvirtual bus or nonbus signal but receives a virtual bus. Convert the virtual bus to a nonvirtual bus or vector using a Signal Conversion or Bus to Vector block.
Here is the original Error message and the relevant part of the parent model:
An this is the model and the port configuration which is converted to the FMU:
The question is, why is the error message still created, even though the port setting is correct?
Regards.I have successfully compiled and created a FMU from a model with the Simulink Coder.
The Model accepts and exports a Simulink Bus structure as FMI from/to the parent model.
When running the parent model, which integrates the FMU (see first picture below) the following error message is shown:
Error:’Output Port 1′ of ‘MyModel/FMU’ expects a nonvirtual bus or nonbus signal but receives a virtual bus. Convert the virtual bus to a nonvirtual bus or vector using a Signal Conversion or Bus to Vector block.
Here is the original Error message and the relevant part of the parent model:
An this is the model and the port configuration which is converted to the FMU:
The question is, why is the error message still created, even though the port setting is correct?
Regards. I have successfully compiled and created a FMU from a model with the Simulink Coder.
The Model accepts and exports a Simulink Bus structure as FMI from/to the parent model.
When running the parent model, which integrates the FMU (see first picture below) the following error message is shown:
Error:’Output Port 1′ of ‘MyModel/FMU’ expects a nonvirtual bus or nonbus signal but receives a virtual bus. Convert the virtual bus to a nonvirtual bus or vector using a Signal Conversion or Bus to Vector block.
Here is the original Error message and the relevant part of the parent model:
An this is the model and the port configuration which is converted to the FMU:
The question is, why is the error message still created, even though the port setting is correct?
Regards. fmu, non-virtual-bua MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Ternary plot (Contour lines)
Hi, I am trying to draw some contour lines of a ternary phase diagram. I am currently just using closely spaced digitized points on the ternary plot. I am using the package: Ternary Plots. However, I want smooth lines connecting them. So far, I have this:
The code is:
B = readmatrix(‘dataset.xlsx’);
close all
B1 = B*0.01; %liquidus line
fig = figure(‘units’,’pixels’,’position’,[100 100 1000 800]);
%– Plot the axis system
hter1=ternaryc(B1(1:188,1),B1(1:188,2),B1(1:188,3)); %phase boundaries
The dataset is here. Thanks for any help.Hi, I am trying to draw some contour lines of a ternary phase diagram. I am currently just using closely spaced digitized points on the ternary plot. I am using the package: Ternary Plots. However, I want smooth lines connecting them. So far, I have this:
The code is:
B = readmatrix(‘dataset.xlsx’);
close all
B1 = B*0.01; %liquidus line
fig = figure(‘units’,’pixels’,’position’,[100 100 1000 800]);
%– Plot the axis system
hter1=ternaryc(B1(1:188,1),B1(1:188,2),B1(1:188,3)); %phase boundaries
The dataset is here. Thanks for any help. Hi, I am trying to draw some contour lines of a ternary phase diagram. I am currently just using closely spaced digitized points on the ternary plot. I am using the package: Ternary Plots. However, I want smooth lines connecting them. So far, I have this:
The code is:
B = readmatrix(‘dataset.xlsx’);
close all
B1 = B*0.01; %liquidus line
fig = figure(‘units’,’pixels’,’position’,[100 100 1000 800]);
%– Plot the axis system
hter1=ternaryc(B1(1:188,1),B1(1:188,2),B1(1:188,3)); %phase boundaries
The dataset is here. Thanks for any help. ternary, plot MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Simscape mechanics explorer ERROR: Model dispersion
When I run the offical model of stewart platform with MATLABSimulink R2022b, the model in mechanic explorer is a decentralized state. These components seem to be much smaller than they should be.
When I show all the frames/CGs, the proportion is correct. Just all the solid blocks become so smaller that I cant even see them in a view.
Anyone can help? I really appreciate it.When I run the offical model of stewart platform with MATLABSimulink R2022b, the model in mechanic explorer is a decentralized state. These components seem to be much smaller than they should be.
When I show all the frames/CGs, the proportion is correct. Just all the solid blocks become so smaller that I cant even see them in a view.
Anyone can help? I really appreciate it. When I run the offical model of stewart platform with MATLABSimulink R2022b, the model in mechanic explorer is a decentralized state. These components seem to be much smaller than they should be.
When I show all the frames/CGs, the proportion is correct. Just all the solid blocks become so smaller that I cant even see them in a view.
Anyone can help? I really appreciate it. simscape, simulation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to plot the loss function on the overall dataset in Training Progress
I am writing a Convolutional Neural Network for regression in MATLAB R2021b. I’m using the trainNetwork function in Deep Learning Toolbox and in options I have ‘Plots’,’training-progress’.
I have understood that in the Training Progress, for each iteration, I have the MSE value computed on the mini-batch.
I wuold like to know whether I can plot in the training progress the MSE value on the overall Training Set and Validation Set respectively and not on the mini-batch.
Thanks in advance.I am writing a Convolutional Neural Network for regression in MATLAB R2021b. I’m using the trainNetwork function in Deep Learning Toolbox and in options I have ‘Plots’,’training-progress’.
I have understood that in the Training Progress, for each iteration, I have the MSE value computed on the mini-batch.
I wuold like to know whether I can plot in the training progress the MSE value on the overall Training Set and Validation Set respectively and not on the mini-batch.
Thanks in advance. I am writing a Convolutional Neural Network for regression in MATLAB R2021b. I’m using the trainNetwork function in Deep Learning Toolbox and in options I have ‘Plots’,’training-progress’.
I have understood that in the Training Progress, for each iteration, I have the MSE value computed on the mini-batch.
I wuold like to know whether I can plot in the training progress the MSE value on the overall Training Set and Validation Set respectively and not on the mini-batch.
Thanks in advance. training progress, trainnetwork MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Connecting mesh to merge two surfaces
Is there a way to connect the mesh of these two surfaces, transforming into just one(surface)?
Thanks in advance.
clear all;
% Welding parameters
U = 33; %Voltage (V)
I = 325; %Current (A)
n = 0.75; %Efficiency
Q = U*I*n;
% Goldak Double-ellipsoid
a = 4.645; %Metade da largura (mm)
b = 6.5; %Penetração (mm)
C1 = 4.645;
C2 = 16;
FF = 0.6;
FR = 1.4;
x = [-10:.2:10];
y= 0;
z1 = [-10:.2:0];
z2 = [0:.2:10];
[xx,zz] = meshgrid(x,z1);
A1 = ((6*sqrt(3)*FF*Q)/(a*b*C1*pi*sqrt(pi)));
B1 = exp(-1.7*(xx.^2/a.^2)).*exp(-5.0*(zz.^2/C1.^2));
[xa,za] = meshgrid (x,z2);
A2 = ((6*sqrt(3)*FR*Q)/(a*b*C2*pi*sqrt(pi)));
B2 = exp(-1.7*(xa.^2/a.^2)).*exp(-5.0*(za.^2/C2.^2));
q1 = A1.*B1;
q2 = A2.*B2;
[X,Z] = meshgrid (x,-15:.05:15);
hold on
shading interp
colormap jet
xlabel(‘ x (mm)’)
ylabel(‘ Welding direction (mm)’)
zlabel(‘ Power Density (W/mm³)’)
Is there a way to connect the mesh of these two surfaces, transforming into just one(surface)?
Thanks in advance.
clear all;
% Welding parameters
U = 33; %Voltage (V)
I = 325; %Current (A)
n = 0.75; %Efficiency
Q = U*I*n;
% Goldak Double-ellipsoid
a = 4.645; %Metade da largura (mm)
b = 6.5; %Penetração (mm)
C1 = 4.645;
C2 = 16;
FF = 0.6;
FR = 1.4;
x = [-10:.2:10];
y= 0;
z1 = [-10:.2:0];
z2 = [0:.2:10];
[xx,zz] = meshgrid(x,z1);
A1 = ((6*sqrt(3)*FF*Q)/(a*b*C1*pi*sqrt(pi)));
B1 = exp(-1.7*(xx.^2/a.^2)).*exp(-5.0*(zz.^2/C1.^2));
[xa,za] = meshgrid (x,z2);
A2 = ((6*sqrt(3)*FR*Q)/(a*b*C2*pi*sqrt(pi)));
B2 = exp(-1.7*(xa.^2/a.^2)).*exp(-5.0*(za.^2/C2.^2));
q1 = A1.*B1;
q2 = A2.*B2;
[X,Z] = meshgrid (x,-15:.05:15);
hold on
shading interp
colormap jet
xlabel(‘ x (mm)’)
ylabel(‘ Welding direction (mm)’)
zlabel(‘ Power Density (W/mm³)’)
<</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/81300/DE.jpg>> Hello,
Is there a way to connect the mesh of these two surfaces, transforming into just one(surface)?
Thanks in advance.
clear all;
% Welding parameters
U = 33; %Voltage (V)
I = 325; %Current (A)
n = 0.75; %Efficiency
Q = U*I*n;
% Goldak Double-ellipsoid
a = 4.645; %Metade da largura (mm)
b = 6.5; %Penetração (mm)
C1 = 4.645;
C2 = 16;
FF = 0.6;
FR = 1.4;
x = [-10:.2:10];
y= 0;
z1 = [-10:.2:0];
z2 = [0:.2:10];
[xx,zz] = meshgrid(x,z1);
A1 = ((6*sqrt(3)*FF*Q)/(a*b*C1*pi*sqrt(pi)));
B1 = exp(-1.7*(xx.^2/a.^2)).*exp(-5.0*(zz.^2/C1.^2));
[xa,za] = meshgrid (x,z2);
A2 = ((6*sqrt(3)*FR*Q)/(a*b*C2*pi*sqrt(pi)));
B2 = exp(-1.7*(xa.^2/a.^2)).*exp(-5.0*(za.^2/C2.^2));
q1 = A1.*B1;
q2 = A2.*B2;
[X,Z] = meshgrid (x,-15:.05:15);
hold on
shading interp
colormap jet
xlabel(‘ x (mm)’)
ylabel(‘ Welding direction (mm)’)
zlabel(‘ Power Density (W/mm³)’)
<</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/81300/DE.jpg>> merge surfaces MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Problems with slrttest in the reboot
Hello, I’m trying to connect to a custom target computer via a LAN cable at MATLAB/Simulink R2017b, but when I run the srttest an error comes out:.
## Simulink Real-Time Test Suite
### Host-Target interface is: TcpIp
### Test 1, Ping target computer ‘TargetPC1’ using system ping: … OK
### Test 2, Ping target computer ‘TargetPC1’ using SLRTPINGTARGET: … OK
### Test 3, Software reboot the target computer ‘TargetPC1’: error: slrttest (line 181)
message: "The input string format is not correct."
source: "mscorlib"
181 error( booterror.message );Hello, I’m trying to connect to a custom target computer via a LAN cable at MATLAB/Simulink R2017b, but when I run the srttest an error comes out:.
## Simulink Real-Time Test Suite
### Host-Target interface is: TcpIp
### Test 1, Ping target computer ‘TargetPC1’ using system ping: … OK
### Test 2, Ping target computer ‘TargetPC1’ using SLRTPINGTARGET: … OK
### Test 3, Software reboot the target computer ‘TargetPC1’: error: slrttest (line 181)
message: "The input string format is not correct."
source: "mscorlib"
181 error( booterror.message ); Hello, I’m trying to connect to a custom target computer via a LAN cable at MATLAB/Simulink R2017b, but when I run the srttest an error comes out:.
## Simulink Real-Time Test Suite
### Host-Target interface is: TcpIp
### Test 1, Ping target computer ‘TargetPC1’ using system ping: … OK
### Test 2, Ping target computer ‘TargetPC1’ using SLRTPINGTARGET: … OK
### Test 3, Software reboot the target computer ‘TargetPC1’: error: slrttest (line 181)
message: "The input string format is not correct."
source: "mscorlib"
181 error( booterror.message ); srttest MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Recessionplot not including 2020
Dear Experts,
I am having a challenge with recessionplot. I have plotted this monthly time series data (1971M1-2021M10) and clicked ‘recessionplot’.
However, the recessionplot algorithm does not shade (grey) the COVID-19 recession (2020M02-2020M04).
How do I add the COVID-19 recession to the graph?
Thank you,
MphoDear Experts,
I am having a challenge with recessionplot. I have plotted this monthly time series data (1971M1-2021M10) and clicked ‘recessionplot’.
However, the recessionplot algorithm does not shade (grey) the COVID-19 recession (2020M02-2020M04).
How do I add the COVID-19 recession to the graph?
Thank you,
Mpho Dear Experts,
I am having a challenge with recessionplot. I have plotted this monthly time series data (1971M1-2021M10) and clicked ‘recessionplot’.
However, the recessionplot algorithm does not shade (grey) the COVID-19 recession (2020M02-2020M04).
How do I add the COVID-19 recession to the graph?
Thank you,
Mpho recessionplot MATLAB Answers — New Questions
my graph won’t show the exponential graph as the alpha value is 0, can someone help fix this problem?
[a0,a1,r2] = linreg(xlin,ylin);
text1=sprintf(‘parabola-cockraches rate: cockraches= %.2fx^2+%.2fx+%.2f’,p);
exponential_curve= alpha.*exp(1).^(Beta.*days);
text2=sprintf(‘exponential-cockraches rate: cockraches= %.2fe^%.2fxn’,alpha, Beta);
hold on
title(‘numbers of cockraches vs times(days)’);
[a0,a1,r2] = linreg(xlin,ylin);
text1=sprintf(‘parabola-cockraches rate: cockraches= %.2fx^2+%.2fx+%.2f’,p);
exponential_curve= alpha.*exp(1).^(Beta.*days);
text2=sprintf(‘exponential-cockraches rate: cockraches= %.2fe^%.2fxn’,alpha, Beta);
hold on
title(‘numbers of cockraches vs times(days)’);
legend(‘unlinearised’,text1,text2) %a
[a0,a1,r2] = linreg(xlin,ylin);
text1=sprintf(‘parabola-cockraches rate: cockraches= %.2fx^2+%.2fx+%.2f’,p);
exponential_curve= alpha.*exp(1).^(Beta.*days);
text2=sprintf(‘exponential-cockraches rate: cockraches= %.2fe^%.2fxn’,alpha, Beta);
hold on
title(‘numbers of cockraches vs times(days)’);
legend(‘unlinearised’,text1,text2) exponential curve, nonlinear, linear MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Get properties from Aspen Plus
Hello Matlab community,
I want to use material properties from Aspen Properties V9 to calculate some dimensionless numbers. For example I want to get out the heat capacity, thermal heat conductivity, etc. of water at different temperatures and pressures. Is this possible?
Thank you for helping an inexperienced user.Hello Matlab community,
I want to use material properties from Aspen Properties V9 to calculate some dimensionless numbers. For example I want to get out the heat capacity, thermal heat conductivity, etc. of water at different temperatures and pressures. Is this possible?
Thank you for helping an inexperienced user. Hello Matlab community,
I want to use material properties from Aspen Properties V9 to calculate some dimensionless numbers. For example I want to get out the heat capacity, thermal heat conductivity, etc. of water at different temperatures and pressures. Is this possible?
Thank you for helping an inexperienced user. aspen plus, properties MATLAB Answers — New Questions
This is face morphing. Now I want to save and convert to a gif image format.
close all
A=imresize(A, [512 512]);
B=imresize(B, [512 512]);
for i=1:iter
pause (0.1);
endclose all
A=imresize(A, [512 512]);
B=imresize(B, [512 512]);
for i=1:iter
pause (0.1);
end close all
A=imresize(A, [512 512]);
B=imresize(B, [512 512]);
for i=1:iter
pause (0.1);
end image processing, morphing, morph images MATLAB Answers — New Questions
I need help validating my forward kinematic using Simulink and the Robotic Systems Toolbox for a surgical robot.
Hi all,
I am a student and I am working on a surgical eye robot which utilises a remote centre of motion mechanism (RCM). I have found the forward kinematics for it using the DH method and another method. I have also found the Jacobian velocity matrix for it. However, my Jacobian seems a bit off and I am looking to validate it and the forward kinematic using RST. I have exported the CAD model as XML and created an slx file for it. The robot composes of multiple joints. However, in reality, only 4 joints are actuation joints, the rest are closed loop joints that reduce the robots DOF to 1 or 2 DOF (pitch and translation).
I have set up the robots and actuated it fine using a constant block connected a degree to radians block which is then connected to the robot, which is connected to a MATLAB function script which is then connected to a display to show me the homogenous matrix.
I am now at the stage where I am looking to connect a GetTransform block in order to retrieve the forward kinematic. Below is the way I am connecting the blocks. My apologies since I am using a different computer and can’t screenshot my layout.
3 Sine blocks and a constant block connected to the robots (I have made the robots connection and blocks a subsystem). From the robot subsystem, it’s connected to a mux that takes 4 inputs. The mux is connected to the GetTransform block. The GetTransform block is connected to a Coordinate Transformation Conversion block which is then connected to a scope.
All of my setup seems fine. However, I am getting an error that says the input is a vector of 4 whereas the outputs requires 11. I know this is due to the joints block where I have set up 4 of them to sense the postion and computed the torque automatically and I have 11 joints in total. When I add an additional Simulink to PS and PS to simulink to another joint, I get an error like this: "The input is a vector of 5 whereas the outputs requires 11". As mentioned, only 4 of the joints are actuating joints and joints that I need to find the forward kinematic for. How can I fix this issue without adding more joints to sense the position?
My second question is rather simple. I am using 3R1P configuration. I know I can get a constant block connected to a degrees to radians block to control the revolute arm of the robot. What is a similar setup I can use to move the prismatic joints?
Thank you so much for the help in advance!Hi all,
I am a student and I am working on a surgical eye robot which utilises a remote centre of motion mechanism (RCM). I have found the forward kinematics for it using the DH method and another method. I have also found the Jacobian velocity matrix for it. However, my Jacobian seems a bit off and I am looking to validate it and the forward kinematic using RST. I have exported the CAD model as XML and created an slx file for it. The robot composes of multiple joints. However, in reality, only 4 joints are actuation joints, the rest are closed loop joints that reduce the robots DOF to 1 or 2 DOF (pitch and translation).
I have set up the robots and actuated it fine using a constant block connected a degree to radians block which is then connected to the robot, which is connected to a MATLAB function script which is then connected to a display to show me the homogenous matrix.
I am now at the stage where I am looking to connect a GetTransform block in order to retrieve the forward kinematic. Below is the way I am connecting the blocks. My apologies since I am using a different computer and can’t screenshot my layout.
3 Sine blocks and a constant block connected to the robots (I have made the robots connection and blocks a subsystem). From the robot subsystem, it’s connected to a mux that takes 4 inputs. The mux is connected to the GetTransform block. The GetTransform block is connected to a Coordinate Transformation Conversion block which is then connected to a scope.
All of my setup seems fine. However, I am getting an error that says the input is a vector of 4 whereas the outputs requires 11. I know this is due to the joints block where I have set up 4 of them to sense the postion and computed the torque automatically and I have 11 joints in total. When I add an additional Simulink to PS and PS to simulink to another joint, I get an error like this: "The input is a vector of 5 whereas the outputs requires 11". As mentioned, only 4 of the joints are actuating joints and joints that I need to find the forward kinematic for. How can I fix this issue without adding more joints to sense the position?
My second question is rather simple. I am using 3R1P configuration. I know I can get a constant block connected to a degrees to radians block to control the revolute arm of the robot. What is a similar setup I can use to move the prismatic joints?
Thank you so much for the help in advance! Hi all,
I am a student and I am working on a surgical eye robot which utilises a remote centre of motion mechanism (RCM). I have found the forward kinematics for it using the DH method and another method. I have also found the Jacobian velocity matrix for it. However, my Jacobian seems a bit off and I am looking to validate it and the forward kinematic using RST. I have exported the CAD model as XML and created an slx file for it. The robot composes of multiple joints. However, in reality, only 4 joints are actuation joints, the rest are closed loop joints that reduce the robots DOF to 1 or 2 DOF (pitch and translation).
I have set up the robots and actuated it fine using a constant block connected a degree to radians block which is then connected to the robot, which is connected to a MATLAB function script which is then connected to a display to show me the homogenous matrix.
I am now at the stage where I am looking to connect a GetTransform block in order to retrieve the forward kinematic. Below is the way I am connecting the blocks. My apologies since I am using a different computer and can’t screenshot my layout.
3 Sine blocks and a constant block connected to the robots (I have made the robots connection and blocks a subsystem). From the robot subsystem, it’s connected to a mux that takes 4 inputs. The mux is connected to the GetTransform block. The GetTransform block is connected to a Coordinate Transformation Conversion block which is then connected to a scope.
All of my setup seems fine. However, I am getting an error that says the input is a vector of 4 whereas the outputs requires 11. I know this is due to the joints block where I have set up 4 of them to sense the postion and computed the torque automatically and I have 11 joints in total. When I add an additional Simulink to PS and PS to simulink to another joint, I get an error like this: "The input is a vector of 5 whereas the outputs requires 11". As mentioned, only 4 of the joints are actuating joints and joints that I need to find the forward kinematic for. How can I fix this issue without adding more joints to sense the position?
My second question is rather simple. I am using 3R1P configuration. I know I can get a constant block connected to a degrees to radians block to control the revolute arm of the robot. What is a similar setup I can use to move the prismatic joints?
Thank you so much for the help in advance! robotic, robotic system toolbox, matlab, forward kinematic, jacobian, simulink, simscape, setup MATLAB Answers — New Questions
%I encountered the following problem in the calculation: 1. The calculated H is negative, %and I am unsure if the calculation is correct. Some formulas cannot be simplified and still %exist in the form of 5000/51166. 3. Poor overall code fluency clea
clear all
%% 参数定义parameter definition
P = 42;
c = 800;
E = 15000000;
K = 1.8;
P_ya = 18000;
F = 2;
y = 26.8;
R = 20; % radius
syms H B
% 计算破裂角 a Calculate the rupture angle
if K <= 0.5
a = 90;
elseif K <= 1
a = -90 * K + 135;
elseif K <= 3
a = -22.5 * K + 67.5;
a = 0;
% 显示计算得到的 a 的值
disp([‘当 K = ‘, num2str(K), ‘ 时,破裂角 a = ‘, num2str(a), ‘°’]);
%% 求解初始破裂角相关量 Solving the initial rupture angle related quantities
L = H + R * (1 – sind(a));
G_1 = (y * L^2) / (2 * tand(B)); % 三角形块体的自重
p = atan2(tand(P), F); % 折减后的内摩擦角
p = rad2deg(p); % 将结果转换为度,便于后面统一计算
C = c * L; % 竖直面上粘聚力合力
C_s = c * L / (F * sind(B)); % 破裂面上粘聚力合力
G_0 = 2 * y * H * cosd(a);
z = 0.9 * P; % 按照围岩等级取值,三级围岩取0.9
%% 定义目标函数 E(B) Define the objective function E (B)
%E_func = @(B) (y ./ (2 .* tand(B))) .* sind(B + p) ./ cosd(B + p – z);
E_func=@(B) (cosd(B+p).*sind(B)).*cosd(B).*cosd(B+p-z)+sind(B+p).*sind(B).*(sind(B+p-z).*cosd(B)+cosd(B+p-z).*sind(B));
%% 数值求导函数 Numerical derivative function
% 使用中心差分法计算导数
dE_func = @(B) (E_func(B + 1e-6) – E_func(B – 1e-6)) / (2e-6);
%% 数值寻找导数为零的 B 值
% 只寻找一个接近的 B 值
B_range = [0, 90]; % B 的取值范围
B_init = 45; % 初始猜测值,设置为 45 度
% 使用 fzero 寻找导数为零的 B 值
B_zero = fzero(dE_func, B_init);
% 检查找到的 B 值是否满足条件
if abs(dE_func(B_zero)) < 1e-6
disp([‘找到满足条件的 B 值为:’, num2str(B_zero)]);
disp(‘没有找到导数接近零的 B 值’);
disp(‘fzero 计算失败,未找到满足条件的 B 值’);
%% 计算埋深 Calculate burial depth
f1 = ((G_1 – C) .* sind(p + B_zero) + C_s .* cosd(p)) ./ cosd(B_zero + p – z);
f2 = (P_ya – G_0 – 2 .* C) / (2 * sind(z));
% 定义控制方程,解出 H
eqn = f1 – f2 == 0;
% 使用 solve 反解出 H
sol_H_sym = solve(eqn, H);
% 将符号解转换为具体的数值
sol_H_num = double(subs(sol_H_sym));
% 显示结果
disp([‘解出的 H 的值为:’, num2str(sol_H_num)]);clear all
%% 参数定义parameter definition
P = 42;
c = 800;
E = 15000000;
K = 1.8;
P_ya = 18000;
F = 2;
y = 26.8;
R = 20; % radius
syms H B
% 计算破裂角 a Calculate the rupture angle
if K <= 0.5
a = 90;
elseif K <= 1
a = -90 * K + 135;
elseif K <= 3
a = -22.5 * K + 67.5;
a = 0;
% 显示计算得到的 a 的值
disp([‘当 K = ‘, num2str(K), ‘ 时,破裂角 a = ‘, num2str(a), ‘°’]);
%% 求解初始破裂角相关量 Solving the initial rupture angle related quantities
L = H + R * (1 – sind(a));
G_1 = (y * L^2) / (2 * tand(B)); % 三角形块体的自重
p = atan2(tand(P), F); % 折减后的内摩擦角
p = rad2deg(p); % 将结果转换为度,便于后面统一计算
C = c * L; % 竖直面上粘聚力合力
C_s = c * L / (F * sind(B)); % 破裂面上粘聚力合力
G_0 = 2 * y * H * cosd(a);
z = 0.9 * P; % 按照围岩等级取值,三级围岩取0.9
%% 定义目标函数 E(B) Define the objective function E (B)
%E_func = @(B) (y ./ (2 .* tand(B))) .* sind(B + p) ./ cosd(B + p – z);
E_func=@(B) (cosd(B+p).*sind(B)).*cosd(B).*cosd(B+p-z)+sind(B+p).*sind(B).*(sind(B+p-z).*cosd(B)+cosd(B+p-z).*sind(B));
%% 数值求导函数 Numerical derivative function
% 使用中心差分法计算导数
dE_func = @(B) (E_func(B + 1e-6) – E_func(B – 1e-6)) / (2e-6);
%% 数值寻找导数为零的 B 值
% 只寻找一个接近的 B 值
B_range = [0, 90]; % B 的取值范围
B_init = 45; % 初始猜测值,设置为 45 度
% 使用 fzero 寻找导数为零的 B 值
B_zero = fzero(dE_func, B_init);
% 检查找到的 B 值是否满足条件
if abs(dE_func(B_zero)) < 1e-6
disp([‘找到满足条件的 B 值为:’, num2str(B_zero)]);
disp(‘没有找到导数接近零的 B 值’);
disp(‘fzero 计算失败,未找到满足条件的 B 值’);
%% 计算埋深 Calculate burial depth
f1 = ((G_1 – C) .* sind(p + B_zero) + C_s .* cosd(p)) ./ cosd(B_zero + p – z);
f2 = (P_ya – G_0 – 2 .* C) / (2 * sind(z));
% 定义控制方程,解出 H
eqn = f1 – f2 == 0;
% 使用 solve 反解出 H
sol_H_sym = solve(eqn, H);
% 将符号解转换为具体的数值
sol_H_num = double(subs(sol_H_sym));
% 显示结果
disp([‘解出的 H 的值为:’, num2str(sol_H_num)]); clear all
%% 参数定义parameter definition
P = 42;
c = 800;
E = 15000000;
K = 1.8;
P_ya = 18000;
F = 2;
y = 26.8;
R = 20; % radius
syms H B
% 计算破裂角 a Calculate the rupture angle
if K <= 0.5
a = 90;
elseif K <= 1
a = -90 * K + 135;
elseif K <= 3
a = -22.5 * K + 67.5;
a = 0;
% 显示计算得到的 a 的值
disp([‘当 K = ‘, num2str(K), ‘ 时,破裂角 a = ‘, num2str(a), ‘°’]);
%% 求解初始破裂角相关量 Solving the initial rupture angle related quantities
L = H + R * (1 – sind(a));
G_1 = (y * L^2) / (2 * tand(B)); % 三角形块体的自重
p = atan2(tand(P), F); % 折减后的内摩擦角
p = rad2deg(p); % 将结果转换为度,便于后面统一计算
C = c * L; % 竖直面上粘聚力合力
C_s = c * L / (F * sind(B)); % 破裂面上粘聚力合力
G_0 = 2 * y * H * cosd(a);
z = 0.9 * P; % 按照围岩等级取值,三级围岩取0.9
%% 定义目标函数 E(B) Define the objective function E (B)
%E_func = @(B) (y ./ (2 .* tand(B))) .* sind(B + p) ./ cosd(B + p – z);
E_func=@(B) (cosd(B+p).*sind(B)).*cosd(B).*cosd(B+p-z)+sind(B+p).*sind(B).*(sind(B+p-z).*cosd(B)+cosd(B+p-z).*sind(B));
%% 数值求导函数 Numerical derivative function
% 使用中心差分法计算导数
dE_func = @(B) (E_func(B + 1e-6) – E_func(B – 1e-6)) / (2e-6);
%% 数值寻找导数为零的 B 值
% 只寻找一个接近的 B 值
B_range = [0, 90]; % B 的取值范围
B_init = 45; % 初始猜测值,设置为 45 度
% 使用 fzero 寻找导数为零的 B 值
B_zero = fzero(dE_func, B_init);
% 检查找到的 B 值是否满足条件
if abs(dE_func(B_zero)) < 1e-6
disp([‘找到满足条件的 B 值为:’, num2str(B_zero)]);
disp(‘没有找到导数接近零的 B 值’);
disp(‘fzero 计算失败,未找到满足条件的 B 值’);
%% 计算埋深 Calculate burial depth
f1 = ((G_1 – C) .* sind(p + B_zero) + C_s .* cosd(p)) ./ cosd(B_zero + p – z);
f2 = (P_ya – G_0 – 2 .* C) / (2 * sind(z));
% 定义控制方程,解出 H
eqn = f1 – f2 == 0;
% 使用 solve 反解出 H
sol_H_sym = solve(eqn, H);
% 将符号解转换为具体的数值
sol_H_num = double(subs(sol_H_sym));
% 显示结果
disp([‘解出的 H 的值为:’, num2str(sol_H_num)]); transferred, syms, symbolic MATLAB Answers — New Questions