Tag Archives: matlab
Issue with DTC of PMSM at 40kHz PWM Frequency
I are currently using "Direct Torque Control of PMSM Using Quadrature Encoder or Sensorless Flux Observer" example for high-speed PMSM motor control. The system works perfectly at 20kHz, but when I increase the PWM frequency to 40kHz, I encounter an issue with the reference speed in the host model.
For example, when I set the reference speed to 500 RPM, the host model incorrectly shows 6500 RPM. It appears that the instructed or reference speed is getting corrupted during transmission or processing. I’ve attempted various solutions, including adjusting the baud rate, hardware interrupts, and hardware initialization settings, but the issue persists.I are currently using "Direct Torque Control of PMSM Using Quadrature Encoder or Sensorless Flux Observer" example for high-speed PMSM motor control. The system works perfectly at 20kHz, but when I increase the PWM frequency to 40kHz, I encounter an issue with the reference speed in the host model.
For example, when I set the reference speed to 500 RPM, the host model incorrectly shows 6500 RPM. It appears that the instructed or reference speed is getting corrupted during transmission or processing. I’ve attempted various solutions, including adjusting the baud rate, hardware interrupts, and hardware initialization settings, but the issue persists. I are currently using "Direct Torque Control of PMSM Using Quadrature Encoder or Sensorless Flux Observer" example for high-speed PMSM motor control. The system works perfectly at 20kHz, but when I increase the PWM frequency to 40kHz, I encounter an issue with the reference speed in the host model.
For example, when I set the reference speed to 500 RPM, the host model incorrectly shows 6500 RPM. It appears that the instructed or reference speed is getting corrupted during transmission or processing. I’ve attempted various solutions, including adjusting the baud rate, hardware interrupts, and hardware initialization settings, but the issue persists. dtc, 40khz pwm MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Trying to implement Vulnerable Road User scenario using SIMULINK
Hello Programmers,
Having gone through YouTube and ChatGpt, I observed there is no much details on using the ‘Autonomous Vehicle’ toolbox especially for VRU scenario. I was thinking of learning this for scenarios in the C-v2x. Any help?Hello Programmers,
Having gone through YouTube and ChatGpt, I observed there is no much details on using the ‘Autonomous Vehicle’ toolbox especially for VRU scenario. I was thinking of learning this for scenarios in the C-v2x. Any help? Hello Programmers,
Having gone through YouTube and ChatGpt, I observed there is no much details on using the ‘Autonomous Vehicle’ toolbox especially for VRU scenario. I was thinking of learning this for scenarios in the C-v2x. Any help? autonomous vehicle, vulnerable road user, simulink, c-v2x MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How do I make a desktop launcher for MATLAB in Linux?
I don’t want to have to open a terminal window every time I want to launch MATLAB on Linux. I tried to make a Gnome launcher, but it does not seem to work. The command I gave was:
/usr/local/bin/matlab &
I see the process running, but now windows appear. What am I doing wrong?I don’t want to have to open a terminal window every time I want to launch MATLAB on Linux. I tried to make a Gnome launcher, but it does not seem to work. The command I gave was:
/usr/local/bin/matlab &
I see the process running, but now windows appear. What am I doing wrong? I don’t want to have to open a terminal window every time I want to launch MATLAB on Linux. I tried to make a Gnome launcher, but it does not seem to work. The command I gave was:
/usr/local/bin/matlab &
I see the process running, but now windows appear. What am I doing wrong? startup, linux, launcher, command MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Issue with plotting order
I have been trying to plot a shaded area (right y-axis) behind two lines (left y-axis), as shown in the code below. However, the shaded area always appears last, covering up the two lines. I’ve done this kind of graph before but have never had this issue. Best I can tell, it is because the right y-axis is plotted last. Is there a way to make the right y-axis plotted first? I can’t simply switch which data is on the axis, unfortunately: they need to be in this order. Thanks for any help!
clear; clc; close all;
Data = xlsread("FigureOfMeritResults.xlsx");
% Extract data
Date = Data(469:1908,1);
FoM = Data(469:1908,3);
GHI = Data(469:1908,4);
% Calculate the running average over 5 data points
FoM_avg = movmean(FoM, 5);
GHI_avg = movmean(GHI, 5);
dFoM = zeros(length(FoM),1) + mean(FoM);
ticks = {’12:00AM’,’4:00AM’,’8:00AM’,’12:00PM’,’4:00PM’,’8:00PM’,’12:00AM’};
fz = 15;
fig = figure;
GHI_color = [0.8 0.8 1];
yyaxis left;
p1 = scatter(Date, FoM, ‘Marker’, ‘.’, ‘SizeData’, 15, ‘MarkerFaceColor’, "#0072BD");
hold on;
p2 = scatter(Date, dFoM, ‘Marker’, ‘_’, ‘SizeData’, 15, ‘MarkerFaceColor’, ‘black’);
hold on;
ax = gca;
ax.YColor = ‘k’;
yyaxis right;
xData = [Date; flipud(Date)];
yData = [zeros(size(GHI)); flipud(GHI)];
fillHandle = fill(xData, yData, GHI_color,’EdgeColor’,’none’);
hold on;
ax = gca;
ax.YColor = ‘k’;
xlabel(‘Time of Day (hrs)’, ‘FontSize’, fz);
numTicks = length(ticks);
tickPositions = linspace(min(Date), max(Date), numTicks);
set(gca, ‘FontSize’, fz);
ax = gca;
box on;
I have been trying to plot a shaded area (right y-axis) behind two lines (left y-axis), as shown in the code below. However, the shaded area always appears last, covering up the two lines. I’ve done this kind of graph before but have never had this issue. Best I can tell, it is because the right y-axis is plotted last. Is there a way to make the right y-axis plotted first? I can’t simply switch which data is on the axis, unfortunately: they need to be in this order. Thanks for any help!
clear; clc; close all;
Data = xlsread("FigureOfMeritResults.xlsx");
% Extract data
Date = Data(469:1908,1);
FoM = Data(469:1908,3);
GHI = Data(469:1908,4);
% Calculate the running average over 5 data points
FoM_avg = movmean(FoM, 5);
GHI_avg = movmean(GHI, 5);
dFoM = zeros(length(FoM),1) + mean(FoM);
ticks = {’12:00AM’,’4:00AM’,’8:00AM’,’12:00PM’,’4:00PM’,’8:00PM’,’12:00AM’};
fz = 15;
fig = figure;
GHI_color = [0.8 0.8 1];
yyaxis left;
p1 = scatter(Date, FoM, ‘Marker’, ‘.’, ‘SizeData’, 15, ‘MarkerFaceColor’, "#0072BD");
hold on;
p2 = scatter(Date, dFoM, ‘Marker’, ‘_’, ‘SizeData’, 15, ‘MarkerFaceColor’, ‘black’);
hold on;
ax = gca;
ax.YColor = ‘k’;
yyaxis right;
xData = [Date; flipud(Date)];
yData = [zeros(size(GHI)); flipud(GHI)];
fillHandle = fill(xData, yData, GHI_color,’EdgeColor’,’none’);
hold on;
ax = gca;
ax.YColor = ‘k’;
xlabel(‘Time of Day (hrs)’, ‘FontSize’, fz);
numTicks = length(ticks);
tickPositions = linspace(min(Date), max(Date), numTicks);
set(gca, ‘FontSize’, fz);
ax = gca;
box on;
‘YMinorTick’,’on’); Hello,
I have been trying to plot a shaded area (right y-axis) behind two lines (left y-axis), as shown in the code below. However, the shaded area always appears last, covering up the two lines. I’ve done this kind of graph before but have never had this issue. Best I can tell, it is because the right y-axis is plotted last. Is there a way to make the right y-axis plotted first? I can’t simply switch which data is on the axis, unfortunately: they need to be in this order. Thanks for any help!
clear; clc; close all;
Data = xlsread("FigureOfMeritResults.xlsx");
% Extract data
Date = Data(469:1908,1);
FoM = Data(469:1908,3);
GHI = Data(469:1908,4);
% Calculate the running average over 5 data points
FoM_avg = movmean(FoM, 5);
GHI_avg = movmean(GHI, 5);
dFoM = zeros(length(FoM),1) + mean(FoM);
ticks = {’12:00AM’,’4:00AM’,’8:00AM’,’12:00PM’,’4:00PM’,’8:00PM’,’12:00AM’};
fz = 15;
fig = figure;
GHI_color = [0.8 0.8 1];
yyaxis left;
p1 = scatter(Date, FoM, ‘Marker’, ‘.’, ‘SizeData’, 15, ‘MarkerFaceColor’, "#0072BD");
hold on;
p2 = scatter(Date, dFoM, ‘Marker’, ‘_’, ‘SizeData’, 15, ‘MarkerFaceColor’, ‘black’);
hold on;
ax = gca;
ax.YColor = ‘k’;
yyaxis right;
xData = [Date; flipud(Date)];
yData = [zeros(size(GHI)); flipud(GHI)];
fillHandle = fill(xData, yData, GHI_color,’EdgeColor’,’none’);
hold on;
ax = gca;
ax.YColor = ‘k’;
xlabel(‘Time of Day (hrs)’, ‘FontSize’, fz);
numTicks = length(ticks);
tickPositions = linspace(min(Date), max(Date), numTicks);
set(gca, ‘FontSize’, fz);
ax = gca;
box on;
‘YMinorTick’,’on’); plot, area MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to read the properties information of kml data
I got geographical information using ‘readgeotable’,
but I want to bring properties information of actual kml data.
In more detail, I would like to bring each field within the kml data and the property information corresponding to the field.
Is there any way?I got geographical information using ‘readgeotable’,
but I want to bring properties information of actual kml data.
In more detail, I would like to bring each field within the kml data and the property information corresponding to the field.
Is there any way? I got geographical information using ‘readgeotable’,
but I want to bring properties information of actual kml data.
In more detail, I would like to bring each field within the kml data and the property information corresponding to the field.
Is there any way? kml, readtable MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Periodic result using ode45 while simulating a parachute decent with 6DOF dynamics
So I’ve been trying to simulate a parachute descent (very basic model, almost a mass body with a coefficient of drag), from a height. While simulating only in the axial direction(z axis), the results coincide with kinematics equations. However, when I give a non-zero initial condition, the outputs go crazy (definitely not correct) with periodic solutions to related terms. I seem to have checked my equations, they seem to be right. Is there anything with ‘odeset’ I can work this out around.
Zero non-axial initial condition:
x0 = [0; 0; -100; 0; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
Non-zero IC:
x0 = [0; 0; -100; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
this is the code i’ve used for these plots. Please feel free to ask any clarifications
%% 6DOF fucntion definition
function [dxdt, aoa_series] = six_DOF_dynamics(t,x)
M_para = 5; %mass of the parachute in Kgs
g = 9.81; %gravitational acceleration in m/s^2
I_x = 1; I_y = 1; I_z = 3; %Inertia matrix diagonal principal of the parachute in kg-m^2
CD_para = 0.9; %coefficient of drag of parachute
CL_para = 0; %coefficient of lift of parachute
rho = 1; %density of the atmosphere in Kg/m^3
x_com = 0; y_com = 0; z_com = -5; %position of COM of the paarchute from the integrated system’s COM(body axis origin) in m
A = 10; %parachute area in m^2
%state variables defining
x_pos = x(1); y_pos = x(2); z_pos = x(3); %postion variables
u = x(4); v = x(5); w = x(6); %velocity variables
phi = x(7); theta = x(8); psi = x(9); %attitude/euler angles variables
p = x(10); q = x(11); r = x(12); %euler angular rate variables
%rate of change of postion -> velocity
dx_pos = u;
dy_pos = v;
dz_pos = w;
%Gravity moment of the parachute along x,y and z components
GravityMoment_para_x = M_para*g*cos(theta)*(y_com*cos(phi) – z_com*sin(phi));
GravityMoment_para_y = M_para*g*(z_com*sin(theta) – x_com*cos(theta)*cos(phi));
GravityMoment_para_z = M_para*g*(x_com*cos(theta)*sin(phi) + y_com*sin(theta));
V_total = sqrt(u^2 + v^2 + w^2); %net speed
persistent angle_of_attack %defining this variable to take it as a output outside ode45
alpha = acos(w/V_total); %angle of attack calculated in radians
angle_of_attack = [angle_of_attack; alpha]; %concatinating current iterated angle of attack in global variable
%Componetize CD and CL into tangential and normal force coefficients
CT = CD_para*cos(alpha) – CL_para*sin(alpha);
CN = CL_para*cos(alpha) + CD_para*sin(alpha);
% Aerodynamic force along x,y,z axes F = 0.5*rho*v^2*A
if (u == 0 & v == 0)
Aerodynamic_force_x = 0;
Aerodynamic_force_y = 0;
Aerodynamic_force_z = -0.5*rho*CT*V_total*V_total*A;
Aerodynamic_force_x = -0.5*rho*CN*V_total*V_total*A*(u/(u^2 + v^2)^0.5);
Aerodynamic_force_y = -0.5*rho*CN*V_total*V_total*A*(v/(u^2 + v^2)^0.5);
Aerodynamic_force_z = -0.5*rho*CT*V_total*V_total*A;
%Moment caused by aerodynamic force along x,y,x
Aerodynamic_moment_x = y_com*Aerodynamic_force_z – z_com*Aerodynamic_force_y;
Aerodynamic_moment_y = z_com*Aerodynamic_force_x – x_com*Aerodynamic_force_z;
Aerodynamic_moment_z = x_com*Aerodynamic_force_y – y_com*Aerodynamic_force_x;
%rate change of velocity definition
du = v*r – w*q + g*sin(theta) + Aerodynamic_force_x/M_para;
dv = -u*r + w*p + g*cos(theta)*sin(phi) + Aerodynamic_force_y/M_para;
dw = u*q – v*p + g*cos(theta)*cos(phi) + Aerodynamic_force_z/M_para;
%rate change of euler angles definition
dphi = p + (r*cos(phi) + q*sin(phi))*tan(theta);
dtheta = q*cos(phi) – r*sin(phi);
dpsi = (cos(theta)^-1)*(r*cos(phi) + q*sin(phi));
%rate change of angular rates definition
dp = (1/I_x)*(Aerodynamic_moment_x + GravityMoment_para_x);
dq = (1/I_y)*(Aerodynamic_moment_y + GravityMoment_para_y);
dr = (1/I_z)*(Aerodynamic_moment_z + GravityMoment_para_z);
dxdt = [dx_pos; dy_pos; dz_pos; du; dv; dw; dphi; dtheta; dpsi; dp; dq; dr];
%block to output angle of attack
if nargout>1
aoa_series = angle_of_attack;
tspan = [0 3];
x0 = [0; 0; -100; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
[t, x] = ode45(@six_DOF_dynamics, tspan, x0);
[~, aoa_series] = six_DOF_dynamics(t,x);
%adding alpha as a part of x
% Plot results
plot(t, x(:,1:3));
legend(‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’);
plot(t, x(:,4:6));
legend(‘u’, ‘v’, ‘w’);
plot(t, x(:,7:9));
title(‘Euler Angles’);
legend(‘phi’, ‘theta’, ‘psi’);
plot(t, x(:,10:12));
title(‘Euler Rates’);
legend(‘p’, ‘q’, ‘r’);So I’ve been trying to simulate a parachute descent (very basic model, almost a mass body with a coefficient of drag), from a height. While simulating only in the axial direction(z axis), the results coincide with kinematics equations. However, when I give a non-zero initial condition, the outputs go crazy (definitely not correct) with periodic solutions to related terms. I seem to have checked my equations, they seem to be right. Is there anything with ‘odeset’ I can work this out around.
Zero non-axial initial condition:
x0 = [0; 0; -100; 0; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
Non-zero IC:
x0 = [0; 0; -100; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
this is the code i’ve used for these plots. Please feel free to ask any clarifications
%% 6DOF fucntion definition
function [dxdt, aoa_series] = six_DOF_dynamics(t,x)
M_para = 5; %mass of the parachute in Kgs
g = 9.81; %gravitational acceleration in m/s^2
I_x = 1; I_y = 1; I_z = 3; %Inertia matrix diagonal principal of the parachute in kg-m^2
CD_para = 0.9; %coefficient of drag of parachute
CL_para = 0; %coefficient of lift of parachute
rho = 1; %density of the atmosphere in Kg/m^3
x_com = 0; y_com = 0; z_com = -5; %position of COM of the paarchute from the integrated system’s COM(body axis origin) in m
A = 10; %parachute area in m^2
%state variables defining
x_pos = x(1); y_pos = x(2); z_pos = x(3); %postion variables
u = x(4); v = x(5); w = x(6); %velocity variables
phi = x(7); theta = x(8); psi = x(9); %attitude/euler angles variables
p = x(10); q = x(11); r = x(12); %euler angular rate variables
%rate of change of postion -> velocity
dx_pos = u;
dy_pos = v;
dz_pos = w;
%Gravity moment of the parachute along x,y and z components
GravityMoment_para_x = M_para*g*cos(theta)*(y_com*cos(phi) – z_com*sin(phi));
GravityMoment_para_y = M_para*g*(z_com*sin(theta) – x_com*cos(theta)*cos(phi));
GravityMoment_para_z = M_para*g*(x_com*cos(theta)*sin(phi) + y_com*sin(theta));
V_total = sqrt(u^2 + v^2 + w^2); %net speed
persistent angle_of_attack %defining this variable to take it as a output outside ode45
alpha = acos(w/V_total); %angle of attack calculated in radians
angle_of_attack = [angle_of_attack; alpha]; %concatinating current iterated angle of attack in global variable
%Componetize CD and CL into tangential and normal force coefficients
CT = CD_para*cos(alpha) – CL_para*sin(alpha);
CN = CL_para*cos(alpha) + CD_para*sin(alpha);
% Aerodynamic force along x,y,z axes F = 0.5*rho*v^2*A
if (u == 0 & v == 0)
Aerodynamic_force_x = 0;
Aerodynamic_force_y = 0;
Aerodynamic_force_z = -0.5*rho*CT*V_total*V_total*A;
Aerodynamic_force_x = -0.5*rho*CN*V_total*V_total*A*(u/(u^2 + v^2)^0.5);
Aerodynamic_force_y = -0.5*rho*CN*V_total*V_total*A*(v/(u^2 + v^2)^0.5);
Aerodynamic_force_z = -0.5*rho*CT*V_total*V_total*A;
%Moment caused by aerodynamic force along x,y,x
Aerodynamic_moment_x = y_com*Aerodynamic_force_z – z_com*Aerodynamic_force_y;
Aerodynamic_moment_y = z_com*Aerodynamic_force_x – x_com*Aerodynamic_force_z;
Aerodynamic_moment_z = x_com*Aerodynamic_force_y – y_com*Aerodynamic_force_x;
%rate change of velocity definition
du = v*r – w*q + g*sin(theta) + Aerodynamic_force_x/M_para;
dv = -u*r + w*p + g*cos(theta)*sin(phi) + Aerodynamic_force_y/M_para;
dw = u*q – v*p + g*cos(theta)*cos(phi) + Aerodynamic_force_z/M_para;
%rate change of euler angles definition
dphi = p + (r*cos(phi) + q*sin(phi))*tan(theta);
dtheta = q*cos(phi) – r*sin(phi);
dpsi = (cos(theta)^-1)*(r*cos(phi) + q*sin(phi));
%rate change of angular rates definition
dp = (1/I_x)*(Aerodynamic_moment_x + GravityMoment_para_x);
dq = (1/I_y)*(Aerodynamic_moment_y + GravityMoment_para_y);
dr = (1/I_z)*(Aerodynamic_moment_z + GravityMoment_para_z);
dxdt = [dx_pos; dy_pos; dz_pos; du; dv; dw; dphi; dtheta; dpsi; dp; dq; dr];
%block to output angle of attack
if nargout>1
aoa_series = angle_of_attack;
tspan = [0 3];
x0 = [0; 0; -100; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
[t, x] = ode45(@six_DOF_dynamics, tspan, x0);
[~, aoa_series] = six_DOF_dynamics(t,x);
%adding alpha as a part of x
% Plot results
plot(t, x(:,1:3));
legend(‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’);
plot(t, x(:,4:6));
legend(‘u’, ‘v’, ‘w’);
plot(t, x(:,7:9));
title(‘Euler Angles’);
legend(‘phi’, ‘theta’, ‘psi’);
plot(t, x(:,10:12));
title(‘Euler Rates’);
legend(‘p’, ‘q’, ‘r’); So I’ve been trying to simulate a parachute descent (very basic model, almost a mass body with a coefficient of drag), from a height. While simulating only in the axial direction(z axis), the results coincide with kinematics equations. However, when I give a non-zero initial condition, the outputs go crazy (definitely not correct) with periodic solutions to related terms. I seem to have checked my equations, they seem to be right. Is there anything with ‘odeset’ I can work this out around.
Zero non-axial initial condition:
x0 = [0; 0; -100; 0; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
Non-zero IC:
x0 = [0; 0; -100; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
this is the code i’ve used for these plots. Please feel free to ask any clarifications
%% 6DOF fucntion definition
function [dxdt, aoa_series] = six_DOF_dynamics(t,x)
M_para = 5; %mass of the parachute in Kgs
g = 9.81; %gravitational acceleration in m/s^2
I_x = 1; I_y = 1; I_z = 3; %Inertia matrix diagonal principal of the parachute in kg-m^2
CD_para = 0.9; %coefficient of drag of parachute
CL_para = 0; %coefficient of lift of parachute
rho = 1; %density of the atmosphere in Kg/m^3
x_com = 0; y_com = 0; z_com = -5; %position of COM of the paarchute from the integrated system’s COM(body axis origin) in m
A = 10; %parachute area in m^2
%state variables defining
x_pos = x(1); y_pos = x(2); z_pos = x(3); %postion variables
u = x(4); v = x(5); w = x(6); %velocity variables
phi = x(7); theta = x(8); psi = x(9); %attitude/euler angles variables
p = x(10); q = x(11); r = x(12); %euler angular rate variables
%rate of change of postion -> velocity
dx_pos = u;
dy_pos = v;
dz_pos = w;
%Gravity moment of the parachute along x,y and z components
GravityMoment_para_x = M_para*g*cos(theta)*(y_com*cos(phi) – z_com*sin(phi));
GravityMoment_para_y = M_para*g*(z_com*sin(theta) – x_com*cos(theta)*cos(phi));
GravityMoment_para_z = M_para*g*(x_com*cos(theta)*sin(phi) + y_com*sin(theta));
V_total = sqrt(u^2 + v^2 + w^2); %net speed
persistent angle_of_attack %defining this variable to take it as a output outside ode45
alpha = acos(w/V_total); %angle of attack calculated in radians
angle_of_attack = [angle_of_attack; alpha]; %concatinating current iterated angle of attack in global variable
%Componetize CD and CL into tangential and normal force coefficients
CT = CD_para*cos(alpha) – CL_para*sin(alpha);
CN = CL_para*cos(alpha) + CD_para*sin(alpha);
% Aerodynamic force along x,y,z axes F = 0.5*rho*v^2*A
if (u == 0 & v == 0)
Aerodynamic_force_x = 0;
Aerodynamic_force_y = 0;
Aerodynamic_force_z = -0.5*rho*CT*V_total*V_total*A;
Aerodynamic_force_x = -0.5*rho*CN*V_total*V_total*A*(u/(u^2 + v^2)^0.5);
Aerodynamic_force_y = -0.5*rho*CN*V_total*V_total*A*(v/(u^2 + v^2)^0.5);
Aerodynamic_force_z = -0.5*rho*CT*V_total*V_total*A;
%Moment caused by aerodynamic force along x,y,x
Aerodynamic_moment_x = y_com*Aerodynamic_force_z – z_com*Aerodynamic_force_y;
Aerodynamic_moment_y = z_com*Aerodynamic_force_x – x_com*Aerodynamic_force_z;
Aerodynamic_moment_z = x_com*Aerodynamic_force_y – y_com*Aerodynamic_force_x;
%rate change of velocity definition
du = v*r – w*q + g*sin(theta) + Aerodynamic_force_x/M_para;
dv = -u*r + w*p + g*cos(theta)*sin(phi) + Aerodynamic_force_y/M_para;
dw = u*q – v*p + g*cos(theta)*cos(phi) + Aerodynamic_force_z/M_para;
%rate change of euler angles definition
dphi = p + (r*cos(phi) + q*sin(phi))*tan(theta);
dtheta = q*cos(phi) – r*sin(phi);
dpsi = (cos(theta)^-1)*(r*cos(phi) + q*sin(phi));
%rate change of angular rates definition
dp = (1/I_x)*(Aerodynamic_moment_x + GravityMoment_para_x);
dq = (1/I_y)*(Aerodynamic_moment_y + GravityMoment_para_y);
dr = (1/I_z)*(Aerodynamic_moment_z + GravityMoment_para_z);
dxdt = [dx_pos; dy_pos; dz_pos; du; dv; dw; dphi; dtheta; dpsi; dp; dq; dr];
%block to output angle of attack
if nargout>1
aoa_series = angle_of_attack;
tspan = [0 3];
x0 = [0; 0; -100; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
[t, x] = ode45(@six_DOF_dynamics, tspan, x0);
[~, aoa_series] = six_DOF_dynamics(t,x);
%adding alpha as a part of x
% Plot results
plot(t, x(:,1:3));
legend(‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’);
plot(t, x(:,4:6));
legend(‘u’, ‘v’, ‘w’);
plot(t, x(:,7:9));
title(‘Euler Angles’);
legend(‘phi’, ‘theta’, ‘psi’);
plot(t, x(:,10:12));
title(‘Euler Rates’);
legend(‘p’, ‘q’, ‘r’); 6dof, parachute, periodic MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Optimizing Hyperparameters for trainnet fucntion
Hi there I have built my own TCN model in matlab to predict a contunious output and am trying to figure out the best way to optimize the hyperparmeters: Filter Size, Number of Filters, Number of Blocks, and Drop out Factor. I am attempting to use the bayespot function, but am not sure what to use as my function handel and if this is the best method for this kind of network. Should I be using the experiment manger to do this instead (https://www.mathworks.com/help/deeplearning/ug/tune-experiment-hyperparameters-using-bayesian-optimization.html) Does anyone have an suggestions for my code or if there is another way to perform hyperparmeter optimization for this type of network achetecture? Thanks so much.
numFilters = 64;
filterSize = 5;
droupoutFactor = 0.005;
numBlocks = 5;
net = dlnetwork;
layer = sequenceInputLayer(numFeatures,Normalization="rescale-symmetric",Name="input");
net = addLayers(net,layer);
for i = 1:numBlocks
dilationFactor = 2^(i-1);
layers = [
spatialDropoutLayer(Name= "spat_drop_"+i,Probability=droupoutFactor)
% Add and connect layers.
net = addLayers(net,layers);
net = connectLayers(net,outputName,"conv1_"+i);
net = connectLayers(net,outputName,"fc");
%Training Options
options = trainingOptions("adam", …
‘MaxEpochs’, 60, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, 1, …
‘InputDataFormat’, "CTB", …
‘Metrics’, "rmse", …
‘Verbose’, 0);
filtsize = optimizableVariable(‘filterSize’,[1,10],’Type’,’integer’)
numfilt = optimizableVariable(‘numFilters’,[20,60],’Type’,’integer’)
numblock = optimizableVariable(‘numBlocks’,[1,10],’Type’,’integer’)
dropout = optimizableVariable(‘dropoutfactor’,[0.001,0.01],’Type’,’integer’)
net = trainnet(traningdataX,trainingdataY,net,"mse",options);
fun = (x)@ %Not sure what to put here!
reuslts = bayesopt(,[filtsize, numfilt, numblock, droupout])Hi there I have built my own TCN model in matlab to predict a contunious output and am trying to figure out the best way to optimize the hyperparmeters: Filter Size, Number of Filters, Number of Blocks, and Drop out Factor. I am attempting to use the bayespot function, but am not sure what to use as my function handel and if this is the best method for this kind of network. Should I be using the experiment manger to do this instead (https://www.mathworks.com/help/deeplearning/ug/tune-experiment-hyperparameters-using-bayesian-optimization.html) Does anyone have an suggestions for my code or if there is another way to perform hyperparmeter optimization for this type of network achetecture? Thanks so much.
numFilters = 64;
filterSize = 5;
droupoutFactor = 0.005;
numBlocks = 5;
net = dlnetwork;
layer = sequenceInputLayer(numFeatures,Normalization="rescale-symmetric",Name="input");
net = addLayers(net,layer);
for i = 1:numBlocks
dilationFactor = 2^(i-1);
layers = [
spatialDropoutLayer(Name= "spat_drop_"+i,Probability=droupoutFactor)
% Add and connect layers.
net = addLayers(net,layers);
net = connectLayers(net,outputName,"conv1_"+i);
net = connectLayers(net,outputName,"fc");
%Training Options
options = trainingOptions("adam", …
‘MaxEpochs’, 60, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, 1, …
‘InputDataFormat’, "CTB", …
‘Metrics’, "rmse", …
‘Verbose’, 0);
filtsize = optimizableVariable(‘filterSize’,[1,10],’Type’,’integer’)
numfilt = optimizableVariable(‘numFilters’,[20,60],’Type’,’integer’)
numblock = optimizableVariable(‘numBlocks’,[1,10],’Type’,’integer’)
dropout = optimizableVariable(‘dropoutfactor’,[0.001,0.01],’Type’,’integer’)
net = trainnet(traningdataX,trainingdataY,net,"mse",options);
fun = (x)@ %Not sure what to put here!
reuslts = bayesopt(,[filtsize, numfilt, numblock, droupout]) Hi there I have built my own TCN model in matlab to predict a contunious output and am trying to figure out the best way to optimize the hyperparmeters: Filter Size, Number of Filters, Number of Blocks, and Drop out Factor. I am attempting to use the bayespot function, but am not sure what to use as my function handel and if this is the best method for this kind of network. Should I be using the experiment manger to do this instead (https://www.mathworks.com/help/deeplearning/ug/tune-experiment-hyperparameters-using-bayesian-optimization.html) Does anyone have an suggestions for my code or if there is another way to perform hyperparmeter optimization for this type of network achetecture? Thanks so much.
numFilters = 64;
filterSize = 5;
droupoutFactor = 0.005;
numBlocks = 5;
net = dlnetwork;
layer = sequenceInputLayer(numFeatures,Normalization="rescale-symmetric",Name="input");
net = addLayers(net,layer);
for i = 1:numBlocks
dilationFactor = 2^(i-1);
layers = [
spatialDropoutLayer(Name= "spat_drop_"+i,Probability=droupoutFactor)
% Add and connect layers.
net = addLayers(net,layers);
net = connectLayers(net,outputName,"conv1_"+i);
net = connectLayers(net,outputName,"fc");
%Training Options
options = trainingOptions("adam", …
‘MaxEpochs’, 60, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, 1, …
‘InputDataFormat’, "CTB", …
‘Metrics’, "rmse", …
‘Verbose’, 0);
filtsize = optimizableVariable(‘filterSize’,[1,10],’Type’,’integer’)
numfilt = optimizableVariable(‘numFilters’,[20,60],’Type’,’integer’)
numblock = optimizableVariable(‘numBlocks’,[1,10],’Type’,’integer’)
dropout = optimizableVariable(‘dropoutfactor’,[0.001,0.01],’Type’,’integer’)
net = trainnet(traningdataX,trainingdataY,net,"mse",options);
fun = (x)@ %Not sure what to put here!
reuslts = bayesopt(,[filtsize, numfilt, numblock, droupout]) optimization, machine learning, hyperparameters MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Can I use the fitcensemble function to create a Random Forest model?
I am new to machine learning classifiers.
I want to develop a Random Forest classification model with my IMU data.
I used the code below, and my question is: Can I call it a Random Forest model, or should I just call it a bagging ensemble model?
baggedEnsemble = fitcensemble(data_train(:,2:end), data_train(:,1),’Method’,’Bag’,’NumLearningCycles’,100);I am new to machine learning classifiers.
I want to develop a Random Forest classification model with my IMU data.
I used the code below, and my question is: Can I call it a Random Forest model, or should I just call it a bagging ensemble model?
baggedEnsemble = fitcensemble(data_train(:,2:end), data_train(:,1),’Method’,’Bag’,’NumLearningCycles’,100); I am new to machine learning classifiers.
I want to develop a Random Forest classification model with my IMU data.
I used the code below, and my question is: Can I call it a Random Forest model, or should I just call it a bagging ensemble model?
baggedEnsemble = fitcensemble(data_train(:,2:end), data_train(:,1),’Method’,’Bag’,’NumLearningCycles’,100); machine learning, random forest, ensemble, bagging, classification MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Questions about the Detailed Settings of Voronoi Diagrams ボロノイ図の細かな設定について質問です
I have been reading an example from a book and am trying to recreate the diagram using Voronoi diagrams. However, I want to consider a bounded region [0,1], [1,0], but when using the voronoi function, the lines extend beyond the boundaries. I would like to obtain information such as the area and centroid of the bounded regions, so I want to create the Voronoi diagram with these bounded constraints in mind. Is this possible?
close all
x = [0.2 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.5];
y = [0.7 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.5];
X = [x’,y’];
vrn_obj = voronoi(X(:,1),X(:,2));
[vx,vy] = voronoi(X(:,1),X(:,2));
edge_set =[vx’,vy’];
nump = size(X,1);
plabels = arrayfun(@(n) {sprintf(‘X%d’, n)}, (1:nump)’);
hold on
Hpl = text(X(:,1), X(:,2), plabels, ‘FontWeight’, …
‘bold’, ‘HorizontalAlignment’,’center’, …
‘BackgroundColor’, ‘none’);
dt = delaunayTriangulation(X);
hold on
hold off
axis equal
% xlim([0 1])
% ylim([0 1])
grid onI have been reading an example from a book and am trying to recreate the diagram using Voronoi diagrams. However, I want to consider a bounded region [0,1], [1,0], but when using the voronoi function, the lines extend beyond the boundaries. I would like to obtain information such as the area and centroid of the bounded regions, so I want to create the Voronoi diagram with these bounded constraints in mind. Is this possible?
close all
x = [0.2 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.5];
y = [0.7 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.5];
X = [x’,y’];
vrn_obj = voronoi(X(:,1),X(:,2));
[vx,vy] = voronoi(X(:,1),X(:,2));
edge_set =[vx’,vy’];
nump = size(X,1);
plabels = arrayfun(@(n) {sprintf(‘X%d’, n)}, (1:nump)’);
hold on
Hpl = text(X(:,1), X(:,2), plabels, ‘FontWeight’, …
‘bold’, ‘HorizontalAlignment’,’center’, …
‘BackgroundColor’, ‘none’);
dt = delaunayTriangulation(X);
hold on
hold off
axis equal
% xlim([0 1])
% ylim([0 1])
grid on I have been reading an example from a book and am trying to recreate the diagram using Voronoi diagrams. However, I want to consider a bounded region [0,1], [1,0], but when using the voronoi function, the lines extend beyond the boundaries. I would like to obtain information such as the area and centroid of the bounded regions, so I want to create the Voronoi diagram with these bounded constraints in mind. Is this possible?
close all
x = [0.2 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.5];
y = [0.7 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.5];
X = [x’,y’];
vrn_obj = voronoi(X(:,1),X(:,2));
[vx,vy] = voronoi(X(:,1),X(:,2));
edge_set =[vx’,vy’];
nump = size(X,1);
plabels = arrayfun(@(n) {sprintf(‘X%d’, n)}, (1:nump)’);
hold on
Hpl = text(X(:,1), X(:,2), plabels, ‘FontWeight’, …
‘bold’, ‘HorizontalAlignment’,’center’, …
‘BackgroundColor’, ‘none’);
dt = delaunayTriangulation(X);
hold on
hold off
axis equal
% xlim([0 1])
% ylim([0 1])
grid on plot, matlab, graph MATLAB Answers — New Questions
C2000 Modbus RTU Slave
I’m programming a DSP TMS320F28069M using Simulink. I have successfully received data and unpack that receive data via uint16 format. And I use a matlab function block. This reason that I used, to compare the required bits for Modbus communication. Although byte unpack block output type is uint16, I couldn’t use this receive value. For example, let the SCI received data be ’01 02 00 00 00 00 02 10′. First of compare the first byte. If first byte is 01, transmits the eighth byte. But if not sends second byte. I always saw the second byte was gone. I guess received or compare data type is wrong but I couldn’t find it. I changed the value C1 instead of 01 in the if loop. When I enter the C1 byte into the system, an error occurs How can I do this?
Inside the function block:Hi,
I’m programming a DSP TMS320F28069M using Simulink. I have successfully received data and unpack that receive data via uint16 format. And I use a matlab function block. This reason that I used, to compare the required bits for Modbus communication. Although byte unpack block output type is uint16, I couldn’t use this receive value. For example, let the SCI received data be ’01 02 00 00 00 00 02 10′. First of compare the first byte. If first byte is 01, transmits the eighth byte. But if not sends second byte. I always saw the second byte was gone. I guess received or compare data type is wrong but I couldn’t find it. I changed the value C1 instead of 01 in the if loop. When I enter the C1 byte into the system, an error occurs How can I do this?
Inside the function block: Hi,
I’m programming a DSP TMS320F28069M using Simulink. I have successfully received data and unpack that receive data via uint16 format. And I use a matlab function block. This reason that I used, to compare the required bits for Modbus communication. Although byte unpack block output type is uint16, I couldn’t use this receive value. For example, let the SCI received data be ’01 02 00 00 00 00 02 10′. First of compare the first byte. If first byte is 01, transmits the eighth byte. But if not sends second byte. I always saw the second byte was gone. I guess received or compare data type is wrong but I couldn’t find it. I changed the value C1 instead of 01 in the if loop. When I enter the C1 byte into the system, an error occurs How can I do this?
Inside the function block: modbus, sci MATLAB Answers — New Questions
how to separate the real and imaginary parts inside a cell
i have a cell of size 1X2. inside the cell there are 2 matrices of size 32X32. i want to separate the real and imaginary of both the matrices that is inside the cell the two matrices should be 32X32X2. and finally i want the size to be 2X32X32X2. How to do it.i have a cell of size 1X2. inside the cell there are 2 matrices of size 32X32. i want to separate the real and imaginary of both the matrices that is inside the cell the two matrices should be 32X32X2. and finally i want the size to be 2X32X32X2. How to do it. i have a cell of size 1X2. inside the cell there are 2 matrices of size 32X32. i want to separate the real and imaginary of both the matrices that is inside the cell the two matrices should be 32X32X2. and finally i want the size to be 2X32X32X2. How to do it. cell array, real, imaginary MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Chapter and section number is not increased in report generator.
Chapter and section number is not increased in report generator.
I use mlreportgen.report, mlerportgen.dom class.Chapter and section number is not increased in report generator.
I use mlreportgen.report, mlerportgen.dom class. Chapter and section number is not increased in report generator.
I use mlreportgen.report, mlerportgen.dom class. simulink, report generator, mlreportgen MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Error in save to mat file
I have got following error while saving the agent for a DQN-RL problem. The error doesnt pop-up always, however, most of the time the saved .mat file is corrupt Similar problem in another PC too. Both the PC is having enough space in the HDD and of 64GB RAM. Sometimes it saves successfully with each MAT file of 1GB size,otherwise, the corrupted MAT files are in KBs.
Version: MATLAB 2021a
Error using save
Unable to save file ‘C:UsersDocumentsMATLAB 2021initial_agent.mat’. The file could not be closed, and might now be corrupt.
Error in DQN__Training (line 101)
save("initial_agent","agent")I have got following error while saving the agent for a DQN-RL problem. The error doesnt pop-up always, however, most of the time the saved .mat file is corrupt Similar problem in another PC too. Both the PC is having enough space in the HDD and of 64GB RAM. Sometimes it saves successfully with each MAT file of 1GB size,otherwise, the corrupted MAT files are in KBs.
Version: MATLAB 2021a
Error using save
Unable to save file ‘C:UsersDocumentsMATLAB 2021initial_agent.mat’. The file could not be closed, and might now be corrupt.
Error in DQN__Training (line 101)
save("initial_agent","agent") I have got following error while saving the agent for a DQN-RL problem. The error doesnt pop-up always, however, most of the time the saved .mat file is corrupt Similar problem in another PC too. Both the PC is having enough space in the HDD and of 64GB RAM. Sometimes it saves successfully with each MAT file of 1GB size,otherwise, the corrupted MAT files are in KBs.
Version: MATLAB 2021a
Error using save
Unable to save file ‘C:UsersDocumentsMATLAB 2021initial_agent.mat’. The file could not be closed, and might now be corrupt.
Error in DQN__Training (line 101)
save("initial_agent","agent") save MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Segregating an EMG signal based on activation
Hi everyone,
I have two arrays, one of which stores EMG readings in mV from a hand and the second storing time in seconds. I have plotted these against eachother and am now trying to segregate the signal into separate cycles. I want to segragate the signal from the start of 1 activity to the beginning of the next activation (please see attached photo). Please could you give me any ideas of how I might do this.
Thanks,Hi everyone,
I have two arrays, one of which stores EMG readings in mV from a hand and the second storing time in seconds. I have plotted these against eachother and am now trying to segregate the signal into separate cycles. I want to segragate the signal from the start of 1 activity to the beginning of the next activation (please see attached photo). Please could you give me any ideas of how I might do this.
Thanks, Hi everyone,
I have two arrays, one of which stores EMG readings in mV from a hand and the second storing time in seconds. I have plotted these against eachother and am now trying to segregate the signal into separate cycles. I want to segragate the signal from the start of 1 activity to the beginning of the next activation (please see attached photo). Please could you give me any ideas of how I might do this.
Thanks, emg, signal processing MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Replicate the Event-Driven Task in External Mode
I am trying to replicate the simulation results of the event-driven task in external mode. I ran in R2022a. My board is Zedboard. The solver is in fixed step.
After building and running it, it has several warnings, including
Saving external mode simulation output as a single object is not supported because the workspace variable ‘out’ is not created during model code execution. To suppress the warning, set ‘ReturnWorkspaceOutputs’ to ‘off’.
No data has been selected for uploading.
When I open Data Inspector, the processed data is always zero. How to make the process data to generate the results like simulation?I am trying to replicate the simulation results of the event-driven task in external mode. I ran in R2022a. My board is Zedboard. The solver is in fixed step.
After building and running it, it has several warnings, including
Saving external mode simulation output as a single object is not supported because the workspace variable ‘out’ is not created during model code execution. To suppress the warning, set ‘ReturnWorkspaceOutputs’ to ‘off’.
No data has been selected for uploading.
When I open Data Inspector, the processed data is always zero. How to make the process data to generate the results like simulation? I am trying to replicate the simulation results of the event-driven task in external mode. I ran in R2022a. My board is Zedboard. The solver is in fixed step.
After building and running it, it has several warnings, including
Saving external mode simulation output as a single object is not supported because the workspace variable ‘out’ is not created during model code execution. To suppress the warning, set ‘ReturnWorkspaceOutputs’ to ‘off’.
No data has been selected for uploading.
When I open Data Inspector, the processed data is always zero. How to make the process data to generate the results like simulation? external mode, event-driven task MATLAB Answers — New Questions
test test test test
testtest test testing test, testing test s MATLAB Answers — New Questions
AD-FMCOMMS5 and ZC702 MATLAB Support
We are currently conducting a adaptive null steering/beamforming project and decided to use AD-FMCOMMS5 and ZC706 due to direct MathWorks integration support. During first phase we want to capture RF data and post-process it in MATLAB. ZC706 is now obsolete and that leads us to use different SoC boards like ZC702.
There is a uncertainty about AD-FMCOMMS5 and ZC702, in particular topics MATLAB staff says this system "potentially" works but in other topics people say these boards are not supported for MathWorks integration.
Is there any way that i get direct approval about AD-FMCOMMS5 and ZC702 integration with Mathworks from MATLAB staff or researchers ?
We are currently conducting a adaptive null steering/beamforming project and decided to use AD-FMCOMMS5 and ZC706 due to direct MathWorks integration support. During first phase we want to capture RF data and post-process it in MATLAB. ZC706 is now obsolete and that leads us to use different SoC boards like ZC702.
There is a uncertainty about AD-FMCOMMS5 and ZC702, in particular topics MATLAB staff says this system "potentially" works but in other topics people say these boards are not supported for MathWorks integration.
Is there any way that i get direct approval about AD-FMCOMMS5 and ZC702 integration with Mathworks from MATLAB staff or researchers ?
Thanks. Hi,
We are currently conducting a adaptive null steering/beamforming project and decided to use AD-FMCOMMS5 and ZC706 due to direct MathWorks integration support. During first phase we want to capture RF data and post-process it in MATLAB. ZC706 is now obsolete and that leads us to use different SoC boards like ZC702.
There is a uncertainty about AD-FMCOMMS5 and ZC702, in particular topics MATLAB staff says this system "potentially" works but in other topics people say these boards are not supported for MathWorks integration.
Is there any way that i get direct approval about AD-FMCOMMS5 and ZC702 integration with Mathworks from MATLAB staff or researchers ?
Thanks. beamforming, null steering, zynq, zc702, zc706, soc, fmcomms5, ad-fmcomms5 MATLAB Answers — New Questions
name mismatch error when build the model using embedded coder
when I build the model I get the name mismatch error for two calibratable signals . The signals are in the data dictionary , and I use them in the model by pulling from the dd with the same name . can anyone point me out what possibly cause this error?when I build the model I get the name mismatch error for two calibratable signals . The signals are in the data dictionary , and I use them in the model by pulling from the dd with the same name . can anyone point me out what possibly cause this error? when I build the model I get the name mismatch error for two calibratable signals . The signals are in the data dictionary , and I use them in the model by pulling from the dd with the same name . can anyone point me out what possibly cause this error? simulink, embedded coder, build model MATLAB Answers — New Questions
how to display (3000x4000x4) matrix as image in matlab
I have created a 3000x4000x4 matrix in matlab, when I try to use image() function to display it as a picture, matlab told me image() function could only display m*n or m*n*3 matrix. So how could I display m*n*4 matrix as a picture? Many thanks.I have created a 3000x4000x4 matrix in matlab, when I try to use image() function to display it as a picture, matlab told me image() function could only display m*n or m*n*3 matrix. So how could I display m*n*4 matrix as a picture? Many thanks. I have created a 3000x4000x4 matrix in matlab, when I try to use image() function to display it as a picture, matlab told me image() function could only display m*n or m*n*3 matrix. So how could I display m*n*4 matrix as a picture? Many thanks. display m*n*4 matrix as a image MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Writing legends for MATLAB figures with subscripts
What is the solution for writing legends for MATLAB figures with subscripts?What is the solution for writing legends for MATLAB figures with subscripts? What is the solution for writing legends for MATLAB figures with subscripts? figure, legend, subscript MATLAB Answers — New Questions