Tag Archives: matlab
sinad() function verification problems
Hi, I am doing DSP with sinad() function.
I wonder :
1.How sinad() verify the "wanted signal" and how is the notch filter decided?
It seems that if I put some different 1k audio raw datas into sinad(), it has different notch bandwidth
2. sinad() use a periodogram and kaiser window with beta=38, how is this decided?Hi, I am doing DSP with sinad() function.
I wonder :
1.How sinad() verify the "wanted signal" and how is the notch filter decided?
It seems that if I put some different 1k audio raw datas into sinad(), it has different notch bandwidth
2. sinad() use a periodogram and kaiser window with beta=38, how is this decided? Hi, I am doing DSP with sinad() function.
I wonder :
1.How sinad() verify the "wanted signal" and how is the notch filter decided?
It seems that if I put some different 1k audio raw datas into sinad(), it has different notch bandwidth
2. sinad() use a periodogram and kaiser window with beta=38, how is this decided? sinad, dsp, fft, periodogram MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Matlab HDL cosimulation for Lattice CPLD
I regularly develop VHDL code for controllers that is supposed to run on FPGAs/CPLDs and I’m looking for possibilities to co-simulate this code in a closed-loop simulation environment that mimics the behavior of the controlled system. So what I would like to have is that I can define a dyamic model in Matlab (e.g., as a state-space model or a transfer function) and to simulate this model together with the controller’s HDL implementation using the outputs of the models as stimuli for the controller and the output of the controller as input for the dynamic model. Is there any way I can accomplish this with Matlab? If so, what do I have to look for?
What I found so far is apparently called HDL verifier and seems to be pretty much what I want. However, I’m currently using Lattice MachXO2 CPLDs and Lattice diamond comes with "ModelSim Lattice FPGA Edition" as a simulator. According to this post
HDL verifier requires a FLI (foreign language interface), which the Lattice Edition of ModelSim does not provide. Is there any way I can use HDL verifier, e.g., by using a different simulator?I regularly develop VHDL code for controllers that is supposed to run on FPGAs/CPLDs and I’m looking for possibilities to co-simulate this code in a closed-loop simulation environment that mimics the behavior of the controlled system. So what I would like to have is that I can define a dyamic model in Matlab (e.g., as a state-space model or a transfer function) and to simulate this model together with the controller’s HDL implementation using the outputs of the models as stimuli for the controller and the output of the controller as input for the dynamic model. Is there any way I can accomplish this with Matlab? If so, what do I have to look for?
What I found so far is apparently called HDL verifier and seems to be pretty much what I want. However, I’m currently using Lattice MachXO2 CPLDs and Lattice diamond comes with "ModelSim Lattice FPGA Edition" as a simulator. According to this post
HDL verifier requires a FLI (foreign language interface), which the Lattice Edition of ModelSim does not provide. Is there any way I can use HDL verifier, e.g., by using a different simulator? I regularly develop VHDL code for controllers that is supposed to run on FPGAs/CPLDs and I’m looking for possibilities to co-simulate this code in a closed-loop simulation environment that mimics the behavior of the controlled system. So what I would like to have is that I can define a dyamic model in Matlab (e.g., as a state-space model or a transfer function) and to simulate this model together with the controller’s HDL implementation using the outputs of the models as stimuli for the controller and the output of the controller as input for the dynamic model. Is there any way I can accomplish this with Matlab? If so, what do I have to look for?
What I found so far is apparently called HDL verifier and seems to be pretty much what I want. However, I’m currently using Lattice MachXO2 CPLDs and Lattice diamond comes with "ModelSim Lattice FPGA Edition" as a simulator. According to this post
HDL verifier requires a FLI (foreign language interface), which the Lattice Edition of ModelSim does not provide. Is there any way I can use HDL verifier, e.g., by using a different simulator? vhdl, hdl simulation, hdl verifier, cosimlation, fpga MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to display a color bar in Matlab as shown below
Hello, experts.
I want to draw a color bar with discontinuous and regular intervals like the first picture above.
However, it would be best to draw a continuous color bar like the second picture. Is there a solution?Hello, experts.
I want to draw a color bar with discontinuous and regular intervals like the first picture above.
However, it would be best to draw a continuous color bar like the second picture. Is there a solution? Hello, experts.
I want to draw a color bar with discontinuous and regular intervals like the first picture above.
However, it would be best to draw a continuous color bar like the second picture. Is there a solution? colorbar, colormap, colormapeditor MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to train Unet semantic segmentation with only one single class/label?
Hello, I’m currently working on a task to do a semantic segmentation on USG image to locate TMJ. I did my image labelling in Image Labeler App and only did one class so that the class region will be 1 and background is 0. I was about to train my model with unetLayers but it says "The value of ‘numClasses’ is invalid. Expected numClasses to be a scalar with value > 1."
I’m aware that someone asked this similar question here with an answer, but I want to ask, how to customize specifically unetLayers to accomodate single class? I see that unetLayers also has softmaxLayers but i can’t find the pixel layers. Thank you in advance!Hello, I’m currently working on a task to do a semantic segmentation on USG image to locate TMJ. I did my image labelling in Image Labeler App and only did one class so that the class region will be 1 and background is 0. I was about to train my model with unetLayers but it says "The value of ‘numClasses’ is invalid. Expected numClasses to be a scalar with value > 1."
I’m aware that someone asked this similar question here with an answer, but I want to ask, how to customize specifically unetLayers to accomodate single class? I see that unetLayers also has softmaxLayers but i can’t find the pixel layers. Thank you in advance! Hello, I’m currently working on a task to do a semantic segmentation on USG image to locate TMJ. I did my image labelling in Image Labeler App and only did one class so that the class region will be 1 and background is 0. I was about to train my model with unetLayers but it says "The value of ‘numClasses’ is invalid. Expected numClasses to be a scalar with value > 1."
I’m aware that someone asked this similar question here with an answer, but I want to ask, how to customize specifically unetLayers to accomodate single class? I see that unetLayers also has softmaxLayers but i can’t find the pixel layers. Thank you in advance! deep learning MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Troubleshooting Build Error in MAC Apple Silicon Processor for Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware
Build for any Target Hardware selected fails for MAC Apple Silicon Processor with the following error "bad CPU Type in executable".Build for any Target Hardware selected fails for MAC Apple Silicon Processor with the following error "bad CPU Type in executable". Build for any Target Hardware selected fails for MAC Apple Silicon Processor with the following error "bad CPU Type in executable". arduino, simulink, matlab, mac MATLAB Answers — New Questions
FFT of 3D array in MATLAB
I am trying to understand how the FFT of different directions in MATLAB works to reproduce in C/C++ instead.
So far I have the following simple example in MATLAB:
clearvars; clc; close all;
%3D FFT test
Nx = 8;
Ny = 4;
Nz= 6;
Lx =16;
Ly = 6;
dx = Lx/Nx;
dy = Ly/Ny;
xi_x = (2*pi)/Lx;
yi_y = (2*pi)/Ly;
xi = ((0:Nx-1)/Nx)*(2*pi);
yi = ((0:Ny-1)/Ny)*(2*pi);
x = xi/xi_x;
y = yi/yi_y;
zlow = 0; %a
zupp =6; %b
Lz = (zupp-zlow);
eta_zgl = 2/Lz;
[D,zgl] = cheb(Nz);
zgl = (1/2)*(((zupp-zlow)*zgl) + (zupp+zlow));
[X,Z,Y] = meshgrid(x,zgl,y); %this gives 3d grid with z-by-x-by-y size (i.e. ZXY)
A = 2*pi / Lx;
B = 2*pi / Ly;
u = (Z-zlow) .* (Z-zupp) .* sin(A*X).* sin(B*Y);
uh1 =(fft(u,[],3));%ZXY
uh2 =(fft(u,[],1));%ZXY
uh3 =(fft(u,[],2));%ZXY
So, in C/C++ I have a 3D tensor with (Nz+1) rows and Nx coumns and Ny matrices and taking the 1D FFT along each "row" of u returns the same results as the following in MATLAB:
uh3 =(fft(u,[],2));%ZXY
While taking the 1D FFT of u along each column of u in C/C++ returns the same result as the following in MATLAB:
uh2 =(fft(u,[],1));%ZXY
Then my question is what does this 1D FFT represent? and how should I represent it in C/C++?
uh1 =(fft(u,[],3));%ZXY
The cheb(N) function is:
function [ D, x ] = cheb ( N )
if ( N == 0 )
D = 0.0;
x = 1.0;
x = cos ( pi * ( 0 : N ) / N )’;
c = [ 2.0; ones(N-1,1); 2.0 ] .* (-1.0).^(0:N)’;
X = repmat ( x, 1, N + 1 );
dX = X – X’;
% Set the off diagonal entries.
D =( c * (1.0 ./ c )’ ) ./ ( dX + ( eye ( N + 1 ) ) );
% Diagonal entries.
D = D – diag ( sum ( D’ ) );
endI am trying to understand how the FFT of different directions in MATLAB works to reproduce in C/C++ instead.
So far I have the following simple example in MATLAB:
clearvars; clc; close all;
%3D FFT test
Nx = 8;
Ny = 4;
Nz= 6;
Lx =16;
Ly = 6;
dx = Lx/Nx;
dy = Ly/Ny;
xi_x = (2*pi)/Lx;
yi_y = (2*pi)/Ly;
xi = ((0:Nx-1)/Nx)*(2*pi);
yi = ((0:Ny-1)/Ny)*(2*pi);
x = xi/xi_x;
y = yi/yi_y;
zlow = 0; %a
zupp =6; %b
Lz = (zupp-zlow);
eta_zgl = 2/Lz;
[D,zgl] = cheb(Nz);
zgl = (1/2)*(((zupp-zlow)*zgl) + (zupp+zlow));
[X,Z,Y] = meshgrid(x,zgl,y); %this gives 3d grid with z-by-x-by-y size (i.e. ZXY)
A = 2*pi / Lx;
B = 2*pi / Ly;
u = (Z-zlow) .* (Z-zupp) .* sin(A*X).* sin(B*Y);
uh1 =(fft(u,[],3));%ZXY
uh2 =(fft(u,[],1));%ZXY
uh3 =(fft(u,[],2));%ZXY
So, in C/C++ I have a 3D tensor with (Nz+1) rows and Nx coumns and Ny matrices and taking the 1D FFT along each "row" of u returns the same results as the following in MATLAB:
uh3 =(fft(u,[],2));%ZXY
While taking the 1D FFT of u along each column of u in C/C++ returns the same result as the following in MATLAB:
uh2 =(fft(u,[],1));%ZXY
Then my question is what does this 1D FFT represent? and how should I represent it in C/C++?
uh1 =(fft(u,[],3));%ZXY
The cheb(N) function is:
function [ D, x ] = cheb ( N )
if ( N == 0 )
D = 0.0;
x = 1.0;
x = cos ( pi * ( 0 : N ) / N )’;
c = [ 2.0; ones(N-1,1); 2.0 ] .* (-1.0).^(0:N)’;
X = repmat ( x, 1, N + 1 );
dX = X – X’;
% Set the off diagonal entries.
D =( c * (1.0 ./ c )’ ) ./ ( dX + ( eye ( N + 1 ) ) );
% Diagonal entries.
D = D – diag ( sum ( D’ ) );
end I am trying to understand how the FFT of different directions in MATLAB works to reproduce in C/C++ instead.
So far I have the following simple example in MATLAB:
clearvars; clc; close all;
%3D FFT test
Nx = 8;
Ny = 4;
Nz= 6;
Lx =16;
Ly = 6;
dx = Lx/Nx;
dy = Ly/Ny;
xi_x = (2*pi)/Lx;
yi_y = (2*pi)/Ly;
xi = ((0:Nx-1)/Nx)*(2*pi);
yi = ((0:Ny-1)/Ny)*(2*pi);
x = xi/xi_x;
y = yi/yi_y;
zlow = 0; %a
zupp =6; %b
Lz = (zupp-zlow);
eta_zgl = 2/Lz;
[D,zgl] = cheb(Nz);
zgl = (1/2)*(((zupp-zlow)*zgl) + (zupp+zlow));
[X,Z,Y] = meshgrid(x,zgl,y); %this gives 3d grid with z-by-x-by-y size (i.e. ZXY)
A = 2*pi / Lx;
B = 2*pi / Ly;
u = (Z-zlow) .* (Z-zupp) .* sin(A*X).* sin(B*Y);
uh1 =(fft(u,[],3));%ZXY
uh2 =(fft(u,[],1));%ZXY
uh3 =(fft(u,[],2));%ZXY
So, in C/C++ I have a 3D tensor with (Nz+1) rows and Nx coumns and Ny matrices and taking the 1D FFT along each "row" of u returns the same results as the following in MATLAB:
uh3 =(fft(u,[],2));%ZXY
While taking the 1D FFT of u along each column of u in C/C++ returns the same result as the following in MATLAB:
uh2 =(fft(u,[],1));%ZXY
Then my question is what does this 1D FFT represent? and how should I represent it in C/C++?
uh1 =(fft(u,[],3));%ZXY
The cheb(N) function is:
function [ D, x ] = cheb ( N )
if ( N == 0 )
D = 0.0;
x = 1.0;
x = cos ( pi * ( 0 : N ) / N )’;
c = [ 2.0; ones(N-1,1); 2.0 ] .* (-1.0).^(0:N)’;
X = repmat ( x, 1, N + 1 );
dX = X – X’;
% Set the off diagonal entries.
D =( c * (1.0 ./ c )’ ) ./ ( dX + ( eye ( N + 1 ) ) );
% Diagonal entries.
D = D – diag ( sum ( D’ ) );
end meshgrid, fft, numerical libraries, c/c++ MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Moving variables between episodes
To use matlab for RL, I have defined the action and observation space and the agent in a .m file, which also calls a reset function and step function also defined in .m files, and not in simulink. How can I move this variables when Matlab is still running the function train(agent,env)? I want to normalize all discounted rewards across all episodes.To use matlab for RL, I have defined the action and observation space and the agent in a .m file, which also calls a reset function and step function also defined in .m files, and not in simulink. How can I move this variables when Matlab is still running the function train(agent,env)? I want to normalize all discounted rewards across all episodes. To use matlab for RL, I have defined the action and observation space and the agent in a .m file, which also calls a reset function and step function also defined in .m files, and not in simulink. How can I move this variables when Matlab is still running the function train(agent,env)? I want to normalize all discounted rewards across all episodes. reinforcement MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Abnormal exit error while running model advisor check
I am facing below error while running MA check ‘Check Stateflow charts for strong data typing’.
Error: Abnormal exist: Invalid or deleted object
Attaching screenshot for reference. Please help to solve this.I am facing below error while running MA check ‘Check Stateflow charts for strong data typing’.
Error: Abnormal exist: Invalid or deleted object
Attaching screenshot for reference. Please help to solve this. I am facing below error while running MA check ‘Check Stateflow charts for strong data typing’.
Error: Abnormal exist: Invalid or deleted object
Attaching screenshot for reference. Please help to solve this. model advisor, check stateflow charts for strong data typing MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Auto Signalize support for Left Hand Side driving
The Signal tool has a very useful Auto Signalize feature allowing you to automatically add and setup traffic lights at a junction. However, only Right Hand Side driving is supported as you can see by the last two options: 4 Way Protected Left and 4 Way Permitted Left. When designing maps for Left Hand Side driving environments all the Signal Lights need to be manually edited to inverse their internal setup. This is extremely tedious and error prone.
Is there a way to automate this process? Are there any plans to add LHS support to the Auto-Signalize feature?The Signal tool has a very useful Auto Signalize feature allowing you to automatically add and setup traffic lights at a junction. However, only Right Hand Side driving is supported as you can see by the last two options: 4 Way Protected Left and 4 Way Permitted Left. When designing maps for Left Hand Side driving environments all the Signal Lights need to be manually edited to inverse their internal setup. This is extremely tedious and error prone.
Is there a way to automate this process? Are there any plans to add LHS support to the Auto-Signalize feature? The Signal tool has a very useful Auto Signalize feature allowing you to automatically add and setup traffic lights at a junction. However, only Right Hand Side driving is supported as you can see by the last two options: 4 Way Protected Left and 4 Way Permitted Left. When designing maps for Left Hand Side driving environments all the Signal Lights need to be manually edited to inverse their internal setup. This is extremely tedious and error prone.
Is there a way to automate this process? Are there any plans to add LHS support to the Auto-Signalize feature? road runner, traffic light MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Derivative of state ‘1’ in block ‘two_area_LFC_PID/Integrator9’ at time 8.820174943555763 is not finite.
I have simulated a system in Simulink MATLAB that I want to optimize with the PID controller.
To find the best controller coefficients, I use WOA optimization method. But when I run it, I get the following error “Derivative of state ‘1’ in block ‘two_area_LFC_PID/Integrator9’ at time 8.820174943555763 is not finite. The simulation will be stopped. There may be a singularity in the solution. If not, try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or by tightening the error tolerances)”. Is there a solution to my problem? I have changed the step size. I also changed the solver to ODE 15s(stiff/NDF). But the problem was not solved. I have posted the desired system image with algorithm codes for friends.
function bestSolution = EWOA_Run_PID()
% Step 1: Initialize the input arguments for EWOA
nVar = 6;
ub = [50 50 50 50 50 50];
lb = [0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01];
MaxIter = 50;
PopulationSize = 50;
% Step 2: Define the objective function handle using EWAO_Cost_PID_CF_CE
objFcn = @(params) EWOA_Cost_PID(params);
% Step 3: Call the EWOA function
bestSolution = EWOA(nVar, lb, ub, objFcn, MaxIter, PopulationSize);
function bestSolution = EWOA(nVar, lb, ub, objFcn, MaxIter, PopulationSize)
% Step 1: Initialize the population
whalesPositions = bsxfun(@plus, lb, bsxfun(@times, rand(PopulationSize, nVar), (ub – lb)));
% Step 2: Evaluate the objective function for each whale
whalesCost = zeros(PopulationSize, 1);
for i = 1:PopulationSize
whalesCost(i) = objFcn(whalesPositions(i, :));
% Step 3: Set the initial best position and cost
[globalBestCost, gBestIndex] = min(whalesCost);
globalBestPosition = whalesPositions(gBestIndex, :);
% Step 4: Initialize elite whale
eliteWhalePosition = globalBestPosition;
eliteWhaleCost = globalBestCost;
% Step 5: Set the termination criterion parameters
maxIterWithoutImprovement = 50; % Adjust this value as needed
iterWithoutImprovement = 50;
% Main loop
for iter = 1:MaxIter
a = 2 – iter * ((2) / MaxIter); % Parameter to control the search space reduction
for i = 1:PopulationSize
% Generate random vectors
r1 = rand(1, nVar);
r2 = rand(1, nVar);
% Calculate the A and C coefficients
A = 2 * a * r1 – a;
C = 2 * r2;
% Update the position of the whales using the WOA operators
D = abs(C .* globalBestPosition – whalesPositions(i, :));
newWhalePosition = globalBestPosition – A .* D;
% Clip positions to stay within the bounds
newWhalePosition = max(newWhalePosition, lb);
newWhalePosition = min(newWhalePosition, ub);
% Evaluate the new position using the EWAO_Cost_PID_CF_CE function
newWhaleCost = EWOA_Cost_PID(newWhalePosition);
% Update the whale’s position and cost if a better solution is found
if newWhaleCost < whalesCost(i)
whalesPositions(i, 🙂 = newWhalePosition;
whalesCost(i) = newWhaleCost;
% Update the global best position and cost if a better solution is found
if whalesCost(i) < globalBestCost
globalBestCost = whalesCost(i);
globalBestPosition = whalesPositions(i, :);
% Check for termination criterion
if globalBestCost < eliteWhaleCost
eliteWhalePosition = globalBestPosition;
eliteWhaleCost = globalBestCost;
iterWithoutImprovement = 0;
iterWithoutImprovement = iterWithoutImprovement + 1;
% Display the best cost at each iteration
disp([‘Iteration ‘, num2str(iter), ‘: Best Cost = ‘, num2str(eliteWhaleCost)]);
% Check if termination criterion is met
if iterWithoutImprovement >= maxIterWithoutImprovement
% Output the best solution found
bestSolution = eliteWhalePosition;
function cost = EWOA_Cost_PID(params)
% Assign parameters to the base workspace using assignin
assignin(‘base’, ‘KP’, params(1));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KI’, params(2));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KD’, params(3));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KPP’, params(4));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KII’, params(5));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KDD’, params(6));
% Run the Simulink model
% Calculate penalties based on maximum absolute values of signals
g1 = max(abs(f1.signals.values)) – 0.25;
g2 = max(abs(f2.signals.values)) – 0.25;
g3 = max(abs(pt.signals.values)) – 0.05;
% Define a large penalty coefficient
lambda = 10^20;
% Compute penalties for constraint violations
Penalty1 = lambda * g1^2 * GetInequality(g1);
Penalty2 = lambda * g2^2 * GetInequality(g2);
Penalty3 = lambda * g3^2 * GetInequality(g3);
% Calculate the total cost
cost = J_obj.signals.values(end) + Penalty1 + Penalty2 + Penalty3;
endI have simulated a system in Simulink MATLAB that I want to optimize with the PID controller.
To find the best controller coefficients, I use WOA optimization method. But when I run it, I get the following error “Derivative of state ‘1’ in block ‘two_area_LFC_PID/Integrator9’ at time 8.820174943555763 is not finite. The simulation will be stopped. There may be a singularity in the solution. If not, try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or by tightening the error tolerances)”. Is there a solution to my problem? I have changed the step size. I also changed the solver to ODE 15s(stiff/NDF). But the problem was not solved. I have posted the desired system image with algorithm codes for friends.
function bestSolution = EWOA_Run_PID()
% Step 1: Initialize the input arguments for EWOA
nVar = 6;
ub = [50 50 50 50 50 50];
lb = [0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01];
MaxIter = 50;
PopulationSize = 50;
% Step 2: Define the objective function handle using EWAO_Cost_PID_CF_CE
objFcn = @(params) EWOA_Cost_PID(params);
% Step 3: Call the EWOA function
bestSolution = EWOA(nVar, lb, ub, objFcn, MaxIter, PopulationSize);
function bestSolution = EWOA(nVar, lb, ub, objFcn, MaxIter, PopulationSize)
% Step 1: Initialize the population
whalesPositions = bsxfun(@plus, lb, bsxfun(@times, rand(PopulationSize, nVar), (ub – lb)));
% Step 2: Evaluate the objective function for each whale
whalesCost = zeros(PopulationSize, 1);
for i = 1:PopulationSize
whalesCost(i) = objFcn(whalesPositions(i, :));
% Step 3: Set the initial best position and cost
[globalBestCost, gBestIndex] = min(whalesCost);
globalBestPosition = whalesPositions(gBestIndex, :);
% Step 4: Initialize elite whale
eliteWhalePosition = globalBestPosition;
eliteWhaleCost = globalBestCost;
% Step 5: Set the termination criterion parameters
maxIterWithoutImprovement = 50; % Adjust this value as needed
iterWithoutImprovement = 50;
% Main loop
for iter = 1:MaxIter
a = 2 – iter * ((2) / MaxIter); % Parameter to control the search space reduction
for i = 1:PopulationSize
% Generate random vectors
r1 = rand(1, nVar);
r2 = rand(1, nVar);
% Calculate the A and C coefficients
A = 2 * a * r1 – a;
C = 2 * r2;
% Update the position of the whales using the WOA operators
D = abs(C .* globalBestPosition – whalesPositions(i, :));
newWhalePosition = globalBestPosition – A .* D;
% Clip positions to stay within the bounds
newWhalePosition = max(newWhalePosition, lb);
newWhalePosition = min(newWhalePosition, ub);
% Evaluate the new position using the EWAO_Cost_PID_CF_CE function
newWhaleCost = EWOA_Cost_PID(newWhalePosition);
% Update the whale’s position and cost if a better solution is found
if newWhaleCost < whalesCost(i)
whalesPositions(i, 🙂 = newWhalePosition;
whalesCost(i) = newWhaleCost;
% Update the global best position and cost if a better solution is found
if whalesCost(i) < globalBestCost
globalBestCost = whalesCost(i);
globalBestPosition = whalesPositions(i, :);
% Check for termination criterion
if globalBestCost < eliteWhaleCost
eliteWhalePosition = globalBestPosition;
eliteWhaleCost = globalBestCost;
iterWithoutImprovement = 0;
iterWithoutImprovement = iterWithoutImprovement + 1;
% Display the best cost at each iteration
disp([‘Iteration ‘, num2str(iter), ‘: Best Cost = ‘, num2str(eliteWhaleCost)]);
% Check if termination criterion is met
if iterWithoutImprovement >= maxIterWithoutImprovement
% Output the best solution found
bestSolution = eliteWhalePosition;
function cost = EWOA_Cost_PID(params)
% Assign parameters to the base workspace using assignin
assignin(‘base’, ‘KP’, params(1));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KI’, params(2));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KD’, params(3));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KPP’, params(4));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KII’, params(5));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KDD’, params(6));
% Run the Simulink model
% Calculate penalties based on maximum absolute values of signals
g1 = max(abs(f1.signals.values)) – 0.25;
g2 = max(abs(f2.signals.values)) – 0.25;
g3 = max(abs(pt.signals.values)) – 0.05;
% Define a large penalty coefficient
lambda = 10^20;
% Compute penalties for constraint violations
Penalty1 = lambda * g1^2 * GetInequality(g1);
Penalty2 = lambda * g2^2 * GetInequality(g2);
Penalty3 = lambda * g3^2 * GetInequality(g3);
% Calculate the total cost
cost = J_obj.signals.values(end) + Penalty1 + Penalty2 + Penalty3;
end I have simulated a system in Simulink MATLAB that I want to optimize with the PID controller.
To find the best controller coefficients, I use WOA optimization method. But when I run it, I get the following error “Derivative of state ‘1’ in block ‘two_area_LFC_PID/Integrator9’ at time 8.820174943555763 is not finite. The simulation will be stopped. There may be a singularity in the solution. If not, try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or by tightening the error tolerances)”. Is there a solution to my problem? I have changed the step size. I also changed the solver to ODE 15s(stiff/NDF). But the problem was not solved. I have posted the desired system image with algorithm codes for friends.
function bestSolution = EWOA_Run_PID()
% Step 1: Initialize the input arguments for EWOA
nVar = 6;
ub = [50 50 50 50 50 50];
lb = [0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01];
MaxIter = 50;
PopulationSize = 50;
% Step 2: Define the objective function handle using EWAO_Cost_PID_CF_CE
objFcn = @(params) EWOA_Cost_PID(params);
% Step 3: Call the EWOA function
bestSolution = EWOA(nVar, lb, ub, objFcn, MaxIter, PopulationSize);
function bestSolution = EWOA(nVar, lb, ub, objFcn, MaxIter, PopulationSize)
% Step 1: Initialize the population
whalesPositions = bsxfun(@plus, lb, bsxfun(@times, rand(PopulationSize, nVar), (ub – lb)));
% Step 2: Evaluate the objective function for each whale
whalesCost = zeros(PopulationSize, 1);
for i = 1:PopulationSize
whalesCost(i) = objFcn(whalesPositions(i, :));
% Step 3: Set the initial best position and cost
[globalBestCost, gBestIndex] = min(whalesCost);
globalBestPosition = whalesPositions(gBestIndex, :);
% Step 4: Initialize elite whale
eliteWhalePosition = globalBestPosition;
eliteWhaleCost = globalBestCost;
% Step 5: Set the termination criterion parameters
maxIterWithoutImprovement = 50; % Adjust this value as needed
iterWithoutImprovement = 50;
% Main loop
for iter = 1:MaxIter
a = 2 – iter * ((2) / MaxIter); % Parameter to control the search space reduction
for i = 1:PopulationSize
% Generate random vectors
r1 = rand(1, nVar);
r2 = rand(1, nVar);
% Calculate the A and C coefficients
A = 2 * a * r1 – a;
C = 2 * r2;
% Update the position of the whales using the WOA operators
D = abs(C .* globalBestPosition – whalesPositions(i, :));
newWhalePosition = globalBestPosition – A .* D;
% Clip positions to stay within the bounds
newWhalePosition = max(newWhalePosition, lb);
newWhalePosition = min(newWhalePosition, ub);
% Evaluate the new position using the EWAO_Cost_PID_CF_CE function
newWhaleCost = EWOA_Cost_PID(newWhalePosition);
% Update the whale’s position and cost if a better solution is found
if newWhaleCost < whalesCost(i)
whalesPositions(i, 🙂 = newWhalePosition;
whalesCost(i) = newWhaleCost;
% Update the global best position and cost if a better solution is found
if whalesCost(i) < globalBestCost
globalBestCost = whalesCost(i);
globalBestPosition = whalesPositions(i, :);
% Check for termination criterion
if globalBestCost < eliteWhaleCost
eliteWhalePosition = globalBestPosition;
eliteWhaleCost = globalBestCost;
iterWithoutImprovement = 0;
iterWithoutImprovement = iterWithoutImprovement + 1;
% Display the best cost at each iteration
disp([‘Iteration ‘, num2str(iter), ‘: Best Cost = ‘, num2str(eliteWhaleCost)]);
% Check if termination criterion is met
if iterWithoutImprovement >= maxIterWithoutImprovement
% Output the best solution found
bestSolution = eliteWhalePosition;
function cost = EWOA_Cost_PID(params)
% Assign parameters to the base workspace using assignin
assignin(‘base’, ‘KP’, params(1));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KI’, params(2));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KD’, params(3));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KPP’, params(4));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KII’, params(5));
assignin(‘base’, ‘KDD’, params(6));
% Run the Simulink model
% Calculate penalties based on maximum absolute values of signals
g1 = max(abs(f1.signals.values)) – 0.25;
g2 = max(abs(f2.signals.values)) – 0.25;
g3 = max(abs(pt.signals.values)) – 0.05;
% Define a large penalty coefficient
lambda = 10^20;
% Compute penalties for constraint violations
Penalty1 = lambda * g1^2 * GetInequality(g1);
Penalty2 = lambda * g2^2 * GetInequality(g2);
Penalty3 = lambda * g3^2 * GetInequality(g3);
% Calculate the total cost
cost = J_obj.signals.values(end) + Penalty1 + Penalty2 + Penalty3;
end error, matlab, solve, derivative of state ‘1’ in block MATLAB Answers — New Questions
how to see a serdes channel’s frequency response in simulink?
I opened the example "Architectural 112G PAM4 ADC-Based SerDes Model", and I want to see the channel’s frequency response.
I tried function "frestimate" but it didn’t work.I opened the example "Architectural 112G PAM4 ADC-Based SerDes Model", and I want to see the channel’s frequency response.
I tried function "frestimate" but it didn’t work. I opened the example "Architectural 112G PAM4 ADC-Based SerDes Model", and I want to see the channel’s frequency response.
I tried function "frestimate" but it didn’t work. serdes, frequency response, channel loss, simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Unable to read MAT-file C:UsersPRINCE PCAppDataRoamingMathWorksMATLABR2016amatlabprefs.mat – How do I fix this
As the title states, I keep getting that error message anytime I launch MATLAB. I suspect it has to do with a forced shut down with the figure window open as this was what happened last before that error start appearing. Please how do I fix this:
Error – Unable to read MAT-file C:UsersPRINCE PCAppDataRoamingMathWorksMATLABR2016amatlabprefs.mat
Version – R2016a
Ps: I have tried locating the file yet can’t find it (no folder named AppData on that path).As the title states, I keep getting that error message anytime I launch MATLAB. I suspect it has to do with a forced shut down with the figure window open as this was what happened last before that error start appearing. Please how do I fix this:
Error – Unable to read MAT-file C:UsersPRINCE PCAppDataRoamingMathWorksMATLABR2016amatlabprefs.mat
Version – R2016a
Ps: I have tried locating the file yet can’t find it (no folder named AppData on that path). As the title states, I keep getting that error message anytime I launch MATLAB. I suspect it has to do with a forced shut down with the figure window open as this was what happened last before that error start appearing. Please how do I fix this:
Error – Unable to read MAT-file C:UsersPRINCE PCAppDataRoamingMathWorksMATLABR2016amatlabprefs.mat
Version – R2016a
Ps: I have tried locating the file yet can’t find it (no folder named AppData on that path). error, matlab r2016a, matlabprefs.mat MATLAB Answers — New Questions
sometimes the function triggers when i trigger the sensor, sometimes it triggers without me triggering it, sometimes it won’t trigger even through multiple attempts.
hi, I am new to this and I have problem with my function. For some reason the software can’t sense when I trigger the sensor or it triggers without me triggering the sensor. The result was so random and I couldn’t find the problem. Thank you for reading this.
function [accelDataArray, accelDataArray2] = collectSamples(serialObject1, sampleNum, serialObject2, sampleNum2)
sampleCounter1 = 1;
accelDataArray = zeros(sampleNum, 1);
sampleCounter2 = 1;
accelDataArray2 = zeros(sampleNum2, 1);
triggered = false; % Initialize the trigger condition
% Wait for the trigger condition (preliminary loop)
disp(‘Waiting for trigger…’);
%%fix 282 to 312
while ~triggered
if serialObject1.BytesAvailable < 20 || serialObject2.BytesAvailable < 20
header1 = fread(serialObject1, 1);
header2 = fread(serialObject2, 1);
if header1 ~= 85 || header2 ~= 85
fread(serialObject1, 1);
fread(serialObject2, 1);
dataBytes1 = fread(serialObject1, 19);
dataBytes2 = fread(serialObject2, 19);
if dataBytes1(1) ~= 97 || dataBytes2(1) ~= 97
azL = dataBytes1(6);
azH = dataBytes1(7);
az = double(typecast(uint8([azL azH]), ‘int16’)) / 32768 * 16;
azL2 = dataBytes2(6);
azH2 = dataBytes2(7);
az2 = double(typecast(uint8([azL2 azH2]), ‘int16’)) / 32768 * 16;
if az > .1 || az2 > .1 % Trigger condition, adjust the threshold as needed
triggered = true;
disp(‘Triggered, now collecting samples…’);
% Data collection loop
while sampleCounter1 <= sampleNum || sampleCounter2 <= sampleNum2
% Read data from sensor 1
if serialObject1.BytesAvailable >= 20
header1 = fread(serialObject1, 1);
if header1 == 85
dataBytes1 = fread(serialObject1, 19);
if dataBytes1(1) == 97
azL = dataBytes1(6);
azH = dataBytes1(7);
az = double(typecast(uint8([azL azH]), ‘int16’)) / 32768 * 16;
accelDataArray(sampleCounter1) = az;
sampleCounter1 = sampleCounter1 + 1;
% Read data from sensor 2
if serialObject2.BytesAvailable >= 20
header2 = fread(serialObject2, 1);
if header2 == 85
dataBytes2 = fread(serialObject2, 19);
if dataBytes2(1) == 97
azL2 = dataBytes2(6);
azH2 = dataBytes2(7);
az2 = double(typecast(uint8([azL2 azH2]), ‘int16’)) / 32768 * 16;
accelDataArray2(sampleCounter2) = az2;
sampleCounter2 = sampleCounter2 + 1;
endhi, I am new to this and I have problem with my function. For some reason the software can’t sense when I trigger the sensor or it triggers without me triggering the sensor. The result was so random and I couldn’t find the problem. Thank you for reading this.
function [accelDataArray, accelDataArray2] = collectSamples(serialObject1, sampleNum, serialObject2, sampleNum2)
sampleCounter1 = 1;
accelDataArray = zeros(sampleNum, 1);
sampleCounter2 = 1;
accelDataArray2 = zeros(sampleNum2, 1);
triggered = false; % Initialize the trigger condition
% Wait for the trigger condition (preliminary loop)
disp(‘Waiting for trigger…’);
%%fix 282 to 312
while ~triggered
if serialObject1.BytesAvailable < 20 || serialObject2.BytesAvailable < 20
header1 = fread(serialObject1, 1);
header2 = fread(serialObject2, 1);
if header1 ~= 85 || header2 ~= 85
fread(serialObject1, 1);
fread(serialObject2, 1);
dataBytes1 = fread(serialObject1, 19);
dataBytes2 = fread(serialObject2, 19);
if dataBytes1(1) ~= 97 || dataBytes2(1) ~= 97
azL = dataBytes1(6);
azH = dataBytes1(7);
az = double(typecast(uint8([azL azH]), ‘int16’)) / 32768 * 16;
azL2 = dataBytes2(6);
azH2 = dataBytes2(7);
az2 = double(typecast(uint8([azL2 azH2]), ‘int16’)) / 32768 * 16;
if az > .1 || az2 > .1 % Trigger condition, adjust the threshold as needed
triggered = true;
disp(‘Triggered, now collecting samples…’);
% Data collection loop
while sampleCounter1 <= sampleNum || sampleCounter2 <= sampleNum2
% Read data from sensor 1
if serialObject1.BytesAvailable >= 20
header1 = fread(serialObject1, 1);
if header1 == 85
dataBytes1 = fread(serialObject1, 19);
if dataBytes1(1) == 97
azL = dataBytes1(6);
azH = dataBytes1(7);
az = double(typecast(uint8([azL azH]), ‘int16’)) / 32768 * 16;
accelDataArray(sampleCounter1) = az;
sampleCounter1 = sampleCounter1 + 1;
% Read data from sensor 2
if serialObject2.BytesAvailable >= 20
header2 = fread(serialObject2, 1);
if header2 == 85
dataBytes2 = fread(serialObject2, 19);
if dataBytes2(1) == 97
azL2 = dataBytes2(6);
azH2 = dataBytes2(7);
az2 = double(typecast(uint8([azL2 azH2]), ‘int16’)) / 32768 * 16;
accelDataArray2(sampleCounter2) = az2;
sampleCounter2 = sampleCounter2 + 1;
end hi, I am new to this and I have problem with my function. For some reason the software can’t sense when I trigger the sensor or it triggers without me triggering the sensor. The result was so random and I couldn’t find the problem. Thank you for reading this.
function [accelDataArray, accelDataArray2] = collectSamples(serialObject1, sampleNum, serialObject2, sampleNum2)
sampleCounter1 = 1;
accelDataArray = zeros(sampleNum, 1);
sampleCounter2 = 1;
accelDataArray2 = zeros(sampleNum2, 1);
triggered = false; % Initialize the trigger condition
% Wait for the trigger condition (preliminary loop)
disp(‘Waiting for trigger…’);
%%fix 282 to 312
while ~triggered
if serialObject1.BytesAvailable < 20 || serialObject2.BytesAvailable < 20
header1 = fread(serialObject1, 1);
header2 = fread(serialObject2, 1);
if header1 ~= 85 || header2 ~= 85
fread(serialObject1, 1);
fread(serialObject2, 1);
dataBytes1 = fread(serialObject1, 19);
dataBytes2 = fread(serialObject2, 19);
if dataBytes1(1) ~= 97 || dataBytes2(1) ~= 97
azL = dataBytes1(6);
azH = dataBytes1(7);
az = double(typecast(uint8([azL azH]), ‘int16’)) / 32768 * 16;
azL2 = dataBytes2(6);
azH2 = dataBytes2(7);
az2 = double(typecast(uint8([azL2 azH2]), ‘int16’)) / 32768 * 16;
if az > .1 || az2 > .1 % Trigger condition, adjust the threshold as needed
triggered = true;
disp(‘Triggered, now collecting samples…’);
% Data collection loop
while sampleCounter1 <= sampleNum || sampleCounter2 <= sampleNum2
% Read data from sensor 1
if serialObject1.BytesAvailable >= 20
header1 = fread(serialObject1, 1);
if header1 == 85
dataBytes1 = fread(serialObject1, 19);
if dataBytes1(1) == 97
azL = dataBytes1(6);
azH = dataBytes1(7);
az = double(typecast(uint8([azL azH]), ‘int16’)) / 32768 * 16;
accelDataArray(sampleCounter1) = az;
sampleCounter1 = sampleCounter1 + 1;
% Read data from sensor 2
if serialObject2.BytesAvailable >= 20
header2 = fread(serialObject2, 1);
if header2 == 85
dataBytes2 = fread(serialObject2, 19);
if dataBytes2(1) == 97
azL2 = dataBytes2(6);
azH2 = dataBytes2(7);
az2 = double(typecast(uint8([azL2 azH2]), ‘int16’)) / 32768 * 16;
accelDataArray2(sampleCounter2) = az2;
sampleCounter2 = sampleCounter2 + 1;
end #sensor MATLAB Answers — New Questions
needing help to use some codes
I used the codes of "waterfall" and "surf" to draw three figures at once
Instead of all three figures being the same color, I want each figure to have a different color than the other. please guide meI used the codes of "waterfall" and "surf" to draw three figures at once
Instead of all three figures being the same color, I want each figure to have a different color than the other. please guide me I used the codes of "waterfall" and "surf" to draw three figures at once
Instead of all three figures being the same color, I want each figure to have a different color than the other. please guide me transferred MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How do I change position of titles and subtitles of subplots?
I attached a screenshot of my plot.
I would like to put on the left (instead of above) the titles (Currents at -70mv, -50, -30 and -10) of the four subplots on the left; on the other hand, I would like to put on the right (instead of above) the titles (Currents at -60mv, -40, -20 and 0) of the four subplots on the right. This is to save space and delete some of the blank space between the subplots.
As for the subtitle ("I is 2 times slower than E"), I’d like to have only one instead of eight, possibly above all the subplots in the centre.
This is how I’m doing now (there’s another for loop "for rat = 1:colnum2" outside here but it’s not relevant for this question):
for vol = 1:colnum
plot(t_plot, currents(:,hh:zz), ‘linewidth’,2); legend(‘IPSC’, ‘EPSC’, ‘CPSC’);
str = sprintf(‘Currents at %d mV ‘, Vm(1,vol));
subtitle([‘I is ‘, num2str(ratio(rat)), ‘ times slower than E’])
xlabel(‘Time(msec)’, ‘fontsize’, 7)
ylabel(‘Microamperes (uA)’, ‘fontsize’, 7);
hh = hh + niter;
zz = zz + niter;
Thanks!I attached a screenshot of my plot.
I would like to put on the left (instead of above) the titles (Currents at -70mv, -50, -30 and -10) of the four subplots on the left; on the other hand, I would like to put on the right (instead of above) the titles (Currents at -60mv, -40, -20 and 0) of the four subplots on the right. This is to save space and delete some of the blank space between the subplots.
As for the subtitle ("I is 2 times slower than E"), I’d like to have only one instead of eight, possibly above all the subplots in the centre.
This is how I’m doing now (there’s another for loop "for rat = 1:colnum2" outside here but it’s not relevant for this question):
for vol = 1:colnum
plot(t_plot, currents(:,hh:zz), ‘linewidth’,2); legend(‘IPSC’, ‘EPSC’, ‘CPSC’);
str = sprintf(‘Currents at %d mV ‘, Vm(1,vol));
subtitle([‘I is ‘, num2str(ratio(rat)), ‘ times slower than E’])
xlabel(‘Time(msec)’, ‘fontsize’, 7)
ylabel(‘Microamperes (uA)’, ‘fontsize’, 7);
hh = hh + niter;
zz = zz + niter;
Thanks! I attached a screenshot of my plot.
I would like to put on the left (instead of above) the titles (Currents at -70mv, -50, -30 and -10) of the four subplots on the left; on the other hand, I would like to put on the right (instead of above) the titles (Currents at -60mv, -40, -20 and 0) of the four subplots on the right. This is to save space and delete some of the blank space between the subplots.
As for the subtitle ("I is 2 times slower than E"), I’d like to have only one instead of eight, possibly above all the subplots in the centre.
This is how I’m doing now (there’s another for loop "for rat = 1:colnum2" outside here but it’s not relevant for this question):
for vol = 1:colnum
plot(t_plot, currents(:,hh:zz), ‘linewidth’,2); legend(‘IPSC’, ‘EPSC’, ‘CPSC’);
str = sprintf(‘Currents at %d mV ‘, Vm(1,vol));
subtitle([‘I is ‘, num2str(ratio(rat)), ‘ times slower than E’])
xlabel(‘Time(msec)’, ‘fontsize’, 7)
ylabel(‘Microamperes (uA)’, ‘fontsize’, 7);
hh = hh + niter;
zz = zz + niter;
Thanks! plot, subplot, plotting, matlab, title, subtitle MATLAB Answers — New Questions
change CRS in netcdf4 files
Hi, I have a bunch of netcdf4 files and need to convert to different coordinate system.
How can we do that?
thanks.Hi, I have a bunch of netcdf4 files and need to convert to different coordinate system.
How can we do that?
thanks. Hi, I have a bunch of netcdf4 files and need to convert to different coordinate system.
How can we do that?
thanks. netcdf4, crs MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Hi, I am having some trouble with a plot. I am trying to plot pressure vs. time using an equation for pressure with respect to time. Whenever I plot this I get a blank graph, so i’m not sure what the problem is. I appreciate any help!
Po = 400000;
Patm = 101325;
rhowater = 1000;
Vo = .00133333;
Anoz = pi*(.010668)^2;
syms P t
P = Po + (((-1.4*P*((P/Po)^(5/7)))/Vo)*(Anoz*sqrt((P-Patm)/rhowater)))*t;
Eqn = solve(P,t);
Peq = Eqn;
fplot(Peq,[0 1])
ylim ([0 450000])
xlabel(‘time (s) ‘)
ylabel(‘Pressure (Pa) ‘)Po = 400000;
Patm = 101325;
rhowater = 1000;
Vo = .00133333;
Anoz = pi*(.010668)^2;
syms P t
P = Po + (((-1.4*P*((P/Po)^(5/7)))/Vo)*(Anoz*sqrt((P-Patm)/rhowater)))*t;
Eqn = solve(P,t);
Peq = Eqn;
fplot(Peq,[0 1])
ylim ([0 450000])
xlabel(‘time (s) ‘)
ylabel(‘Pressure (Pa) ‘)Â Po = 400000;
Patm = 101325;
rhowater = 1000;
Vo = .00133333;
Anoz = pi*(.010668)^2;
syms P t
P = Po + (((-1.4*P*((P/Po)^(5/7)))/Vo)*(Anoz*sqrt((P-Patm)/rhowater)))*t;
Eqn = solve(P,t);
Peq = Eqn;
fplot(Peq,[0 1])
ylim ([0 450000])
xlabel(‘time (s) ‘)
ylabel(‘Pressure (Pa) ‘) plotting MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Can not open a MATLAB example although I already installed the proposed MATLAB packages
I am trying to open a MATLAB example via typing the following command:
But I got this error:
Error using findExample
Unable to find "5g/NewRadioAIBasedPositioningExample". Check the example name and try again.
Error in openExample (line 30)
metadata = findExample(exampleId);
Although I already installed 5g and deep learning toolboxs, any help?
Thanks.I am trying to open a MATLAB example via typing the following command:
But I got this error:
Error using findExample
Unable to find "5g/NewRadioAIBasedPositioningExample". Check the example name and try again.
Error in openExample (line 30)
metadata = findExample(exampleId);
Although I already installed 5g and deep learning toolboxs, any help?
Thanks. I am trying to open a MATLAB example via typing the following command:
But I got this error:
Error using findExample
Unable to find "5g/NewRadioAIBasedPositioningExample". Check the example name and try again.
Error in openExample (line 30)
metadata = findExample(exampleId);
Although I already installed 5g and deep learning toolboxs, any help?
Thanks. deep learning, 5g, wlan MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to solve this with the help of fplot
Post Content Post Content fplot, roots, plotting MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Matlab continuously launching on GPU
Whenever I launch matlab on my computer (which contains both a descrete and integrated GPU), matlab always activates and uses the dGPU. Even if I have disabled the dGPU (no programs are active and the dGPU is disabled), matlab starts the GPU. Is there a reason why this is happening, and is there any way to make it stop? I don’t want matlab to actiave the gPU, which results in much lower battery life.Whenever I launch matlab on my computer (which contains both a descrete and integrated GPU), matlab always activates and uses the dGPU. Even if I have disabled the dGPU (no programs are active and the dGPU is disabled), matlab starts the GPU. Is there a reason why this is happening, and is there any way to make it stop? I don’t want matlab to actiave the gPU, which results in much lower battery life. Whenever I launch matlab on my computer (which contains both a descrete and integrated GPU), matlab always activates and uses the dGPU. Even if I have disabled the dGPU (no programs are active and the dGPU is disabled), matlab starts the GPU. Is there a reason why this is happening, and is there any way to make it stop? I don’t want matlab to actiave the gPU, which results in much lower battery life. dgpu, discrete, gpu, launch MATLAB Answers — New Questions