Tag Archives: matlab
Multiple plots within 1 figure
I want to make multiple plots within 1 figure
I want to make a plot with days (x axis) and time (y axis set to 30 mins) .
Within each day, I want to make a line (corresponding to when trial was made; new_endpoint) and colour (timepertrial_backtrace).
I want to do this for all the days in that plot but I am not sure how to proceed.
I have put the snippet of code for doing it but it runs for 1 day only.
Any insight will be useful
figure % make new figure
tiledlayout(numel(num_days), 1, ‘TileSpacing’, ‘compact’, ‘Padding’, ‘compact’);
range_col = 800; % range upper limit for my values
for day = 1:numel(num_days)
% Load the variable for the specific day here
load( fullfile(matlist(days_F3187(1,day)).folder, matlist(days_F3187(1,day)).name) ); % Load variables from the .mat file
% the above are .mat file where i store information for each day and I
% load them 1 by 1 as needed
new_endpoint = endpoint / 12000; % 200 Hz frame rate
trial_color_range = parula(range_col+1); % Generating a color range from 0 to range
for i = 1:trialno
% Map the color based on timepertrial_backtrace within the color range
color_index = min(max(round(timepertrial_backtraced(i)), 0), range_col);
trial_color = trial_color_range(color_index + 1, :); % Select color from the color range
% Plotting the line for the current trial with the assigned color
plot([day-1, day], [new_endpoint(i), new_endpoint(i)], ‘Color’, trial_color, ‘LineWidth’, 1);
hold on;
hold off;
title([‘Day ‘ num2str(day)]);
ylabel(’30 mins’);
clear trial_color % Clear the trial_color variable for the next iteration
sgtitle(‘Timepoints within 30-minute sessions colored based on timepertrial_backtraced’);
This is the figure generated:
However, only 1 day is created and I want information for all the days to be displayed.
How should I approach this problem?I want to make multiple plots within 1 figure
I want to make a plot with days (x axis) and time (y axis set to 30 mins) .
Within each day, I want to make a line (corresponding to when trial was made; new_endpoint) and colour (timepertrial_backtrace).
I want to do this for all the days in that plot but I am not sure how to proceed.
I have put the snippet of code for doing it but it runs for 1 day only.
Any insight will be useful
figure % make new figure
tiledlayout(numel(num_days), 1, ‘TileSpacing’, ‘compact’, ‘Padding’, ‘compact’);
range_col = 800; % range upper limit for my values
for day = 1:numel(num_days)
% Load the variable for the specific day here
load( fullfile(matlist(days_F3187(1,day)).folder, matlist(days_F3187(1,day)).name) ); % Load variables from the .mat file
% the above are .mat file where i store information for each day and I
% load them 1 by 1 as needed
new_endpoint = endpoint / 12000; % 200 Hz frame rate
trial_color_range = parula(range_col+1); % Generating a color range from 0 to range
for i = 1:trialno
% Map the color based on timepertrial_backtrace within the color range
color_index = min(max(round(timepertrial_backtraced(i)), 0), range_col);
trial_color = trial_color_range(color_index + 1, :); % Select color from the color range
% Plotting the line for the current trial with the assigned color
plot([day-1, day], [new_endpoint(i), new_endpoint(i)], ‘Color’, trial_color, ‘LineWidth’, 1);
hold on;
hold off;
title([‘Day ‘ num2str(day)]);
ylabel(’30 mins’);
clear trial_color % Clear the trial_color variable for the next iteration
sgtitle(‘Timepoints within 30-minute sessions colored based on timepertrial_backtraced’);
This is the figure generated:
However, only 1 day is created and I want information for all the days to be displayed.
How should I approach this problem? I want to make multiple plots within 1 figure
I want to make a plot with days (x axis) and time (y axis set to 30 mins) .
Within each day, I want to make a line (corresponding to when trial was made; new_endpoint) and colour (timepertrial_backtrace).
I want to do this for all the days in that plot but I am not sure how to proceed.
I have put the snippet of code for doing it but it runs for 1 day only.
Any insight will be useful
figure % make new figure
tiledlayout(numel(num_days), 1, ‘TileSpacing’, ‘compact’, ‘Padding’, ‘compact’);
range_col = 800; % range upper limit for my values
for day = 1:numel(num_days)
% Load the variable for the specific day here
load( fullfile(matlist(days_F3187(1,day)).folder, matlist(days_F3187(1,day)).name) ); % Load variables from the .mat file
% the above are .mat file where i store information for each day and I
% load them 1 by 1 as needed
new_endpoint = endpoint / 12000; % 200 Hz frame rate
trial_color_range = parula(range_col+1); % Generating a color range from 0 to range
for i = 1:trialno
% Map the color based on timepertrial_backtrace within the color range
color_index = min(max(round(timepertrial_backtraced(i)), 0), range_col);
trial_color = trial_color_range(color_index + 1, :); % Select color from the color range
% Plotting the line for the current trial with the assigned color
plot([day-1, day], [new_endpoint(i), new_endpoint(i)], ‘Color’, trial_color, ‘LineWidth’, 1);
hold on;
hold off;
title([‘Day ‘ num2str(day)]);
ylabel(’30 mins’);
clear trial_color % Clear the trial_color variable for the next iteration
sgtitle(‘Timepoints within 30-minute sessions colored based on timepertrial_backtraced’);
This is the figure generated:
However, only 1 day is created and I want information for all the days to be displayed.
How should I approach this problem? plot, tiledplot, multiple figure, subplot MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to add a time delay to a diagonal ss from a reside pole function?
I have a list of poles (Ak) and residues(Ck) and one delay (tau) that corresponds to the following function:
I have created a ss representation of the rational function and also calculate the function analytically.
I have compared both functions using a bodeplot and they do not match when the time delay is present but match without it.
Can someone help me to find out how to add the time delay correctly?
% Delay problem
Ak = [-0.0633296088793117 + 0.00000000000000i
-0.188476918974608 + 0.00000000000000i
-0.592850411790702 + 0.00000000000000i];
Ck = [2.67546115276169e-05 + 0.00000000000000i
0.000235105989428637 + 0.00000000000000i
0.00132009482602487 + 0.00000000000000i];
D = 0;
tau = 0.001013802649678;
% Express as diagona form
F_A = eye(size(Ak,1),size(Ak,1)).*Ak;
F_B = ones(size(Ak));
F_C = Ck.’;
F_D = D;
Fss = ss(F_A,F_B,F_C,F_D,’OutputDelay’,tau);
% Analytic function
freq = logspace(-3,6,1000);
w = 2*pi*freq;
f = D;
for i = 1:length(Ak)
f = f + Ck(i)./(1j*w – Ak(i));
f = f.* exp(-1j*w.*tau);
Fana = frd(f,w);
% Comparison bode plot
opts = bodeoptions;
opts.FreqUnits = ‘Hz’;
opts.FreqScale = ‘Log’;
opts.MagUnits = ‘abs’;
opts.MagScale = ‘Linear’;
opts.grid = ‘on’;
figure, bodeplot(Fss,Fana,w,opts)
title("Bode plot of H")
legend(‘SS model’, ‘Analitic’)
Thanks and BR,
I have a list of poles (Ak) and residues(Ck) and one delay (tau) that corresponds to the following function:
I have created a ss representation of the rational function and also calculate the function analytically.
I have compared both functions using a bodeplot and they do not match when the time delay is present but match without it.
Can someone help me to find out how to add the time delay correctly?
% Delay problem
Ak = [-0.0633296088793117 + 0.00000000000000i
-0.188476918974608 + 0.00000000000000i
-0.592850411790702 + 0.00000000000000i];
Ck = [2.67546115276169e-05 + 0.00000000000000i
0.000235105989428637 + 0.00000000000000i
0.00132009482602487 + 0.00000000000000i];
D = 0;
tau = 0.001013802649678;
% Express as diagona form
F_A = eye(size(Ak,1),size(Ak,1)).*Ak;
F_B = ones(size(Ak));
F_C = Ck.’;
F_D = D;
Fss = ss(F_A,F_B,F_C,F_D,’OutputDelay’,tau);
% Analytic function
freq = logspace(-3,6,1000);
w = 2*pi*freq;
f = D;
for i = 1:length(Ak)
f = f + Ck(i)./(1j*w – Ak(i));
f = f.* exp(-1j*w.*tau);
Fana = frd(f,w);
% Comparison bode plot
opts = bodeoptions;
opts.FreqUnits = ‘Hz’;
opts.FreqScale = ‘Log’;
opts.MagUnits = ‘abs’;
opts.MagScale = ‘Linear’;
opts.grid = ‘on’;
figure, bodeplot(Fss,Fana,w,opts)
title("Bode plot of H")
legend(‘SS model’, ‘Analitic’)
Thanks and BR,
//JH Hi,
I have a list of poles (Ak) and residues(Ck) and one delay (tau) that corresponds to the following function:
I have created a ss representation of the rational function and also calculate the function analytically.
I have compared both functions using a bodeplot and they do not match when the time delay is present but match without it.
Can someone help me to find out how to add the time delay correctly?
% Delay problem
Ak = [-0.0633296088793117 + 0.00000000000000i
-0.188476918974608 + 0.00000000000000i
-0.592850411790702 + 0.00000000000000i];
Ck = [2.67546115276169e-05 + 0.00000000000000i
0.000235105989428637 + 0.00000000000000i
0.00132009482602487 + 0.00000000000000i];
D = 0;
tau = 0.001013802649678;
% Express as diagona form
F_A = eye(size(Ak,1),size(Ak,1)).*Ak;
F_B = ones(size(Ak));
F_C = Ck.’;
F_D = D;
Fss = ss(F_A,F_B,F_C,F_D,’OutputDelay’,tau);
% Analytic function
freq = logspace(-3,6,1000);
w = 2*pi*freq;
f = D;
for i = 1:length(Ak)
f = f + Ck(i)./(1j*w – Ak(i));
f = f.* exp(-1j*w.*tau);
Fana = frd(f,w);
% Comparison bode plot
opts = bodeoptions;
opts.FreqUnits = ‘Hz’;
opts.FreqScale = ‘Log’;
opts.MagUnits = ‘abs’;
opts.MagScale = ‘Linear’;
opts.grid = ‘on’;
figure, bodeplot(Fss,Fana,w,opts)
title("Bode plot of H")
legend(‘SS model’, ‘Analitic’)
Thanks and BR,
//JH state space, delays, bode MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Dear All, I am having a time series data with a step size of 0.01 and I want to calculate the largest Lyapunov exponent value for this data. No additional information is left.
How to calculate the Largest/dominant Lyapunov Exponent (LLE) for a time series data points ?
I have a time series data points value (File of containing 50000 values of a variable (i.e. x position values / x velocity / Temperature at point) with a time step of 0.01). I have attached a .csv file on this Question.
I have tried the Matlab Function (lyapExp = lyapunovExponent(X,fs)).
I have tried with a lograthim equation (Eq: 12) for calculating the Largest Lyapunov exponent value given on the paper :"Transient natural convection flows and heat transfer in a thermally stratified air-filled trapezoidal cavity"
If anybody knows how to calculate the Largest Lyapunov exponent value for a time series data value. Please help me to find out this.
Thanks in advance!!How to calculate the Largest/dominant Lyapunov Exponent (LLE) for a time series data points ?
I have a time series data points value (File of containing 50000 values of a variable (i.e. x position values / x velocity / Temperature at point) with a time step of 0.01). I have attached a .csv file on this Question.
I have tried the Matlab Function (lyapExp = lyapunovExponent(X,fs)).
I have tried with a lograthim equation (Eq: 12) for calculating the Largest Lyapunov exponent value given on the paper :"Transient natural convection flows and heat transfer in a thermally stratified air-filled trapezoidal cavity"
If anybody knows how to calculate the Largest Lyapunov exponent value for a time series data value. Please help me to find out this.
Thanks in advance!! How to calculate the Largest/dominant Lyapunov Exponent (LLE) for a time series data points ?
I have a time series data points value (File of containing 50000 values of a variable (i.e. x position values / x velocity / Temperature at point) with a time step of 0.01). I have attached a .csv file on this Question.
I have tried the Matlab Function (lyapExp = lyapunovExponent(X,fs)).
I have tried with a lograthim equation (Eq: 12) for calculating the Largest Lyapunov exponent value given on the paper :"Transient natural convection flows and heat transfer in a thermally stratified air-filled trapezoidal cavity"
If anybody knows how to calculate the Largest Lyapunov exponent value for a time series data value. Please help me to find out this.
Thanks in advance!! lyapunov exponent, time series MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Parellel ocmputing on HPC
Hi all,
I am trying make predictions with a machine learning model. I want to excercise the parellel processing on a HPC cluster with 128 cores. I run the script ‘step_4.m’ with slurm.sh. Unfortunately, the input files are not getting processed in parellel, rather they are processed one by one. Could any offer a help?
Thank you!
#SBATCH –job-name=ml_test
#SBATCH –output=matlab_job_output.log
#SBATCH –error=matlab_job_error.log
#SBATCH –mail-type=END
#SBATCH –mail-user=xyz@oregonstate.edu
#SBATCH –partition=preempt.q
#SBATCH –nodes=1
#SBATCH –ntasks-per-node=128
#Load MATLAB module
module load matlab/R2023b
#Run MATLAB script
matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop < step_4.m
p.s. step_4_.m script is attachedHi all,
I am trying make predictions with a machine learning model. I want to excercise the parellel processing on a HPC cluster with 128 cores. I run the script ‘step_4.m’ with slurm.sh. Unfortunately, the input files are not getting processed in parellel, rather they are processed one by one. Could any offer a help?
Thank you!
#SBATCH –job-name=ml_test
#SBATCH –output=matlab_job_output.log
#SBATCH –error=matlab_job_error.log
#SBATCH –mail-type=END
#SBATCH –mail-user=xyz@oregonstate.edu
#SBATCH –partition=preempt.q
#SBATCH –nodes=1
#SBATCH –ntasks-per-node=128
#Load MATLAB module
module load matlab/R2023b
#Run MATLAB script
matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop < step_4.m
p.s. step_4_.m script is attached Hi all,
I am trying make predictions with a machine learning model. I want to excercise the parellel processing on a HPC cluster with 128 cores. I run the script ‘step_4.m’ with slurm.sh. Unfortunately, the input files are not getting processed in parellel, rather they are processed one by one. Could any offer a help?
Thank you!
#SBATCH –job-name=ml_test
#SBATCH –output=matlab_job_output.log
#SBATCH –error=matlab_job_error.log
#SBATCH –mail-type=END
#SBATCH –mail-user=xyz@oregonstate.edu
#SBATCH –partition=preempt.q
#SBATCH –nodes=1
#SBATCH –ntasks-per-node=128
#Load MATLAB module
module load matlab/R2023b
#Run MATLAB script
matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop < step_4.m
p.s. step_4_.m script is attached parallel computing, hpc, prediction MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Please can you help me solve the temporary omega?
W_t=W(i,:)’; Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 4.
dim = [0.8 0.5 0.4 0.3];
W_t=W(i,:)’; Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 4.
dim = [0.8 0.5 0.4 0.3];
annotation(‘textbox’,dim,’String’,num2str(V)) J=Jacob(th1(i),th2(i),th3(i),th4(i));
W_t=W(i,:)’; Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 4.
dim = [0.8 0.5 0.4 0.3];
annotation(‘textbox’,dim,’String’,num2str(V)) temporary omega MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to display skeleton data
Hello, I hope you have a good day…What MATLAB command can be used to display skeletal data in 3D from this matrix? He explained: The first line is related to the data recording time, and the second line is the joint number, and the third, fourth, and fifth lines are related to the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis of the joint 0. It continues in the same way. How can the moving skeleton be displayed? Wrote? The data form is as follows.time, 0, joint0_x, joint0_y, joint0_z, 1, joint1_x, joint1_y, joint1_z, 2, joint2_x, joint2_y, joint2_z, .I know and have studied the skeleton display code on different sites, but I was confused about my own code. please guide me. tanx so much.Hello, I hope you have a good day…What MATLAB command can be used to display skeletal data in 3D from this matrix? He explained: The first line is related to the data recording time, and the second line is the joint number, and the third, fourth, and fifth lines are related to the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis of the joint 0. It continues in the same way. How can the moving skeleton be displayed? Wrote? The data form is as follows.time, 0, joint0_x, joint0_y, joint0_z, 1, joint1_x, joint1_y, joint1_z, 2, joint2_x, joint2_y, joint2_z, .I know and have studied the skeleton display code on different sites, but I was confused about my own code. please guide me. tanx so much. Hello, I hope you have a good day…What MATLAB command can be used to display skeletal data in 3D from this matrix? He explained: The first line is related to the data recording time, and the second line is the joint number, and the third, fourth, and fifth lines are related to the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis of the joint 0. It continues in the same way. How can the moving skeleton be displayed? Wrote? The data form is as follows.time, 0, joint0_x, joint0_y, joint0_z, 1, joint1_x, joint1_y, joint1_z, 2, joint2_x, joint2_y, joint2_z, .I know and have studied the skeleton display code on different sites, but I was confused about my own code. please guide me. tanx so much. plot skeleton data MATLAB Answers — New Questions
viscircles function generates an error message
When I run the following code, the circles are detected but viscircles generates an error.
close all;
myImage = imread("washers.png");
G = im2gray(myImage);
fig1 = figure(1);
[centers, radii] = imfindcircles(myImage, [10 150], ‘ObjectPolarity’, ‘bright’);
h = viscircles(centers, radii, Color=’b’);
Error Message –
Error using line
Too many input arguments.
Error in viscircles (line 43)
line(x,y,’Parent’,h, …
Error in ImageCircle (line 11)
h=viscircles(centers, radii,Color=’b’);When I run the following code, the circles are detected but viscircles generates an error.
close all;
myImage = imread("washers.png");
G = im2gray(myImage);
fig1 = figure(1);
[centers, radii] = imfindcircles(myImage, [10 150], ‘ObjectPolarity’, ‘bright’);
h = viscircles(centers, radii, Color=’b’);
Error Message –
Error using line
Too many input arguments.
Error in viscircles (line 43)
line(x,y,’Parent’,h, …
Error in ImageCircle (line 11)
h=viscircles(centers, radii,Color=’b’); When I run the following code, the circles are detected but viscircles generates an error.
close all;
myImage = imread("washers.png");
G = im2gray(myImage);
fig1 = figure(1);
[centers, radii] = imfindcircles(myImage, [10 150], ‘ObjectPolarity’, ‘bright’);
h = viscircles(centers, radii, Color=’b’);
Error Message –
Error using line
Too many input arguments.
Error in viscircles (line 43)
line(x,y,’Parent’,h, …
Error in ImageCircle (line 11)
h=viscircles(centers, radii,Color=’b’); viscircles MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How can I display the position trajectory of the robot arm’s end-effector in real time in simscape multibody?
I am using simscape multibody to simulate a 2DOF arm as shown in the figure.
I would like to display the position trajectory of the robot arm’s end-effector in real-time, but I don’t know how to do it.
In my own original way, I tried to calculate the forward kinematics in the lower right corner of the figure, calculate the position of the end-effector in orthogonal space (and save it to workspace), and then calculate the input data for the "Spline trajectory", but this does not seem to work.
If anyone knows of a better and more brilliant way, please let me know! Thank you in advance.I am using simscape multibody to simulate a 2DOF arm as shown in the figure.
I would like to display the position trajectory of the robot arm’s end-effector in real-time, but I don’t know how to do it.
In my own original way, I tried to calculate the forward kinematics in the lower right corner of the figure, calculate the position of the end-effector in orthogonal space (and save it to workspace), and then calculate the input data for the "Spline trajectory", but this does not seem to work.
If anyone knows of a better and more brilliant way, please let me know! Thank you in advance. I am using simscape multibody to simulate a 2DOF arm as shown in the figure.
I would like to display the position trajectory of the robot arm’s end-effector in real-time, but I don’t know how to do it.
In my own original way, I tried to calculate the forward kinematics in the lower right corner of the figure, calculate the position of the end-effector in orthogonal space (and save it to workspace), and then calculate the input data for the "Spline trajectory", but this does not seem to work.
If anyone knows of a better and more brilliant way, please let me know! Thank you in advance. simscape, simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Tex Markup Ignored Even When Tex Interpreter is Manually Set
Previously, I have been able to change the color of my y and x axis labels and tick labels using the tex interpreter syntax. I needed to do it like this because I did not want the black axis lines on my heatmap plot. So I built a code using tex markup, that used to output a figure that looked like this:
However, now that figure when generated looks like this:
If I change the window background color, it shows that my text is not being interpreted properly with the ‘Tex’ interpreter.
This is despite my TickLabelInterpreter being set to ‘tex’.
Any ideas what could be causing this sudden change/hiccup? A code snippet is below:
%% Figure 2 – Heatmaps of Acceptance Rates by $ to Subj and Contrasts
%Unpaid Phase
%Set Figure Environment
fig2A = figure;
fig2A.Units = ‘inches’;
fig2A.Position = [fig2A.Position(1), fig2A.Position(2), 6, 6.75];
fig2A.Color = ‘white’;
angle = 45;
xlabelstr = ‘/color{black}Charity Donation ($)’;
ylabelstr = ‘/color{black}Shock Units (U)’;
tl = tiledlayout(4,4, ‘TileSpacing’, ‘compact’, ‘Padding’, ‘compact’);
tl.Position(1) = 0.0875;
tl.Position(3) = 0.7625;
%Open Subplot
ARheatmap{1} = imagesc(flipud(All.meanARbySubj{1}), [0 1]);
ax{2,1} = tl.Children(1);
ax{2,1}.XTick = 1:6;
ax{2,1}.Box = ‘off’;
ax{2,1}.XColor = ‘w’;
ax{2,1}.YColor = ‘w’;
xticklabelstr = num2cellstr(CharVal);
yticklabelstr = num2cellstr(flip(ShockVal));
%Create ticklabel cell arrays
for i = 1:6
xticklabelstr{i} = [‘/color{black}’ xticklabelstr{i}];
if i < 6
yticklabelstr{i} = [‘/color{black}’ yticklabelstr{i}];
%Set Tick and axis labels
ax{2,1}.XTickLabel = xticklabelstr;
ax{2,1}.YTickLabel = yticklabelstr;
ax{2,1}.TickLabelInterpreter = ‘tex’;
xlabel(xlabelstr, ‘Interpreter’,’tex’);
ylabel(ylabelstr, ‘Interpreter’,’tex’);
%Add colorbar
cb = colorbar;
cb.Color = ‘w’;
cb.Location = ‘layout’;
cb.Layout.Tile = 2;
cb.Ticks = [0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1];
cb.TickLabels = {‘/color{black}0’, ‘/color{black}0.25’, …
‘/color{black}0.5’, ‘/color{black}0.75’, ‘/color{black}1’};
cb.Label.String = ‘/color{black}Shock Acceptance Rate’;
cb.Box = ‘off’;
cb.TickLabelInterpreter = ‘tex’;Previously, I have been able to change the color of my y and x axis labels and tick labels using the tex interpreter syntax. I needed to do it like this because I did not want the black axis lines on my heatmap plot. So I built a code using tex markup, that used to output a figure that looked like this:
However, now that figure when generated looks like this:
If I change the window background color, it shows that my text is not being interpreted properly with the ‘Tex’ interpreter.
This is despite my TickLabelInterpreter being set to ‘tex’.
Any ideas what could be causing this sudden change/hiccup? A code snippet is below:
%% Figure 2 – Heatmaps of Acceptance Rates by $ to Subj and Contrasts
%Unpaid Phase
%Set Figure Environment
fig2A = figure;
fig2A.Units = ‘inches’;
fig2A.Position = [fig2A.Position(1), fig2A.Position(2), 6, 6.75];
fig2A.Color = ‘white’;
angle = 45;
xlabelstr = ‘/color{black}Charity Donation ($)’;
ylabelstr = ‘/color{black}Shock Units (U)’;
tl = tiledlayout(4,4, ‘TileSpacing’, ‘compact’, ‘Padding’, ‘compact’);
tl.Position(1) = 0.0875;
tl.Position(3) = 0.7625;
%Open Subplot
ARheatmap{1} = imagesc(flipud(All.meanARbySubj{1}), [0 1]);
ax{2,1} = tl.Children(1);
ax{2,1}.XTick = 1:6;
ax{2,1}.Box = ‘off’;
ax{2,1}.XColor = ‘w’;
ax{2,1}.YColor = ‘w’;
xticklabelstr = num2cellstr(CharVal);
yticklabelstr = num2cellstr(flip(ShockVal));
%Create ticklabel cell arrays
for i = 1:6
xticklabelstr{i} = [‘/color{black}’ xticklabelstr{i}];
if i < 6
yticklabelstr{i} = [‘/color{black}’ yticklabelstr{i}];
%Set Tick and axis labels
ax{2,1}.XTickLabel = xticklabelstr;
ax{2,1}.YTickLabel = yticklabelstr;
ax{2,1}.TickLabelInterpreter = ‘tex’;
xlabel(xlabelstr, ‘Interpreter’,’tex’);
ylabel(ylabelstr, ‘Interpreter’,’tex’);
%Add colorbar
cb = colorbar;
cb.Color = ‘w’;
cb.Location = ‘layout’;
cb.Layout.Tile = 2;
cb.Ticks = [0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1];
cb.TickLabels = {‘/color{black}0’, ‘/color{black}0.25’, …
‘/color{black}0.5’, ‘/color{black}0.75’, ‘/color{black}1’};
cb.Label.String = ‘/color{black}Shock Acceptance Rate’;
cb.Box = ‘off’;
cb.TickLabelInterpreter = ‘tex’; Previously, I have been able to change the color of my y and x axis labels and tick labels using the tex interpreter syntax. I needed to do it like this because I did not want the black axis lines on my heatmap plot. So I built a code using tex markup, that used to output a figure that looked like this:
However, now that figure when generated looks like this:
If I change the window background color, it shows that my text is not being interpreted properly with the ‘Tex’ interpreter.
This is despite my TickLabelInterpreter being set to ‘tex’.
Any ideas what could be causing this sudden change/hiccup? A code snippet is below:
%% Figure 2 – Heatmaps of Acceptance Rates by $ to Subj and Contrasts
%Unpaid Phase
%Set Figure Environment
fig2A = figure;
fig2A.Units = ‘inches’;
fig2A.Position = [fig2A.Position(1), fig2A.Position(2), 6, 6.75];
fig2A.Color = ‘white’;
angle = 45;
xlabelstr = ‘/color{black}Charity Donation ($)’;
ylabelstr = ‘/color{black}Shock Units (U)’;
tl = tiledlayout(4,4, ‘TileSpacing’, ‘compact’, ‘Padding’, ‘compact’);
tl.Position(1) = 0.0875;
tl.Position(3) = 0.7625;
%Open Subplot
ARheatmap{1} = imagesc(flipud(All.meanARbySubj{1}), [0 1]);
ax{2,1} = tl.Children(1);
ax{2,1}.XTick = 1:6;
ax{2,1}.Box = ‘off’;
ax{2,1}.XColor = ‘w’;
ax{2,1}.YColor = ‘w’;
xticklabelstr = num2cellstr(CharVal);
yticklabelstr = num2cellstr(flip(ShockVal));
%Create ticklabel cell arrays
for i = 1:6
xticklabelstr{i} = [‘/color{black}’ xticklabelstr{i}];
if i < 6
yticklabelstr{i} = [‘/color{black}’ yticklabelstr{i}];
%Set Tick and axis labels
ax{2,1}.XTickLabel = xticklabelstr;
ax{2,1}.YTickLabel = yticklabelstr;
ax{2,1}.TickLabelInterpreter = ‘tex’;
xlabel(xlabelstr, ‘Interpreter’,’tex’);
ylabel(ylabelstr, ‘Interpreter’,’tex’);
%Add colorbar
cb = colorbar;
cb.Color = ‘w’;
cb.Location = ‘layout’;
cb.Layout.Tile = 2;
cb.Ticks = [0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1];
cb.TickLabels = {‘/color{black}0’, ‘/color{black}0.25’, …
‘/color{black}0.5’, ‘/color{black}0.75’, ‘/color{black}1’};
cb.Label.String = ‘/color{black}Shock Acceptance Rate’;
cb.Box = ‘off’;
cb.TickLabelInterpreter = ‘tex’; text, plot, figure MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How To Approach AXI4 Master Interfaces Configuration for Custom Board Deep Learning Processor Generation
I’m quite new to this, but I’d like to generate a custom deep learning processor IP core using a specific board, the Terasic DE-1 SoC, with Deep Learning HDL Toolbox.
I’ve found documentation on how to create a general custom board reference (https://www.mathworks.com/help/hdlcoder/ug/define-and-register-custom-board-and-reference-design-for-intel-soc-workflow.html) and how to generate a deep learning processor IP Core (https://www.mathworks.com/help/deep-learning-hdl/ug/define-custom-board-and-reference-design-for-dl-ip-core-workflow.html), but I’m unsure about configuration of the AXI-4 interfaces. Would I even be able to do this on this particular board? Would it utilize using Quartus first to further configure something?I’m quite new to this, but I’d like to generate a custom deep learning processor IP core using a specific board, the Terasic DE-1 SoC, with Deep Learning HDL Toolbox.
I’ve found documentation on how to create a general custom board reference (https://www.mathworks.com/help/hdlcoder/ug/define-and-register-custom-board-and-reference-design-for-intel-soc-workflow.html) and how to generate a deep learning processor IP Core (https://www.mathworks.com/help/deep-learning-hdl/ug/define-custom-board-and-reference-design-for-dl-ip-core-workflow.html), but I’m unsure about configuration of the AXI-4 interfaces. Would I even be able to do this on this particular board? Would it utilize using Quartus first to further configure something? I’m quite new to this, but I’d like to generate a custom deep learning processor IP core using a specific board, the Terasic DE-1 SoC, with Deep Learning HDL Toolbox.
I’ve found documentation on how to create a general custom board reference (https://www.mathworks.com/help/hdlcoder/ug/define-and-register-custom-board-and-reference-design-for-intel-soc-workflow.html) and how to generate a deep learning processor IP Core (https://www.mathworks.com/help/deep-learning-hdl/ug/define-custom-board-and-reference-design-for-dl-ip-core-workflow.html), but I’m unsure about configuration of the AXI-4 interfaces. Would I even be able to do this on this particular board? Would it utilize using Quartus first to further configure something? neural networks, code generation, fpga MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Why can’t I run my model in SIL mode when I have my toolchain set to “CMake”?
I am trying to run a Simulink Test Harness which tests a model with its "Toolchain" parameter set to "CMake". However, when I run my test under SIL mode, I receive the following error message:
An error occurred (‘Simulink:modelReference:TargetUpdateError’) when calling ‘sim’:
Unable to update models referenced by ‘modelHarness’.
Selected toolchain ‘CMake’ does not support executing the build artifact when generating code, and requires ‘Generate code only’ to be enabled.
How can I run my Simulink Test?I am trying to run a Simulink Test Harness which tests a model with its "Toolchain" parameter set to "CMake". However, when I run my test under SIL mode, I receive the following error message:
An error occurred (‘Simulink:modelReference:TargetUpdateError’) when calling ‘sim’:
Unable to update models referenced by ‘modelHarness’.
Selected toolchain ‘CMake’ does not support executing the build artifact when generating code, and requires ‘Generate code only’ to be enabled.
How can I run my Simulink Test? I am trying to run a Simulink Test Harness which tests a model with its "Toolchain" parameter set to "CMake". However, when I run my test under SIL mode, I receive the following error message:
An error occurred (‘Simulink:modelReference:TargetUpdateError’) when calling ‘sim’:
Unable to update models referenced by ‘modelHarness’.
Selected toolchain ‘CMake’ does not support executing the build artifact when generating code, and requires ‘Generate code only’ to be enabled.
How can I run my Simulink Test? cmake, toolchain, sil MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Measuring different parts of a region within a binary-masked image
I am attempting to quantify the dimensions of a region within timelapse frames (here, measuring an area of sand in water) for several thousand images. I want to measure the relative width of the sand area of each image, including local maxima and minima as well as the sediment-water boundary length (see magenta bars/line in ‘SurfaceTestRGBandBinaryMaskMeas.jpg’).
I am using the Matlab Image Processing Toolbox and, using the Image Batch Processor, I have been able to use the Image Segmenter and imcrop functions to isolate the sand and water from frame artifacts (see cyan box in ‘SurfaceTestRGBandBinaryMaskMeas.jpg’) and convert the RGB image into a binary mask (see attached code), but after that, I’m at a loss for how to get the measurements I indicated above without measuring each frame by hand.
Additionally, due to lighting issues for some of the frames, the binary masking sometimes does not separate dark areas of sand from the water, which sometimes results in being unable to measure part of the sand boundary (see binary image in attached jpg).
Any help is much appreciated!Hello,
I am attempting to quantify the dimensions of a region within timelapse frames (here, measuring an area of sand in water) for several thousand images. I want to measure the relative width of the sand area of each image, including local maxima and minima as well as the sediment-water boundary length (see magenta bars/line in ‘SurfaceTestRGBandBinaryMaskMeas.jpg’).
I am using the Matlab Image Processing Toolbox and, using the Image Batch Processor, I have been able to use the Image Segmenter and imcrop functions to isolate the sand and water from frame artifacts (see cyan box in ‘SurfaceTestRGBandBinaryMaskMeas.jpg’) and convert the RGB image into a binary mask (see attached code), but after that, I’m at a loss for how to get the measurements I indicated above without measuring each frame by hand.
Additionally, due to lighting issues for some of the frames, the binary masking sometimes does not separate dark areas of sand from the water, which sometimes results in being unable to measure part of the sand boundary (see binary image in attached jpg).
Any help is much appreciated! Hello,
I am attempting to quantify the dimensions of a region within timelapse frames (here, measuring an area of sand in water) for several thousand images. I want to measure the relative width of the sand area of each image, including local maxima and minima as well as the sediment-water boundary length (see magenta bars/line in ‘SurfaceTestRGBandBinaryMaskMeas.jpg’).
I am using the Matlab Image Processing Toolbox and, using the Image Batch Processor, I have been able to use the Image Segmenter and imcrop functions to isolate the sand and water from frame artifacts (see cyan box in ‘SurfaceTestRGBandBinaryMaskMeas.jpg’) and convert the RGB image into a binary mask (see attached code), but after that, I’m at a loss for how to get the measurements I indicated above without measuring each frame by hand.
Additionally, due to lighting issues for some of the frames, the binary masking sometimes does not separate dark areas of sand from the water, which sometimes results in being unable to measure part of the sand boundary (see binary image in attached jpg).
Any help is much appreciated! binary mask, image processing, image analysis, image segmentation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
I get an error, what’s wrong? on Sparse matrix logic and answer
This question is soft-locked: new answers that are equivalent to already posted answers may be deleted without prior notice. Please take the time to make sure your contributions add something new.
Write the function for
A sparse matrix is a large matrix with almost all elements of the same value (typically zero). The normal representation of a sparse matrix takes up lots of memory when the useful information can be captured with much less. A possible way to represent a sparse matrix is with a cell vector whose first element is a 2-element vector representing the size of the sparse matrix. The second element is a scalar specifying the default value of the sparse matrix. Each successive element of the cell vector is a 3-element vector representing one element of the sparse matrix that has a value other than the default. The three elements are the row index, the column index and the actual value. Write a function called "sparse2matrix" that takes a single input of a cell vector as defined above and returns the output argument called "matrix", the matrix in its traditional form. Consider the following run:
cellvec = {[2 3], 0, [1 2 3], [2 2 -3]};
matrix = sparse2matrix(cellvec)
matrix =
0 3 0
0 -3 0This question is soft-locked: new answers that are equivalent to already posted answers may be deleted without prior notice. Please take the time to make sure your contributions add something new.
Write the function for
A sparse matrix is a large matrix with almost all elements of the same value (typically zero). The normal representation of a sparse matrix takes up lots of memory when the useful information can be captured with much less. A possible way to represent a sparse matrix is with a cell vector whose first element is a 2-element vector representing the size of the sparse matrix. The second element is a scalar specifying the default value of the sparse matrix. Each successive element of the cell vector is a 3-element vector representing one element of the sparse matrix that has a value other than the default. The three elements are the row index, the column index and the actual value. Write a function called "sparse2matrix" that takes a single input of a cell vector as defined above and returns the output argument called "matrix", the matrix in its traditional form. Consider the following run:
cellvec = {[2 3], 0, [1 2 3], [2 2 -3]};
matrix = sparse2matrix(cellvec)
matrix =
0 3 0
0 -3 0 This question is soft-locked: new answers that are equivalent to already posted answers may be deleted without prior notice. Please take the time to make sure your contributions add something new.
Write the function for
A sparse matrix is a large matrix with almost all elements of the same value (typically zero). The normal representation of a sparse matrix takes up lots of memory when the useful information can be captured with much less. A possible way to represent a sparse matrix is with a cell vector whose first element is a 2-element vector representing the size of the sparse matrix. The second element is a scalar specifying the default value of the sparse matrix. Each successive element of the cell vector is a 3-element vector representing one element of the sparse matrix that has a value other than the default. The three elements are the row index, the column index and the actual value. Write a function called "sparse2matrix" that takes a single input of a cell vector as defined above and returns the output argument called "matrix", the matrix in its traditional form. Consider the following run:
cellvec = {[2 3], 0, [1 2 3], [2 2 -3]};
matrix = sparse2matrix(cellvec)
matrix =
0 3 0
0 -3 0 sparse matrix, sparse2matrix, cellvec, homework, soft-lock MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How can I change the parameters value of pmsm, like the stator resistor during simulation ?
I want to change the resistor value of psms during the simulation to test the robusteness of control algorithm.I want to change the resistor value of psms during the simulation to test the robusteness of control algorithm. I want to change the resistor value of psms during the simulation to test the robusteness of control algorithm. psms, matlab, handles MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to make two different grid systems comparable?
Hello all,
I am trying to solve a problem which has been solved previously, but I am still struglling to figure a way out. I want to unify the coordinate systems (polar stereographic coordinate) in the Arctic from two different dataset – a) NSIDC sea ice motion nand b) ECCO sea ice motion.
Now, the NSIDC one has a grid system of 361×361 but the ECCO has a 90×90 grid system. I am tryiong to make a point by poiny velocity comparison in these two dataset and this why I want to prepare a unified coordinate system first so that NSIDC also becomes 90×90 (or any other way to make them comparable).
This is the velocity profile from both data set on 11-Jan-2017.
I have attached the velocity field from both dataset in this question (NSIDC_vs_ECCO.mat. This is the code for the plot –
for day = 1:31
figure(1), clf; clc;
t = tiledlayout(1,2); t.TileSpacing = ‘tight’; t.Padding = ‘compact’;
shading interp; hold on;
title(‘NSIDC Polar Pathfinder’,’FontSize’,F);
pcolor(X,Y,seaice_ECCO(:,:,day)); colorbar; clim([0 0.55]);
shading interp; hold on;
title(‘ECCO sea ice velocity’,’FontSize’,F);
sgtitle([datestr(NSIDC_datetime(day), ‘yyyy-mm-dd’)],’FontSize’,F+5);
Can anyone please help me out with making a code that with calcuate the difference betwen the velocity vectors in both dataset?
As in, "NSIDC – ECCO" plot
Any feedback will be highly appreciated!! Thank you so much for your time.Hello all,
I am trying to solve a problem which has been solved previously, but I am still struglling to figure a way out. I want to unify the coordinate systems (polar stereographic coordinate) in the Arctic from two different dataset – a) NSIDC sea ice motion nand b) ECCO sea ice motion.
Now, the NSIDC one has a grid system of 361×361 but the ECCO has a 90×90 grid system. I am tryiong to make a point by poiny velocity comparison in these two dataset and this why I want to prepare a unified coordinate system first so that NSIDC also becomes 90×90 (or any other way to make them comparable).
This is the velocity profile from both data set on 11-Jan-2017.
I have attached the velocity field from both dataset in this question (NSIDC_vs_ECCO.mat. This is the code for the plot –
for day = 1:31
figure(1), clf; clc;
t = tiledlayout(1,2); t.TileSpacing = ‘tight’; t.Padding = ‘compact’;
shading interp; hold on;
title(‘NSIDC Polar Pathfinder’,’FontSize’,F);
pcolor(X,Y,seaice_ECCO(:,:,day)); colorbar; clim([0 0.55]);
shading interp; hold on;
title(‘ECCO sea ice velocity’,’FontSize’,F);
sgtitle([datestr(NSIDC_datetime(day), ‘yyyy-mm-dd’)],’FontSize’,F+5);
Can anyone please help me out with making a code that with calcuate the difference betwen the velocity vectors in both dataset?
As in, "NSIDC – ECCO" plot
Any feedback will be highly appreciated!! Thank you so much for your time. Hello all,
I am trying to solve a problem which has been solved previously, but I am still struglling to figure a way out. I want to unify the coordinate systems (polar stereographic coordinate) in the Arctic from two different dataset – a) NSIDC sea ice motion nand b) ECCO sea ice motion.
Now, the NSIDC one has a grid system of 361×361 but the ECCO has a 90×90 grid system. I am tryiong to make a point by poiny velocity comparison in these two dataset and this why I want to prepare a unified coordinate system first so that NSIDC also becomes 90×90 (or any other way to make them comparable).
This is the velocity profile from both data set on 11-Jan-2017.
I have attached the velocity field from both dataset in this question (NSIDC_vs_ECCO.mat. This is the code for the plot –
for day = 1:31
figure(1), clf; clc;
t = tiledlayout(1,2); t.TileSpacing = ‘tight’; t.Padding = ‘compact’;
shading interp; hold on;
title(‘NSIDC Polar Pathfinder’,’FontSize’,F);
pcolor(X,Y,seaice_ECCO(:,:,day)); colorbar; clim([0 0.55]);
shading interp; hold on;
title(‘ECCO sea ice velocity’,’FontSize’,F);
sgtitle([datestr(NSIDC_datetime(day), ‘yyyy-mm-dd’)],’FontSize’,F+5);
Can anyone please help me out with making a code that with calcuate the difference betwen the velocity vectors in both dataset?
As in, "NSIDC – ECCO" plot
Any feedback will be highly appreciated!! Thank you so much for your time. plot, plotting, grid, data, matrix, matrix array, matrix manipulation, arctic, differential equations MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Rows interpolation in a matrix
I have a matrix that contents "zeros". I would like to do a row interpolation in those cells that have "zeros" . See example attached
(Note: I need a generic solution. The table below is just a reduced example).hi
I have a matrix that contents "zeros". I would like to do a row interpolation in those cells that have "zeros" . See example attached
(Note: I need a generic solution. The table below is just a reduced example). hi
I have a matrix that contents "zeros". I would like to do a row interpolation in those cells that have "zeros" . See example attached
(Note: I need a generic solution. The table below is just a reduced example). interpolation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
3D plotting of boxes using coordinates in CSV file
i need help on how to plot the coordinates stored in csv file in a 3D visual.
input CSV file:
expected visual:
the code im working on which is not giving th eexpected output:hi,
i need help on how to plot the coordinates stored in csv file in a 3D visual.
input CSV file:
expected visual:
the code im working on which is not giving th eexpected output: hi,
i need help on how to plot the coordinates stored in csv file in a 3D visual.
input CSV file:
expected visual:
the code im working on which is not giving th eexpected output: 3d, 3d plots, matlab, toolbox MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Outerjoin isn’t matching the same values in two different tables
Hi everyone! I’m having a problem with some datetime tables, and using outerjoin.
So I have this one matrix, that has all my data. The first column is the datetime, and the next columns are data matching each time (I haven’t included the data in the attached files, just the first column). The problem I’m having is that sometimes the datetime skips time – for instance, one row will be July 10 2023 18:00:00, and then the next row will be July 12 2023 0:00:00. This is just due to the nature of the data collection, but since I want to run some statistical analyses on my data, I want the timestep for the date and time to be even, even if that means between those two time steps I will have NaNs in all the data columns (since there was no data collected during that time).
So to do this I made a time vector that had an even time step from the beginning and the end of my data collection. I then tried to use outerjoin to join this dataset with the datetime column of my original dataset. However, I’m finding that they’re not matching up even when the date and time are the same in each dataset!
Here’s what I mean:
This is the output table from using the outerjoin function. On the left is my time vector with even time steps, and on the right is my data table that is messier with skips in date and time. As you can see, there are times where they match up (for example, row 574), but there are also times where they don’t (rows 577 and 578, where the values are the SAME but they’re not recognized as such).
How can I fix this? I made sure there are no repeats in either table I’m working with. I’ve also tried using outerjoin when the datetime is in the matlab number format, but I still have the same problem. I’m open to any solution, even if it doesn’t use outerjoin as a function. I just want an even timestep for my data.
I’ve attached my datasets: timevecTable is the time vector with even time steps, and v2Table is my dataset that skips datetimes. The resulting table using outerjoin is also included, and that’s named timeJoined.
Thank you!Hi everyone! I’m having a problem with some datetime tables, and using outerjoin.
So I have this one matrix, that has all my data. The first column is the datetime, and the next columns are data matching each time (I haven’t included the data in the attached files, just the first column). The problem I’m having is that sometimes the datetime skips time – for instance, one row will be July 10 2023 18:00:00, and then the next row will be July 12 2023 0:00:00. This is just due to the nature of the data collection, but since I want to run some statistical analyses on my data, I want the timestep for the date and time to be even, even if that means between those two time steps I will have NaNs in all the data columns (since there was no data collected during that time).
So to do this I made a time vector that had an even time step from the beginning and the end of my data collection. I then tried to use outerjoin to join this dataset with the datetime column of my original dataset. However, I’m finding that they’re not matching up even when the date and time are the same in each dataset!
Here’s what I mean:
This is the output table from using the outerjoin function. On the left is my time vector with even time steps, and on the right is my data table that is messier with skips in date and time. As you can see, there are times where they match up (for example, row 574), but there are also times where they don’t (rows 577 and 578, where the values are the SAME but they’re not recognized as such).
How can I fix this? I made sure there are no repeats in either table I’m working with. I’ve also tried using outerjoin when the datetime is in the matlab number format, but I still have the same problem. I’m open to any solution, even if it doesn’t use outerjoin as a function. I just want an even timestep for my data.
I’ve attached my datasets: timevecTable is the time vector with even time steps, and v2Table is my dataset that skips datetimes. The resulting table using outerjoin is also included, and that’s named timeJoined.
Thank you! Hi everyone! I’m having a problem with some datetime tables, and using outerjoin.
So I have this one matrix, that has all my data. The first column is the datetime, and the next columns are data matching each time (I haven’t included the data in the attached files, just the first column). The problem I’m having is that sometimes the datetime skips time – for instance, one row will be July 10 2023 18:00:00, and then the next row will be July 12 2023 0:00:00. This is just due to the nature of the data collection, but since I want to run some statistical analyses on my data, I want the timestep for the date and time to be even, even if that means between those two time steps I will have NaNs in all the data columns (since there was no data collected during that time).
So to do this I made a time vector that had an even time step from the beginning and the end of my data collection. I then tried to use outerjoin to join this dataset with the datetime column of my original dataset. However, I’m finding that they’re not matching up even when the date and time are the same in each dataset!
Here’s what I mean:
This is the output table from using the outerjoin function. On the left is my time vector with even time steps, and on the right is my data table that is messier with skips in date and time. As you can see, there are times where they match up (for example, row 574), but there are also times where they don’t (rows 577 and 578, where the values are the SAME but they’re not recognized as such).
How can I fix this? I made sure there are no repeats in either table I’m working with. I’ve also tried using outerjoin when the datetime is in the matlab number format, but I still have the same problem. I’m open to any solution, even if it doesn’t use outerjoin as a function. I just want an even timestep for my data.
I’ve attached my datasets: timevecTable is the time vector with even time steps, and v2Table is my dataset that skips datetimes. The resulting table using outerjoin is also included, and that’s named timeJoined.
Thank you! outerjoin, datetime MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Remove column based on row value
Hello all,
A bit new to MATLAB but I have a matrix M that is [2×19]. In the first row are x-values derived from another function, but I want to return a new matrix that excludes the columns in M with an x-value larger than 4 in this case
100 0.909090909090909 1 1.01010101010101 1.13636363636364 1.29870129870130 1.50000000000000 1.51515151515152 1.81818181818182 2 2.27272727272727 2.50000000000000 3 3.03030303030303 3.50000000000000 4 4.50000000000000 4.54545454545455 5
18 1 0.909090909090909 0.900000000000000 0.800000000000000 0.700000000000000 0.606060606060606 0.600000000000000 0.500000000000000 0.454545454545455 0.400000000000000 0.363636363636364 0.303030303030303 0.300000000000000 0.259740259740260 0.227272727272727 0.202020202020202 0.200000000000000 0.181818181818182
I know it might seem like a simple question but I can’t seem to use the M = M(M(1,:)<=4, M(:,1) nonmenclature correctly. Would appreciate any helpHello all,
A bit new to MATLAB but I have a matrix M that is [2×19]. In the first row are x-values derived from another function, but I want to return a new matrix that excludes the columns in M with an x-value larger than 4 in this case
100 0.909090909090909 1 1.01010101010101 1.13636363636364 1.29870129870130 1.50000000000000 1.51515151515152 1.81818181818182 2 2.27272727272727 2.50000000000000 3 3.03030303030303 3.50000000000000 4 4.50000000000000 4.54545454545455 5
18 1 0.909090909090909 0.900000000000000 0.800000000000000 0.700000000000000 0.606060606060606 0.600000000000000 0.500000000000000 0.454545454545455 0.400000000000000 0.363636363636364 0.303030303030303 0.300000000000000 0.259740259740260 0.227272727272727 0.202020202020202 0.200000000000000 0.181818181818182
I know it might seem like a simple question but I can’t seem to use the M = M(M(1,:)<=4, M(:,1) nonmenclature correctly. Would appreciate any help Hello all,
A bit new to MATLAB but I have a matrix M that is [2×19]. In the first row are x-values derived from another function, but I want to return a new matrix that excludes the columns in M with an x-value larger than 4 in this case
100 0.909090909090909 1 1.01010101010101 1.13636363636364 1.29870129870130 1.50000000000000 1.51515151515152 1.81818181818182 2 2.27272727272727 2.50000000000000 3 3.03030303030303 3.50000000000000 4 4.50000000000000 4.54545454545455 5
18 1 0.909090909090909 0.900000000000000 0.800000000000000 0.700000000000000 0.606060606060606 0.600000000000000 0.500000000000000 0.454545454545455 0.400000000000000 0.363636363636364 0.303030303030303 0.300000000000000 0.259740259740260 0.227272727272727 0.202020202020202 0.200000000000000 0.181818181818182
I know it might seem like a simple question but I can’t seem to use the M = M(M(1,:)<=4, M(:,1) nonmenclature correctly. Would appreciate any help indexing, matrix manipulation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Opening Livescript Plot in Figure Window Loses xline
When I run this code in a script or livescript
% assign data
x = 0:10;
y1 = 0:0.2:2;
y2 = [0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 ];
% plot y1
% plot y2
hold on
yyaxis right
% add an xline
I get the above plot. However, when I open the plot in a figure window it does not have the xline.
Thanks in advance for the help.When I run this code in a script or livescript
% assign data
x = 0:10;
y1 = 0:0.2:2;
y2 = [0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 ];
% plot y1
% plot y2
hold on
yyaxis right
% add an xline
I get the above plot. However, when I open the plot in a figure window it does not have the xline.
Thanks in advance for the help. When I run this code in a script or livescript
% assign data
x = 0:10;
y1 = 0:0.2:2;
y2 = [0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 ];
% plot y1
% plot y2
hold on
yyaxis right
% add an xline
I get the above plot. However, when I open the plot in a figure window it does not have the xline.
Thanks in advance for the help. plot, xline, livescript MATLAB Answers — New Questions