Tag Archives: matlab
Logic statement error checking an array within a cell within a table
I am trying to write an if condition where if a variable name (in this case ‘pressure’) appears in an array that is stored in a cell of the table "podList", then the condition is true:
if 1 == ismember(‘pressure’,settingsSet.podList(currentPod,VarNames).Properties.VariableNames)
I am getting the error: "Unrecognized table row name ‘SPODD8’."
The variable "currentPod" changes in a higher loop and the first check is ‘SPODD8’
See attached pictures for the structure of the table podList and VarNames.
podList is currently a 19×4 but can change to more or fewer rows based on the input pods (which are research instruments)
VarNames is currently a 1×36 cell but could aslo change based on the type of pod used. For my applications it is always either a 1×36 or a 1×42.
I also am not sure if I am calling out the row of VarNames correctly here as I haven’t gotten that deep, so any help suggestions there would be appreciated!
Thank you in advance.Hi,
I am trying to write an if condition where if a variable name (in this case ‘pressure’) appears in an array that is stored in a cell of the table "podList", then the condition is true:
if 1 == ismember(‘pressure’,settingsSet.podList(currentPod,VarNames).Properties.VariableNames)
I am getting the error: "Unrecognized table row name ‘SPODD8’."
The variable "currentPod" changes in a higher loop and the first check is ‘SPODD8’
See attached pictures for the structure of the table podList and VarNames.
podList is currently a 19×4 but can change to more or fewer rows based on the input pods (which are research instruments)
VarNames is currently a 1×36 cell but could aslo change based on the type of pod used. For my applications it is always either a 1×36 or a 1×42.
I also am not sure if I am calling out the row of VarNames correctly here as I haven’t gotten that deep, so any help suggestions there would be appreciated!
Thank you in advance. Hi,
I am trying to write an if condition where if a variable name (in this case ‘pressure’) appears in an array that is stored in a cell of the table "podList", then the condition is true:
if 1 == ismember(‘pressure’,settingsSet.podList(currentPod,VarNames).Properties.VariableNames)
I am getting the error: "Unrecognized table row name ‘SPODD8’."
The variable "currentPod" changes in a higher loop and the first check is ‘SPODD8’
See attached pictures for the structure of the table podList and VarNames.
podList is currently a 19×4 but can change to more or fewer rows based on the input pods (which are research instruments)
VarNames is currently a 1×36 cell but could aslo change based on the type of pod used. For my applications it is always either a 1×36 or a 1×42.
I also am not sure if I am calling out the row of VarNames correctly here as I haven’t gotten that deep, so any help suggestions there would be appreciated!
Thank you in advance. logic statements, row name, table, cell, dot indexing MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Hello friends, can anyone please tell me that what is the best way to find the initial guess for dual solution using BVP4C code in matlab?
I try with hit and trial base for long time but unfortunately it will not done. So please help me that how I choose the initial guess to find the lower branch solution.I try with hit and trial base for long time but unfortunately it will not done. So please help me that how I choose the initial guess to find the lower branch solution. I try with hit and trial base for long time but unfortunately it will not done. So please help me that how I choose the initial guess to find the lower branch solution. bvp4c, numerical, fluid mechanics MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Delsys trigno and matlab connection prosthetic arm
Hello all,
I am currently trying to connect my Delsys Trigno to matlab, for matlab to recieve live SEMG signals. Does anyone know how to form this connection, or is there a certain script I must run first to build this connection? I am trying to use these signals to move a prosthetic arm in the futureHello all,
I am currently trying to connect my Delsys Trigno to matlab, for matlab to recieve live SEMG signals. Does anyone know how to form this connection, or is there a certain script I must run first to build this connection? I am trying to use these signals to move a prosthetic arm in the future Hello all,
I am currently trying to connect my Delsys Trigno to matlab, for matlab to recieve live SEMG signals. Does anyone know how to form this connection, or is there a certain script I must run first to build this connection? I am trying to use these signals to move a prosthetic arm in the future delsys trigno, simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How does Matlabs Symbolic Math Toolbox always finds an analytical eigendecomposition for arbitrary polynomial matrices?
I am a bit confused about the inner working of the symbolic math toolbox.
I always thought the symbolic math toolbox does a calculation in the background and therefore provides an exact analytical result, or notifies the user that the solution is not analytical.
But how does the "eig(…)" function then comes up with an result for an arbitrary polynomial matrix?
THe following codes shows two options to calculate the eigenvalues of an arbitrary matrix A.
Option 1 uses eig(A), to directly calculate the analytical expression for the eigenvalues.
Option 2 first constructs the characteristic polynomial and then roots it.
The following example always produces an analytical solution for option 1. But does return a "root(…)" object for option 2. If I understand correctly, the "root(…)" is used by Matlab, in case the to-be-rooted polynomial can not be rooted analytically (Abel-Ruffini Theorem?).
For me this begs the question, is the eigenvalue polynomial from eig(…) truly analytic?
% Build a random matrix:
Nlayer = 3;
syms z lambda
for idex = 1:Nlayer
A(:,:)= rand(3,3)*z^idex;
% Option 1: Use eig() directly
opt1_ev= eig(A);
% Option 2: root charpoly "by hand"
% Build characteristic Poly
charPoly = charpoly(A, ‘lambda’);
% Root characteristic poly
opt2_ev = solve(charPoly == 0, lambda);Hi,
I am a bit confused about the inner working of the symbolic math toolbox.
I always thought the symbolic math toolbox does a calculation in the background and therefore provides an exact analytical result, or notifies the user that the solution is not analytical.
But how does the "eig(…)" function then comes up with an result for an arbitrary polynomial matrix?
THe following codes shows two options to calculate the eigenvalues of an arbitrary matrix A.
Option 1 uses eig(A), to directly calculate the analytical expression for the eigenvalues.
Option 2 first constructs the characteristic polynomial and then roots it.
The following example always produces an analytical solution for option 1. But does return a "root(…)" object for option 2. If I understand correctly, the "root(…)" is used by Matlab, in case the to-be-rooted polynomial can not be rooted analytically (Abel-Ruffini Theorem?).
For me this begs the question, is the eigenvalue polynomial from eig(…) truly analytic?
% Build a random matrix:
Nlayer = 3;
syms z lambda
for idex = 1:Nlayer
A(:,:)= rand(3,3)*z^idex;
% Option 1: Use eig() directly
opt1_ev= eig(A);
% Option 2: root charpoly "by hand"
% Build characteristic Poly
charPoly = charpoly(A, ‘lambda’);
% Root characteristic poly
opt2_ev = solve(charPoly == 0, lambda); Hi,
I am a bit confused about the inner working of the symbolic math toolbox.
I always thought the symbolic math toolbox does a calculation in the background and therefore provides an exact analytical result, or notifies the user that the solution is not analytical.
But how does the "eig(…)" function then comes up with an result for an arbitrary polynomial matrix?
THe following codes shows two options to calculate the eigenvalues of an arbitrary matrix A.
Option 1 uses eig(A), to directly calculate the analytical expression for the eigenvalues.
Option 2 first constructs the characteristic polynomial and then roots it.
The following example always produces an analytical solution for option 1. But does return a "root(…)" object for option 2. If I understand correctly, the "root(…)" is used by Matlab, in case the to-be-rooted polynomial can not be rooted analytically (Abel-Ruffini Theorem?).
For me this begs the question, is the eigenvalue polynomial from eig(…) truly analytic?
% Build a random matrix:
Nlayer = 3;
syms z lambda
for idex = 1:Nlayer
A(:,:)= rand(3,3)*z^idex;
% Option 1: Use eig() directly
opt1_ev= eig(A);
% Option 2: root charpoly "by hand"
% Build characteristic Poly
charPoly = charpoly(A, ‘lambda’);
% Root characteristic poly
opt2_ev = solve(charPoly == 0, lambda); symbolic-math, eigenvalues, polynomial-matrices MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Runge kutta giving complex numbers – urgent please :)
Hello everyone,
I need to graduate in really few days. Please if you could help me I would really appreciate it.
I need to solve a differential equation in matlab, but during the simulation V1_rel becomes a complex number ( in particular at the timestep t1(7617) where V1_rel(7617) = V1(7617) + v1_nac(7616) , but these last two values are real values). So somehow a sum of two real values result in a complex number. From that iteration onwards also v1_nac become complex (so from v1_nac(7617).
But the problem probably starts before in the calculation of v1, because it starts low but rapidly increases too much in absolute value. v1 is in rad/s and it must be below 0.01 . Consequently v1_nac is too high and V1_rel assumes also negative values, which are not phisically possible.
I add at the bottom the script with which I derived the V1 values, but surely they are not the problem. They have been used for other simulations without problems. I attached also the file from which I derived the V1 values.
function dydt = odefun(t, yv, I, B, K, M)
y = yv(1);
v = yv(2);
dy_dt = v;
dv_dt = M/I – (B/I) * v – K/I * y – M/I * y^2;
dydt = [dy_dt; dv_dt];
%% Δt = 1s
I = 81691700806.8323;
B = 247901197.414257;
K = 1880699112.40857;
y1 = zeros(length(t1), 1);
y1_deg = zeros(length(t1),1);
v1 = zeros(length(t1), 1);
v1_nac = zeros(length(t1), 1);
V1_rel = zeros(length(t1), 1);
F1_thrust = zeros(length(t1),1);
M1_thrust = zeros(length(t1),1);
y1(1) = 0.005;
v1(1) = 0.001;
v1_nac(1) = 0.01;
V1_rel(1) = V1(1);
F1_thrust(1) = (6.073 * V1(1)^1.9808) *1000;
M1_thrust(1) = F1_thrust(1) * 105;
% Metodo di Runge-Kutta di quarto ordine
for i = 2:length(t1)
dt = t1(i) – t1(i-1);
V1_rel(i)= V1(i) + v1_nac(i-1);
if V1_rel(i) < 11
F1_thrust(i) = (6.073 * power( V1_rel(i),1.9808) ) *1000 ;
F1_thrust(i) = (-0.0455 * power(V1_rel(i),4) + 3.2312* power(V1_rel(i),3) – 84.841* power(V1_rel(i),2) + 943.93* V1_rel(i) – 3036.5) * 1000 ;
M1_thrust(i) = F1_thrust(i) * 105;
M = M1_thrust(i);
yv1 = [y1(i-1); v1(i-1)];
k1_ = odefun(t1(i-1), yv1, I, B, K, M);
k2_ = odefun(t1(i-1) + dt/2, yv1 + dt/2 * k1_, I, B, K, M);
k3_ = odefun(t1(i-1) + dt/2, yv1 + dt/2 * k2_, I, B, K, M);
k4_ = odefun(t1(i), yv1 + dt * k3_, I, B, K, M);
% Aggiornamento delle soluzioni
yv_new = yv1 + dt/6 * (k1_ + 2*k2_ + 2*k3_ + k4_);
y1(i) = yv_new(1) ;
v1(i) = yv_new(2) ;
v1_nac(i) = v1(i)*105; % from rad/10s to m/s%
y1_deg(i) = rad2deg(y1(i));
% Read the data from the CSV file. Extract time and velocity
data = readtable(‘C:TESIDati29gen_1feb_2023_z_hub.csv’);
time = data{:, 1};
velocity = data{:, 2};
% Convert time to datetime format
time = datetime(time, ‘InputFormat’, ‘dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss’);
time_seconds = seconds(time – time(1));
% Interpolate linearly velocity every 10 seconds
t10 = (0:10:max(time_seconds))’;
t1= (time_seconds(338):1:time_seconds(386))’; % 30 jan 09:00 – 30 jan 18:00
V_interp10 = interp1(time_seconds, velocity, t10, ‘linear’);
V_interp1 = interp1(time_seconds, velocity, t1, ‘linear’);
% Add noise proportional to wind variability if needed
n = randn(length(t10), 1) / 35;
vett2 = [diff(V_interp10); 0];
%vett2_norm = ( vett2 / std(vett2) );
%vett2_adjusted = 0.95 * vett2_norm + (1 – 0.95) * 1;
%n = n2 .* vett2_adjusted * 7
n10 = n .* ( vett2 / std(vett2) ) * 7;
n1 = interp1(t10, n10 , t1);
V10 = V_interp10 + n10;
V1 = V_interp1 + n1;Hello everyone,
I need to graduate in really few days. Please if you could help me I would really appreciate it.
I need to solve a differential equation in matlab, but during the simulation V1_rel becomes a complex number ( in particular at the timestep t1(7617) where V1_rel(7617) = V1(7617) + v1_nac(7616) , but these last two values are real values). So somehow a sum of two real values result in a complex number. From that iteration onwards also v1_nac become complex (so from v1_nac(7617).
But the problem probably starts before in the calculation of v1, because it starts low but rapidly increases too much in absolute value. v1 is in rad/s and it must be below 0.01 . Consequently v1_nac is too high and V1_rel assumes also negative values, which are not phisically possible.
I add at the bottom the script with which I derived the V1 values, but surely they are not the problem. They have been used for other simulations without problems. I attached also the file from which I derived the V1 values.
function dydt = odefun(t, yv, I, B, K, M)
y = yv(1);
v = yv(2);
dy_dt = v;
dv_dt = M/I – (B/I) * v – K/I * y – M/I * y^2;
dydt = [dy_dt; dv_dt];
%% Δt = 1s
I = 81691700806.8323;
B = 247901197.414257;
K = 1880699112.40857;
y1 = zeros(length(t1), 1);
y1_deg = zeros(length(t1),1);
v1 = zeros(length(t1), 1);
v1_nac = zeros(length(t1), 1);
V1_rel = zeros(length(t1), 1);
F1_thrust = zeros(length(t1),1);
M1_thrust = zeros(length(t1),1);
y1(1) = 0.005;
v1(1) = 0.001;
v1_nac(1) = 0.01;
V1_rel(1) = V1(1);
F1_thrust(1) = (6.073 * V1(1)^1.9808) *1000;
M1_thrust(1) = F1_thrust(1) * 105;
% Metodo di Runge-Kutta di quarto ordine
for i = 2:length(t1)
dt = t1(i) – t1(i-1);
V1_rel(i)= V1(i) + v1_nac(i-1);
if V1_rel(i) < 11
F1_thrust(i) = (6.073 * power( V1_rel(i),1.9808) ) *1000 ;
F1_thrust(i) = (-0.0455 * power(V1_rel(i),4) + 3.2312* power(V1_rel(i),3) – 84.841* power(V1_rel(i),2) + 943.93* V1_rel(i) – 3036.5) * 1000 ;
M1_thrust(i) = F1_thrust(i) * 105;
M = M1_thrust(i);
yv1 = [y1(i-1); v1(i-1)];
k1_ = odefun(t1(i-1), yv1, I, B, K, M);
k2_ = odefun(t1(i-1) + dt/2, yv1 + dt/2 * k1_, I, B, K, M);
k3_ = odefun(t1(i-1) + dt/2, yv1 + dt/2 * k2_, I, B, K, M);
k4_ = odefun(t1(i), yv1 + dt * k3_, I, B, K, M);
% Aggiornamento delle soluzioni
yv_new = yv1 + dt/6 * (k1_ + 2*k2_ + 2*k3_ + k4_);
y1(i) = yv_new(1) ;
v1(i) = yv_new(2) ;
v1_nac(i) = v1(i)*105; % from rad/10s to m/s%
y1_deg(i) = rad2deg(y1(i));
% Read the data from the CSV file. Extract time and velocity
data = readtable(‘C:TESIDati29gen_1feb_2023_z_hub.csv’);
time = data{:, 1};
velocity = data{:, 2};
% Convert time to datetime format
time = datetime(time, ‘InputFormat’, ‘dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss’);
time_seconds = seconds(time – time(1));
% Interpolate linearly velocity every 10 seconds
t10 = (0:10:max(time_seconds))’;
t1= (time_seconds(338):1:time_seconds(386))’; % 30 jan 09:00 – 30 jan 18:00
V_interp10 = interp1(time_seconds, velocity, t10, ‘linear’);
V_interp1 = interp1(time_seconds, velocity, t1, ‘linear’);
% Add noise proportional to wind variability if needed
n = randn(length(t10), 1) / 35;
vett2 = [diff(V_interp10); 0];
%vett2_norm = ( vett2 / std(vett2) );
%vett2_adjusted = 0.95 * vett2_norm + (1 – 0.95) * 1;
%n = n2 .* vett2_adjusted * 7
n10 = n .* ( vett2 / std(vett2) ) * 7;
n1 = interp1(t10, n10 , t1);
V10 = V_interp10 + n10;
V1 = V_interp1 + n1; Hello everyone,
I need to graduate in really few days. Please if you could help me I would really appreciate it.
I need to solve a differential equation in matlab, but during the simulation V1_rel becomes a complex number ( in particular at the timestep t1(7617) where V1_rel(7617) = V1(7617) + v1_nac(7616) , but these last two values are real values). So somehow a sum of two real values result in a complex number. From that iteration onwards also v1_nac become complex (so from v1_nac(7617).
But the problem probably starts before in the calculation of v1, because it starts low but rapidly increases too much in absolute value. v1 is in rad/s and it must be below 0.01 . Consequently v1_nac is too high and V1_rel assumes also negative values, which are not phisically possible.
I add at the bottom the script with which I derived the V1 values, but surely they are not the problem. They have been used for other simulations without problems. I attached also the file from which I derived the V1 values.
function dydt = odefun(t, yv, I, B, K, M)
y = yv(1);
v = yv(2);
dy_dt = v;
dv_dt = M/I – (B/I) * v – K/I * y – M/I * y^2;
dydt = [dy_dt; dv_dt];
%% Δt = 1s
I = 81691700806.8323;
B = 247901197.414257;
K = 1880699112.40857;
y1 = zeros(length(t1), 1);
y1_deg = zeros(length(t1),1);
v1 = zeros(length(t1), 1);
v1_nac = zeros(length(t1), 1);
V1_rel = zeros(length(t1), 1);
F1_thrust = zeros(length(t1),1);
M1_thrust = zeros(length(t1),1);
y1(1) = 0.005;
v1(1) = 0.001;
v1_nac(1) = 0.01;
V1_rel(1) = V1(1);
F1_thrust(1) = (6.073 * V1(1)^1.9808) *1000;
M1_thrust(1) = F1_thrust(1) * 105;
% Metodo di Runge-Kutta di quarto ordine
for i = 2:length(t1)
dt = t1(i) – t1(i-1);
V1_rel(i)= V1(i) + v1_nac(i-1);
if V1_rel(i) < 11
F1_thrust(i) = (6.073 * power( V1_rel(i),1.9808) ) *1000 ;
F1_thrust(i) = (-0.0455 * power(V1_rel(i),4) + 3.2312* power(V1_rel(i),3) – 84.841* power(V1_rel(i),2) + 943.93* V1_rel(i) – 3036.5) * 1000 ;
M1_thrust(i) = F1_thrust(i) * 105;
M = M1_thrust(i);
yv1 = [y1(i-1); v1(i-1)];
k1_ = odefun(t1(i-1), yv1, I, B, K, M);
k2_ = odefun(t1(i-1) + dt/2, yv1 + dt/2 * k1_, I, B, K, M);
k3_ = odefun(t1(i-1) + dt/2, yv1 + dt/2 * k2_, I, B, K, M);
k4_ = odefun(t1(i), yv1 + dt * k3_, I, B, K, M);
% Aggiornamento delle soluzioni
yv_new = yv1 + dt/6 * (k1_ + 2*k2_ + 2*k3_ + k4_);
y1(i) = yv_new(1) ;
v1(i) = yv_new(2) ;
v1_nac(i) = v1(i)*105; % from rad/10s to m/s%
y1_deg(i) = rad2deg(y1(i));
% Read the data from the CSV file. Extract time and velocity
data = readtable(‘C:TESIDati29gen_1feb_2023_z_hub.csv’);
time = data{:, 1};
velocity = data{:, 2};
% Convert time to datetime format
time = datetime(time, ‘InputFormat’, ‘dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss’);
time_seconds = seconds(time – time(1));
% Interpolate linearly velocity every 10 seconds
t10 = (0:10:max(time_seconds))’;
t1= (time_seconds(338):1:time_seconds(386))’; % 30 jan 09:00 – 30 jan 18:00
V_interp10 = interp1(time_seconds, velocity, t10, ‘linear’);
V_interp1 = interp1(time_seconds, velocity, t1, ‘linear’);
% Add noise proportional to wind variability if needed
n = randn(length(t10), 1) / 35;
vett2 = [diff(V_interp10); 0];
%vett2_norm = ( vett2 / std(vett2) );
%vett2_adjusted = 0.95 * vett2_norm + (1 – 0.95) * 1;
%n = n2 .* vett2_adjusted * 7
n10 = n .* ( vett2 / std(vett2) ) * 7;
n1 = interp1(t10, n10 , t1);
V10 = V_interp10 + n10;
V1 = V_interp1 + n1; differential equations, complex numbers MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to expand a row of values into a matrix, such that each new value is equal to the value above it plus one?
What I’m asking for is a lot simpler to show than to explain. If I have a vector such as, for example:
[5 10 15]
How can I expand the vector for any integer length n (for this example let’s say n=3) into a matrix such that:
[5 10 15; 6 11 16; 7 12 17]
I know there’s a brute force solution with for-loops, but I’m trying to avoid for-loops where I can and stick to vectorization for efficiency. Is there anything I can use?What I’m asking for is a lot simpler to show than to explain. If I have a vector such as, for example:
[5 10 15]
How can I expand the vector for any integer length n (for this example let’s say n=3) into a matrix such that:
[5 10 15; 6 11 16; 7 12 17]
I know there’s a brute force solution with for-loops, but I’m trying to avoid for-loops where I can and stick to vectorization for efficiency. Is there anything I can use? What I’m asking for is a lot simpler to show than to explain. If I have a vector such as, for example:
[5 10 15]
How can I expand the vector for any integer length n (for this example let’s say n=3) into a matrix such that:
[5 10 15; 6 11 16; 7 12 17]
I know there’s a brute force solution with for-loops, but I’m trying to avoid for-loops where I can and stick to vectorization for efficiency. Is there anything I can use? matrix, vectorization MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox: Learning Rules with ‘OR’ connection
Hi Community,
I have been experimenting on fuzzy logic system auto tuning. I found the ‘learning’ option provided by the toolbox seems only generating rules with ‘AND’ connection. The ‘tuning’ option also does not allow me to optimise the connection type between ‘AND’ and ‘OR’.
Is this "learning with ‘OR’" functionality not implemented on purpose? Is there a workaround to enable this?
I have read the following documentation webpages:
> Tune fuzzy inference system or tree of fuzzy inference systems – MATLAB tunefis (mathworks.com)
> Option set for tunefis function – MATLAB (mathworks.com)
> Tune Fuzzy Inference System at the Command Line – MATLAB & Simulink – MathWorks United Kingdom
DanielHi Community,
I have been experimenting on fuzzy logic system auto tuning. I found the ‘learning’ option provided by the toolbox seems only generating rules with ‘AND’ connection. The ‘tuning’ option also does not allow me to optimise the connection type between ‘AND’ and ‘OR’.
Is this "learning with ‘OR’" functionality not implemented on purpose? Is there a workaround to enable this?
I have read the following documentation webpages:
> Tune fuzzy inference system or tree of fuzzy inference systems – MATLAB tunefis (mathworks.com)
> Option set for tunefis function – MATLAB (mathworks.com)
> Tune Fuzzy Inference System at the Command Line – MATLAB & Simulink – MathWorks United Kingdom
Daniel Hi Community,
I have been experimenting on fuzzy logic system auto tuning. I found the ‘learning’ option provided by the toolbox seems only generating rules with ‘AND’ connection. The ‘tuning’ option also does not allow me to optimise the connection type between ‘AND’ and ‘OR’.
Is this "learning with ‘OR’" functionality not implemented on purpose? Is there a workaround to enable this?
I have read the following documentation webpages:
> Tune fuzzy inference system or tree of fuzzy inference systems – MATLAB tunefis (mathworks.com)
> Option set for tunefis function – MATLAB (mathworks.com)
> Tune Fuzzy Inference System at the Command Line – MATLAB & Simulink – MathWorks United Kingdom
Daniel toolbox MATLAB Answers — New Questions
ROS Toolbox: Header.FrameId for publisher /move_base_simple/goal not recognised
Good afternoon,
I am trying to move a mobile robot (MIR) declared in ROS from simulink. In order to do that i added to my project a publisher node from ROS Toolbox with node ‘/move_base_simple/goal’, then with the Blank Message of type ‘/geometry_msgs/PoseStamped’ i created a bus giving the coordinates that i need and "map" for the frameId. when i run the program the robot does not move, and if i type ‘rostopic echo /move_base_simple/goal’ on matlab i can notice that the the frameId field is empty, while the coordinates are correct, someone knows why the program can’t read the frame Id? (i tried to move the MIR in ROS with the same command and it works)Good afternoon,
I am trying to move a mobile robot (MIR) declared in ROS from simulink. In order to do that i added to my project a publisher node from ROS Toolbox with node ‘/move_base_simple/goal’, then with the Blank Message of type ‘/geometry_msgs/PoseStamped’ i created a bus giving the coordinates that i need and "map" for the frameId. when i run the program the robot does not move, and if i type ‘rostopic echo /move_base_simple/goal’ on matlab i can notice that the the frameId field is empty, while the coordinates are correct, someone knows why the program can’t read the frame Id? (i tried to move the MIR in ROS with the same command and it works) Good afternoon,
I am trying to move a mobile robot (MIR) declared in ROS from simulink. In order to do that i added to my project a publisher node from ROS Toolbox with node ‘/move_base_simple/goal’, then with the Blank Message of type ‘/geometry_msgs/PoseStamped’ i created a bus giving the coordinates that i need and "map" for the frameId. when i run the program the robot does not move, and if i type ‘rostopic echo /move_base_simple/goal’ on matlab i can notice that the the frameId field is empty, while the coordinates are correct, someone knows why the program can’t read the frame Id? (i tried to move the MIR in ROS with the same command and it works) simulink, matlab, ros, mir MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Want to understand how to implement in matlab the following differential equation?
This is the equation I want to write in matlab, so I can have a solution for Q:
Q(t)=(P1(t)-P2)/R +C(dP1/dt) I know P1(t) is a time varing parameter and I know its pattern in time P2 is a costant, R is a costant knows also C. I started implementing it using ode45 to solve differential equations of 1st order and noticed it is not the right manner, because I want to know Q and in the defination of ode45 it finds exactly the first order derivative. Can someone help me by giving adive on how to procced?This is the equation I want to write in matlab, so I can have a solution for Q:
Q(t)=(P1(t)-P2)/R +C(dP1/dt) I know P1(t) is a time varing parameter and I know its pattern in time P2 is a costant, R is a costant knows also C. I started implementing it using ode45 to solve differential equations of 1st order and noticed it is not the right manner, because I want to know Q and in the defination of ode45 it finds exactly the first order derivative. Can someone help me by giving adive on how to procced? This is the equation I want to write in matlab, so I can have a solution for Q:
Q(t)=(P1(t)-P2)/R +C(dP1/dt) I know P1(t) is a time varing parameter and I know its pattern in time P2 is a costant, R is a costant knows also C. I started implementing it using ode45 to solve differential equations of 1st order and noticed it is not the right manner, because I want to know Q and in the defination of ode45 it finds exactly the first order derivative. Can someone help me by giving adive on how to procced? differential equations, first order differential equation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
3d segmenter or any other possibility to only show parts of a 3d volume
Hello, I am new to Matlab and I am working with 3 d images in the mat format.
Is there a possibility to "cut" the 3d version of my Image (as shown in the 3D display in the image segmenter), so that for instance if the complete image consists of 120 slices (xy slice) and I only display slices 3-50?
If there is an app for that or a simple function that would be very much appreciated. Thank you.Hello, I am new to Matlab and I am working with 3 d images in the mat format.
Is there a possibility to "cut" the 3d version of my Image (as shown in the 3D display in the image segmenter), so that for instance if the complete image consists of 120 slices (xy slice) and I only display slices 3-50?
If there is an app for that or a simple function that would be very much appreciated. Thank you. Hello, I am new to Matlab and I am working with 3 d images in the mat format.
Is there a possibility to "cut" the 3d version of my Image (as shown in the 3D display in the image segmenter), so that for instance if the complete image consists of 120 slices (xy slice) and I only display slices 3-50?
If there is an app for that or a simple function that would be very much appreciated. Thank you. image segmenter, cut 3d volume, choose slices MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Any models with Brushed Commutator serments?
I’d like to be able to model the effect of commutator segments on my brushed DC motor dynamic response. Looking through
I don’t see a Brushed DC motor model that includes commutator segments. Is there anything out there? Alternatively, any idea how I might incorporate these dynamics in my model?
Thanks in advance!I’d like to be able to model the effect of commutator segments on my brushed DC motor dynamic response. Looking through
I don’t see a Brushed DC motor model that includes commutator segments. Is there anything out there? Alternatively, any idea how I might incorporate these dynamics in my model?
Thanks in advance! I’d like to be able to model the effect of commutator segments on my brushed DC motor dynamic response. Looking through
I don’t see a Brushed DC motor model that includes commutator segments. Is there anything out there? Alternatively, any idea how I might incorporate these dynamics in my model?
Thanks in advance! brushed dc, commutator MATLAB Answers — New Questions
solving a second order non linear differential equation using RK 4TH order method
Differential equation : h d^2h/dx^2 + (dh/dx)^2 – dh/dx * tan(ax) + c – h * sec^2(ax) * a = 0
Boundary conditions: h(x=0)=h0 and h(x=L)=h0
Dependent variable: h
Independent variable: x
constants: a,c,L,h0
Method to be used : RK 4th order
please help me
let y = h and z = dh/dx=dy/dx,dz/dx = a * sec^2(ax) + (1/h) * (z * tan(ax) – z^2 – c) confused how to give boundary conditionsDifferential equation : h d^2h/dx^2 + (dh/dx)^2 – dh/dx * tan(ax) + c – h * sec^2(ax) * a = 0
Boundary conditions: h(x=0)=h0 and h(x=L)=h0
Dependent variable: h
Independent variable: x
constants: a,c,L,h0
Method to be used : RK 4th order
please help me
let y = h and z = dh/dx=dy/dx,dz/dx = a * sec^2(ax) + (1/h) * (z * tan(ax) – z^2 – c) confused how to give boundary conditions Differential equation : h d^2h/dx^2 + (dh/dx)^2 – dh/dx * tan(ax) + c – h * sec^2(ax) * a = 0
Boundary conditions: h(x=0)=h0 and h(x=L)=h0
Dependent variable: h
Independent variable: x
constants: a,c,L,h0
Method to be used : RK 4th order
please help me
let y = h and z = dh/dx=dy/dx,dz/dx = a * sec^2(ax) + (1/h) * (z * tan(ax) – z^2 – c) confused how to give boundary conditions rk 4th order method, second order nonlinear differential equation, boundary value problem MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Recurring Error in Simulation
So, I have a fairly complicated Simulink Model which run again and again, to generate different outputs. This has worked fine for several weeks, and now suddenly I have this Error. I didn’t change anything in the model, only a random variable definition in the matlab script which initiates the simulation. The variable is not used in the model.
I was able to get the Model to run once by closing the window, reopening it and reloading some variables, but upon a second unaltered simulation it crashed again. The Error message I get is the following:
Error:An error occurred while running the simulation and the simulation was terminated
Caused by:
[‘My Model/Solver Configuration3’]: Transient initialization at time 3.116414621485137e-05, solving for consistent states and modes, failed to converge.
Nonlinear solver: failed to converge, residual norm too large.
Here is the set of components with unconverged equations:
‘My Model/Transmission Line3’ % an ideal transmission line
Equation location is:
‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2023btoolboxphysmodeleclibrarym+ee+passive+linesideal_transmission_line.sscp'(no line number info)
‘My Model/Simscape Component1’ % this is a component I made myself by copying the Capacitor component and allowing negative capacitances
Equation location is:
‘\My Path+NegativeCapacitorNegativeCapacitor.ssc’ (line 29)
Equation location is:
‘\My Path+NegativeCapacitorNegativeCapacitor.ssc’ (line 29)
‘My Model/Simscape Component’ % same negative Capacitor
Equation location is:
‘\My Path+NegativeCapacitorNegativeCapacitor.ssc’ (line 29)
Equation location is:
‘\My Path+NegativeCapacitorNegativeCapacitor.ssc’ (line 29)
‘My Model/Resistor3’ % random resistor 1 Ohm
Equation location is:
‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2023btoolboxphysmodsimscapelibrarym+foundation+electricalbranch.ssc’ (line 23)
‘My Model/Resistor5’ % random resistor ca 120 Ohm
Equation location is:
‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2023btoolboxphysmodsimscapelibrarym+foundation+electricalbranch.ssc’ (line 23)
I’ve encountered this error several times before, the last time several months ago, but could so far avoid it by reloading previous versions of the file, or closing and opening again. My usual strategies aren’t working this time and I’d like to know why this error occurs so I can fix it once and for all.
A similar question suggested checking for algebraic loops, but the Code
Simulink.BlockDiagram.getAlgebraicLoops(‘My Model’)
did not find any algebraic loops.
I’m using Automatic Solver Selection with Variable Step. My model is pretty idealized, so abrupt jumps occur, however this has not been an issue in the past and I don’t understand why it would be now, if this is why the error occurs (this has been suggested in another answer to a similar question). I have found that after a few microseconds the current in my circuit jumps to about 10^300, which is where the simulation stops, understandably. I just don’t understand why the current would suddenly jump so high and why at that moment.
If anyone has any ideas on what is causing this error and how to fix it, I would greatly appreciate the help.So, I have a fairly complicated Simulink Model which run again and again, to generate different outputs. This has worked fine for several weeks, and now suddenly I have this Error. I didn’t change anything in the model, only a random variable definition in the matlab script which initiates the simulation. The variable is not used in the model.
I was able to get the Model to run once by closing the window, reopening it and reloading some variables, but upon a second unaltered simulation it crashed again. The Error message I get is the following:
Error:An error occurred while running the simulation and the simulation was terminated
Caused by:
[‘My Model/Solver Configuration3’]: Transient initialization at time 3.116414621485137e-05, solving for consistent states and modes, failed to converge.
Nonlinear solver: failed to converge, residual norm too large.
Here is the set of components with unconverged equations:
‘My Model/Transmission Line3’ % an ideal transmission line
Equation location is:
‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2023btoolboxphysmodeleclibrarym+ee+passive+linesideal_transmission_line.sscp'(no line number info)
‘My Model/Simscape Component1’ % this is a component I made myself by copying the Capacitor component and allowing negative capacitances
Equation location is:
‘\My Path+NegativeCapacitorNegativeCapacitor.ssc’ (line 29)
Equation location is:
‘\My Path+NegativeCapacitorNegativeCapacitor.ssc’ (line 29)
‘My Model/Simscape Component’ % same negative Capacitor
Equation location is:
‘\My Path+NegativeCapacitorNegativeCapacitor.ssc’ (line 29)
Equation location is:
‘\My Path+NegativeCapacitorNegativeCapacitor.ssc’ (line 29)
‘My Model/Resistor3’ % random resistor 1 Ohm
Equation location is:
‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2023btoolboxphysmodsimscapelibrarym+foundation+electricalbranch.ssc’ (line 23)
‘My Model/Resistor5’ % random resistor ca 120 Ohm
Equation location is:
‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2023btoolboxphysmodsimscapelibrarym+foundation+electricalbranch.ssc’ (line 23)
I’ve encountered this error several times before, the last time several months ago, but could so far avoid it by reloading previous versions of the file, or closing and opening again. My usual strategies aren’t working this time and I’d like to know why this error occurs so I can fix it once and for all.
A similar question suggested checking for algebraic loops, but the Code
Simulink.BlockDiagram.getAlgebraicLoops(‘My Model’)
did not find any algebraic loops.
I’m using Automatic Solver Selection with Variable Step. My model is pretty idealized, so abrupt jumps occur, however this has not been an issue in the past and I don’t understand why it would be now, if this is why the error occurs (this has been suggested in another answer to a similar question). I have found that after a few microseconds the current in my circuit jumps to about 10^300, which is where the simulation stops, understandably. I just don’t understand why the current would suddenly jump so high and why at that moment.
If anyone has any ideas on what is causing this error and how to fix it, I would greatly appreciate the help. So, I have a fairly complicated Simulink Model which run again and again, to generate different outputs. This has worked fine for several weeks, and now suddenly I have this Error. I didn’t change anything in the model, only a random variable definition in the matlab script which initiates the simulation. The variable is not used in the model.
I was able to get the Model to run once by closing the window, reopening it and reloading some variables, but upon a second unaltered simulation it crashed again. The Error message I get is the following:
Error:An error occurred while running the simulation and the simulation was terminated
Caused by:
[‘My Model/Solver Configuration3’]: Transient initialization at time 3.116414621485137e-05, solving for consistent states and modes, failed to converge.
Nonlinear solver: failed to converge, residual norm too large.
Here is the set of components with unconverged equations:
‘My Model/Transmission Line3’ % an ideal transmission line
Equation location is:
‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2023btoolboxphysmodeleclibrarym+ee+passive+linesideal_transmission_line.sscp'(no line number info)
‘My Model/Simscape Component1’ % this is a component I made myself by copying the Capacitor component and allowing negative capacitances
Equation location is:
‘\My Path+NegativeCapacitorNegativeCapacitor.ssc’ (line 29)
Equation location is:
‘\My Path+NegativeCapacitorNegativeCapacitor.ssc’ (line 29)
‘My Model/Simscape Component’ % same negative Capacitor
Equation location is:
‘\My Path+NegativeCapacitorNegativeCapacitor.ssc’ (line 29)
Equation location is:
‘\My Path+NegativeCapacitorNegativeCapacitor.ssc’ (line 29)
‘My Model/Resistor3’ % random resistor 1 Ohm
Equation location is:
‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2023btoolboxphysmodsimscapelibrarym+foundation+electricalbranch.ssc’ (line 23)
‘My Model/Resistor5’ % random resistor ca 120 Ohm
Equation location is:
‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2023btoolboxphysmodsimscapelibrarym+foundation+electricalbranch.ssc’ (line 23)
I’ve encountered this error several times before, the last time several months ago, but could so far avoid it by reloading previous versions of the file, or closing and opening again. My usual strategies aren’t working this time and I’d like to know why this error occurs so I can fix it once and for all.
A similar question suggested checking for algebraic loops, but the Code
Simulink.BlockDiagram.getAlgebraicLoops(‘My Model’)
did not find any algebraic loops.
I’m using Automatic Solver Selection with Variable Step. My model is pretty idealized, so abrupt jumps occur, however this has not been an issue in the past and I don’t understand why it would be now, if this is why the error occurs (this has been suggested in another answer to a similar question). I have found that after a few microseconds the current in my circuit jumps to about 10^300, which is where the simulation stops, understandably. I just don’t understand why the current would suddenly jump so high and why at that moment.
If anyone has any ideas on what is causing this error and how to fix it, I would greatly appreciate the help. simulink, error, simulation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Can’t run or uninstall MATLAB
I have already contacted tech support on this but I figured I should post this here in case someone else has a problem later. Basically my computer runs 64-bit and I am trying to launch the R2018a version of MATLAB. It’s already downloaded and installed but it won’t launch due to java errors involving sun.awt.win32Fontmanager. Tech support recommended uninstalling and downloading a R2015a version or later but when I tried to uninstall its giving the error "Installer Error Exception Calling Main". This is where I’m at now with this. If any of you have a solution it’d be appreciated, I’m still waiting on a response from support.I have already contacted tech support on this but I figured I should post this here in case someone else has a problem later. Basically my computer runs 64-bit and I am trying to launch the R2018a version of MATLAB. It’s already downloaded and installed but it won’t launch due to java errors involving sun.awt.win32Fontmanager. Tech support recommended uninstalling and downloading a R2015a version or later but when I tried to uninstall its giving the error "Installer Error Exception Calling Main". This is where I’m at now with this. If any of you have a solution it’d be appreciated, I’m still waiting on a response from support. I have already contacted tech support on this but I figured I should post this here in case someone else has a problem later. Basically my computer runs 64-bit and I am trying to launch the R2018a version of MATLAB. It’s already downloaded and installed but it won’t launch due to java errors involving sun.awt.win32Fontmanager. Tech support recommended uninstalling and downloading a R2015a version or later but when I tried to uninstall its giving the error "Installer Error Exception Calling Main". This is where I’m at now with this. If any of you have a solution it’d be appreciated, I’m still waiting on a response from support. installation, error, java MATLAB Answers — New Questions
some command is running in my matlab command window automatically, continuously
In my MATLAB command window some commands start running automatically whenever i enter some comand and it run continuously forever.
and i have attached one snip of the above mentioned problem.
if anyone have any solution please help.In my MATLAB command window some commands start running automatically whenever i enter some comand and it run continuously forever.
and i have attached one snip of the above mentioned problem.
if anyone have any solution please help. In my MATLAB command window some commands start running automatically whenever i enter some comand and it run continuously forever.
and i have attached one snip of the above mentioned problem.
if anyone have any solution please help. error, matlab command window MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Colormap editor window size is huge and cannot be resized bug
when opening colormap edior, the default window is huge, way bigger than my screen.
Any manual resize attemp dont work, it simply dosnt change anything.
Its come to the point where i cannot use the colormap editor.
This is clearly a bug in matlab 2020a
other details:
Matlab 2020a
installed a few days ago on a new laptop lenovo thinkpad 14” E14when opening colormap edior, the default window is huge, way bigger than my screen.
Any manual resize attemp dont work, it simply dosnt change anything.
Its come to the point where i cannot use the colormap editor.
This is clearly a bug in matlab 2020a
other details:
Matlab 2020a
installed a few days ago on a new laptop lenovo thinkpad 14” E14 when opening colormap edior, the default window is huge, way bigger than my screen.
Any manual resize attemp dont work, it simply dosnt change anything.
Its come to the point where i cannot use the colormap editor.
This is clearly a bug in matlab 2020a
other details:
Matlab 2020a
installed a few days ago on a new laptop lenovo thinkpad 14” E14 colormap edtior window MATLAB Answers — New Questions
how to make a contour with time variable on x-axis
I have a data that contains values of Altitude,Temperature and Time for a single day. Time starts at 00:09:27 and ends on 23:41:57. The altitude varies throughout the day starting from 0 going until around 250 and coming back to 0 and again to 250 and so on. There is certain period within this time that I dont have any data. I want to interpolate the values for it. When I use
it gives me an error saying
Input arguments must be numeric or objects which can be converted to double.
How can I overcome this problem? Essentially I want time in x-axis and Temp in y axis and a color bar that indicates the temperature.I have a data that contains values of Altitude,Temperature and Time for a single day. Time starts at 00:09:27 and ends on 23:41:57. The altitude varies throughout the day starting from 0 going until around 250 and coming back to 0 and again to 250 and so on. There is certain period within this time that I dont have any data. I want to interpolate the values for it. When I use
it gives me an error saying
Input arguments must be numeric or objects which can be converted to double.
How can I overcome this problem? Essentially I want time in x-axis and Temp in y axis and a color bar that indicates the temperature. I have a data that contains values of Altitude,Temperature and Time for a single day. Time starts at 00:09:27 and ends on 23:41:57. The altitude varies throughout the day starting from 0 going until around 250 and coming back to 0 and again to 250 and so on. There is certain period within this time that I dont have any data. I want to interpolate the values for it. When I use
it gives me an error saying
Input arguments must be numeric or objects which can be converted to double.
How can I overcome this problem? Essentially I want time in x-axis and Temp in y axis and a color bar that indicates the temperature. contour MATLAB Answers — New Questions
PFC controller for stable system
I wrote code for the PFC controller to control a stable system to track to the desired value (in this one) but the system became unstable and I can not understand why the PFC controller was designed to make a stable system unstable. Code I wrote as follows
t0 = 0 ;
tf = 40;
ts = 0.01;
t = t0:ts:tf ;
Am = [0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1;-1967.63005780347,983.815028901734,0,0,0,-16.9768786127168,8.48843930635838,0,0,0;983.815028901734,-1967.63005780347,983.815028901734,0,0,8.48843930635838,-16.9768786127168,8.48843930635838,0,0;0,983.815028901734,-1967.63005780347,983.815028901734,0,0,8.48843930635838,-16.9768786127168,8.48843930635838,0;0,0,983.815028901734,-1967.63005780347,983.815028901734,0,0,8.48843930635838,-16.9768786127168,8.48843930635838;0,0,0,983.815028901734,-983.815028901734,0,0,0,8.48843930635838,-8.48843930635838];
Bm = [0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0;-0.00289017341040462,0,0,0,0;0,-0.00289017341040462,0,0,0;0,0,-0.00289017341040462,0,0;0,0,0,-0.00289017341040462,0;0,0,0,0,-0.00289017341040462];
Cm = [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]; ;
n = size(Am ,1) ; % number of eigenvalues
q = size(Cm , 1) ; % number of outputs
m = size(Bm , 2) ; % number of inputs
Np =15 ; % Prediction Horizon
Nc = 10; % Control Horizon
F = zeros(q*Np , size(Am , 1)) ;
for i = 1:Np
F(q*i-q+1:q*i , 🙂 = Cm * Am^i ;
PHI = zeros(q * Np , m*Nc);
for i = 1:Np
for j = 1:i
PHI(q*i-q+1:q*i , m*j-m+1:m*j) = Cm * Am^(i-j) * Bm ;
PHI = PHI( : , 1:Nc*m) ;
%% Main Loop
Nt = numel(t) ;
y = zeros(q , Nt) ;
du = zeros(m , Nt) ;
x = zeros(size(Am , 1) , Nt) ;
R = 1 ;
Fval = zeros(Nt , 1 ) ;
for i = 1:Nt-1
FreeResponse = F * x(: , i);
dU = (PHI’*PHI + R * size(PHI , 2))(PHI’ * (1 – FreeResponse)) ;
du(: , i) = dU(1:m) ;
x(: , i+1) = Am * x(: , i) + Bm * du(: ,i) ;
y(: , i+1) = Cm * x(: , i+1) ;
endI wrote code for the PFC controller to control a stable system to track to the desired value (in this one) but the system became unstable and I can not understand why the PFC controller was designed to make a stable system unstable. Code I wrote as follows
t0 = 0 ;
tf = 40;
ts = 0.01;
t = t0:ts:tf ;
Am = [0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1;-1967.63005780347,983.815028901734,0,0,0,-16.9768786127168,8.48843930635838,0,0,0;983.815028901734,-1967.63005780347,983.815028901734,0,0,8.48843930635838,-16.9768786127168,8.48843930635838,0,0;0,983.815028901734,-1967.63005780347,983.815028901734,0,0,8.48843930635838,-16.9768786127168,8.48843930635838,0;0,0,983.815028901734,-1967.63005780347,983.815028901734,0,0,8.48843930635838,-16.9768786127168,8.48843930635838;0,0,0,983.815028901734,-983.815028901734,0,0,0,8.48843930635838,-8.48843930635838];
Bm = [0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0;-0.00289017341040462,0,0,0,0;0,-0.00289017341040462,0,0,0;0,0,-0.00289017341040462,0,0;0,0,0,-0.00289017341040462,0;0,0,0,0,-0.00289017341040462];
Cm = [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]; ;
n = size(Am ,1) ; % number of eigenvalues
q = size(Cm , 1) ; % number of outputs
m = size(Bm , 2) ; % number of inputs
Np =15 ; % Prediction Horizon
Nc = 10; % Control Horizon
F = zeros(q*Np , size(Am , 1)) ;
for i = 1:Np
F(q*i-q+1:q*i , 🙂 = Cm * Am^i ;
PHI = zeros(q * Np , m*Nc);
for i = 1:Np
for j = 1:i
PHI(q*i-q+1:q*i , m*j-m+1:m*j) = Cm * Am^(i-j) * Bm ;
PHI = PHI( : , 1:Nc*m) ;
%% Main Loop
Nt = numel(t) ;
y = zeros(q , Nt) ;
du = zeros(m , Nt) ;
x = zeros(size(Am , 1) , Nt) ;
R = 1 ;
Fval = zeros(Nt , 1 ) ;
for i = 1:Nt-1
FreeResponse = F * x(: , i);
dU = (PHI’*PHI + R * size(PHI , 2))(PHI’ * (1 – FreeResponse)) ;
du(: , i) = dU(1:m) ;
x(: , i+1) = Am * x(: , i) + Bm * du(: ,i) ;
y(: , i+1) = Cm * x(: , i+1) ;
end I wrote code for the PFC controller to control a stable system to track to the desired value (in this one) but the system became unstable and I can not understand why the PFC controller was designed to make a stable system unstable. Code I wrote as follows
t0 = 0 ;
tf = 40;
ts = 0.01;
t = t0:ts:tf ;
Am = [0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1;-1967.63005780347,983.815028901734,0,0,0,-16.9768786127168,8.48843930635838,0,0,0;983.815028901734,-1967.63005780347,983.815028901734,0,0,8.48843930635838,-16.9768786127168,8.48843930635838,0,0;0,983.815028901734,-1967.63005780347,983.815028901734,0,0,8.48843930635838,-16.9768786127168,8.48843930635838,0;0,0,983.815028901734,-1967.63005780347,983.815028901734,0,0,8.48843930635838,-16.9768786127168,8.48843930635838;0,0,0,983.815028901734,-983.815028901734,0,0,0,8.48843930635838,-8.48843930635838];
Bm = [0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0;-0.00289017341040462,0,0,0,0;0,-0.00289017341040462,0,0,0;0,0,-0.00289017341040462,0,0;0,0,0,-0.00289017341040462,0;0,0,0,0,-0.00289017341040462];
Cm = [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]; ;
n = size(Am ,1) ; % number of eigenvalues
q = size(Cm , 1) ; % number of outputs
m = size(Bm , 2) ; % number of inputs
Np =15 ; % Prediction Horizon
Nc = 10; % Control Horizon
F = zeros(q*Np , size(Am , 1)) ;
for i = 1:Np
F(q*i-q+1:q*i , 🙂 = Cm * Am^i ;
PHI = zeros(q * Np , m*Nc);
for i = 1:Np
for j = 1:i
PHI(q*i-q+1:q*i , m*j-m+1:m*j) = Cm * Am^(i-j) * Bm ;
PHI = PHI( : , 1:Nc*m) ;
%% Main Loop
Nt = numel(t) ;
y = zeros(q , Nt) ;
du = zeros(m , Nt) ;
x = zeros(size(Am , 1) , Nt) ;
R = 1 ;
Fval = zeros(Nt , 1 ) ;
for i = 1:Nt-1
FreeResponse = F * x(: , i);
dU = (PHI’*PHI + R * size(PHI , 2))(PHI’ * (1 – FreeResponse)) ;
du(: , i) = dU(1:m) ;
x(: , i+1) = Am * x(: , i) + Bm * du(: ,i) ;
y(: , i+1) = Cm * x(: , i+1) ;
end mpc, pfc MATLAB Answers — New Questions
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in App Designer I have two Apps: a MainApp and a SecondaryApp.
I set a PushButton1 in the MainApp that calls the SecondaryApp, opens it, here I set the parameters I want and, by pressing a PushButton2 (in the secondary app), I close the SecondaryApp and send the chosen parameters to the MainApp.
How can I check inside MainApp if the SecondaryApp is already open and close it?
Because now I risk opening the SecondaryApp multiple times.
The problem is that when I work in the MainApp I have no visibility on the secondary and, furthermore, I cannot simply disable the PushButton1 with which I call the secondary in the MainApp because the button would remain deactivated when I manually close the SecondaryApp window without using the PushButton2 for sending parameters.
in App Designer I have two Apps: a MainApp and a SecondaryApp.
I set a PushButton1 in the MainApp that calls the SecondaryApp, opens it, here I set the parameters I want and, by pressing a PushButton2 (in the secondary app), I close the SecondaryApp and send the chosen parameters to the MainApp.
How can I check inside MainApp if the SecondaryApp is already open and close it?
Because now I risk opening the SecondaryApp multiple times.
The problem is that when I work in the MainApp I have no visibility on the secondary and, furthermore, I cannot simply disable the PushButton1 with which I call the secondary in the MainApp because the button would remain deactivated when I manually close the SecondaryApp window without using the PushButton2 for sending parameters.
Thanks Hello,
in App Designer I have two Apps: a MainApp and a SecondaryApp.
I set a PushButton1 in the MainApp that calls the SecondaryApp, opens it, here I set the parameters I want and, by pressing a PushButton2 (in the secondary app), I close the SecondaryApp and send the chosen parameters to the MainApp.
How can I check inside MainApp if the SecondaryApp is already open and close it?
Because now I risk opening the SecondaryApp multiple times.
The problem is that when I work in the MainApp I have no visibility on the secondary and, furthermore, I cannot simply disable the PushButton1 with which I call the secondary in the MainApp because the button would remain deactivated when I manually close the SecondaryApp window without using the PushButton2 for sending parameters.
Thanks appdesigner MATLAB Answers — New Questions