Tag Archives: matlab
Prepare an MATLAB code based on Newmark Beta Algorithm problem
The problem is attached herewith along with needed text file.The problem is attached herewith along with needed text file. The problem is attached herewith along with needed text file. newmark beta, mode shapes, time history analysis MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to model a Phase Change Stefan problem with Simscape?
I am trying to model a Phase Change Material with Stefan problem (attached in "PCM_1D Stefan problem.png" file) using Simscape library.
I assumed two thermal mass blocks (for the liquid and solid phase respectively) and conductive heat transfer to describe the phase change problem, as depicted in the scheme below. Particularly, I don’t understand how to change from mass parameter to density parameter in the thermal mass block (because from my input data I only have the material density) and how to specify the initial and boundary conditions in "PCM_model.slx"?
Thanks in advance if someone could help me.
Input data for the PCM:
rho = 1370; % density [kg/m^3]
k_s = 0.830; % thermal conductivity solid phase [W/(m K)]
k_l = 0.660; % thermal conductivity liquid phase[W/(m K)]
cp_s = 1.69; % specific heat capacity solid phase [kJ/(kg K)]
cp_l = 1.96; % specific heat capacity liquid phase [kJ/(kg K)]
L = 227; % latent heat of the phase change [kJ/kg]
T_melt = 115+273; % melting temperature of the PCM [K]
alpha_s = k_s/(rho*cp_s); % thermal diffusivity solid phase [m^2/s]
alpha_l = k_l/(rho*cp_l); % thermal diffusivity liquid phase [m^2/s]
R_pcm = 0.05; % PCM radius [m] (supposed)
T_0 = -10+273; % initial temperature of the PCM [K]
Input data for the IMD (geometrical properties):
D_imd = 254*(10^-3); % diamiter [m]
h_imd = 186*(10^-3); % height [m]
T_wall = 135+273; % Temperature of the stator external surface [K]I am trying to model a Phase Change Material with Stefan problem (attached in "PCM_1D Stefan problem.png" file) using Simscape library.
I assumed two thermal mass blocks (for the liquid and solid phase respectively) and conductive heat transfer to describe the phase change problem, as depicted in the scheme below. Particularly, I don’t understand how to change from mass parameter to density parameter in the thermal mass block (because from my input data I only have the material density) and how to specify the initial and boundary conditions in "PCM_model.slx"?
Thanks in advance if someone could help me.
Input data for the PCM:
rho = 1370; % density [kg/m^3]
k_s = 0.830; % thermal conductivity solid phase [W/(m K)]
k_l = 0.660; % thermal conductivity liquid phase[W/(m K)]
cp_s = 1.69; % specific heat capacity solid phase [kJ/(kg K)]
cp_l = 1.96; % specific heat capacity liquid phase [kJ/(kg K)]
L = 227; % latent heat of the phase change [kJ/kg]
T_melt = 115+273; % melting temperature of the PCM [K]
alpha_s = k_s/(rho*cp_s); % thermal diffusivity solid phase [m^2/s]
alpha_l = k_l/(rho*cp_l); % thermal diffusivity liquid phase [m^2/s]
R_pcm = 0.05; % PCM radius [m] (supposed)
T_0 = -10+273; % initial temperature of the PCM [K]
Input data for the IMD (geometrical properties):
D_imd = 254*(10^-3); % diamiter [m]
h_imd = 186*(10^-3); % height [m]
T_wall = 135+273; % Temperature of the stator external surface [K] I am trying to model a Phase Change Material with Stefan problem (attached in "PCM_1D Stefan problem.png" file) using Simscape library.
I assumed two thermal mass blocks (for the liquid and solid phase respectively) and conductive heat transfer to describe the phase change problem, as depicted in the scheme below. Particularly, I don’t understand how to change from mass parameter to density parameter in the thermal mass block (because from my input data I only have the material density) and how to specify the initial and boundary conditions in "PCM_model.slx"?
Thanks in advance if someone could help me.
Input data for the PCM:
rho = 1370; % density [kg/m^3]
k_s = 0.830; % thermal conductivity solid phase [W/(m K)]
k_l = 0.660; % thermal conductivity liquid phase[W/(m K)]
cp_s = 1.69; % specific heat capacity solid phase [kJ/(kg K)]
cp_l = 1.96; % specific heat capacity liquid phase [kJ/(kg K)]
L = 227; % latent heat of the phase change [kJ/kg]
T_melt = 115+273; % melting temperature of the PCM [K]
alpha_s = k_s/(rho*cp_s); % thermal diffusivity solid phase [m^2/s]
alpha_l = k_l/(rho*cp_l); % thermal diffusivity liquid phase [m^2/s]
R_pcm = 0.05; % PCM radius [m] (supposed)
T_0 = -10+273; % initial temperature of the PCM [K]
Input data for the IMD (geometrical properties):
D_imd = 254*(10^-3); % diamiter [m]
h_imd = 186*(10^-3); % height [m]
T_wall = 135+273; % Temperature of the stator external surface [K] simscape, matlab, phase change, heat transfer, stefan problem MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Can I create a slmx file separated from the model-slmx file to save only links between requirements and Test Assessments steps?
I am working on a Harness that test a Simulink model. The harness was saved externally and also the requirement links are stored externally.
However, when creating the "Related To" links between the requirements and steps inside the Test Assessment block, links are saved in the same slmx file than the links to model itself ("Model.slmx"). Is it possible to change this configuration to create a separated slmx file that contains only the links between Harness and requirements (something like Harness.slmx)?
Many thanks in advance for the support.Hello,
I am working on a Harness that test a Simulink model. The harness was saved externally and also the requirement links are stored externally.
However, when creating the "Related To" links between the requirements and steps inside the Test Assessment block, links are saved in the same slmx file than the links to model itself ("Model.slmx"). Is it possible to change this configuration to create a separated slmx file that contains only the links between Harness and requirements (something like Harness.slmx)?
Many thanks in advance for the support. Hello,
I am working on a Harness that test a Simulink model. The harness was saved externally and also the requirement links are stored externally.
However, when creating the "Related To" links between the requirements and steps inside the Test Assessment block, links are saved in the same slmx file than the links to model itself ("Model.slmx"). Is it possible to change this configuration to create a separated slmx file that contains only the links between Harness and requirements (something like Harness.slmx)?
Many thanks in advance for the support. simulink test, requirements link, slmx file, test assessment MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Boundaries in an image
I have to trace the boundaries in the image (attached original image).
I have to trace only one boundary as indicated in the image.
I tried this for only one image, how can I do this for number of images?
Waiting for a kind response.
grayImage = imread(‘0002.tif’);
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(grayImage);
if numberOfColorChannels > 1
grayImage = rgb2gray(grayImage);
% Display the image.
subplot(2, 3, 1);
imshow(grayImage, []);
title(‘Original Grayscale Image’);
% Crop image
% grayImage = imcrop(grayImage);
Img = imcrop(grayImage,[670 60 800 500]);
% Update size.
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(Img);
% Get a binary image
mask = Img < 22; %imbinarize(grayImage);
% Display the mask.
subplot(2, 3, 4);
imshow(mask, []);
title(‘Initial Binary Image’);
% Fill interior holes.
mask = imfill(mask, ‘holes’);
% Get rid of particles smaller than 10000 in size
mask = bwareaopen(mask,10000);
subplot(2, 3, 5);
imshow(mask, []);
title(‘Final Binary Image’);
% Get boundaries
boundaries = bwboundaries(mask);
subplot(2, 3, 6);
imshow(grayImage); % Show cropped image again.
hold on;
for k = 1 : length(boundaries)
thisBoundary = boundaries{k};
x = thisBoundary(:, 2);
y = thisBoundary(:, 1);
plot(x, y, ‘r-‘, ‘LineWidth’, 2);
%Specifing limits to get rid of the outer boundary
xlim([5 500]);
ylim([5 500]);
title(‘Image With Boundaries’);Hi,
I have to trace the boundaries in the image (attached original image).
I have to trace only one boundary as indicated in the image.
I tried this for only one image, how can I do this for number of images?
Waiting for a kind response.
grayImage = imread(‘0002.tif’);
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(grayImage);
if numberOfColorChannels > 1
grayImage = rgb2gray(grayImage);
% Display the image.
subplot(2, 3, 1);
imshow(grayImage, []);
title(‘Original Grayscale Image’);
% Crop image
% grayImage = imcrop(grayImage);
Img = imcrop(grayImage,[670 60 800 500]);
% Update size.
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(Img);
% Get a binary image
mask = Img < 22; %imbinarize(grayImage);
% Display the mask.
subplot(2, 3, 4);
imshow(mask, []);
title(‘Initial Binary Image’);
% Fill interior holes.
mask = imfill(mask, ‘holes’);
% Get rid of particles smaller than 10000 in size
mask = bwareaopen(mask,10000);
subplot(2, 3, 5);
imshow(mask, []);
title(‘Final Binary Image’);
% Get boundaries
boundaries = bwboundaries(mask);
subplot(2, 3, 6);
imshow(grayImage); % Show cropped image again.
hold on;
for k = 1 : length(boundaries)
thisBoundary = boundaries{k};
x = thisBoundary(:, 2);
y = thisBoundary(:, 1);
plot(x, y, ‘r-‘, ‘LineWidth’, 2);
%Specifing limits to get rid of the outer boundary
xlim([5 500]);
ylim([5 500]);
title(‘Image With Boundaries’); Hi,
I have to trace the boundaries in the image (attached original image).
I have to trace only one boundary as indicated in the image.
I tried this for only one image, how can I do this for number of images?
Waiting for a kind response.
grayImage = imread(‘0002.tif’);
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(grayImage);
if numberOfColorChannels > 1
grayImage = rgb2gray(grayImage);
% Display the image.
subplot(2, 3, 1);
imshow(grayImage, []);
title(‘Original Grayscale Image’);
% Crop image
% grayImage = imcrop(grayImage);
Img = imcrop(grayImage,[670 60 800 500]);
% Update size.
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(Img);
% Get a binary image
mask = Img < 22; %imbinarize(grayImage);
% Display the mask.
subplot(2, 3, 4);
imshow(mask, []);
title(‘Initial Binary Image’);
% Fill interior holes.
mask = imfill(mask, ‘holes’);
% Get rid of particles smaller than 10000 in size
mask = bwareaopen(mask,10000);
subplot(2, 3, 5);
imshow(mask, []);
title(‘Final Binary Image’);
% Get boundaries
boundaries = bwboundaries(mask);
subplot(2, 3, 6);
imshow(grayImage); % Show cropped image again.
hold on;
for k = 1 : length(boundaries)
thisBoundary = boundaries{k};
x = thisBoundary(:, 2);
y = thisBoundary(:, 1);
plot(x, y, ‘r-‘, ‘LineWidth’, 2);
%Specifing limits to get rid of the outer boundary
xlim([5 500]);
ylim([5 500]);
title(‘Image With Boundaries’); image processing, faq, process a sequence of files MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to make multiple graphs in one plot with a for loop?
Hello, I want multiple graphs in one plot. So different dfranges plotted to see the T2. But we only get one df = -500 or df=500 all the time. What do we do wrong??
close all;
% Initial values and parameters
T2 = 0.052; % Needs to be changed > T1 needs to be checked in T2prep_function
M0 = 1;
TErange = 0.005:0.01:0.1;
T2range = 0.040:0.002:0.064; % Needs to be changed
dfrange = 100; % Scalar value for frequency range
B1var = 1; % 1 means no change in flip angle
Nspins = 500;
MLEV_size = 4; % Can be 4, 8, and 16
Mzprep = zeros(size(TErange));
compound = ‘yes’; % ‘yes’ for compound MLEV, ‘no’ for simple MLEV
%% Comparing off resonances
df_range = -500:100:500; % Range of off-resonance values
% Create figure
hold on;
% Initialize legend cell array
legendstrings = cell(size(df_range));
% Loop over df_range and plot each line
for n = 1:length(df_range)
fprintf(‘Processing df = %dn’, df_range(n));
% Calculate T2fit for the current df_range value
T2fit = calculate_multi_T2(T2range, TErange, MLEV_size, Nspins, df_range(n), M0, B1var, compound);
% Print T2fit for debugging purposes
fprintf(‘T2fit for df = %d: %sn’, df_range(n), mat2str(T2fit));
% Plot T2fit with a DisplayName that corresponds to the current df_range value
plot(T2range, T2fit, ‘DisplayName’, sprintf(‘df = %d’, df_range(n)));
% Store legend entry for current df_range value
legendstrings{n} = sprintf(‘df = %d’, df_range(n));
% Finish the plot
hold off;
disp(‘Simulation finished’);
% Add labels, legend, title, and grid
xlabel(‘Initial T2 (s)’);
ylabel(‘Fitted T2 (s)’);
legend(legendstrings, ‘Location’, ‘northwest’);
title(‘Different off-resonance values’);
grid on;Hello, I want multiple graphs in one plot. So different dfranges plotted to see the T2. But we only get one df = -500 or df=500 all the time. What do we do wrong??
close all;
% Initial values and parameters
T2 = 0.052; % Needs to be changed > T1 needs to be checked in T2prep_function
M0 = 1;
TErange = 0.005:0.01:0.1;
T2range = 0.040:0.002:0.064; % Needs to be changed
dfrange = 100; % Scalar value for frequency range
B1var = 1; % 1 means no change in flip angle
Nspins = 500;
MLEV_size = 4; % Can be 4, 8, and 16
Mzprep = zeros(size(TErange));
compound = ‘yes’; % ‘yes’ for compound MLEV, ‘no’ for simple MLEV
%% Comparing off resonances
df_range = -500:100:500; % Range of off-resonance values
% Create figure
hold on;
% Initialize legend cell array
legendstrings = cell(size(df_range));
% Loop over df_range and plot each line
for n = 1:length(df_range)
fprintf(‘Processing df = %dn’, df_range(n));
% Calculate T2fit for the current df_range value
T2fit = calculate_multi_T2(T2range, TErange, MLEV_size, Nspins, df_range(n), M0, B1var, compound);
% Print T2fit for debugging purposes
fprintf(‘T2fit for df = %d: %sn’, df_range(n), mat2str(T2fit));
% Plot T2fit with a DisplayName that corresponds to the current df_range value
plot(T2range, T2fit, ‘DisplayName’, sprintf(‘df = %d’, df_range(n)));
% Store legend entry for current df_range value
legendstrings{n} = sprintf(‘df = %d’, df_range(n));
% Finish the plot
hold off;
disp(‘Simulation finished’);
% Add labels, legend, title, and grid
xlabel(‘Initial T2 (s)’);
ylabel(‘Fitted T2 (s)’);
legend(legendstrings, ‘Location’, ‘northwest’);
title(‘Different off-resonance values’);
grid on; Hello, I want multiple graphs in one plot. So different dfranges plotted to see the T2. But we only get one df = -500 or df=500 all the time. What do we do wrong??
close all;
% Initial values and parameters
T2 = 0.052; % Needs to be changed > T1 needs to be checked in T2prep_function
M0 = 1;
TErange = 0.005:0.01:0.1;
T2range = 0.040:0.002:0.064; % Needs to be changed
dfrange = 100; % Scalar value for frequency range
B1var = 1; % 1 means no change in flip angle
Nspins = 500;
MLEV_size = 4; % Can be 4, 8, and 16
Mzprep = zeros(size(TErange));
compound = ‘yes’; % ‘yes’ for compound MLEV, ‘no’ for simple MLEV
%% Comparing off resonances
df_range = -500:100:500; % Range of off-resonance values
% Create figure
hold on;
% Initialize legend cell array
legendstrings = cell(size(df_range));
% Loop over df_range and plot each line
for n = 1:length(df_range)
fprintf(‘Processing df = %dn’, df_range(n));
% Calculate T2fit for the current df_range value
T2fit = calculate_multi_T2(T2range, TErange, MLEV_size, Nspins, df_range(n), M0, B1var, compound);
% Print T2fit for debugging purposes
fprintf(‘T2fit for df = %d: %sn’, df_range(n), mat2str(T2fit));
% Plot T2fit with a DisplayName that corresponds to the current df_range value
plot(T2range, T2fit, ‘DisplayName’, sprintf(‘df = %d’, df_range(n)));
% Store legend entry for current df_range value
legendstrings{n} = sprintf(‘df = %d’, df_range(n));
% Finish the plot
hold off;
disp(‘Simulation finished’);
% Add labels, legend, title, and grid
xlabel(‘Initial T2 (s)’);
ylabel(‘Fitted T2 (s)’);
legend(legendstrings, ‘Location’, ‘northwest’);
title(‘Different off-resonance values’);
grid on; for loop multiple graphs in one plot MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Change the background colour gradient.
Is there any way of changing the background colour of a MATLAB plot. I want to apply changes in the CTF Plot11.fig file and the idea I acquired was from a picture on wikipedia page "2013_Atmospheric_absorption_of_electromagnetic_waves".
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_spectrumIs there any way of changing the background colour of a MATLAB plot. I want to apply changes in the CTF Plot11.fig file and the idea I acquired was from a picture on wikipedia page "2013_Atmospheric_absorption_of_electromagnetic_waves".
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_spectrum Is there any way of changing the background colour of a MATLAB plot. I want to apply changes in the CTF Plot11.fig file and the idea I acquired was from a picture on wikipedia page "2013_Atmospheric_absorption_of_electromagnetic_waves".
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_spectrum background colour gradient MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Difference between fft and dsphdl.FFT.
I am trying to convert FFT code to HDL, but the problem is that fft function is not supported and dsphdl.FFT is supported. So what is the difference between them?I am trying to convert FFT code to HDL, but the problem is that fft function is not supported and dsphdl.FFT is supported. So what is the difference between them? I am trying to convert FFT code to HDL, but the problem is that fft function is not supported and dsphdl.FFT is supported. So what is the difference between them? hdlconversion, fft, dsp MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Deprecated, does not apply
DeprecatedDeprecated Deprecated old MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Matlab: Telnet to Keysight VXT not succesful.
Not able to Connect to Keysight VXT using telnet and run SCPI command . Following is the code used.
t = tcpip(‘’, 5023);
set(t, ‘InputBufferSize’, 30000);
command=’:SOUR:POW:AMPL -63 DBMn’
fprintf(t, command);
fclose(t);Not able to Connect to Keysight VXT using telnet and run SCPI command . Following is the code used.
t = tcpip(‘’, 5023);
set(t, ‘InputBufferSize’, 30000);
command=’:SOUR:POW:AMPL -63 DBMn’
fprintf(t, command);
fclose(t); Not able to Connect to Keysight VXT using telnet and run SCPI command . Following is the code used.
t = tcpip(‘’, 5023);
set(t, ‘InputBufferSize’, 30000);
command=’:SOUR:POW:AMPL -63 DBMn’
fprintf(t, command);
fclose(t); keysight, telnet, scpi MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Add header to extrated data from .mat file
%—–create input files for carmaker maneuvers
for i = 1:length(testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults) % Checking the number of data files inside the main mat file.
testinput (:,1)= testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries (:,91); % physical test time in sec
testinput (:,2) = testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries(:,4); % throttle inputs in percentage
testinput (:,3) = testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries (:,18); % test steering wheel angle in rad
testinput (:,4) = testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries (:,19); % Velocity in m/sec
testinput (:,5) = testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries (:,24); % Brake inputs.
txtname = append(testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ManoeuvreName,’_’,string(i),’.asc’); % Storing the file name
writetable(testinput,txtname,’Delimiter’,’ ‘,’QuoteStrings’,true, ‘Filetype’, ‘text’) % Export data into text file.
In generated txt file i would like to add header for each column eg testinput(:,1) should have time name , so on refer screenshot for more detail%—–create input files for carmaker maneuvers
for i = 1:length(testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults) % Checking the number of data files inside the main mat file.
testinput (:,1)= testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries (:,91); % physical test time in sec
testinput (:,2) = testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries(:,4); % throttle inputs in percentage
testinput (:,3) = testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries (:,18); % test steering wheel angle in rad
testinput (:,4) = testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries (:,19); % Velocity in m/sec
testinput (:,5) = testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries (:,24); % Brake inputs.
txtname = append(testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ManoeuvreName,’_’,string(i),’.asc’); % Storing the file name
writetable(testinput,txtname,’Delimiter’,’ ‘,’QuoteStrings’,true, ‘Filetype’, ‘text’) % Export data into text file.
In generated txt file i would like to add header for each column eg testinput(:,1) should have time name , so on refer screenshot for more detail %—–create input files for carmaker maneuvers
for i = 1:length(testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults) % Checking the number of data files inside the main mat file.
testinput (:,1)= testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries (:,91); % physical test time in sec
testinput (:,2) = testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries(:,4); % throttle inputs in percentage
testinput (:,3) = testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries (:,18); % test steering wheel angle in rad
testinput (:,4) = testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries (:,19); % Velocity in m/sec
testinput (:,5) = testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ProcessedRun.Timeseries (:,24); % Brake inputs.
txtname = append(testProcRes.ManoeuvreResults(1,i).ManoeuvreName,’_’,string(i),’.asc’); % Storing the file name
writetable(testinput,txtname,’Delimiter’,’ ‘,’QuoteStrings’,true, ‘Filetype’, ‘text’) % Export data into text file.
In generated txt file i would like to add header for each column eg testinput(:,1) should have time name , so on refer screenshot for more detail add header in text file data MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Complex Integration in MATLAB with symbolic integration limits
I’m having trouble with integrating this using MATLAB. When i try and run it as shown below, the answer that comes out i’m pretty sure is wrong. This is the first time i’m using matlab to help with integration so apologies in advance if i’m doing something very silly. Can anyone give me some pointers as to what i’m doing wrong?
syms y b n_1 n_2 R
b_y = (b-((b-(b/4))/(n_1+n_2))*y);
x = (y^2*b_y)/(1+(y/R));
I = int(x,-n_1,n_2)I’m having trouble with integrating this using MATLAB. When i try and run it as shown below, the answer that comes out i’m pretty sure is wrong. This is the first time i’m using matlab to help with integration so apologies in advance if i’m doing something very silly. Can anyone give me some pointers as to what i’m doing wrong?
syms y b n_1 n_2 R
b_y = (b-((b-(b/4))/(n_1+n_2))*y);
x = (y^2*b_y)/(1+(y/R));
I = int(x,-n_1,n_2) I’m having trouble with integrating this using MATLAB. When i try and run it as shown below, the answer that comes out i’m pretty sure is wrong. This is the first time i’m using matlab to help with integration so apologies in advance if i’m doing something very silly. Can anyone give me some pointers as to what i’m doing wrong?
syms y b n_1 n_2 R
b_y = (b-((b-(b/4))/(n_1+n_2))*y);
x = (y^2*b_y)/(1+(y/R));
I = int(x,-n_1,n_2) integration, mathematics, matlab code MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How do I get rid of the title page when I create a report using custom reporters?
Unfortunately, despite using custom reporters, I’m getting a kind of title page that I didn’t define and doesn’t use my own reporter. How do I get rid of it?
my Test Skript:
rpt = Report(Test, ‘pdf’);
%//// Page1
page1 = Test.TestReporter();
page1.department = "AUM2";
page1_detailheader = Test.TestReporter(‘detail_header’);
add(rpt, page1_detailheader)
add(rpt, page1)
page2 = Test.TestReporterl();
add(rpt, page2)
Unfortunately, despite using custom reporters, I’m getting a kind of title page that I didn’t define and doesn’t use my own reporter. How do I get rid of it?
my Test Skript:
rpt = Report(Test, ‘pdf’);
%//// Page1
page1 = Test.TestReporter();
page1.department = "AUM2";
page1_detailheader = Test.TestReporter(‘detail_header’);
add(rpt, page1_detailheader)
add(rpt, page1)
page2 = Test.TestReporterl();
add(rpt, page2)
rptview(rpt); Hello,
Unfortunately, despite using custom reporters, I’m getting a kind of title page that I didn’t define and doesn’t use my own reporter. How do I get rid of it?
my Test Skript:
rpt = Report(Test, ‘pdf’);
%//// Page1
page1 = Test.TestReporter();
page1.department = "AUM2";
page1_detailheader = Test.TestReporter(‘detail_header’);
add(rpt, page1_detailheader)
add(rpt, page1)
page2 = Test.TestReporterl();
add(rpt, page2)
rptview(rpt); report generator, title page MATLAB Answers — New Questions
I would like to know how to make sure the latitude labels have decimals in them.
I have this code creating a map of a small portion of Antarctica. I have the latitude lines appearing ever half of a degree, but the labels still show single degrees. Is it possible to have the labels have decimals?
Also is it possible to have the longitude lines appear with labels on the map instead of on the edge?
The base of the map is Bedmap.
figure(‘Color’,’w’)%Colors the figure white .
set(gca, ‘Color’, ‘none’);
mapzoom(-81.6, -148.8);%’size’,[100 100]);
framem on ; gridm on ; mlabel on ; plabel on ;
setm(gca,’plinelocation’,.5,’plabellocation’,0.5 ,…
hold on;I have this code creating a map of a small portion of Antarctica. I have the latitude lines appearing ever half of a degree, but the labels still show single degrees. Is it possible to have the labels have decimals?
Also is it possible to have the longitude lines appear with labels on the map instead of on the edge?
The base of the map is Bedmap.
figure(‘Color’,’w’)%Colors the figure white .
set(gca, ‘Color’, ‘none’);
mapzoom(-81.6, -148.8);%’size’,[100 100]);
framem on ; gridm on ; mlabel on ; plabel on ;
setm(gca,’plinelocation’,.5,’plabellocation’,0.5 ,…
hold on; I have this code creating a map of a small portion of Antarctica. I have the latitude lines appearing ever half of a degree, but the labels still show single degrees. Is it possible to have the labels have decimals?
Also is it possible to have the longitude lines appear with labels on the map instead of on the edge?
The base of the map is Bedmap.
figure(‘Color’,’w’)%Colors the figure white .
set(gca, ‘Color’, ‘none’);
mapzoom(-81.6, -148.8);%’size’,[100 100]);
framem on ; gridm on ; mlabel on ; plabel on ;
setm(gca,’plinelocation’,.5,’plabellocation’,0.5 ,…
hold on; bedmap, latitude, longitude, antarctica, setm MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Error(s) encountered while building custom code simulation target for model ‘StateFCode’. Fix the errors in your custom code or disable ‘Import custom code’ if your custom code has incompatibilities.Error(s) encountered while building custom code simulation target for model ‘StateFCode’. Fix the errors in your custom code or disable ‘Import custom code’ if your custom code has incompatibilities. Error(s) encountered while building custom code simulation target for model ‘StateFCode’. Fix the errors in your custom code or disable ‘Import custom code’ if your custom code has incompatibilities. custom code simulation target MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Fluid inertia in Simscape hydraulic
I have had the impression that Simscape does not account for the fluid inertia in an hydraulic cylinder.
For example when the piston is at the end of its stroke, does Simscape account for the effect of inertia forces on the piston caused by the deceleration of the fluid?
I saw there is a "Fluid Inertia" block but it seems specific for fluid aceleration/deceleration in pipes.
Any help is much appreciated.Hi,
I have had the impression that Simscape does not account for the fluid inertia in an hydraulic cylinder.
For example when the piston is at the end of its stroke, does Simscape account for the effect of inertia forces on the piston caused by the deceleration of the fluid?
I saw there is a "Fluid Inertia" block but it seems specific for fluid aceleration/deceleration in pipes.
Any help is much appreciated. Hi,
I have had the impression that Simscape does not account for the fluid inertia in an hydraulic cylinder.
For example when the piston is at the end of its stroke, does Simscape account for the effect of inertia forces on the piston caused by the deceleration of the fluid?
I saw there is a "Fluid Inertia" block but it seems specific for fluid aceleration/deceleration in pipes.
Any help is much appreciated. simscape, fluid, inertia, hydraulic, fluid inertia MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Model Error: Cauer thermal Model
I get this error while using a cauer themal model. I tried different data vectors with different length, it still appears. On the other hand I don’t get this error while using the same data with a foster model.
Error compiling Simscape network for model Fuse_cauer_model.Caused by:[‘Thermal_Mod/Cauer Thermal Model’]: Length of Vector of thermal mass temperatures must be equal to length of Thermal resistance data. In ee.passive.thermal.cauer_modelComponent:Simulink | Category:Model errorI get this error while using a cauer themal model. I tried different data vectors with different length, it still appears. On the other hand I don’t get this error while using the same data with a foster model.
Error compiling Simscape network for model Fuse_cauer_model.Caused by:[‘Thermal_Mod/Cauer Thermal Model’]: Length of Vector of thermal mass temperatures must be equal to length of Thermal resistance data. In ee.passive.thermal.cauer_modelComponent:Simulink | Category:Model error I get this error while using a cauer themal model. I tried different data vectors with different length, it still appears. On the other hand I don’t get this error while using the same data with a foster model.
Error compiling Simscape network for model Fuse_cauer_model.Caused by:[‘Thermal_Mod/Cauer Thermal Model’]: Length of Vector of thermal mass temperatures must be equal to length of Thermal resistance data. In ee.passive.thermal.cauer_modelComponent:Simulink | Category:Model error cauer modell MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Matlab : Telnet to remote machine not successful
tCmd = tcpip("", 5023);
fwrite(tCmd,’:SOUR:POW:AMPL -63 DBM ‘ );
I also tried with tcpclient in place of tcpip , still telnet is unsuccesful to remote machinetCmd = tcpip("", 5023);
fwrite(tCmd,’:SOUR:POW:AMPL -63 DBM ‘ );
I also tried with tcpclient in place of tcpip , still telnet is unsuccesful to remote machine tCmd = tcpip("", 5023);
fwrite(tCmd,’:SOUR:POW:AMPL -63 DBM ‘ );
I also tried with tcpclient in place of tcpip , still telnet is unsuccesful to remote machine matlab, telnet, tcpclient, tcpip MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Simple example of admittance controller in simulink ?
I like to see a simple example of an admittance controller in simulink to test and learn from it. Can anyone please let me know or share an example ?I like to see a simple example of an admittance controller in simulink to test and learn from it. Can anyone please let me know or share an example ? I like to see a simple example of an admittance controller in simulink to test and learn from it. Can anyone please let me know or share an example ? admittance controller, simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Can I replace the vehicle physics in Carla with a custom vehicle model?
I want to create a vehicle dynamics model using MATLAB/Simulink and replace the vehicle model in Carla with it.
Thank youI want to create a vehicle dynamics model using MATLAB/Simulink and replace the vehicle model in Carla with it.
Thank you I want to create a vehicle dynamics model using MATLAB/Simulink and replace the vehicle model in Carla with it.
Thank you carla, vehicle dynamics MATLAB Answers — New Questions
MATLAB does not launch correctly
I have installed MATLAB 2023b and I already have MATLAB 2022b. When I tried to launch MATLAB 2023b, unfortunately, MATLAB 2022b launched instead.
I really appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance.I have installed MATLAB 2023b and I already have MATLAB 2022b. When I tried to launch MATLAB 2023b, unfortunately, MATLAB 2022b launched instead.
I really appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance. I have installed MATLAB 2023b and I already have MATLAB 2022b. When I tried to launch MATLAB 2023b, unfortunately, MATLAB 2022b launched instead.
I really appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance. launching MATLAB Answers — New Questions