Tag Archives: microsoft
New Survey: Your Input for the Microsoft Sentinel Ecosystem
Survey Link: https://forms.office.com/r/Yy7WWFGyeD
Solutions and integrations in the Microsoft Sentinel ecosystem, such as those available in Content Hub, are pivotal in bolstering the security coverage of organizations. As our customers increasingly integrate Microsoft Sentinel with Microsoft Defender XDR, by enabling our unified SOC platform, the importance of this ecosystem only increases.
In this brief survey, we seek your suggestions on improving Microsoft Sentinel’s ecosystem. Whether it’s a feature request, an idea for a new solution, or an enhancement to an existing one, we welcome your feedback. Feel free to submit multiple responses if you have multiple suggestions.
Your insights will help us prioritize features that matter most to you. Thank you for your contributions!
The Microsoft SIEM & XDR Team
Microsoft respects your privacy. Review our online Privacy Statement here: https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/privacystatement
Survey Link: https://forms.office.com/r/Yy7WWFGyeD
Solutions and integrations in the Microsoft Sentinel ecosystem, such as those available in Content Hub, are pivotal in bolstering the security coverage of organizations. As our customers increasingly integrate Microsoft Sentinel with Microsoft Defender XDR, by enabling our unified SOC platform, the importance of this ecosystem only increases.
In this brief survey, we seek your suggestions on improving Microsoft Sentinel’s ecosystem. Whether it’s a feature request, an idea for a new solution, or an enhancement to an existing one, we welcome your feedback. Feel free to submit multiple responses if you have multiple suggestions.
Your insights will help us prioritize features that matter most to you. Thank you for your contributions!
The Microsoft SIEM & XDR TeamMicrosoft respects your privacy. Review our online Privacy Statement here: https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/privacystatement Read More
Copilot Learning Hub: Seu Portal para Dominar o Microsoft Copilot
Você já quis ter um lugar único para aprender tudo sobre o Microsoft Copilot? Imagine ter um site onde você pode encontrar artigos, vídeos e laboratórios práticos que são relevantes para você, independentemente da tecnologia com a qual você trabalha. O Copilot Learning Hub foi projetado para ser a sua fonte principal para tudo relacionado ao Microsoft Copilot. Neste artigo, vamos dar uma olhada neste hub, o que ele pode fazer por você e como ele pode ajudá-lo a aprender e dominar o Microsoft Copilot.
Novo Curso Gratuito de Treinamento no Microsoft Learn – Coleção Oficial: Passo 1: Compreender o Copilot
Não há nada mais satisfatório do que aprender algo novo, e a Microsoft sabe disso. Temos uma nova série de cursos gratuitos no Microsoft Learn, que é a plataforma oficial de aprendizado da Microsoft. Eles são uma ótima maneira para qualquer pessoa interessada em aprender mais sobre o Microsoft Copilot.
A coleção é dividida em quatro módulos, para que você possa aprender sobre:
Compreender como a IA Generativa e o Copilot Funcionam
Compreender o Copilot para o Microsoft 365
Explorar mais com o Microsoft Copilot
Começar com o Copilot para o Microsoft 365
Para acessar essa coleção, basta clicar no link: Coleção Oficial: Passo 1: Compreender o Copilot.
Depois de concluir qualquer curso desta coleção, você receberá um certificado de conclusão que poderá compartilhar nas redes sociais, no seu currículo ou no perfil do LinkedIn.
O que é o Copilot Learning Hub?
O Copilot Learning Hub é uma plataforma onde você pode encontrar todos os recursos necessários para aprender o Microsoft Copilot em um só lugar. Este hub foi projetado para ajudar usuários de todas as áreas tecnológicas—como desenvolvedores, profissionais de TI, usuários de negócios, cientistas de dados, estudantes e muito mais—a acessar e aplicar o conhecimento de forma eficaz, com documentação detalhada, tutoriais interativos e exemplos práticos.
Por exemplo, na seção Comece sua Jornada de Aprendizado com o Copilot, você encontrará tutoriais, cursos, documentações, vídeos e outros recursos para ajudá-lo a aprender e dominar o Microsoft Copilot. Nesta seção, você pode aprender sobre:
Passo 1: Compreender o Copilot
Passo 2: Adotar o Copilot
Passo 3: Expandir o Copilot
Passo 4: Criar o Copilot
Se você observar, cada seção começa com conhecimentos básicos até que você possa alcançar e dominar a ferramenta, até chegar a um ponto onde possa desenvolver suas próprias soluções com o Microsoft Copilot.
Um outro ótimo recurso para quem gosta de aprender com vídeos é a série de vídeos nesta seção que o ajudará a entender melhor o Microsoft Copilot.
E eu gostaria de aproveitar esta oportunidade para compartilhar a lista de reprodução completa de vídeos sobre o Microsoft Copilot:
Vamos dar uma olhada mais de perto nos principais benefícios desse hub.
Benefícios do Copilot Learning Hub
Aqui estão alguns dos principais benefícios do Copilot Learning Hub:
Centro de Recursos Abrangente: Este é o seu hub para tudo relacionado a este tópico. O Copilot Learning Hub tem uma enorme coleção de artigos, vídeos e laboratórios práticos, facilitando para os usuários encontrar e usar os recursos que são mais adequados para eles.
Caminhos de Aprendizado Estruturados: Com laboratórios práticos e tutoriais passo a passo, os usuários podem colocar em prática seus conhecimentos em cenários do mundo real, o que os ajuda a entender melhor e desenvolver suas habilidades.
Oportunidades de Certificação: Após concluir os cursos disponíveis no hub, você pode ganhar badges/certificações que mostram que você é um especialista na sua área e dão um impulso na sua carreira profissional.
Quais são os principais recursos do Copilot Learning Hub? Vamos nos aprofundar e dar uma olhada mais de perto.
Recursos do Copilot Learning Hub
O Copilot Learning Hub tem alguns recursos excelentes que tornam o aprendizado do Microsoft Copilot mais fácil e eficaz.
Artigos e Documentação Aprofundados: Temos muitos artigos detalhados e documentação que fornecem aos usuários todas as informações de que precisam sobre o Microsoft Copilot, incluindo suas funcionalidades, melhores práticas e como tirar o máximo proveito dele.
Conteúdo de Vídeo Engajador: Tutoriais em vídeo e webinars com conteúdo de alta qualidade ajudam os usuários a entender conceitos complexos e a se manterem atualizados com os últimos desenvolvimentos do Microsoft Copilot.
Laboratórios Interativos: Laboratórios práticos permitem que os usuários experimentem o Microsoft Copilot em um ambiente seguro e controlado, o que ajuda a aprender fazendo.
Suporte da Comunidade: O hub também conecta os usuários a uma grande comunidade de aprendizes e especialistas, o que facilita a colaboração e o compartilhamento de conhecimentos.
Se você é uma organização que deseja treinar seus funcionários, a plataforma é uma ótima maneira de fazer isso.
Por exemplo, há cursos de treinamento específicos para aqueles que ocupam cargos de liderança em uma organização, como o treinamento: Transforme seus negócios com a IA da Microsoft, que também está disponível gratuitamente na plataforma.
Qualquer Função, Qualquer Nível de Habilidade!
O Copilot Learning Hub foi projetado para ajudar usuários de todas as áreas tecnológicas, independentemente de sua função ou nível de habilidade. Seja você um iniciante ou um especialista, encontrará recursos que são adequados para você.
Comece agora a sua Jornada com o Copilot Learning Hub
O Copilot Learning Hub é um recurso incrível para qualquer pessoa que queira se tornar um especialista no Microsoft Copilot. Ele oferece todos os recursos de que você precisa, além de caminhos de aprendizado estruturados e laboratórios interativos, para que você possa melhorar suas habilidades e conhecimentos.
Incentivamos você a explorar o Copilot Learning Hub e aproveitar ao máximo todas as ótimas informações que encontrará lá. Se você está apenas começando ou procurando aprofundar seus conhecimentos, este hub tem algo para todos.
O Copilot Learning Hub é o seu portal para dominar o Microsoft Copilot. Seja você um desenvolvedor, profissional de TI, usuário de negócios, cientista de dados, estudante ou apenas alguém interessado em aprender mais sobre o Microsoft Copilot, o hub tem algo para você. Com uma enorme coleção de artigos, vídeos e laboratórios práticos, você pode encontrar os recursos que precisa para aprender e dominar o Microsoft Copilot em um só lugar. Então, por que esperar? Comece sua jornada de aprendizado com o Copilot hoje!
Esperamos que você tenha gostado deste artigo e o achado útil. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou sugestão, deixe nos comentários abaixo. Adoraria ouvir você!
Até a próxima!
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Where do I find my sharepoint form?
I’m a bit confused!
I created a form, have a link to it on a page that looks like this:
If I click this link, it opens the form I created.
I don’ remember where I copied this link from.
I am trying to link to this form from another page. AND I want to edit the form – but can’t find where/how I do this!
Thanks in advance.
I’m a bit confused!I created a form, have a link to it on a page that looks like this: https://mycompany.sharepoint.com/:l:/s/ambertest/FKRPIB72pvNDvoC4t1TFCTMBitqYSm8AauzGLQbWGK9_Pg?nav=NGZkZDM2M2UtNjMyZi00OTRkLWE1ZGEtNTBkM2NlNGIyMjZl If I click this link, it opens the form I created.I don’ remember where I copied this link from. I am trying to link to this form from another page. AND I want to edit the form – but can’t find where/how I do this!Thanks in advance.Amber Read More
Critical tasks on Gantt chart view on SharePoint project Site
We are on Project server 2019 on Premise system. The projects are published to the PWA and have connected a SharePoint site for the project. The SharePoint project Tasks page shows project schedule task in list. The Task list has a Gantt Chart view . Is there a way to see Critical tasks on Gantt chart view of Project task list?
If not, are there any possible ways we could extend Gantt view to show Critical task.
Hello, We are on Project server 2019 on Premise system. The projects are published to the PWA and have connected a SharePoint site for the project. The SharePoint project Tasks page shows project schedule task in list. The Task list has a Gantt Chart view . Is there a way to see Critical tasks on Gantt chart view of Project task list?If not, are there any possible ways we could extend Gantt view to show Critical task. Read More
Booking on off hours
I have been using the Booking calendar for a while now and more often than not, it allows people to schedule appointments that are not within the Booking hours. It even allows them to book on days where the schedule is set to closed for the day. It is becoming a major problem, as it requires us contacting that person and potentially rescheduling.
Do you know why this is happening and do you have an ETR? (expected time of resolution)
I have been using the Booking calendar for a while now and more often than not, it allows people to schedule appointments that are not within the Booking hours. It even allows them to book on days where the schedule is set to closed for the day. It is becoming a major problem, as it requires us contacting that person and potentially rescheduling. Do you know why this is happening and do you have an ETR? (expected time of resolution) Read More
Filtering a list and chart multiple series
Hello and thanks for any advice. I’ve simplified my scenario as below. A teacher and student have a walking contest over 7 days. Column A is date, Column B is role (i.e. teacher or student), Column C is miles walked. I would like to create a line chart with 2 data series comparing the teacher’s walking to the student’s walking.
Ideally, when selecting the data for each series, I could input a formula filtering Column B for either “teacher” or “student” and then plotting the associated ‘miles walked’, I’ve included a sample data set.
RoleMiles walked1/1/2001Teacher11/1/2001Student21/2/2001Teacher51/2/2001Student41/3/2001Teacher21/3/2001Student11/4/2001Teacher31/4/2001Student41/5/2001Teacher51/5/2001Student11/6/2001Teacher21/6/2001Student31/7/2001Teacher51/7/2001Student1
Hello and thanks for any advice. I’ve simplified my scenario as below. A teacher and student have a walking contest over 7 days. Column A is date, Column B is role (i.e. teacher or student), Column C is miles walked. I would like to create a line chart with 2 data series comparing the teacher’s walking to the student’s walking. Ideally, when selecting the data for each series, I could input a formula filtering Column B for either “teacher” or “student” and then plotting the associated ‘miles walked’, I’ve included a sample data set. RoleMiles walked1/1/2001Teacher11/1/2001Student21/2/2001Teacher51/2/2001Student41/3/2001Teacher21/3/2001Student11/4/2001Teacher31/4/2001Student41/5/2001Teacher51/5/2001Student11/6/2001Teacher21/6/2001Student31/7/2001Teacher51/7/2001Student1 Read More
Email Content Missing in Sent Emails
After sending an email, when I look at it in sent, some of the content is missing and if I forward the email to the same person, all the content is visible. This does not happen to all emails I send, no idea why this is happening, please help…BOB
After sending an email, when I look at it in sent, some of the content is missing and if I forward the email to the same person, all the content is visible. This does not happen to all emails I send, no idea why this is happening, please help…BOB Read More
Je n’ai plus accès à la formule IMAGE
Je suis sur la version 2408 (17928.20114). Depuis la dernière mise à jour je n’ai plus accès a la fonction “IMAGE” et donc plus la possibilité d’incruster une image via un lien URL dans les cellules concernées. Est-ce qu’une mise à jour visant à régler ce problème arrive ? ou est-ce qu’une autre formule de ce type peux venir remplacer temporairement ou définitivement la formule “IMAGE” ?
Je suis sur la version 2408 (17928.20114). Depuis la dernière mise à jour je n’ai plus accès a la fonction “IMAGE” et donc plus la possibilité d’incruster une image via un lien URL dans les cellules concernées. Est-ce qu’une mise à jour visant à régler ce problème arrive ? ou est-ce qu’une autre formule de ce type peux venir remplacer temporairement ou définitivement la formule “IMAGE” ? Read More
Compare string values and automate look-up (multi-step)
I have a specific multi-step task I would like to automate in excel, ideally with the use of a formula.
I have four columns (A. application year, B. patent ID, C. backward citations and D. forward citations). Columns C and D contain strings (comma separated values).
First step:
1) For each row, I want to identify if there is a matching string value present in both column C and D. In column E (new column), I want to output the matching citation. E.g. in image file attached, cell E2 contains US1111, the string value that is present in both C2 and D2.
Second step (column F)
2) I want to then search for patent US1111 (value in E2) in column B (list of all patents) and identify it’s application year (column A).
Third step (column G)
3) If the output in F2 (matching citation year) is less than the value in A2, then the formula searches column B for value in E2 (US1111) and in the corresponding row, the output is “DELETE”.
An example in the data attached is
Row 2: In C2 and D2, the matching string/citation is US1111. Ideal Output in E2 is “US1111”.
Then formula in F2, searches for US1111 in column B and output’s it’s application year from column A (A16: 1994). Output in F2 = 1994.
Then in G2, new formula compares F2 (1994) to A2 (2024) and if F2<A2 (1994<2024), the formula searches for US1111 (E2) in column B and outputs “DELETE” in the corresponding row column G (G16 in our example spreadsheet as US1111 is located in B16.
any help would be greatly appreciated!
Many many thanks
Hi, I have a specific multi-step task I would like to automate in excel, ideally with the use of a formula. I have four columns (A. application year, B. patent ID, C. backward citations and D. forward citations). Columns C and D contain strings (comma separated values). First step:1) For each row, I want to identify if there is a matching string value present in both column C and D. In column E (new column), I want to output the matching citation. E.g. in image file attached, cell E2 contains US1111, the string value that is present in both C2 and D2. Second step (column F)2) I want to then search for patent US1111 (value in E2) in column B (list of all patents) and identify it’s application year (column A). Third step (column G)3) If the output in F2 (matching citation year) is less than the value in A2, then the formula searches column B for value in E2 (US1111) and in the corresponding row, the output is “DELETE”. An example in the data attached isRow 2: In C2 and D2, the matching string/citation is US1111. Ideal Output in E2 is “US1111”.Then formula in F2, searches for US1111 in column B and output’s it’s application year from column A (A16: 1994). Output in F2 = 1994.Then in G2, new formula compares F2 (1994) to A2 (2024) and if F2<A2 (1994<2024), the formula searches for US1111 (E2) in column B and outputs “DELETE” in the corresponding row column G (G16 in our example spreadsheet as US1111 is located in B16. any help would be greatly appreciated! Many many thanks Read More
Windows – unable to create a ‘Windows Hello’ PIN
a new user is able to log-in using ’email address’ and set a PIN for ‘Windows Hello’, works fine.
But a local user migrated profile (using Profwiz) cannot add a PIN since the ‘login page’ shows as the imagem below and then close quickly.
I already tried:
1) WSRESET command to refresh connection to his cloud account, but no success;
2) Instruction from that article below regarding to reset folder ‘NGC’ permissions, but no success:
* this environment is ‘Windows 10 Pro’ or ‘Windows 11 Pro’ and the users has ‘M365 E3’ license.
Hi, a new user is able to log-in using ’email address’ and set a PIN for ‘Windows Hello’, works fine.But a local user migrated profile (using Profwiz) cannot add a PIN since the ‘login page’ shows as the imagem below and then close quickly. I already tried:1) WSRESET command to refresh connection to his cloud account, but no success;2) Instruction from that article below regarding to reset folder ‘NGC’ permissions, but no success:https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/help-i-forgot-my-pin-for-windows-hello-and-i/537620d4-da87-4794-99f4-684931b036a0 * this environment is ‘Windows 10 Pro’ or ‘Windows 11 Pro’ and the users has ‘M365 E3’ license. Read More
Formating a cell in Excel based on multiple conditions
Social Media Posts Analysis:
I have a tabular columns on excel with days (1-31) in columns and the months (1-12) in rows, which looks like this:
The data to this feeds from another sheet in the same excel file. This data is basically saying the date on which a post was made on a social media:
I have made the tabular column (Image 1) using countifs function, where it automatically takes the day and month from the Date column and places it in appropriate cell in the 1st sheet.
For example:
Now my question is:
I want to format the tabular column (Image 1) as follows:
No Background color to cell -> If no posts have been made on this day and month at all or the day (DD) and month (MM) appears only in one year (there can be more than one post in the same date (DD/MM/YYYY), that is not a problem)Yellow -> If there are atleast two posts in the same day (DD) and month (MM) but in two separate years (YYYY)Green -> If there are atleast three posts in the same day (DD) and month (MM) but in three separate years (YYYY)
I hope that was clear. Please help me out if there are any methods to acheive this formating in Excel.
Let me know if you need any further clarfications.
Thanks in advance,
Social Media Posts Analysis:I have a tabular columns on excel with days (1-31) in columns and the months (1-12) in rows, which looks like this:The data to this feeds from another sheet in the same excel file. This data is basically saying the date on which a post was made on a social media: I have made the tabular column (Image 1) using countifs function, where it automatically takes the day and month from the Date column and places it in appropriate cell in the 1st sheet.For example:Sheet1!B2=COUNTIFS(Sheet2!$D:$D,Sheet1!B$1,Sheet2!$E:$E,Sheet1!$A2)Now my question is:I want to format the tabular column (Image 1) as follows:No Background color to cell -> If no posts have been made on this day and month at all or the day (DD) and month (MM) appears only in one year (there can be more than one post in the same date (DD/MM/YYYY), that is not a problem)Yellow -> If there are atleast two posts in the same day (DD) and month (MM) but in two separate years (YYYY)Green -> If there are atleast three posts in the same day (DD) and month (MM) but in three separate years (YYYY) I hope that was clear. Please help me out if there are any methods to acheive this formating in Excel.Let me know if you need any further clarfications. Thanks in advance,Eashwar Read More
Editor lacking in New Outlook
Unless I am missing something, I find the New Outlook (which I’ve been using for about a year) very lacking when it comes to formatting an email. In the classic Outlook I believe I had the full Microsoft Word functionality whereas that is not the case with the New Outlook. Is there a way to get full Microsoft Word functionality when creating an email in the New Outlook?
Unless I am missing something, I find the New Outlook (which I’ve been using for about a year) very lacking when it comes to formatting an email. In the classic Outlook I believe I had the full Microsoft Word functionality whereas that is not the case with the New Outlook. Is there a way to get full Microsoft Word functionality when creating an email in the New Outlook? Read More
Use VBA to Auto create a hyperlink in multiple cells for a column
what I have:
I have a workbook that has to 2 sheets. (Sheet1 and Sheet2).
Sheet1(ColumnA) has the column i need to hyperlink to cells(ColumnB) on sheet2.
What i need :
create a routine that will insert a hyperlink on Sheet1 relating to Sheet2.
on Sheet1 have Cell A2 HYPERLINK TO B5 on Sheet2.
A3 will hyperlink to B6
A4 will hyperlink to B7 etc….
but hard code the range…so i can change the range if needed.
This formula sub seems to only do a single insert ?
Sub HyperlinkAnotherSheet()
Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Select Range(“B5”).Select ActiveCell.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:=“”, SubAddress:=“‘Sheet2’!A1”
End Sub
what I have:I have a workbook that has to 2 sheets. (Sheet1 and Sheet2).Sheet1(ColumnA) has the column i need to hyperlink to cells(ColumnB) on sheet2. What i need :create a routine that will insert a hyperlink on Sheet1 relating to Sheet2. example:on Sheet1 have Cell A2 HYPERLINK TO B5 on Sheet2.A3 will hyperlink to B6A4 will hyperlink to B7 etc…. but hard code the range…so i can change the range if needed. This formula sub seems to only do a single insert ?Sub HyperlinkAnotherSheet()Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Select Range(“B5″).Select ActiveCell.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:=””, SubAddress:=”‘Sheet2’!A1″End Sub Thanksfordraiders Read More
OneDrive API and the standard Attribute enum
I need to iterate over many user’s OneDrives and set the PINNED attribute (“Always keep on this device”): FILE_ATTRIBUTE_PINNED 0x00080000.
In looking at drive/driveitem via the Graph API I can get a reference to a user’s OneDrive and a file, but I don’t see the “real” attributes.
Are these not exposed by the Graph API? If not, is there another way to automate this?
I need to iterate over many user’s OneDrives and set the PINNED attribute (“Always keep on this device”): FILE_ATTRIBUTE_PINNED 0x00080000.In looking at drive/driveitem via the Graph API I can get a reference to a user’s OneDrive and a file, but I don’t see the “real” attributes. Are these not exposed by the Graph API? If not, is there another way to automate this? Read More
Calendar option visible in Project for the web App
I have a managed solution in a production Power Apps environment that runs the Project for the web app. I noticed a “Calendar” option on the Project main form that was not there until last week. I then opened the unmanaged solution in the dev environment from where I export it as a managed solution, the Project table’s form does not have this Calendar option. No other changes were made to the main form so where is this Calendar option appearing in my solution?
I can confirm both solution versions are the same & no other user updated the solution.
Unmanaged solution Project main form:
The production app where the Calendar option is visible:
Hi,I have a managed solution in a production Power Apps environment that runs the Project for the web app. I noticed a “Calendar” option on the Project main form that was not there until last week. I then opened the unmanaged solution in the dev environment from where I export it as a managed solution, the Project table’s form does not have this Calendar option. No other changes were made to the main form so where is this Calendar option appearing in my solution? I can confirm both solution versions are the same & no other user updated the solution. Unmanaged solution Project main form: The production app where the Calendar option is visible: Read More
ADF Copy activity failed with Databricks as Sink
I got the error message below when sinking data from SQL Server to Databricks.
“ErrorCode=AzureDatabricksComplexTypesNotSupported,We don’t support complex types (struct, map, array) in copy activity.”
Apparently I don’t have these data types in the source table, except varchar(max) which I guess it caused the issue.
I believe I’m not the only one running into this issue,any suggestions?
I got the error message below when sinking data from SQL Server to Databricks.”ErrorCode=AzureDatabricksComplexTypesNotSupported,We don’t support complex types (struct, map, array) in copy activity.”Apparently I don’t have these data types in the source table, except varchar(max) which I guess it caused the issue.I believe I’m not the only one running into this issue,any suggestions?Thanks! Read More
Uso de Resource CPU Limit no Kubernetes
Um pouco sobre como o processo funciona
Vou começar com um pouco de contexto em como a alocação de CPU funciona no Kernel do Linux. Vamos olhar para o núcleo de um processador, ele é capaz de processar uma única operação por vez, não tem mágica, você manda a operação ele processa e retorna. Se você tem dois cores, duas operações por vez e assim por diante.
Mesmo os processadores com Hyper Threading o núcleo do processador continua processando task a task, uma por vez, a tecnologia Hyper Threading (presente em processadores intel) mantém o core mais tempo processando do que ocioso, ou seja, usa melhor o tempo, mas nada mudou no núcleo, continuamos não podendo paralelizar as tarefas, apenas melhorar a concorrência entre elas.
Kernel do Linux gerenciando tarefas
Falamos um pouco da camada de hardware, agora vamos para a camada de software. Para simplificar, vamos imaginar um processador com apenas 1 core (um Intel 4004). Se você simplificar as coisas e pensar que 1 core pode processar 1 task por vez, e você tiver uma task que vai levar 10min para terminar, significa que seu processador vai ficar processando apenas esta task por 10min, o que obviamente travaria todo seu Sistema Operacional. Imagina, enquanto você está baixando um arquivo você não iria conseguir mexer o mouse, digitar no teclado, ou escutar uma música.
É para isso que existem o que chamamos de CPU Schedulers. São programas que rodam no S.O que fazem o gerenciamento das tasks que irão rodar no núcleo do processador, e obviamente eles não vão permitir que sua task de 10min cause um starvation nos outros processos. E como isso funciona ? Bom, existem diversos tipos de Schedulers, dependendo do seu S.O, vamos focar aqui no Linux. A partir da versão 2.6.23 do Kernel do Linux é utilizado um Scheduler chamado Completely Fair Scheduler (a.k.a CFS).
O CFS, como o nome já diz, tenta garantir a distribuição justa (fair) da CPU entre os processos do S.O. Em termos simples, isso significa que se você tem 1 core e 2 processos (P1 e P2), P1 vai usar 50% da CPU e P2 vai usar 50% da CPU, em termos simples ok ? É bem mais complexo que isso, envolve prioridade e agrupamento de processos, mas em termos gerais o CFS tenta distribuir igualmente.
Limits no Kubernetes
Agora que você entende como as tasks são distribuídas no núcleo do processador, vamos falar de Kubernetes. Mas primeiro, tenha em mente uma importante lição tirada da explicação acima, o ideal é que o processador fique ocupado 100% do tempo, usando 100% do seu núcleo para processar o máximo de tarefas, sem ociosidade.
Para o Kubernetes existem 2 tipos de recursos: compressible resources e not compressible resources , traduzindo para o Português, recursos compreensíveis e não compreensíveis. A memória, por exemplo, é um recurso não compreensível porque ao atingir o máximo permitido o K8s vai enviar um sinal de SIGKILL para o seu POD, por outro lado a CPU é um recurso compreensível, ou seja, mesmo que você esteja com 100% de uso, o K8s não vai mandar um SIGKILL. Porque isso ? A memória tem um tamanho finito, e quando você a enche não tem mais para onde ir, o que fazer ? Matar qualquer processo que tente usar mais memória do que o disponível. Já a CPU, tenta alocar todos os processos, porque ela trabalha com tempo, que não é um recurso finito, você pode alocar milhares de processos dentro de milli/micro/nano segundos. É óbvio se você tiver milhares de processos e apenas 1 core, cada processo vai usar 0,001% da cpu, deixando o seu S.O muito lento, devido a grande quantidade de troca entre os processos no núcleo do processador.
Agora podemos responder porque não usar Limit CPU no K8s. Quando você configura um limite de CPU, vamos supor 200m (200 millicores), você está dizendo para o K8s: “não deixe meu processo usar mais de 200 milissegundos da CPU a cada ciclo de 1 segundo“. Então vamos supor que por alguns instantes a CPU esteja livre de outros processos, você poderia estar usando 100% dela, mas estará limitado a 20% (200m), com 80% da cpu ociosa. Agora imagina que você tire esse limite, o Linux CFS vai tentar distribuir igualmente a carga da CPU entre seus PODs, e cá entre nós, provavelmente ele fará um trabalho melhor que eu e você tentando configurar um limite de CPU.
Agora um aviso muito !!IMPORTANTE!!, eu não estou dizendo que você deve sair tirando o limit CPU de todos os seus projetos. Se você tem PODs que não precisam de alto throughput , você deve sim limitar o uso de CPU, para que não haja uma concorrência pelo uso da CPU com outros PODs que realmente precisam de alto throughput. Lembra que o Linux CFS vai tentar distribuir igualmente o uso da CPU, e PODs que precisam de alta vazão podem ser impactados por aqueles que não precisam, simplesmente porque o CFS vai tentar ser fair .
Para quem chegou até aqui meu muito obrigado. Críticas e sugestões ? Deixa seu comentário.
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Hotfix: JDBC Driver 12.8.1 for SQL Server Released
We recently released an update to Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server, version 12.8.1. The update addresses a few issues on top of the 12.8.0 release.
Fixed issues
Adjusted DESTINATION_COL_METADATA_LOCK, in SQLServerBulkCopy, so that is properly released in all cases #2492
Reverted “Execute Stored Procedures Directly” feature, as well as subsequent changes related to the feature. #2493
Changed driver behavior to allow prepared statement objects to be reused, preventing a “multiple queries are not allowed” error #2494
Changed MSAL logging from FINER to FINEST #2491
Getting the latest release
The latest bits are available to download from Microsoft, from the GitHub repository, and via Maven Central.
Add the JDBC 12.8.1 RTW driver to your Maven project by adding the following code to your POM file to include it as a dependency in your project (choose .jre8 for Java 8/1.8 or .jre11 for Java 11 and up).
Help us improve the JDBC Driver by filing issues on GitHub or contributing to the project.
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Released: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 6.0 Preview 1
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 6.0 Preview 1 has been released. This release contains improvements and updates to the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient data provider for SQL Server.
Our plan is to provide regular GA releases with several preview releases in between. This cadence should provide time for feedback and allow us to deliver features and fixes in a timely manner. This 6.0 preview includes fixes and changes over the 5.2 GA release.
Breaking Changes
Removed support for .NET Standard. #2386
Removed UWP (UAP) references. #2483
Added TokenCredential object to take advantage of token caching in ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationProvider. #2380
Added DateOnly and TimeOnly support to DataTable as a structured parameter. #2258
Added Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.Diagnostics.SqlClientDiagnostic type in .NET. #2226
Added scope trace for GenerateSspiClientContext. #2497, #2725
Fixed Socket.Connect timeout issue caused by thread starvation. #2777
Fixed pending data with SqlDataReader against an encrypted column. #2618
Fixed Entra authentication when using infinite connection timeout in ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationProvider. #2651
Fixed GetSchema by excluding unsupported engines due to lack of support for ASSEMBLYPROPERTY function. #2593
Fixed SSPI retry negotiation with default port in .NET. #2559
Fixed assembly path in .NET 8.0 and .AssemblyAttributes. #2550
Fixed certificate chain validation. #2487
Fixed clone of SqlConnection to include AccessTokenCallback. #2525
Fixed issue with DateTimeOffset in table-valued parameters, which was introduced in 5.2. #2453
Fixed ArgumentNullException on SqlDataRecord.GetValue when using user-defined data type on .NET. #2448
Fixed SqlBuffer and SqlGuild when it’s null. #2310
Fixed SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer state in a consecutive calls. #2375
Fixed null reference exception with SqlConnection.FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors after introducing the batch command. #2399
Replaced System.Runtime.Caching with Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory. #2493
Improved memory allocation when reader opened by CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess over big string columns. #2356
For the full list of changes in Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 6.0 Preview 1, please see the Release Notes.
To try out the new package, add a NuGet reference to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient in your application and pick the 6.0 preview 1 version.
We appreciate the time and effort you spend checking out our previews. It makes the final product that much better. If you encounter any issues or have any feedback, head over to the SqlClient GitHub repository and submit an issue.
David Engel
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Announcing TRIMRANGE and accompanying trim references
I’m excited to announce a new function, TRIMRANGE, and a set of new reference operators.
NOTE: This is a preview function. Its signature and results may change substantially before being broadly released, based on your feedback. So, we do not recommend using it in important workbooks until it is generally available.
New TRIMRANGE function and trim refs: easily remove blanks from the edges of a range
We’re introducing a new function and a set of supporting references:
TRIMRANGE function – a function that removes empty rows from the edges of a range.
Trim references – offer a more succinct way to call common variances of the TRIMRANGE function.
TRIMRANGE function
The TRIMRANGE function removes empty rows from the edges of a range. This can be particularly useful when writing dynamic array formulas or optimizing lambda functions for performance.
In the example below, we use TRIMRANGE to calculate the length of any text entered into column A.
Without the use of TRIMRANGE, =LEN(A:A) would run on every cell, returning over a million unnecessary results. Besides being inefficient, trailing undesirable 0’s are returned to the grid. This can be especially problematic if you then try and operate on the spill using =C1# notation.
TRIMRANGE is also a great new tool for optimizing the performance of lambda functions that operate on ranges. It allows lambda authors to more tightly scope ranges, which can reduce the number of necessary computations.
More information on the TRIMRANGE function can be found on the help page.
Trim References
Trim References (‘Trim Refs’) offer a more succinct way to call common variances of TRIMRANGE. They are a modifier of the iconic colon range operator A1:E5. By prefixing or suffixing the colon with a period, you can request to trim blanks from the start, end or both.
Equivalent TRIMRANGE
Trailing trim ref (:.)
Trim trailing blanks
Leading trim ref (.:)
Trim leading blanks
Full trim ref (.:.)
Trim leading and trailing blanks
Full-column references are often avoided because they can have poor performance with some functions. However, with trim refs, they are much more performant as the full-column reference can be constrained to just the portion with values.
In the example below, we use the trailing trim ref to trim a full column reference. We expect trailing trim refs to be the most commonly used of the 3 trim ref variants.
Learn More
You can learn more about the TRIMRANGE function on our help page.
This new function and new references are currently available to Beta Channel users running Version 2409 (Build 18020.2000) or later.
Don’t have it yet? It’s probably us, not you.
Features are released over some time to ensure things are working smoothly. We highlight features that you may not have because they’re slowly releasing to larger numbers of Insiders. Sometimes we remove elements to further improve them based on your feedback. Though this is rare, we also reserve the option to pull a feature entirely out of the product, even if you, as an Insider, have had the opportunity to try it.
We want to hear from you! Please click Help > Feedback in Excel on Windows to submit your thoughts about these new functions.
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