Take 3×3 nearest neighbours round centroids of all spots and find the median of their mean
Hello, I have an image (TIFF) that I calculate the centroids and extract the median intensity of all these centroids.
I have the centroid positons in x1,y1 and loop through them the obtin the intensity of each spot and then take the median
Intensity(i)=IM(y1(i),x1(i)); %Centroid intensity
I now want to take a 3×3 nearest neighbours round each of the x1,y1 points and obtain the median of their mean.
Are there any suggestions how I achieve this.
JasonHello, I have an image (TIFF) that I calculate the centroids and extract the median intensity of all these centroids.
I have the centroid positons in x1,y1 and loop through them the obtin the intensity of each spot and then take the median
Intensity(i)=IM(y1(i),x1(i)); %Centroid intensity
I now want to take a 3×3 nearest neighbours round each of the x1,y1 points and obtain the median of their mean.
Are there any suggestions how I achieve this.
Jason Hello, I have an image (TIFF) that I calculate the centroids and extract the median intensity of all these centroids.
I have the centroid positons in x1,y1 and loop through them the obtin the intensity of each spot and then take the median
Intensity(i)=IM(y1(i),x1(i)); %Centroid intensity
I now want to take a 3×3 nearest neighbours round each of the x1,y1 points and obtain the median of their mean.
Are there any suggestions how I achieve this.
Jason image, centroid MATLAB Answers — New Questions