Title for a column of subplots
I want to have a title for each column and row of subplots. I’ve tried using sgtitle but it is not giving me the effect I want. Is there another way to achieve this? I’ve included a simplifed example below of what I want to achieve.I want to have a title for each column and row of subplots. I’ve tried using sgtitle but it is not giving me the effect I want. Is there another way to achieve this? I’ve included a simplifed example below of what I want to achieve. I want to have a title for each column and row of subplots. I’ve tried using sgtitle but it is not giving me the effect I want. Is there another way to achieve this? I’ve included a simplifed example below of what I want to achieve. plot, subplot, sgtitle, format, graph, graphing, plotting MATLAB Answers — New Questions