Two codes for the same dataset have different root mean square error values
Hello, i am working on wknn for localization, the first code requires input of the rss values and the error is less than 5m but the second code has a training and a test set and the error is above 500m, i cannot figure why this is happening. I have attached the code and the dataset. Thank you.Hello, i am working on wknn for localization, the first code requires input of the rss values and the error is less than 5m but the second code has a training and a test set and the error is above 500m, i cannot figure why this is happening. I have attached the code and the dataset. Thank you. Hello, i am working on wknn for localization, the first code requires input of the rss values and the error is less than 5m but the second code has a training and a test set and the error is above 500m, i cannot figure why this is happening. I have attached the code and the dataset. Thank you. wknn localization MATLAB Answers — New Questions