Unexpected phases in fresnel diffraction using fft2
Hello everyone,
I’m relative new to Matlab and encountered trouble trying to realize a Fresnel-diffraction using the Fast-Fourier Algorithm.
Please apologize my somehow lacking English skills. Since it’s not my mother tongue, some of my explanations may sound a little bit weird.
I want to propagate a N x N matrix, whereas N is a power of 2.
The matrix I use as a test case describes a square which is symmetric to the middel of the matrix, I generate the matrix with the following code snippet:
A = zeros(256,256);
A(119:138, 119:138) = 100;
fresnelpropagation(A, 100, 0.682, 0.39, 0.39); %function call
I get a small 20px x 20px square in the middel of a 256 x 256 matrix.
The function I call looks like this:
function Aout=fresnelpropagation2( Ain ,z , lambda, dx , dy )
[nx, ny] = size(Ain);
k = 2*pi / lambda;
%dx and dy in distance z
dx2 = z*lambda/(nx * dx);
dy2 = z*lambda/(ny * dy);
%"coordinates" of matrix Ain
x1 = (-nx/2*dx2 + dx2/2 : dx2 : nx/2*dx2 – dx2/2);
y1 = (-ny/2*dy2 + dy2/2 : dy2 : ny/2*dy2 – dy2/2);
[X1, Y1] = meshgrid(x1 *dx,y1 *dy);
%Phase of matrix Ain and FFT of Ain
AFtPart = Ain.*exp(1i*k*z + (1i*k/(2*z)).*(X1.^2 + Y1.^2));
AFt = fftshift(fft2(ifftshift(AFtPart)));
%"coordinates" of matrix Aout
x2 = (-nx/2*dx2 + dx2/2 : dx2 : nx/2*dx2 – dx2/2);
y2 = (-ny/2*dy2 + dy2/2 : dy2 : ny/2*dy2 – dy2/2);
[X2, Y2] = meshgrid(x2, y2);
%compare Sf(x,y) in formula
AFoldCore = (1i*k /(2*pi*z)).*exp((1i*k/(2*z)).*(X2.^2 + Y2.^2));
Aout = AFoldCore.*AFt;
The formula this algorithm is based on:
_Image 1: Formula for diffraction_
My result for the amplitude of Aout is as expected, the problem lies within the phases, they are not symmetrical (obvious asymmetrical part marked in the picture):
_Image 2: Amplitude and Phase of Aout_
So I tried to find out where this asymetrical part came into existence. AFoldCore proved to be symmetric, AFtPart appears to be symmetric as well, but the phases of AFt itself are not symmetric:
_Image 3: Amplitude and Phase of AFt_
It appears as if a Sine with a rather low frequency was mulitplied into the phase. It ´"starts"
in the top left corner and goes down to the bottom right corner.
After some try and error I decided to use the same algorithm for a Matrix with an odd size:
>> A = zeros(257,257);
>> A(119:139, 119:139) = 100;
>> fresnelpropagation(A, 100, 0.682, 0.39, 0.39);
The phase of Aout is symmetric, furthermore the phase of AFt is symmetric as well.
Because I need to use the algorithm a lot of times in my program I intend to work with matrixes,
with a size of N x N, whereas N is a power of 2 for perfomance reasons. Due to that simply "upsacling" to N+1 x N+1 is not a possible solution.
I think I know where the error is to be found: The ifftshift is not able to flip along a Pixel with the coordinates [0,0] if N is even. Due to that somehow the sine enters the phase.
My question is how am I able to surpress this sine in my phase without upscaling my Matrix?
Or is there something wrong with my code?
Thank you for your time and attention.
Best regards,
AdrianHello everyone,
I’m relative new to Matlab and encountered trouble trying to realize a Fresnel-diffraction using the Fast-Fourier Algorithm.
Please apologize my somehow lacking English skills. Since it’s not my mother tongue, some of my explanations may sound a little bit weird.
I want to propagate a N x N matrix, whereas N is a power of 2.
The matrix I use as a test case describes a square which is symmetric to the middel of the matrix, I generate the matrix with the following code snippet:
A = zeros(256,256);
A(119:138, 119:138) = 100;
fresnelpropagation(A, 100, 0.682, 0.39, 0.39); %function call
I get a small 20px x 20px square in the middel of a 256 x 256 matrix.
The function I call looks like this:
function Aout=fresnelpropagation2( Ain ,z , lambda, dx , dy )
[nx, ny] = size(Ain);
k = 2*pi / lambda;
%dx and dy in distance z
dx2 = z*lambda/(nx * dx);
dy2 = z*lambda/(ny * dy);
%"coordinates" of matrix Ain
x1 = (-nx/2*dx2 + dx2/2 : dx2 : nx/2*dx2 – dx2/2);
y1 = (-ny/2*dy2 + dy2/2 : dy2 : ny/2*dy2 – dy2/2);
[X1, Y1] = meshgrid(x1 *dx,y1 *dy);
%Phase of matrix Ain and FFT of Ain
AFtPart = Ain.*exp(1i*k*z + (1i*k/(2*z)).*(X1.^2 + Y1.^2));
AFt = fftshift(fft2(ifftshift(AFtPart)));
%"coordinates" of matrix Aout
x2 = (-nx/2*dx2 + dx2/2 : dx2 : nx/2*dx2 – dx2/2);
y2 = (-ny/2*dy2 + dy2/2 : dy2 : ny/2*dy2 – dy2/2);
[X2, Y2] = meshgrid(x2, y2);
%compare Sf(x,y) in formula
AFoldCore = (1i*k /(2*pi*z)).*exp((1i*k/(2*z)).*(X2.^2 + Y2.^2));
Aout = AFoldCore.*AFt;
The formula this algorithm is based on:
_Image 1: Formula for diffraction_
My result for the amplitude of Aout is as expected, the problem lies within the phases, they are not symmetrical (obvious asymmetrical part marked in the picture):
_Image 2: Amplitude and Phase of Aout_
So I tried to find out where this asymetrical part came into existence. AFoldCore proved to be symmetric, AFtPart appears to be symmetric as well, but the phases of AFt itself are not symmetric:
_Image 3: Amplitude and Phase of AFt_
It appears as if a Sine with a rather low frequency was mulitplied into the phase. It ´"starts"
in the top left corner and goes down to the bottom right corner.
After some try and error I decided to use the same algorithm for a Matrix with an odd size:
>> A = zeros(257,257);
>> A(119:139, 119:139) = 100;
>> fresnelpropagation(A, 100, 0.682, 0.39, 0.39);
The phase of Aout is symmetric, furthermore the phase of AFt is symmetric as well.
Because I need to use the algorithm a lot of times in my program I intend to work with matrixes,
with a size of N x N, whereas N is a power of 2 for perfomance reasons. Due to that simply "upsacling" to N+1 x N+1 is not a possible solution.
I think I know where the error is to be found: The ifftshift is not able to flip along a Pixel with the coordinates [0,0] if N is even. Due to that somehow the sine enters the phase.
My question is how am I able to surpress this sine in my phase without upscaling my Matrix?
Or is there something wrong with my code?
Thank you for your time and attention.
Best regards,
Adrian Hello everyone,
I’m relative new to Matlab and encountered trouble trying to realize a Fresnel-diffraction using the Fast-Fourier Algorithm.
Please apologize my somehow lacking English skills. Since it’s not my mother tongue, some of my explanations may sound a little bit weird.
I want to propagate a N x N matrix, whereas N is a power of 2.
The matrix I use as a test case describes a square which is symmetric to the middel of the matrix, I generate the matrix with the following code snippet:
A = zeros(256,256);
A(119:138, 119:138) = 100;
fresnelpropagation(A, 100, 0.682, 0.39, 0.39); %function call
I get a small 20px x 20px square in the middel of a 256 x 256 matrix.
The function I call looks like this:
function Aout=fresnelpropagation2( Ain ,z , lambda, dx , dy )
[nx, ny] = size(Ain);
k = 2*pi / lambda;
%dx and dy in distance z
dx2 = z*lambda/(nx * dx);
dy2 = z*lambda/(ny * dy);
%"coordinates" of matrix Ain
x1 = (-nx/2*dx2 + dx2/2 : dx2 : nx/2*dx2 – dx2/2);
y1 = (-ny/2*dy2 + dy2/2 : dy2 : ny/2*dy2 – dy2/2);
[X1, Y1] = meshgrid(x1 *dx,y1 *dy);
%Phase of matrix Ain and FFT of Ain
AFtPart = Ain.*exp(1i*k*z + (1i*k/(2*z)).*(X1.^2 + Y1.^2));
AFt = fftshift(fft2(ifftshift(AFtPart)));
%"coordinates" of matrix Aout
x2 = (-nx/2*dx2 + dx2/2 : dx2 : nx/2*dx2 – dx2/2);
y2 = (-ny/2*dy2 + dy2/2 : dy2 : ny/2*dy2 – dy2/2);
[X2, Y2] = meshgrid(x2, y2);
%compare Sf(x,y) in formula
AFoldCore = (1i*k /(2*pi*z)).*exp((1i*k/(2*z)).*(X2.^2 + Y2.^2));
Aout = AFoldCore.*AFt;
The formula this algorithm is based on:
_Image 1: Formula for diffraction_
My result for the amplitude of Aout is as expected, the problem lies within the phases, they are not symmetrical (obvious asymmetrical part marked in the picture):
_Image 2: Amplitude and Phase of Aout_
So I tried to find out where this asymetrical part came into existence. AFoldCore proved to be symmetric, AFtPart appears to be symmetric as well, but the phases of AFt itself are not symmetric:
_Image 3: Amplitude and Phase of AFt_
It appears as if a Sine with a rather low frequency was mulitplied into the phase. It ´"starts"
in the top left corner and goes down to the bottom right corner.
After some try and error I decided to use the same algorithm for a Matrix with an odd size:
>> A = zeros(257,257);
>> A(119:139, 119:139) = 100;
>> fresnelpropagation(A, 100, 0.682, 0.39, 0.39);
The phase of Aout is symmetric, furthermore the phase of AFt is symmetric as well.
Because I need to use the algorithm a lot of times in my program I intend to work with matrixes,
with a size of N x N, whereas N is a power of 2 for perfomance reasons. Due to that simply "upsacling" to N+1 x N+1 is not a possible solution.
I think I know where the error is to be found: The ifftshift is not able to flip along a Pixel with the coordinates [0,0] if N is even. Due to that somehow the sine enters the phase.
My question is how am I able to surpress this sine in my phase without upscaling my Matrix?
Or is there something wrong with my code?
Thank you for your time and attention.
Best regards,
Adrian fft2, phases error, fft, fresnel diffraction MATLAB Answers — New Questions