URP configuration is blocked by Mesh
I cannot find any documentation about configuring URP for the Mesh project. Can you help me?
I have noticed that multiple URP assets are located in “LibraryPackageCachecom.microsoft.mesh.toolkit@5.2409.245mesh.toolkit.uploaderAssetsURP” folder. The problem is that most of the options in URP assets files are grayed out. Is there a way to enable them?
I have created my own URP configuration files and set the project to use them, but then I get an error when I try to run or build the scene.
The game object ‘Global Volume’ uses the component ‘UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume’ in Assembly ‘Unity.RenderPipelines.Core.Runtime’. This component is not supported by Mesh runtime.
I want to enable some post-processes for the PC, which should not be a problem.
Modifying Quality levels or setting URP assets to my own resets them to default settings during the Build via the Mesh environments uploader. Is it intentional that you blocked the URP configuration?
I cannot find any documentation about configuring URP for the Mesh project. Can you help me?I have noticed that multiple URP assets are located in “LibraryPackageCachecom.microsoft.mesh.toolkit@5.2409.245mesh.toolkit.uploaderAssetsURP” folder. The problem is that most of the options in URP assets files are grayed out. Is there a way to enable them?I have created my own URP configuration files and set the project to use them, but then I get an error when I try to run or build the scene. The game object ‘Global Volume’ uses the component ‘UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume’ in Assembly ‘Unity.RenderPipelines.Core.Runtime’. This component is not supported by Mesh runtime.I want to enable some post-processes for the PC, which should not be a problem.Modifying Quality levels or setting URP assets to my own resets them to default settings during the Build via the Mesh environments uploader. Is it intentional that you blocked the URP configuration? Read More