Whether a point lies within a rectangle (Fast solution)
I have a large list of points and a large list of rectangles.I want to find the number of points inside each rectangle.I have a working solution which is very TPT heavy.
Is there a faster way of implementing this.
What I am doing now : Assume point P’s coordinate is (xp,yp), and the rectangle’s lower left point is (x1,y1) and upper right point is (x2,y2):if (xp is between x1 and x2) AND (yp is between y1 and y2)
then the point(xp,yp) is inside the rectangle.The issue is i have a large set of points (> 20000) and a larger set of rectangles(lets say also > 2000)
Now i can loop over each rectangle to caluclate the the number of points in each
for ii=1:20000
ind = Xcord>Rects(ii,1) & Xcord<Rects(ii,3) & Ycord>Rects(ii,2) & Ycord<Rects(ii,4);
count = sum(ind);
endI have a large list of points and a large list of rectangles.I want to find the number of points inside each rectangle.I have a working solution which is very TPT heavy.
Is there a faster way of implementing this.
What I am doing now : Assume point P’s coordinate is (xp,yp), and the rectangle’s lower left point is (x1,y1) and upper right point is (x2,y2):if (xp is between x1 and x2) AND (yp is between y1 and y2)
then the point(xp,yp) is inside the rectangle.The issue is i have a large set of points (> 20000) and a larger set of rectangles(lets say also > 2000)
Now i can loop over each rectangle to caluclate the the number of points in each
for ii=1:20000
ind = Xcord>Rects(ii,1) & Xcord<Rects(ii,3) & Ycord>Rects(ii,2) & Ycord<Rects(ii,4);
count = sum(ind);
end I have a large list of points and a large list of rectangles.I want to find the number of points inside each rectangle.I have a working solution which is very TPT heavy.
Is there a faster way of implementing this.
What I am doing now : Assume point P’s coordinate is (xp,yp), and the rectangle’s lower left point is (x1,y1) and upper right point is (x2,y2):if (xp is between x1 and x2) AND (yp is between y1 and y2)
then the point(xp,yp) is inside the rectangle.The issue is i have a large set of points (> 20000) and a larger set of rectangles(lets say also > 2000)
Now i can loop over each rectangle to caluclate the the number of points in each
for ii=1:20000
ind = Xcord>Rects(ii,1) & Xcord<Rects(ii,3) & Ycord>Rects(ii,2) & Ycord<Rects(ii,4);
count = sum(ind);
end points lying inside a rectangle MATLAB Answers — New Questions