why is my loop printing 0 instead of a value, not sure which part of the code is incorrect
right now the code is at an increment of 15 to test, but the final incremment will be 0.01
code needs to have an if statement within the while loop.
%range is the maximum achievable horizontal distance
% range angle is the angle that yields the maximum horizontaal distance
% use a whilel loop with a nested if statement to compute the maximum
% landing distance (range) ange the angle corrsesponding to the maximum
% landing distance (rangle angle) of the ME En 1010 ping pong cannon
function [range, rangeAngle] = ProjectileRange(d1, d2, v0)
thetaL = 90;
range = 0;
rangeAngle = 0;
[xLand] = LandingDistance(d1, d2, v0, thetaL);
while thetaL <= 90;
if xLand > range
range = xLand
rangeAngle = thetaL
thetaL = thetaL + 15;
%% test
d1 = 0.0876;
d2 = 0.1190;
v0 = 3.2;
[range, rangeAngle] = ProjectileRange(d1, d2, v0);
fprintf(‘The range is %.2f m at a launch angle of %.2f degrees’, range, rangeAngle)
this is what it prints:
The range is 0.00 m at a launch angle of 0.00 degrees>>
I need it to print "the range is 1.29 m at a launch angle of 41.6 degrees" when it has an incrememnt of 0.01right now the code is at an increment of 15 to test, but the final incremment will be 0.01
code needs to have an if statement within the while loop.
%range is the maximum achievable horizontal distance
% range angle is the angle that yields the maximum horizontaal distance
% use a whilel loop with a nested if statement to compute the maximum
% landing distance (range) ange the angle corrsesponding to the maximum
% landing distance (rangle angle) of the ME En 1010 ping pong cannon
function [range, rangeAngle] = ProjectileRange(d1, d2, v0)
thetaL = 90;
range = 0;
rangeAngle = 0;
[xLand] = LandingDistance(d1, d2, v0, thetaL);
while thetaL <= 90;
if xLand > range
range = xLand
rangeAngle = thetaL
thetaL = thetaL + 15;
%% test
d1 = 0.0876;
d2 = 0.1190;
v0 = 3.2;
[range, rangeAngle] = ProjectileRange(d1, d2, v0);
fprintf(‘The range is %.2f m at a launch angle of %.2f degrees’, range, rangeAngle)
this is what it prints:
The range is 0.00 m at a launch angle of 0.00 degrees>>
I need it to print "the range is 1.29 m at a launch angle of 41.6 degrees" when it has an incrememnt of 0.01 right now the code is at an increment of 15 to test, but the final incremment will be 0.01
code needs to have an if statement within the while loop.
%range is the maximum achievable horizontal distance
% range angle is the angle that yields the maximum horizontaal distance
% use a whilel loop with a nested if statement to compute the maximum
% landing distance (range) ange the angle corrsesponding to the maximum
% landing distance (rangle angle) of the ME En 1010 ping pong cannon
function [range, rangeAngle] = ProjectileRange(d1, d2, v0)
thetaL = 90;
range = 0;
rangeAngle = 0;
[xLand] = LandingDistance(d1, d2, v0, thetaL);
while thetaL <= 90;
if xLand > range
range = xLand
rangeAngle = thetaL
thetaL = thetaL + 15;
%% test
d1 = 0.0876;
d2 = 0.1190;
v0 = 3.2;
[range, rangeAngle] = ProjectileRange(d1, d2, v0);
fprintf(‘The range is %.2f m at a launch angle of %.2f degrees’, range, rangeAngle)
this is what it prints:
The range is 0.00 m at a launch angle of 0.00 degrees>>
I need it to print "the range is 1.29 m at a launch angle of 41.6 degrees" when it has an incrememnt of 0.01 while/if loop, answer is 0 when it should be a value MATLAB Answers — New Questions