Bisection and Fixed Point İterations: Function input
Can you give a hint me to insert a given function. For example I want to ask user to ‘give a function’, it can be any function. And then I am going to ask ‘which method are you going to use?’. According to answer, user will give upper limit, lower limit, and error for the bisection method. And fixed point, max iteration number and error for the iterations method.Can you give a hint me to insert a given function. For example I want to ask user to ‘give a function’, it can be any function. And then I am going to ask ‘which method are you going to use?’. According to answer, user will give upper limit, lower limit, and error for the bisection method. And fixed point, max iteration number and error for the iterations method. Can you give a hint me to insert a given function. For example I want to ask user to ‘give a function’, it can be any function. And then I am going to ask ‘which method are you going to use?’. According to answer, user will give upper limit, lower limit, and error for the bisection method. And fixed point, max iteration number and error for the iterations method. bisection, iteration, numerical analysis, numerical methods, function input MATLAB Answers — New Questions