Category: Matlab
Category Archives: Matlab
Hardware Setup for C2000″ – Unable to Proceed After Selecting Process Family
I am encountering an issue while performing the hardware setup for C2000 in MATLAB. Below are the details of the problem:
Setup Step:I am at the step where I need to select the process family for C2000 hardware setup.
Observed Issue: *After selecting the process family (e.g., C2000), the setup page is maximized, and I cannot proceed further. *The "Next" or "Proceed" button is either not visible or unresponsive.
Expected Behavior:After selecting the process family, I should be able to click "Next" or "Proceed" to move to the next step.
Steps Tried:
Resized the window manually.
Tried restarting MATLAB and redoing the hardware setup.
Checked for updates or patches related to MATLAB or C2000.
Can anyone guide me on how to resolve this issue? Any suggestions or troubleshooting steps would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.Hey!
I am encountering an issue while performing the hardware setup for C2000 in MATLAB. Below are the details of the problem:
Setup Step:I am at the step where I need to select the process family for C2000 hardware setup.
Observed Issue: *After selecting the process family (e.g., C2000), the setup page is maximized, and I cannot proceed further. *The "Next" or "Proceed" button is either not visible or unresponsive.
Expected Behavior:After selecting the process family, I should be able to click "Next" or "Proceed" to move to the next step.
Steps Tried:
Resized the window manually.
Tried restarting MATLAB and redoing the hardware setup.
Checked for updates or patches related to MATLAB or C2000.
Can anyone guide me on how to resolve this issue? Any suggestions or troubleshooting steps would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you. Hey!
I am encountering an issue while performing the hardware setup for C2000 in MATLAB. Below are the details of the problem:
Setup Step:I am at the step where I need to select the process family for C2000 hardware setup.
Observed Issue: *After selecting the process family (e.g., C2000), the setup page is maximized, and I cannot proceed further. *The "Next" or "Proceed" button is either not visible or unresponsive.
Expected Behavior:After selecting the process family, I should be able to click "Next" or "Proceed" to move to the next step.
Steps Tried:
Resized the window manually.
Tried restarting MATLAB and redoing the hardware setup.
Checked for updates or patches related to MATLAB or C2000.
Can anyone guide me on how to resolve this issue? Any suggestions or troubleshooting steps would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you. c2000, hardware setup, f28p55x, microcontroller MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to retain a program that has be trained by Radial Basis Function?
Hello every one
i made and trained a program using the nntool, i used the Radial Basis Function as a training algorithim. the results were good but i want them with better accuracy, is there any way to change the settings of the fucntion to give better answers, also can i get some details of the trained program such as: no. of iterations, error plot and etc.
thank youHello every one
i made and trained a program using the nntool, i used the Radial Basis Function as a training algorithim. the results were good but i want them with better accuracy, is there any way to change the settings of the fucntion to give better answers, also can i get some details of the trained program such as: no. of iterations, error plot and etc.
thank you Hello every one
i made and trained a program using the nntool, i used the Radial Basis Function as a training algorithim. the results were good but i want them with better accuracy, is there any way to change the settings of the fucntion to give better answers, also can i get some details of the trained program such as: no. of iterations, error plot and etc.
thank you radial basis function, ann MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Trying to use audiorecorder for impulse response testing in a for loop
Hi everyone,
I’m trying to test the impulse response of a microphone that i have attached to a rotary device connected to an arduino board. Basically trying to automate getting the impulse response at different angles. Thing is, I can’t get the audiorecorder function to work properly within the for loop. It only gives me the impulse response for the final iteration. The rest has no values.
Goal is to play a white noise, record the data from mic using audiorecorder, do my ffts and iffts for impulse response, rotate by a certain angle and repeat the process.
My code is below. Any help would be greatly appreciated because I’m at a complete standstill on what to do here.
close all
clear all
% Parameters
fs = 44100; % Sampling frequency
dur = 30; % Duration of recording in seconds
dt = 1/fs; % Time step
% Create time vector for plotting
time = 0:dt:dur-dt;
% Generate white noise for the entire duration
ramp_up = 0:0.01:1;
ramp_down= 1:-0.01:0;
recObj = audiorecorder(fs, 24, 2, 2);
%Arduino Setup
clear dcm sm shield a;
a = arduino(‘COM5′,’Uno’,’Libraries’,’AdafruitMotorShieldV2′);
shield = addon(a,’AdafruitMotorShieldV2′);
addrs = scanI2CBus(a,0);
sm = stepper(shield,2,200);
sm.RPM = 3;
Angle = 45; %Rotation Angle
n_rot = 180 / Angle; %Number of Rotations
IM_L=1000; % Truncated impulse response length in number of data points
nfft = 96000; % FFT size
df = fs / nfft; % Frequency resolution
faxis = df:df:nfft*df; % Frequency axis
%Initializing data storage
nSamples = fs * dur;
allData_mic = zeros(nSamples, n_rot);
allData_spk = zeros(nSamples,n_rot);
allIR = zeros(nFreq, n_rot);
allIR_trunc=zeros(IM_L, n_rot);
%for i = 1:1
for i = 1:n_rot+1
sound(noise, fs);
% Record two-channel microphone input (24-bit, 2 channels)
recordblocking(recObj, dur); % Record for specified duration
% Get recorded data (two channels)
recordedData = getaudiodata(recObj);
spkinput = recordedData(:, 1); % First channel: Speaker
microphoneInput = recordedData(:, 2); % Second channel: Microphone
microphoneInput = microphoneInput./0.0462;%Left Ear (Fixed)
%microphoneInput = microphoneInput./0.0630;%Right Ear
%% FFT
nav = floor(length(spkinput) / nfft) * 2 – 1; % Number of averages
% Initialize accumulators for power spectral densities and cross-spectral density
G1 = zeros(nfft, 1); % Power Spectral Density of Speaker
G2 = zeros(nfft, 1); % Power Spectral Density of Microphone
G12 = zeros(nfft, 1); % Cross-Spectral Density between Microphone 1 and Microphone 2
G21 = zeros(nfft, 1);
% Loop through the signal with 50% overlap and apply FFT
for i = 1:nav
p1 = 1 + nfft * (i – 1) * 0.5; % Start index for the current block
p2 = p1 + nfft-1; % End index for the current block
% Apply Hann window to the blocks
win=hann(length(spkinput(p1:p2))); % Create a Hann window for the current segment
% Applying windows to blocks
spk_win = win.*spkinput(p1:p2); % Mic1 input
mic_win = win.*microphoneInput(p1:p2); % Mic2 input
% FFT of the windowed blocks
Xf = fft(spk_win, nfft); % FFT of Mic1
Yf = fft(mic_win, nfft); % FFT of Mic2
G1 = G1 + Xf .* conj(Xf); % PSD of Speaker input
G2 = G2 + Yf .* conj(Yf); % PSD of Microphone recording
G12 = G12 + Xf .* conj(Yf); % CSD between Microphone and Speaker
G21=G21 + Yf.*conj(Xf);
G1 = 2*G1(1:nfft/2)./(nfft*nfft*nav);
G2 = 2*G2(1:nfft/2)./(nfft*nfft*nav);
G12 = 2*G12(1:nfft/2)./(nfft*nfft*nav);
G21 = 2*G21(1:nfft/2)./(nfft*nfft*nav);
% Compute Coherence Function
coherence = abs(G21).^2 ./ (G1 .* G2);
% Compute Frequency Response Function (FRF)
frf = G2./G12; % FRF
%% Impulse Response
IR = ifft(frf,nfft);
%impulse_time = (0:nfft-1) * dt;
% n_samp=length(frf);
% impulse_time= 0:dt:(length(microphoneInput1)-1)*dt;
%store everything to the two vectors made above
allData_spk(:, i) = spkinput;
allData_mic(:, i) = microphoneInput;
allIR (:,i) = IR;
allIR_trunc (:,i)= IR_trunc;
allfrf (:,i) = frf;
filenameOut = sprintf(‘HeadTesting_Baseline_27Jan_%ddeg.mat’, ((i-1)*5));
% – moves it to the left (counterclockwise) (standing behind it)
% + moves it to the right (clockwise) (stangind behind it)
if i~=n_rot+1
move(sm, +50*Angle);
clear dcm sm shield a;Hi everyone,
I’m trying to test the impulse response of a microphone that i have attached to a rotary device connected to an arduino board. Basically trying to automate getting the impulse response at different angles. Thing is, I can’t get the audiorecorder function to work properly within the for loop. It only gives me the impulse response for the final iteration. The rest has no values.
Goal is to play a white noise, record the data from mic using audiorecorder, do my ffts and iffts for impulse response, rotate by a certain angle and repeat the process.
My code is below. Any help would be greatly appreciated because I’m at a complete standstill on what to do here.
close all
clear all
% Parameters
fs = 44100; % Sampling frequency
dur = 30; % Duration of recording in seconds
dt = 1/fs; % Time step
% Create time vector for plotting
time = 0:dt:dur-dt;
% Generate white noise for the entire duration
ramp_up = 0:0.01:1;
ramp_down= 1:-0.01:0;
recObj = audiorecorder(fs, 24, 2, 2);
%Arduino Setup
clear dcm sm shield a;
a = arduino(‘COM5′,’Uno’,’Libraries’,’AdafruitMotorShieldV2′);
shield = addon(a,’AdafruitMotorShieldV2′);
addrs = scanI2CBus(a,0);
sm = stepper(shield,2,200);
sm.RPM = 3;
Angle = 45; %Rotation Angle
n_rot = 180 / Angle; %Number of Rotations
IM_L=1000; % Truncated impulse response length in number of data points
nfft = 96000; % FFT size
df = fs / nfft; % Frequency resolution
faxis = df:df:nfft*df; % Frequency axis
%Initializing data storage
nSamples = fs * dur;
allData_mic = zeros(nSamples, n_rot);
allData_spk = zeros(nSamples,n_rot);
allIR = zeros(nFreq, n_rot);
allIR_trunc=zeros(IM_L, n_rot);
%for i = 1:1
for i = 1:n_rot+1
sound(noise, fs);
% Record two-channel microphone input (24-bit, 2 channels)
recordblocking(recObj, dur); % Record for specified duration
% Get recorded data (two channels)
recordedData = getaudiodata(recObj);
spkinput = recordedData(:, 1); % First channel: Speaker
microphoneInput = recordedData(:, 2); % Second channel: Microphone
microphoneInput = microphoneInput./0.0462;%Left Ear (Fixed)
%microphoneInput = microphoneInput./0.0630;%Right Ear
%% FFT
nav = floor(length(spkinput) / nfft) * 2 – 1; % Number of averages
% Initialize accumulators for power spectral densities and cross-spectral density
G1 = zeros(nfft, 1); % Power Spectral Density of Speaker
G2 = zeros(nfft, 1); % Power Spectral Density of Microphone
G12 = zeros(nfft, 1); % Cross-Spectral Density between Microphone 1 and Microphone 2
G21 = zeros(nfft, 1);
% Loop through the signal with 50% overlap and apply FFT
for i = 1:nav
p1 = 1 + nfft * (i – 1) * 0.5; % Start index for the current block
p2 = p1 + nfft-1; % End index for the current block
% Apply Hann window to the blocks
win=hann(length(spkinput(p1:p2))); % Create a Hann window for the current segment
% Applying windows to blocks
spk_win = win.*spkinput(p1:p2); % Mic1 input
mic_win = win.*microphoneInput(p1:p2); % Mic2 input
% FFT of the windowed blocks
Xf = fft(spk_win, nfft); % FFT of Mic1
Yf = fft(mic_win, nfft); % FFT of Mic2
G1 = G1 + Xf .* conj(Xf); % PSD of Speaker input
G2 = G2 + Yf .* conj(Yf); % PSD of Microphone recording
G12 = G12 + Xf .* conj(Yf); % CSD between Microphone and Speaker
G21=G21 + Yf.*conj(Xf);
G1 = 2*G1(1:nfft/2)./(nfft*nfft*nav);
G2 = 2*G2(1:nfft/2)./(nfft*nfft*nav);
G12 = 2*G12(1:nfft/2)./(nfft*nfft*nav);
G21 = 2*G21(1:nfft/2)./(nfft*nfft*nav);
% Compute Coherence Function
coherence = abs(G21).^2 ./ (G1 .* G2);
% Compute Frequency Response Function (FRF)
frf = G2./G12; % FRF
%% Impulse Response
IR = ifft(frf,nfft);
%impulse_time = (0:nfft-1) * dt;
% n_samp=length(frf);
% impulse_time= 0:dt:(length(microphoneInput1)-1)*dt;
%store everything to the two vectors made above
allData_spk(:, i) = spkinput;
allData_mic(:, i) = microphoneInput;
allIR (:,i) = IR;
allIR_trunc (:,i)= IR_trunc;
allfrf (:,i) = frf;
filenameOut = sprintf(‘HeadTesting_Baseline_27Jan_%ddeg.mat’, ((i-1)*5));
% – moves it to the left (counterclockwise) (standing behind it)
% + moves it to the right (clockwise) (stangind behind it)
if i~=n_rot+1
move(sm, +50*Angle);
clear dcm sm shield a; Hi everyone,
I’m trying to test the impulse response of a microphone that i have attached to a rotary device connected to an arduino board. Basically trying to automate getting the impulse response at different angles. Thing is, I can’t get the audiorecorder function to work properly within the for loop. It only gives me the impulse response for the final iteration. The rest has no values.
Goal is to play a white noise, record the data from mic using audiorecorder, do my ffts and iffts for impulse response, rotate by a certain angle and repeat the process.
My code is below. Any help would be greatly appreciated because I’m at a complete standstill on what to do here.
close all
clear all
% Parameters
fs = 44100; % Sampling frequency
dur = 30; % Duration of recording in seconds
dt = 1/fs; % Time step
% Create time vector for plotting
time = 0:dt:dur-dt;
% Generate white noise for the entire duration
ramp_up = 0:0.01:1;
ramp_down= 1:-0.01:0;
recObj = audiorecorder(fs, 24, 2, 2);
%Arduino Setup
clear dcm sm shield a;
a = arduino(‘COM5′,’Uno’,’Libraries’,’AdafruitMotorShieldV2′);
shield = addon(a,’AdafruitMotorShieldV2′);
addrs = scanI2CBus(a,0);
sm = stepper(shield,2,200);
sm.RPM = 3;
Angle = 45; %Rotation Angle
n_rot = 180 / Angle; %Number of Rotations
IM_L=1000; % Truncated impulse response length in number of data points
nfft = 96000; % FFT size
df = fs / nfft; % Frequency resolution
faxis = df:df:nfft*df; % Frequency axis
%Initializing data storage
nSamples = fs * dur;
allData_mic = zeros(nSamples, n_rot);
allData_spk = zeros(nSamples,n_rot);
allIR = zeros(nFreq, n_rot);
allIR_trunc=zeros(IM_L, n_rot);
%for i = 1:1
for i = 1:n_rot+1
sound(noise, fs);
% Record two-channel microphone input (24-bit, 2 channels)
recordblocking(recObj, dur); % Record for specified duration
% Get recorded data (two channels)
recordedData = getaudiodata(recObj);
spkinput = recordedData(:, 1); % First channel: Speaker
microphoneInput = recordedData(:, 2); % Second channel: Microphone
microphoneInput = microphoneInput./0.0462;%Left Ear (Fixed)
%microphoneInput = microphoneInput./0.0630;%Right Ear
%% FFT
nav = floor(length(spkinput) / nfft) * 2 – 1; % Number of averages
% Initialize accumulators for power spectral densities and cross-spectral density
G1 = zeros(nfft, 1); % Power Spectral Density of Speaker
G2 = zeros(nfft, 1); % Power Spectral Density of Microphone
G12 = zeros(nfft, 1); % Cross-Spectral Density between Microphone 1 and Microphone 2
G21 = zeros(nfft, 1);
% Loop through the signal with 50% overlap and apply FFT
for i = 1:nav
p1 = 1 + nfft * (i – 1) * 0.5; % Start index for the current block
p2 = p1 + nfft-1; % End index for the current block
% Apply Hann window to the blocks
win=hann(length(spkinput(p1:p2))); % Create a Hann window for the current segment
% Applying windows to blocks
spk_win = win.*spkinput(p1:p2); % Mic1 input
mic_win = win.*microphoneInput(p1:p2); % Mic2 input
% FFT of the windowed blocks
Xf = fft(spk_win, nfft); % FFT of Mic1
Yf = fft(mic_win, nfft); % FFT of Mic2
G1 = G1 + Xf .* conj(Xf); % PSD of Speaker input
G2 = G2 + Yf .* conj(Yf); % PSD of Microphone recording
G12 = G12 + Xf .* conj(Yf); % CSD between Microphone and Speaker
G21=G21 + Yf.*conj(Xf);
G1 = 2*G1(1:nfft/2)./(nfft*nfft*nav);
G2 = 2*G2(1:nfft/2)./(nfft*nfft*nav);
G12 = 2*G12(1:nfft/2)./(nfft*nfft*nav);
G21 = 2*G21(1:nfft/2)./(nfft*nfft*nav);
% Compute Coherence Function
coherence = abs(G21).^2 ./ (G1 .* G2);
% Compute Frequency Response Function (FRF)
frf = G2./G12; % FRF
%% Impulse Response
IR = ifft(frf,nfft);
%impulse_time = (0:nfft-1) * dt;
% n_samp=length(frf);
% impulse_time= 0:dt:(length(microphoneInput1)-1)*dt;
%store everything to the two vectors made above
allData_spk(:, i) = spkinput;
allData_mic(:, i) = microphoneInput;
allIR (:,i) = IR;
allIR_trunc (:,i)= IR_trunc;
allfrf (:,i) = frf;
filenameOut = sprintf(‘HeadTesting_Baseline_27Jan_%ddeg.mat’, ((i-1)*5));
% – moves it to the left (counterclockwise) (standing behind it)
% + moves it to the right (clockwise) (stangind behind it)
if i~=n_rot+1
move(sm, +50*Angle);
clear dcm sm shield a; audiorecorder, signal processing, audio, arduino, for loop MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Dear All,
I am currently marking students’ assignments in MATLAB Grader. The assignments involve several questions for learners to answer. One good feature of MATLAB Grader is the ability to search for answers using the solution ID.
However, it would be helpful to have a search option using the learner ID, which would bring up all their answers for the respective assignment. I’m not sure if this feature already exists.
Any help would be appreciated.
FaisalDear All,
I am currently marking students’ assignments in MATLAB Grader. The assignments involve several questions for learners to answer. One good feature of MATLAB Grader is the ability to search for answers using the solution ID.
However, it would be helpful to have a search option using the learner ID, which would bring up all their answers for the respective assignment. I’m not sure if this feature already exists.
Any help would be appreciated.
Faisal Dear All,
I am currently marking students’ assignments in MATLAB Grader. The assignments involve several questions for learners to answer. One good feature of MATLAB Grader is the ability to search for answers using the solution ID.
However, it would be helpful to have a search option using the learner ID, which would bring up all their answers for the respective assignment. I’m not sure if this feature already exists.
Any help would be appreciated.
Faisal matlab grader, search, userid MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Removing comas from the text file
I have a text file containing some numbers separated with coma.How can I remove those comas.
data.txt={1,2,3,4………}.Is there any method to remove those comas?
My text file when loaded to matlab is 2517×1001 matrix.
Kindly respondI have a text file containing some numbers separated with coma.How can I remove those comas.
data.txt={1,2,3,4………}.Is there any method to remove those comas?
My text file when loaded to matlab is 2517×1001 matrix.
Kindly respond I have a text file containing some numbers separated with coma.How can I remove those comas.
data.txt={1,2,3,4………}.Is there any method to remove those comas?
My text file when loaded to matlab is 2517×1001 matrix.
Kindly respond removing comas MATLAB Answers — New Questions
programing in Simulink a lamp
i need the lamp to display different color when it gets certain value from the matlab function. i add another Matlab Function to program the lamp but i am not sure if that such a thing to exist.
this is simulink. Here is my code that is in the Matlab Function to program the lamp as you see how i connect the lamp to the function. the code below is the code inside the matlab function. i am not even sure if my code is right at all.
function lampStates = caution(distance)
lampState1.Value = ( distance >= 0.0) && ( distance <= 0.5);
lampState2.Value = ( distance == 0.5);
lampState3.Value = ( distance == 1.5);
lampState4.Value = ( distance == 2.5);
lampState5.Value = ( distance >= 2.5);
if ( distance >= 0.0) && ( distance <= 0.5)
lampState1.Color = [254 51 10];
elseif ( distance == 0.5)
lampState2.Color = [237 177 32];
elseif ( distance == 1.5)
lampState3.Color = [100 212 19];
elseif ( distance == 2.5)
lampState4.Color = [237 177 32];
elseif ( distance >= 2.5)
lampState5.Color = [254 51 10];
lampStates = [lampState1 lampState2 lampState3 lampState4 lampState5];i need the lamp to display different color when it gets certain value from the matlab function. i add another Matlab Function to program the lamp but i am not sure if that such a thing to exist.
this is simulink. Here is my code that is in the Matlab Function to program the lamp as you see how i connect the lamp to the function. the code below is the code inside the matlab function. i am not even sure if my code is right at all.
function lampStates = caution(distance)
lampState1.Value = ( distance >= 0.0) && ( distance <= 0.5);
lampState2.Value = ( distance == 0.5);
lampState3.Value = ( distance == 1.5);
lampState4.Value = ( distance == 2.5);
lampState5.Value = ( distance >= 2.5);
if ( distance >= 0.0) && ( distance <= 0.5)
lampState1.Color = [254 51 10];
elseif ( distance == 0.5)
lampState2.Color = [237 177 32];
elseif ( distance == 1.5)
lampState3.Color = [100 212 19];
elseif ( distance == 2.5)
lampState4.Color = [237 177 32];
elseif ( distance >= 2.5)
lampState5.Color = [254 51 10];
lampStates = [lampState1 lampState2 lampState3 lampState4 lampState5]; i need the lamp to display different color when it gets certain value from the matlab function. i add another Matlab Function to program the lamp but i am not sure if that such a thing to exist.
this is simulink. Here is my code that is in the Matlab Function to program the lamp as you see how i connect the lamp to the function. the code below is the code inside the matlab function. i am not even sure if my code is right at all.
function lampStates = caution(distance)
lampState1.Value = ( distance >= 0.0) && ( distance <= 0.5);
lampState2.Value = ( distance == 0.5);
lampState3.Value = ( distance == 1.5);
lampState4.Value = ( distance == 2.5);
lampState5.Value = ( distance >= 2.5);
if ( distance >= 0.0) && ( distance <= 0.5)
lampState1.Color = [254 51 10];
elseif ( distance == 0.5)
lampState2.Color = [237 177 32];
elseif ( distance == 1.5)
lampState3.Color = [100 212 19];
elseif ( distance == 2.5)
lampState4.Color = [237 177 32];
elseif ( distance >= 2.5)
lampState5.Color = [254 51 10];
lampStates = [lampState1 lampState2 lampState3 lampState4 lampState5]; display different color lamp MATLAB Answers — New Questions
I want to have a lag value of variable X (PANEL of nature), but since Matlab does not accept different matrix size variables, what should I do. Variable is 4100*1 and lag of it is 3936*1.Hello,
I want to have a lag value of variable X (PANEL of nature), but since Matlab does not accept different matrix size variables, what should I do. Variable is 4100*1 and lag of it is 3936*1. Hello,
I want to have a lag value of variable X (PANEL of nature), but since Matlab does not accept different matrix size variables, what should I do. Variable is 4100*1 and lag of it is 3936*1. lag values MATLAB Answers — New Questions
syms error, cannot use syms command
I am having an issue using the syms command:
syms x(t) y(t)
getting the following error:
Error using assignin
Invalid variable name "x(t)" in ASSIGNIN.
Error in syms (line 56)
Error in Untitled (line 1)
syms x(t) y(t)
I am tried the following solution but I can not solve my problem"
which -all syms
C:Program FilesMATLABR2018btoolboxmaplesyms.m
My Matlab ver: R2018b
On my system Maple 2018 was installed at: C:Program FilesMaple 2018I am having an issue using the syms command:
syms x(t) y(t)
getting the following error:
Error using assignin
Invalid variable name "x(t)" in ASSIGNIN.
Error in syms (line 56)
Error in Untitled (line 1)
syms x(t) y(t)
I am tried the following solution but I can not solve my problem"
which -all syms
C:Program FilesMATLABR2018btoolboxmaplesyms.m
My Matlab ver: R2018b
On my system Maple 2018 was installed at: C:Program FilesMaple 2018 I am having an issue using the syms command:
syms x(t) y(t)
getting the following error:
Error using assignin
Invalid variable name "x(t)" in ASSIGNIN.
Error in syms (line 56)
Error in Untitled (line 1)
syms x(t) y(t)
I am tried the following solution but I can not solve my problem"
which -all syms
C:Program FilesMATLABR2018btoolboxmaplesyms.m
My Matlab ver: R2018b
On my system Maple 2018 was installed at: C:Program FilesMaple 2018 syms error MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Invalid operand. Variables of type “sym” cannot be combined with other models.
Hello, how can I resolve the error "Invalid operand. Variables of type "sym" cannot be combined with other models." in this code. Separately if it works for me. Thanks
tp=4; %tiempo pico
syms e w
ecA=((-e*pi)/sqrt(1-e^2))-log(d)== 0;
e= vpa(solve(ecA,e)); %valor epsilon
w= vpa(solve(ecB,w)); %valor ohmega
Q_apro=pade(Q,1);Hello, how can I resolve the error "Invalid operand. Variables of type "sym" cannot be combined with other models." in this code. Separately if it works for me. Thanks
tp=4; %tiempo pico
syms e w
ecA=((-e*pi)/sqrt(1-e^2))-log(d)== 0;
e= vpa(solve(ecA,e)); %valor epsilon
w= vpa(solve(ecB,w)); %valor ohmega
Q_apro=pade(Q,1); Hello, how can I resolve the error "Invalid operand. Variables of type "sym" cannot be combined with other models." in this code. Separately if it works for me. Thanks
tp=4; %tiempo pico
syms e w
ecA=((-e*pi)/sqrt(1-e^2))-log(d)== 0;
e= vpa(solve(ecA,e)); %valor epsilon
w= vpa(solve(ecB,w)); %valor ohmega
Q_apro=pade(Q,1); syms, sym MATLAB Answers — New Questions
figure does not print or print preview
When I try print a figure or even print preview the figure I get the error below. This happens with 2019b version. Thanks.
rror using printopt
Too many input arguments.
Error in
Error in printjob (line 22)
pj =;
Error in print>LocalCreatePrintJob (line 102)
pj = printjob([handles{:}]);
Error in print (line 38)
[pj, inputargs] = LocalCreatePrintJob(varargin{:});
Error in printdlg (line 63)
print(Fig, ‘-v’);
Error while evaluating Menu Callback.When I try print a figure or even print preview the figure I get the error below. This happens with 2019b version. Thanks.
rror using printopt
Too many input arguments.
Error in
Error in printjob (line 22)
pj =;
Error in print>LocalCreatePrintJob (line 102)
pj = printjob([handles{:}]);
Error in print (line 38)
[pj, inputargs] = LocalCreatePrintJob(varargin{:});
Error in printdlg (line 63)
print(Fig, ‘-v’);
Error while evaluating Menu Callback. When I try print a figure or even print preview the figure I get the error below. This happens with 2019b version. Thanks.
rror using printopt
Too many input arguments.
Error in
Error in printjob (line 22)
pj =;
Error in print>LocalCreatePrintJob (line 102)
pj = printjob([handles{:}]);
Error in print (line 38)
[pj, inputargs] = LocalCreatePrintJob(varargin{:});
Error in printdlg (line 63)
print(Fig, ‘-v’);
Error while evaluating Menu Callback. print MATLAB Answers — New Questions
select only rows and not columns
Does anybody knows how to select only rows and not columns? I’m trying to select all the first values of each column, is that possible?Does anybody knows how to select only rows and not columns? I’m trying to select all the first values of each column, is that possible? Does anybody knows how to select only rows and not columns? I’m trying to select all the first values of each column, is that possible? rows, columns, matrix MATLAB Answers — New Questions
SIL on autosar composition, Different Types error
I have an autsoar architecture model(autosar composition).
At first I created a test harness on the architecture model and wanted to make sil test. I got error it is not supported I shall set the SimulationMode of architecture model to normal and the SimulationMode of the autosar compome below to the SIL. I did it
Then I got the error Different types as below shown
I follow another way as mathwork proposal, Testing AUTOSAR Compositions
At the end I got the same error Different types with no any helpful info what going wrong :(I have an autsoar architecture model(autosar composition).
At first I created a test harness on the architecture model and wanted to make sil test. I got error it is not supported I shall set the SimulationMode of architecture model to normal and the SimulationMode of the autosar compome below to the SIL. I did it
Then I got the error Different types as below shown
I follow another way as mathwork proposal, Testing AUTOSAR Compositions
At the end I got the same error Different types with no any helpful info what going wrong 🙁 I have an autsoar architecture model(autosar composition).
At first I created a test harness on the architecture model and wanted to make sil test. I got error it is not supported I shall set the SimulationMode of architecture model to normal and the SimulationMode of the autosar compome below to the SIL. I did it
Then I got the error Different types as below shown
I follow another way as mathwork proposal, Testing AUTOSAR Compositions
At the end I got the same error Different types with no any helpful info what going wrong 🙁 autosar sil test MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Unterminated quote in @-file: n” error when appending pdfs
error when appending pdfserror when appending pdfs error when appending pdfs append pdf error MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to add extra text to plot legend?
Hi, guys
Let us suppose that I have the following simple code:
clc; clear all; close all;
x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
hold on;grid on; box on;
plot(x, cos(x));
plot(x, tan(x));
axis([0 2*pi -4 4]);
legend(‘sin’, ‘cos’, ‘tan’);
My goal is to add some extra text in the legend box as shown in the following image example (image modified with gimp):
Can you help me to codify this task?Hi, guys
Let us suppose that I have the following simple code:
clc; clear all; close all;
x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
hold on;grid on; box on;
plot(x, cos(x));
plot(x, tan(x));
axis([0 2*pi -4 4]);
legend(‘sin’, ‘cos’, ‘tan’);
My goal is to add some extra text in the legend box as shown in the following image example (image modified with gimp):
Can you help me to codify this task? Hi, guys
Let us suppose that I have the following simple code:
clc; clear all; close all;
x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
hold on;grid on; box on;
plot(x, cos(x));
plot(x, tan(x));
axis([0 2*pi -4 4]);
legend(‘sin’, ‘cos’, ‘tan’);
My goal is to add some extra text in the legend box as shown in the following image example (image modified with gimp):
Can you help me to codify this task? legend, text, plots MATLAB Answers — New Questions
I need to be able to limit in a platform(aircraft), the line-of-sight “MinElevationAngle” in a satellite scenario
"MinElevationAngle" is found in the ground station object to only have line-of-sight satellites above a mask angle. How can we do that for an aircraft?"MinElevationAngle" is found in the ground station object to only have line-of-sight satellites above a mask angle. How can we do that for an aircraft? "MinElevationAngle" is found in the ground station object to only have line-of-sight satellites above a mask angle. How can we do that for an aircraft? satellitescenario, platform MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Camera characterization gives “symetrical results”?
I downloaded the code from :
I modified the code for my purposes. Please find all the attached elements to run the script at your end. What I don’t understand is how the final resulting image looks exactly like the starting image? I understand how the 3rd degree polynomial is calculated but there must be something I miss in applying the M3 matrix back to my original image?
Any help is appreciated.I downloaded the code from :
I modified the code for my purposes. Please find all the attached elements to run the script at your end. What I don’t understand is how the final resulting image looks exactly like the starting image? I understand how the 3rd degree polynomial is calculated but there must be something I miss in applying the M3 matrix back to my original image?
Any help is appreciated. I downloaded the code from :
I modified the code for my purposes. Please find all the attached elements to run the script at your end. What I don’t understand is how the final resulting image looks exactly like the starting image? I understand how the 3rd degree polynomial is calculated but there must be something I miss in applying the M3 matrix back to my original image?
Any help is appreciated. camera characterization, xyz to rgb, polynomial, color management MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Short Pause doesn’t come back
Using App Designer I was running my program with no breakpoints set.
Suddenly it stopped running in a place it shouldn’t so I broke out to see what’s going on and found this:
My understanding is that the open arrow signifies a place where the code has called a routine and not come back yet.
So what’s wrong with this pause this time, after it ran fine 9 times in the last 10 seconds or so?Using App Designer I was running my program with no breakpoints set.
Suddenly it stopped running in a place it shouldn’t so I broke out to see what’s going on and found this:
My understanding is that the open arrow signifies a place where the code has called a routine and not come back yet.
So what’s wrong with this pause this time, after it ran fine 9 times in the last 10 seconds or so? Using App Designer I was running my program with no breakpoints set.
Suddenly it stopped running in a place it shouldn’t so I broke out to see what’s going on and found this:
My understanding is that the open arrow signifies a place where the code has called a routine and not come back yet.
So what’s wrong with this pause this time, after it ran fine 9 times in the last 10 seconds or so? pause MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Aardvark Communications Issue – Error stating no driver installed
I’ve installed the Aardvark USB drivers from Total Phase and installed the add on support package for the instrument toolbox but am still getting a driver error in Matlab.
Verified it is installed and I can connect to it using the total phase software tools.I’ve installed the Aardvark USB drivers from Total Phase and installed the add on support package for the instrument toolbox but am still getting a driver error in Matlab.
Verified it is installed and I can connect to it using the total phase software tools. I’ve installed the Aardvark USB drivers from Total Phase and installed the add on support package for the instrument toolbox but am still getting a driver error in Matlab.
Verified it is installed and I can connect to it using the total phase software tools. aardvark MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Variable Names not being read into uitable using readmatrix
Hi, I am trying to read a csv files into a uitable and am having problems reading the variable names in. The csv was saved using writetable and the first few lines are here:
This is my code to read the file :
C=table2array(C); % Wasn’t sure if I needed this
opts = detectImportOptions(fullpath)
ReportMessage(app,’Opened Successfully’)
Its not reading in the variable name
The opts.variablenames is showing the variable names are present
ans =
1×6 cell array
{‘Idx’} {‘pos’} {‘sep1’} {‘sep2’} {‘avgsep’} {‘deltaPix’}
and opts is:
opts =
DelimitedTextImportOptions with properties:
Format Properties:
Delimiter: {‘,’}
Whitespace: ‘bt ‘
LineEnding: {‘n’ ‘r’ ‘rn’}
CommentStyle: {}
ConsecutiveDelimitersRule: ‘split’
LeadingDelimitersRule: ‘keep’
TrailingDelimitersRule: ‘ignore’
EmptyLineRule: ‘skip’
Encoding: ‘UTF-8’
Replacement Properties:
MissingRule: ‘fill’
ImportErrorRule: ‘fill’
ExtraColumnsRule: ‘addvars’
Variable Import Properties: Set types by name using setvartype
VariableNames: {‘Idx’, ‘pos’, ‘sep1’ … and 3 more}
VariableTypes: {‘double’, ‘double’, ‘double’ … and 3 more}
SelectedVariableNames: {‘Idx’, ‘pos’, ‘sep1’ … and 3 more}
VariableOptions: Show all 6 VariableOptions
Access VariableOptions sub-properties using setvaropts/getvaropts
VariableNamingRule: ‘modify’
Any reason why the variable names aren’t being populated into the uitable?
ThanksHi, I am trying to read a csv files into a uitable and am having problems reading the variable names in. The csv was saved using writetable and the first few lines are here:
This is my code to read the file :
C=table2array(C); % Wasn’t sure if I needed this
opts = detectImportOptions(fullpath)
ReportMessage(app,’Opened Successfully’)
Its not reading in the variable name
The opts.variablenames is showing the variable names are present
ans =
1×6 cell array
{‘Idx’} {‘pos’} {‘sep1’} {‘sep2’} {‘avgsep’} {‘deltaPix’}
and opts is:
opts =
DelimitedTextImportOptions with properties:
Format Properties:
Delimiter: {‘,’}
Whitespace: ‘bt ‘
LineEnding: {‘n’ ‘r’ ‘rn’}
CommentStyle: {}
ConsecutiveDelimitersRule: ‘split’
LeadingDelimitersRule: ‘keep’
TrailingDelimitersRule: ‘ignore’
EmptyLineRule: ‘skip’
Encoding: ‘UTF-8’
Replacement Properties:
MissingRule: ‘fill’
ImportErrorRule: ‘fill’
ExtraColumnsRule: ‘addvars’
Variable Import Properties: Set types by name using setvartype
VariableNames: {‘Idx’, ‘pos’, ‘sep1’ … and 3 more}
VariableTypes: {‘double’, ‘double’, ‘double’ … and 3 more}
SelectedVariableNames: {‘Idx’, ‘pos’, ‘sep1’ … and 3 more}
VariableOptions: Show all 6 VariableOptions
Access VariableOptions sub-properties using setvaropts/getvaropts
VariableNamingRule: ‘modify’
Any reason why the variable names aren’t being populated into the uitable?
Thanks Hi, I am trying to read a csv files into a uitable and am having problems reading the variable names in. The csv was saved using writetable and the first few lines are here:
This is my code to read the file :
C=table2array(C); % Wasn’t sure if I needed this
opts = detectImportOptions(fullpath)
ReportMessage(app,’Opened Successfully’)
Its not reading in the variable name
The opts.variablenames is showing the variable names are present
ans =
1×6 cell array
{‘Idx’} {‘pos’} {‘sep1’} {‘sep2’} {‘avgsep’} {‘deltaPix’}
and opts is:
opts =
DelimitedTextImportOptions with properties:
Format Properties:
Delimiter: {‘,’}
Whitespace: ‘bt ‘
LineEnding: {‘n’ ‘r’ ‘rn’}
CommentStyle: {}
ConsecutiveDelimitersRule: ‘split’
LeadingDelimitersRule: ‘keep’
TrailingDelimitersRule: ‘ignore’
EmptyLineRule: ‘skip’
Encoding: ‘UTF-8’
Replacement Properties:
MissingRule: ‘fill’
ImportErrorRule: ‘fill’
ExtraColumnsRule: ‘addvars’
Variable Import Properties: Set types by name using setvartype
VariableNames: {‘Idx’, ‘pos’, ‘sep1’ … and 3 more}
VariableTypes: {‘double’, ‘double’, ‘double’ … and 3 more}
SelectedVariableNames: {‘Idx’, ‘pos’, ‘sep1’ … and 3 more}
VariableOptions: Show all 6 VariableOptions
Access VariableOptions sub-properties using setvaropts/getvaropts
VariableNamingRule: ‘modify’
Any reason why the variable names aren’t being populated into the uitable?
Thanks readmatrix, uitable, variablenames MATLAB Answers — New Questions
how to optimize block toeplitz matrix ?
how to optimize block toeplitz matrix in matlab
I want to create a block lower triangular with block teoplitz matrice starting from second column
in code
block_size1= nts * npt;
% Construct Block Matrices
[tp] = cell(nts, nts);
tp{1} = zeros(npt); tp{2} = zeros(npt);for n=3:nts, tp{n}=rand(npt);end
A_T = sparse(block_size1, block_size1);
for col = 2:nts
for row = col:nts
rowStart = (row – 1) * npt + 1;
rowEnd = rowStart + npt – 1;
colStart = (col – 1) * npt + 1;
colEnd = colStart + npt – 1;
A_T(rowStart:rowEnd, colStart:colEnd) = tp{row – col + 2};
we know that MATLAB does have a built-in function like toeplitz for cell arrays of matrices, but I want to optimize this code to:
Minimize computation time.
Reduce memory usage (if possible).how to optimize block toeplitz matrix in matlab
I want to create a block lower triangular with block teoplitz matrice starting from second column
in code
block_size1= nts * npt;
% Construct Block Matrices
[tp] = cell(nts, nts);
tp{1} = zeros(npt); tp{2} = zeros(npt);for n=3:nts, tp{n}=rand(npt);end
A_T = sparse(block_size1, block_size1);
for col = 2:nts
for row = col:nts
rowStart = (row – 1) * npt + 1;
rowEnd = rowStart + npt – 1;
colStart = (col – 1) * npt + 1;
colEnd = colStart + npt – 1;
A_T(rowStart:rowEnd, colStart:colEnd) = tp{row – col + 2};
we know that MATLAB does have a built-in function like toeplitz for cell arrays of matrices, but I want to optimize this code to:
Minimize computation time.
Reduce memory usage (if possible). how to optimize block toeplitz matrix in matlab
I want to create a block lower triangular with block teoplitz matrice starting from second column
in code
block_size1= nts * npt;
% Construct Block Matrices
[tp] = cell(nts, nts);
tp{1} = zeros(npt); tp{2} = zeros(npt);for n=3:nts, tp{n}=rand(npt);end
A_T = sparse(block_size1, block_size1);
for col = 2:nts
for row = col:nts
rowStart = (row – 1) * npt + 1;
rowEnd = rowStart + npt – 1;
colStart = (col – 1) * npt + 1;
colEnd = colStart + npt – 1;
A_T(rowStart:rowEnd, colStart:colEnd) = tp{row – col + 2};
we know that MATLAB does have a built-in function like toeplitz for cell arrays of matrices, but I want to optimize this code to:
Minimize computation time.
Reduce memory usage (if possible). toeplitz, optimization, code generation MATLAB Answers — New Questions