Find max within due date and find max within due date by class section
I am able to find the max of the date_submitted. How do I find the max of the date_submitted but within the Lab_due_date column? Also, how do I find the max of the date_submitted within the Lab_due_date by class_section?I am able to find the max of the date_submitted. How do I find the max of the date_submitted but within the Lab_due_date column? Also, how do I find the max of the date_submitted within the Lab_due_date by class_section? I am able to find the max of the date_submitted. How do I find the max of the date_submitted but within the Lab_due_date column? Also, how do I find the max of the date_submitted within the Lab_due_date by class_section? max by due date, max by due date and class section MATLAB Answers — New Questions