How is it possible to use quiver() to scale the complete vector sets with the same factor for different sets of vectors?
I want to give each set of vectors a different color, but the same ”Autoscale" factor. How to do this?
x, y, v_x and v_y have sizes of total x 5 x 2
total = 6;
colors = colormap(lines(total));
for set = 1:total
quiver(x(set, :, 1), y(set, :, 2), v_x(set, :, 1), v_y(set, :, 2),’Color’,colors(set, :));
In the documentation it is said: When scale is a positive number, the quiver function automatically adjusts the lengths of arrows so they do not overlap, then stretches them by a factor of scale.
This means that for EACH set the lengths of the arrows are adjusted so they don’t overlap and THEN stretches them by a factor of scale. However, I want that for the COMPLETE sets of vectors of "set", the length is adjusted so they do not overlap and THEN the scaling is applied to the complete set. So that the scaling makes sense.I want to give each set of vectors a different color, but the same ”Autoscale" factor. How to do this?
x, y, v_x and v_y have sizes of total x 5 x 2
total = 6;
colors = colormap(lines(total));
for set = 1:total
quiver(x(set, :, 1), y(set, :, 2), v_x(set, :, 1), v_y(set, :, 2),’Color’,colors(set, :));
In the documentation it is said: When scale is a positive number, the quiver function automatically adjusts the lengths of arrows so they do not overlap, then stretches them by a factor of scale.
This means that for EACH set the lengths of the arrows are adjusted so they don’t overlap and THEN stretches them by a factor of scale. However, I want that for the COMPLETE sets of vectors of "set", the length is adjusted so they do not overlap and THEN the scaling is applied to the complete set. So that the scaling makes sense. I want to give each set of vectors a different color, but the same ”Autoscale" factor. How to do this?
x, y, v_x and v_y have sizes of total x 5 x 2
total = 6;
colors = colormap(lines(total));
for set = 1:total
quiver(x(set, :, 1), y(set, :, 2), v_x(set, :, 1), v_y(set, :, 2),’Color’,colors(set, :));
In the documentation it is said: When scale is a positive number, the quiver function automatically adjusts the lengths of arrows so they do not overlap, then stretches them by a factor of scale.
This means that for EACH set the lengths of the arrows are adjusted so they don’t overlap and THEN stretches them by a factor of scale. However, I want that for the COMPLETE sets of vectors of "set", the length is adjusted so they do not overlap and THEN the scaling is applied to the complete set. So that the scaling makes sense. quiver, vectors, for loop, plot MATLAB Answers — New Questions