How to create a table with interpreter latex?
How to create a table with interpreter latex?
In the following example, I would like to have the text inside the table with interpreter latex:
dates = {‘1$-$2 May 2024′,’2$-$3 May 2024′,’3$-$4 May 2024′,’4$-$5 May 2024′,’5$-$6 May 2024’};
for i = 1 : 5
a(i) = 2*i;
b(i) = sqrt(i);
c(i,:) = [{sprintf(‘date: %s, class: %d’,dates{i},i)} a(i) b(i)];
T = table(c(:,1),c(:,2),c(:,3),’VariableNames’,{‘date&class’,’a’,’b’})
How to do it?How to create a table with interpreter latex?
In the following example, I would like to have the text inside the table with interpreter latex:
dates = {‘1$-$2 May 2024′,’2$-$3 May 2024′,’3$-$4 May 2024′,’4$-$5 May 2024′,’5$-$6 May 2024’};
for i = 1 : 5
a(i) = 2*i;
b(i) = sqrt(i);
c(i,:) = [{sprintf(‘date: %s, class: %d’,dates{i},i)} a(i) b(i)];
T = table(c(:,1),c(:,2),c(:,3),’VariableNames’,{‘date&class’,’a’,’b’})
How to do it? How to create a table with interpreter latex?
In the following example, I would like to have the text inside the table with interpreter latex:
dates = {‘1$-$2 May 2024′,’2$-$3 May 2024′,’3$-$4 May 2024′,’4$-$5 May 2024′,’5$-$6 May 2024’};
for i = 1 : 5
a(i) = 2*i;
b(i) = sqrt(i);
c(i,:) = [{sprintf(‘date: %s, class: %d’,dates{i},i)} a(i) b(i)];
T = table(c(:,1),c(:,2),c(:,3),’VariableNames’,{‘date&class’,’a’,’b’})
How to do it? table, interpreter, latex, sprintf MATLAB Answers — New Questions