How to save System Composer Model(.slx) as Microsoft Visio(.vsd)
Let me know How to save System Composer Model(.slx) as Microsoft Visio(.vsd)
Mathworks help page mentioned like below
Mathworks help
Import and Export Architecture Model
Import models from third-party tools and export them with System Composer changes
System Composer allows you to import an architectural model that was created in a third-party database or architecture modeling tool like Microsoft® Visio or Sparx Enterprise Architect, edit it, and export it back, including all of the changes. Build your custom import and export layers, create an architecture model, and export back the modified model.
———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-Let me know How to save System Composer Model(.slx) as Microsoft Visio(.vsd)
Mathworks help page mentioned like below
Mathworks help
Import and Export Architecture Model
Import models from third-party tools and export them with System Composer changes
System Composer allows you to import an architectural model that was created in a third-party database or architecture modeling tool like Microsoft® Visio or Sparx Enterprise Architect, edit it, and export it back, including all of the changes. Build your custom import and export layers, create an architecture model, and export back the modified model.
———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Let me know How to save System Composer Model(.slx) as Microsoft Visio(.vsd)
Mathworks help page mentioned like below
Mathworks help
Import and Export Architecture Model
Import models from third-party tools and export them with System Composer changes
System Composer allows you to import an architectural model that was created in a third-party database or architecture modeling tool like Microsoft® Visio or Sparx Enterprise Architect, edit it, and export it back, including all of the changes. Build your custom import and export layers, create an architecture model, and export back the modified model.
———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- visio, system composer MATLAB Answers — New Questions