How to select the harness of model through scripting commands and select the harness in test manager automatically by just specifying the harness name
I am trying to access the test manager through scripting commands .I have used testmanager.SetProperty (‘HarnessName’ ,name) and testmanager.SetProperty(‘HarnessOwner’, modelname) but still the property is not setted in test manager .I want to select the harness in the test manager through scripting functions .The above is not giving anyerror but not selecting the desired harness which I want to select from the harnessList.Please help to solve this if any one knows.Any UI command lines .The model is selected the Harness is drop down showing harness of internaly saved ,lets says the harnesses from xml saved info file .I want to select the harnesses by name .Help me out!I am trying to access the test manager through scripting commands .I have used testmanager.SetProperty (‘HarnessName’ ,name) and testmanager.SetProperty(‘HarnessOwner’, modelname) but still the property is not setted in test manager .I want to select the harness in the test manager through scripting functions .The above is not giving anyerror but not selecting the desired harness which I want to select from the harnessList.Please help to solve this if any one knows.Any UI command lines .The model is selected the Harness is drop down showing harness of internaly saved ,lets says the harnesses from xml saved info file .I want to select the harnesses by name .Help me out! I am trying to access the test manager through scripting commands .I have used testmanager.SetProperty (‘HarnessName’ ,name) and testmanager.SetProperty(‘HarnessOwner’, modelname) but still the property is not setted in test manager .I want to select the harness in the test manager through scripting functions .The above is not giving anyerror but not selecting the desired harness which I want to select from the harnessList.Please help to solve this if any one knows.Any UI command lines .The model is selected the Harness is drop down showing harness of internaly saved ,lets says the harnesses from xml saved info file .I want to select the harnesses by name .Help me out! simulinktestmanager, simulink, handles, model, harness, scripting, testmanagerui access MATLAB Answers — New Questions