Improving table loading time on App Designer for large dataset
I’m using a matlab script to evaluate data, format it in a table and store the result in a .mat file. Currently the table contains 2400×2034 data points but the final table would be 12000×2034 or larger.
The structure of the table is:
categorical(string), categorical(string), categorical(string), categorical(string), 1015xdouble, 1015xdouble
To display the data, I would like to build a simple app that would read the .mat file and display the whole or sections of table. However, the App Designer struggles even with small amounts of data. Displaying 8×2034 rows takes several seconds to load. With more entries, scrolling through the table causes stutters.
I have tried different version of .mat file with/without compression but unfortunately did not help.
The code to load the table at the startup-callback for the app:
% Code that executes after component creation
function startupFcn(app)
%If a completed Table already exists load it, otherwise create empty table
if isfile(‘completeTable.mat’)
app.completeTable = completeTable;
app.AvailableSpeciesListBox.Items = unique(app.completeTable.Shorthand);
And the code for loading the data into the table, upon selecting an entry in an itemlist:
% Value changed function: AvailableSpeciesListBox
function AvailableSpeciesListBoxValueChanged(app, event)
value = app.AvailableSpeciesListBox.Value;
selectedEntries = app.completeTable(app.completeTable.Shorthand == value,:);
app.UITable.Data = selectedEntries(:,2:width(app.completeTable));
endI’m using a matlab script to evaluate data, format it in a table and store the result in a .mat file. Currently the table contains 2400×2034 data points but the final table would be 12000×2034 or larger.
The structure of the table is:
categorical(string), categorical(string), categorical(string), categorical(string), 1015xdouble, 1015xdouble
To display the data, I would like to build a simple app that would read the .mat file and display the whole or sections of table. However, the App Designer struggles even with small amounts of data. Displaying 8×2034 rows takes several seconds to load. With more entries, scrolling through the table causes stutters.
I have tried different version of .mat file with/without compression but unfortunately did not help.
The code to load the table at the startup-callback for the app:
% Code that executes after component creation
function startupFcn(app)
%If a completed Table already exists load it, otherwise create empty table
if isfile(‘completeTable.mat’)
app.completeTable = completeTable;
app.AvailableSpeciesListBox.Items = unique(app.completeTable.Shorthand);
And the code for loading the data into the table, upon selecting an entry in an itemlist:
% Value changed function: AvailableSpeciesListBox
function AvailableSpeciesListBoxValueChanged(app, event)
value = app.AvailableSpeciesListBox.Value;
selectedEntries = app.completeTable(app.completeTable.Shorthand == value,:);
app.UITable.Data = selectedEntries(:,2:width(app.completeTable));
end I’m using a matlab script to evaluate data, format it in a table and store the result in a .mat file. Currently the table contains 2400×2034 data points but the final table would be 12000×2034 or larger.
The structure of the table is:
categorical(string), categorical(string), categorical(string), categorical(string), 1015xdouble, 1015xdouble
To display the data, I would like to build a simple app that would read the .mat file and display the whole or sections of table. However, the App Designer struggles even with small amounts of data. Displaying 8×2034 rows takes several seconds to load. With more entries, scrolling through the table causes stutters.
I have tried different version of .mat file with/without compression but unfortunately did not help.
The code to load the table at the startup-callback for the app:
% Code that executes after component creation
function startupFcn(app)
%If a completed Table already exists load it, otherwise create empty table
if isfile(‘completeTable.mat’)
app.completeTable = completeTable;
app.AvailableSpeciesListBox.Items = unique(app.completeTable.Shorthand);
And the code for loading the data into the table, upon selecting an entry in an itemlist:
% Value changed function: AvailableSpeciesListBox
function AvailableSpeciesListBoxValueChanged(app, event)
value = app.AvailableSpeciesListBox.Value;
selectedEntries = app.completeTable(app.completeTable.Shorthand == value,:);
app.UITable.Data = selectedEntries(:,2:width(app.completeTable));
end appdesigner, data import, uitable MATLAB Answers — New Questions