Sum two different coverage models
Is there a way to sum two different coverage outputs? I have two different transmitters and have plotted the output of each on the same coverage map. I notice that it appears to do the equivalent of a ‘max hold’ where the field patterns from the separate transmitters overlap. Is there a way to sum the field patterns from the separate transmitters? I realise that this would effectively assume zero phase diference at all points of interaction, but that suits what I am aiming to do.
So far I have tried converting the output of the coverage .Data to an array. This provides the lat, long, and dB output for each transmitter. What I can’t work out is how to sum these arrays when the lat and long values are different (as the transmitters are in different locations). In an ideal world, I would then convert the summed arrays back into a coverage map of the result.
Any help much appreciated.
% horn antenna setup
tx_horn = horn("Height", 0.06, "Width", 0.16, "Length", 0.10, "FeedHeight", …
0.04, "FeedWidth", 0.002, "FlareHeight", 0.216, "FlareLength", 0.15, …
"FlareWidth", 0.266);
% transmitter array setup
f = 1.3e9; % Frequency
c = 299792458; % Speed of light
wl = c / f; % Wavelength
M = 2; % Number of elements on each row
N = 2; % Number of elements on each column
dy = 0.5 * wl; % Spacing between row elements (m)
dz = 0.5 * wl; % Spacing between column elements (m)
ura = phased.URA([N M], [dz dy], ‘Element’, tx_horn);
% transmitter setup
tx1 = txsite(‘Latitude’, 52.36364, …
‘Longitude’, -3.77767, …
‘TransmitterFrequency’, f, …
‘Antenna’, ura, …
‘AntennaHeight’, 5, …
‘TransmitterPower’, 50, …
‘AntennaAngle’, 90);
tx2 = txsite(‘Latitude’, 52.36369, …
‘Longitude’, -3.78150, …
‘TransmitterFrequency’, f, …
‘Antenna’, ura, …
‘AntennaHeight’, 5, …
‘TransmitterPower’, 50, …
‘AntennaAngle’, 90);
% coverage output
e_max = -20;
e_min = -60;
e_step = 1;
cov1 = coverage(tx1, ‘close-in’, ‘SignalStrengths’, e_min:e_step:e_max, ‘ColorLimits’, [e_min e_max]);
cov2 = coverage(tx2, ‘close-in’, ‘SignalStrengths’, e_min:e_step:e_max, ‘ColorLimits’, [e_min e_max]);
% convert to arrays for summing?
tx_array1 = table2array(cov1.Data);
tx_array2 = table2array(cov2.Data);
% What next?Is there a way to sum two different coverage outputs? I have two different transmitters and have plotted the output of each on the same coverage map. I notice that it appears to do the equivalent of a ‘max hold’ where the field patterns from the separate transmitters overlap. Is there a way to sum the field patterns from the separate transmitters? I realise that this would effectively assume zero phase diference at all points of interaction, but that suits what I am aiming to do.
So far I have tried converting the output of the coverage .Data to an array. This provides the lat, long, and dB output for each transmitter. What I can’t work out is how to sum these arrays when the lat and long values are different (as the transmitters are in different locations). In an ideal world, I would then convert the summed arrays back into a coverage map of the result.
Any help much appreciated.
% horn antenna setup
tx_horn = horn("Height", 0.06, "Width", 0.16, "Length", 0.10, "FeedHeight", …
0.04, "FeedWidth", 0.002, "FlareHeight", 0.216, "FlareLength", 0.15, …
"FlareWidth", 0.266);
% transmitter array setup
f = 1.3e9; % Frequency
c = 299792458; % Speed of light
wl = c / f; % Wavelength
M = 2; % Number of elements on each row
N = 2; % Number of elements on each column
dy = 0.5 * wl; % Spacing between row elements (m)
dz = 0.5 * wl; % Spacing between column elements (m)
ura = phased.URA([N M], [dz dy], ‘Element’, tx_horn);
% transmitter setup
tx1 = txsite(‘Latitude’, 52.36364, …
‘Longitude’, -3.77767, …
‘TransmitterFrequency’, f, …
‘Antenna’, ura, …
‘AntennaHeight’, 5, …
‘TransmitterPower’, 50, …
‘AntennaAngle’, 90);
tx2 = txsite(‘Latitude’, 52.36369, …
‘Longitude’, -3.78150, …
‘TransmitterFrequency’, f, …
‘Antenna’, ura, …
‘AntennaHeight’, 5, …
‘TransmitterPower’, 50, …
‘AntennaAngle’, 90);
% coverage output
e_max = -20;
e_min = -60;
e_step = 1;
cov1 = coverage(tx1, ‘close-in’, ‘SignalStrengths’, e_min:e_step:e_max, ‘ColorLimits’, [e_min e_max]);
cov2 = coverage(tx2, ‘close-in’, ‘SignalStrengths’, e_min:e_step:e_max, ‘ColorLimits’, [e_min e_max]);
% convert to arrays for summing?
tx_array1 = table2array(cov1.Data);
tx_array2 = table2array(cov2.Data);
% What next? Is there a way to sum two different coverage outputs? I have two different transmitters and have plotted the output of each on the same coverage map. I notice that it appears to do the equivalent of a ‘max hold’ where the field patterns from the separate transmitters overlap. Is there a way to sum the field patterns from the separate transmitters? I realise that this would effectively assume zero phase diference at all points of interaction, but that suits what I am aiming to do.
So far I have tried converting the output of the coverage .Data to an array. This provides the lat, long, and dB output for each transmitter. What I can’t work out is how to sum these arrays when the lat and long values are different (as the transmitters are in different locations). In an ideal world, I would then convert the summed arrays back into a coverage map of the result.
Any help much appreciated.
% horn antenna setup
tx_horn = horn("Height", 0.06, "Width", 0.16, "Length", 0.10, "FeedHeight", …
0.04, "FeedWidth", 0.002, "FlareHeight", 0.216, "FlareLength", 0.15, …
"FlareWidth", 0.266);
% transmitter array setup
f = 1.3e9; % Frequency
c = 299792458; % Speed of light
wl = c / f; % Wavelength
M = 2; % Number of elements on each row
N = 2; % Number of elements on each column
dy = 0.5 * wl; % Spacing between row elements (m)
dz = 0.5 * wl; % Spacing between column elements (m)
ura = phased.URA([N M], [dz dy], ‘Element’, tx_horn);
% transmitter setup
tx1 = txsite(‘Latitude’, 52.36364, …
‘Longitude’, -3.77767, …
‘TransmitterFrequency’, f, …
‘Antenna’, ura, …
‘AntennaHeight’, 5, …
‘TransmitterPower’, 50, …
‘AntennaAngle’, 90);
tx2 = txsite(‘Latitude’, 52.36369, …
‘Longitude’, -3.78150, …
‘TransmitterFrequency’, f, …
‘Antenna’, ura, …
‘AntennaHeight’, 5, …
‘TransmitterPower’, 50, …
‘AntennaAngle’, 90);
% coverage output
e_max = -20;
e_min = -60;
e_step = 1;
cov1 = coverage(tx1, ‘close-in’, ‘SignalStrengths’, e_min:e_step:e_max, ‘ColorLimits’, [e_min e_max]);
cov2 = coverage(tx2, ‘close-in’, ‘SignalStrengths’, e_min:e_step:e_max, ‘ColorLimits’, [e_min e_max]);
% convert to arrays for summing?
tx_array1 = table2array(cov1.Data);
tx_array2 = table2array(cov2.Data);
% What next? coverage, sum, matlab MATLAB Answers — New Questions