Tag Archives: matlab
MATLAB crashes when run on a virtual machine
I am attempting to run MATLAB on my virtual machine. When I do so, however, MATLAB crashes with references to "vm3dgl64.dll" in the stack trace, such as the snippets below:
[ 2] 0x00007ffd5899e3fe C:Program FilesMATLABR2024abinwin64libmwfl.dll+00058366
[ 5] 0x00007ffd3fd2c5bf C:Program FilesMATLABR2024abinwin64jmi.dll+00705983
[ 6] 0x00000000583a9ead C:Program FilesMATLABR2024asysjavajrewin64jrebinserverjvm.dll+02727597
[ 11] 0x00007ffe1da848ff C:windowsSYSTEM32ntdll.dll+00674047
[ 14] 0x00007ffdca59696d C:windowsSYSTEM32vm3dgl64.dll+14903661
[ 39] 0x00007ffdea4411f0 C:windowssystem32opengl32.dll+00135664
I am using Windows Server on my VMWare virtual machine, and am attempting to run MATLAB R2022b. What can I do to resolve this issue?I am attempting to run MATLAB on my virtual machine. When I do so, however, MATLAB crashes with references to "vm3dgl64.dll" in the stack trace, such as the snippets below:
[ 2] 0x00007ffd5899e3fe C:Program FilesMATLABR2024abinwin64libmwfl.dll+00058366
[ 5] 0x00007ffd3fd2c5bf C:Program FilesMATLABR2024abinwin64jmi.dll+00705983
[ 6] 0x00000000583a9ead C:Program FilesMATLABR2024asysjavajrewin64jrebinserverjvm.dll+02727597
[ 11] 0x00007ffe1da848ff C:windowsSYSTEM32ntdll.dll+00674047
[ 14] 0x00007ffdca59696d C:windowsSYSTEM32vm3dgl64.dll+14903661
[ 39] 0x00007ffdea4411f0 C:windowssystem32opengl32.dll+00135664
I am using Windows Server on my VMWare virtual machine, and am attempting to run MATLAB R2022b. What can I do to resolve this issue? I am attempting to run MATLAB on my virtual machine. When I do so, however, MATLAB crashes with references to "vm3dgl64.dll" in the stack trace, such as the snippets below:
[ 2] 0x00007ffd5899e3fe C:Program FilesMATLABR2024abinwin64libmwfl.dll+00058366
[ 5] 0x00007ffd3fd2c5bf C:Program FilesMATLABR2024abinwin64jmi.dll+00705983
[ 6] 0x00000000583a9ead C:Program FilesMATLABR2024asysjavajrewin64jrebinserverjvm.dll+02727597
[ 11] 0x00007ffe1da848ff C:windowsSYSTEM32ntdll.dll+00674047
[ 14] 0x00007ffdca59696d C:windowsSYSTEM32vm3dgl64.dll+14903661
[ 39] 0x00007ffdea4411f0 C:windowssystem32opengl32.dll+00135664
I am using Windows Server on my VMWare virtual machine, and am attempting to run MATLAB R2022b. What can I do to resolve this issue? vm, vm3dgl64.dll, graphics, driver MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Handling Numerical Instability in Estimating Angle Between 2D Points
Hi! I would like to estimate the angle between points using the following code.
x = randn(10000, 1); y = randn(10000, 1);
angle_mat = zeros(length(x));
for i = 1:length(x)
for j = 1:length(x)
if i ~= j
angle_mat(i,j) = atan2(y(j)-y(i), x(j)-x(i));
angle_mat(i,j) = NaN;
I realized, however, that, due to numerical instability near horizontal/vertical slopes, the angle estimate near 0/+-pi became weird. Does anyone know how to acount for this numerical instability?Hi! I would like to estimate the angle between points using the following code.
x = randn(10000, 1); y = randn(10000, 1);
angle_mat = zeros(length(x));
for i = 1:length(x)
for j = 1:length(x)
if i ~= j
angle_mat(i,j) = atan2(y(j)-y(i), x(j)-x(i));
angle_mat(i,j) = NaN;
I realized, however, that, due to numerical instability near horizontal/vertical slopes, the angle estimate near 0/+-pi became weird. Does anyone know how to acount for this numerical instability? Hi! I would like to estimate the angle between points using the following code.
x = randn(10000, 1); y = randn(10000, 1);
angle_mat = zeros(length(x));
for i = 1:length(x)
for j = 1:length(x)
if i ~= j
angle_mat(i,j) = atan2(y(j)-y(i), x(j)-x(i));
angle_mat(i,j) = NaN;
I realized, however, that, due to numerical instability near horizontal/vertical slopes, the angle estimate near 0/+-pi became weird. Does anyone know how to acount for this numerical instability? matlab, numerical instability MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Error in the diagonalization of the Hamiltonian of the Zeeman effect
Hi. I am calculating the energy shifts in the Cs-133 atom due to external magnetic fields by the Zeeman effect (my code is attached). For the ground state and the D1 line I have no problem, the code works fine, the plots give as the D. Steck paper. However, when I try to do it for the D2 line, it seems that the lines of different colors are mixed, which gives incorrect results, as seen in the attached image.
In the code, I construct the Hamiltonian for each magnetic field value and diagonalize the Hamiltonian. One way I got it to work is to diagonalize the Hamiltonian symbolically and then substitute the magnetic field values. However, this method takes too long, and when I tried to add the octupolar term, it does not work. I think it is a problem in the order of the eigenvalues, but I have not been able to solve it. If someone could help me, I would be eternally grateful.
This is the result I obtain.
This is the result of the reference document. In this case, the lines of different colors are not mixed.
The reference document is attached below.
Cesium D Line Data
clear variables
close all
%% Constants definition
line = ‘D2’; % [Ground D1 D2]
I = 7/2; % Nuclear spin
g_I = -0.00039885395; % Nuclear g-factor
J = [1/2 3/2]; % Total angular momentum
g_J = [2.002540261 0.665900 1.33408749]; % Fine structure g-factor
mu_B = (9.27400899E-24)*1E-4; % Bohr Magneton (J/G)
hbar = 1.054E-34; % Reduced Planck’s constant (Js)
Ahfs = 2*pi*hbar*[2.2981579425E9 291.9201E6 50.28827E6]; % Magnetic Dipole Constant
Bhfs = -2*pi*hbar*0.4934E6; % Electric Quadrupole Constant 5^2 P_3/2
Chfs = 2*pi*hbar*0.560E3; % Magnetic Octupole Constant 6^2 P_3/D2
Folder = pwd;
switch line
case ‘Ground’
A = Ahfs(1);
J = J(1); % Total angular momentum
g_J = g_J(1);
BF = linspace(0,15000,1000); % Magnetic field vector (G)
titleg = ‘$ ^{133}mathrm{Cs} , , , 6^2 mathrm{S}_{1/2}$’;
yl = ‘$E/h$ (GHz)’;
Amp = 1E-9;
yy = [-26 26];
str = ‘Ground state’;
case ‘D1’
A = Ahfs(2);
J = J(1); % Total angular momentum
g_J = g_J(2);
BF = linspace(0,5000,1000); % Magnetic field vector (G)
titleg = ‘$ ^{133}mathrm{Cs} , , , 6^2 mathrm{P}_{1/2}$’;
yl = ‘$E/h$ (GHz)’;
Amp = 1E-9;
yy = [-2.5 2.5];
str = ‘D1 line’;
case ‘D2’
A = Ahfs(3);
J = J(2); % Total angular momentum
g_J = g_J(3);
BF = linspace(0,500,1000); % Magnetic field vector (G)
titleg = ‘$ ^{133}mathrm{Cs} , , , 6^2 mathrm{P}_{3/2}$’;
yl = ‘$E/h$ (MHz)’;
Amp = 1E-6;
yy = [-1500 1500];
str = ‘D2 line’;
error(‘Unexpected value of state.’);
% Get the spin operator matrices for I and J
[SxI, SyI, SzI] = espin(I);
[SxJ, SyJ, SzJ] = espin(J);
% Construct the spin operators, defined as the tensor product of the spin matrices S(I) and S(J) with
% indetity matrices 1(I) and 1(J)
Ix = kron(SxI, id(J));
Iy = kron(SyI, id(J));
Iz = kron(SzI, id(J));
Jx = kron(id(I), SxJ);
Jy = kron(id(I), SyJ);
Jz = kron(id(I), SzJ);
F_values = abs(I-J):(I+J);
degeneracies = 2*F_values + 1; % Degeneracies for each F value
%% We diagonalize the Hamiltonian symbolically and then evaluate the eigenvalues in terms of the external magnetic field
energies = zeros(length(BF), (2*I+1)*(2*J+1)); % Preallocate energy array
% Check the value of J before entering the loop
if J == 1/2
% Construct Hamiltonian for J = 1/2
HZeemanBase = A*(Ix*Jx + Iy*Jy + Iz*Jz) + …
mu_B*BF(1)*(g_I*Iz + g_J*Jz); % Use BF(1) just as a placeholder for the structure
elseif J == 3/2
% Construct Hamiltonian for J = 3/2
HZeemanBase = A*(Ix*Jx + Iy*Jy + Iz*Jz) + …
mu_B*BF(1)*(g_I*Iz + g_J*Jz) + …
(Bhfs/(2*I*(2*I-1)*J*(2*J-1)))*( 3*(Ix*Jx + Iy*Jy + Iz*Jz).^2 + (3/2)*(Ix*Jx + Iy*Jy + Iz*Jz) – (Ix.^2 + Iy.^2 + Iz.^2)*(Jx.^2 + Jy.^2 + Jz.^2) );
for j = 1:length(BF)
% Modify the Hamiltonian for each BF(j)
HZeeman = HZeemanBase;
% Update the Zeeman term for the current magnetic field strength
HZeeman = (Amp/(2*pi*hbar))*(HZeeman + mu_B*BF(j)*(g_I*Iz + g_J*Jz));
% Diagonalize the Hamiltonian
[eigenvectors, eigenvalues] = eig(HZeeman);
% Store the eigenvalues (energies)
energies(j, 🙂 = sort(diag(real(eigenvalues))); % Sort energies for clarity
% Plot levels for each F group with different colors
colors = {‘r’, ‘b’, ‘g’, ‘m’, ‘k’}; % Colors for each F group
level_start = 1; % Start index for each F group
legend_handles = []; % Store plot handles for the legend
Fig = figure;
hold on;
for f_idx = 1:length(F_values)
num_levels_in_group = degeneracies(f_idx); % Number of levels for this F
level_end = level_start + num_levels_in_group – 1; % End index for this F
h = plot(BF, energies(:, level_start:level_end), ‘LineWidth’,2, ‘Color’, colors{f_idx});
legend_handles = [legend_handles, h(1)]; % Store one handle per group
level_start = level_end + 1; % Update start index for the next F group
set(gca, ‘xminortick’, ‘on’, ‘TickLabelInterpreter’,’latex’,’fontsize’,18);
set(gca, ‘yminortick’, ‘on’, ‘TickLabelInterpreter’,’latex’,’fontsize’,18);
xlabel(‘$|B|$ (G)’, ‘Interpreter’, ‘latex’, ‘Fontsize’, 20);
ylabel(yl, ‘Interpreter’, ‘latex’,’Fontsize’, 20);
title(titleg,’Interpreter’, ‘latex’, ‘Fontsize’, 22);
legend_labels = arrayfun(@(f) sprintf(‘$F = %.0f$’, f), F_values, ‘UniformOutput’, false);
legend(legend_handles, legend_labels, ‘Interpreter’, ‘latex’, ‘Location’, ‘northwest’);
box on;
hold off;
Filename = sprintf(‘%s/Zeeman splitting %s.png’, Folder, str);
print(Fig, Filename, ‘-dpng’, ‘-r300’);
tocHi. I am calculating the energy shifts in the Cs-133 atom due to external magnetic fields by the Zeeman effect (my code is attached). For the ground state and the D1 line I have no problem, the code works fine, the plots give as the D. Steck paper. However, when I try to do it for the D2 line, it seems that the lines of different colors are mixed, which gives incorrect results, as seen in the attached image.
In the code, I construct the Hamiltonian for each magnetic field value and diagonalize the Hamiltonian. One way I got it to work is to diagonalize the Hamiltonian symbolically and then substitute the magnetic field values. However, this method takes too long, and when I tried to add the octupolar term, it does not work. I think it is a problem in the order of the eigenvalues, but I have not been able to solve it. If someone could help me, I would be eternally grateful.
This is the result I obtain.
This is the result of the reference document. In this case, the lines of different colors are not mixed.
The reference document is attached below.
Cesium D Line Data
clear variables
close all
%% Constants definition
line = ‘D2’; % [Ground D1 D2]
I = 7/2; % Nuclear spin
g_I = -0.00039885395; % Nuclear g-factor
J = [1/2 3/2]; % Total angular momentum
g_J = [2.002540261 0.665900 1.33408749]; % Fine structure g-factor
mu_B = (9.27400899E-24)*1E-4; % Bohr Magneton (J/G)
hbar = 1.054E-34; % Reduced Planck’s constant (Js)
Ahfs = 2*pi*hbar*[2.2981579425E9 291.9201E6 50.28827E6]; % Magnetic Dipole Constant
Bhfs = -2*pi*hbar*0.4934E6; % Electric Quadrupole Constant 5^2 P_3/2
Chfs = 2*pi*hbar*0.560E3; % Magnetic Octupole Constant 6^2 P_3/D2
Folder = pwd;
switch line
case ‘Ground’
A = Ahfs(1);
J = J(1); % Total angular momentum
g_J = g_J(1);
BF = linspace(0,15000,1000); % Magnetic field vector (G)
titleg = ‘$ ^{133}mathrm{Cs} , , , 6^2 mathrm{S}_{1/2}$’;
yl = ‘$E/h$ (GHz)’;
Amp = 1E-9;
yy = [-26 26];
str = ‘Ground state’;
case ‘D1’
A = Ahfs(2);
J = J(1); % Total angular momentum
g_J = g_J(2);
BF = linspace(0,5000,1000); % Magnetic field vector (G)
titleg = ‘$ ^{133}mathrm{Cs} , , , 6^2 mathrm{P}_{1/2}$’;
yl = ‘$E/h$ (GHz)’;
Amp = 1E-9;
yy = [-2.5 2.5];
str = ‘D1 line’;
case ‘D2’
A = Ahfs(3);
J = J(2); % Total angular momentum
g_J = g_J(3);
BF = linspace(0,500,1000); % Magnetic field vector (G)
titleg = ‘$ ^{133}mathrm{Cs} , , , 6^2 mathrm{P}_{3/2}$’;
yl = ‘$E/h$ (MHz)’;
Amp = 1E-6;
yy = [-1500 1500];
str = ‘D2 line’;
error(‘Unexpected value of state.’);
% Get the spin operator matrices for I and J
[SxI, SyI, SzI] = espin(I);
[SxJ, SyJ, SzJ] = espin(J);
% Construct the spin operators, defined as the tensor product of the spin matrices S(I) and S(J) with
% indetity matrices 1(I) and 1(J)
Ix = kron(SxI, id(J));
Iy = kron(SyI, id(J));
Iz = kron(SzI, id(J));
Jx = kron(id(I), SxJ);
Jy = kron(id(I), SyJ);
Jz = kron(id(I), SzJ);
F_values = abs(I-J):(I+J);
degeneracies = 2*F_values + 1; % Degeneracies for each F value
%% We diagonalize the Hamiltonian symbolically and then evaluate the eigenvalues in terms of the external magnetic field
energies = zeros(length(BF), (2*I+1)*(2*J+1)); % Preallocate energy array
% Check the value of J before entering the loop
if J == 1/2
% Construct Hamiltonian for J = 1/2
HZeemanBase = A*(Ix*Jx + Iy*Jy + Iz*Jz) + …
mu_B*BF(1)*(g_I*Iz + g_J*Jz); % Use BF(1) just as a placeholder for the structure
elseif J == 3/2
% Construct Hamiltonian for J = 3/2
HZeemanBase = A*(Ix*Jx + Iy*Jy + Iz*Jz) + …
mu_B*BF(1)*(g_I*Iz + g_J*Jz) + …
(Bhfs/(2*I*(2*I-1)*J*(2*J-1)))*( 3*(Ix*Jx + Iy*Jy + Iz*Jz).^2 + (3/2)*(Ix*Jx + Iy*Jy + Iz*Jz) – (Ix.^2 + Iy.^2 + Iz.^2)*(Jx.^2 + Jy.^2 + Jz.^2) );
for j = 1:length(BF)
% Modify the Hamiltonian for each BF(j)
HZeeman = HZeemanBase;
% Update the Zeeman term for the current magnetic field strength
HZeeman = (Amp/(2*pi*hbar))*(HZeeman + mu_B*BF(j)*(g_I*Iz + g_J*Jz));
% Diagonalize the Hamiltonian
[eigenvectors, eigenvalues] = eig(HZeeman);
% Store the eigenvalues (energies)
energies(j, 🙂 = sort(diag(real(eigenvalues))); % Sort energies for clarity
% Plot levels for each F group with different colors
colors = {‘r’, ‘b’, ‘g’, ‘m’, ‘k’}; % Colors for each F group
level_start = 1; % Start index for each F group
legend_handles = []; % Store plot handles for the legend
Fig = figure;
hold on;
for f_idx = 1:length(F_values)
num_levels_in_group = degeneracies(f_idx); % Number of levels for this F
level_end = level_start + num_levels_in_group – 1; % End index for this F
h = plot(BF, energies(:, level_start:level_end), ‘LineWidth’,2, ‘Color’, colors{f_idx});
legend_handles = [legend_handles, h(1)]; % Store one handle per group
level_start = level_end + 1; % Update start index for the next F group
set(gca, ‘xminortick’, ‘on’, ‘TickLabelInterpreter’,’latex’,’fontsize’,18);
set(gca, ‘yminortick’, ‘on’, ‘TickLabelInterpreter’,’latex’,’fontsize’,18);
xlabel(‘$|B|$ (G)’, ‘Interpreter’, ‘latex’, ‘Fontsize’, 20);
ylabel(yl, ‘Interpreter’, ‘latex’,’Fontsize’, 20);
title(titleg,’Interpreter’, ‘latex’, ‘Fontsize’, 22);
legend_labels = arrayfun(@(f) sprintf(‘$F = %.0f$’, f), F_values, ‘UniformOutput’, false);
legend(legend_handles, legend_labels, ‘Interpreter’, ‘latex’, ‘Location’, ‘northwest’);
box on;
hold off;
Filename = sprintf(‘%s/Zeeman splitting %s.png’, Folder, str);
print(Fig, Filename, ‘-dpng’, ‘-r300’);
toc Hi. I am calculating the energy shifts in the Cs-133 atom due to external magnetic fields by the Zeeman effect (my code is attached). For the ground state and the D1 line I have no problem, the code works fine, the plots give as the D. Steck paper. However, when I try to do it for the D2 line, it seems that the lines of different colors are mixed, which gives incorrect results, as seen in the attached image.
In the code, I construct the Hamiltonian for each magnetic field value and diagonalize the Hamiltonian. One way I got it to work is to diagonalize the Hamiltonian symbolically and then substitute the magnetic field values. However, this method takes too long, and when I tried to add the octupolar term, it does not work. I think it is a problem in the order of the eigenvalues, but I have not been able to solve it. If someone could help me, I would be eternally grateful.
This is the result I obtain.
This is the result of the reference document. In this case, the lines of different colors are not mixed.
The reference document is attached below.
Cesium D Line Data
clear variables
close all
%% Constants definition
line = ‘D2’; % [Ground D1 D2]
I = 7/2; % Nuclear spin
g_I = -0.00039885395; % Nuclear g-factor
J = [1/2 3/2]; % Total angular momentum
g_J = [2.002540261 0.665900 1.33408749]; % Fine structure g-factor
mu_B = (9.27400899E-24)*1E-4; % Bohr Magneton (J/G)
hbar = 1.054E-34; % Reduced Planck’s constant (Js)
Ahfs = 2*pi*hbar*[2.2981579425E9 291.9201E6 50.28827E6]; % Magnetic Dipole Constant
Bhfs = -2*pi*hbar*0.4934E6; % Electric Quadrupole Constant 5^2 P_3/2
Chfs = 2*pi*hbar*0.560E3; % Magnetic Octupole Constant 6^2 P_3/D2
Folder = pwd;
switch line
case ‘Ground’
A = Ahfs(1);
J = J(1); % Total angular momentum
g_J = g_J(1);
BF = linspace(0,15000,1000); % Magnetic field vector (G)
titleg = ‘$ ^{133}mathrm{Cs} , , , 6^2 mathrm{S}_{1/2}$’;
yl = ‘$E/h$ (GHz)’;
Amp = 1E-9;
yy = [-26 26];
str = ‘Ground state’;
case ‘D1’
A = Ahfs(2);
J = J(1); % Total angular momentum
g_J = g_J(2);
BF = linspace(0,5000,1000); % Magnetic field vector (G)
titleg = ‘$ ^{133}mathrm{Cs} , , , 6^2 mathrm{P}_{1/2}$’;
yl = ‘$E/h$ (GHz)’;
Amp = 1E-9;
yy = [-2.5 2.5];
str = ‘D1 line’;
case ‘D2’
A = Ahfs(3);
J = J(2); % Total angular momentum
g_J = g_J(3);
BF = linspace(0,500,1000); % Magnetic field vector (G)
titleg = ‘$ ^{133}mathrm{Cs} , , , 6^2 mathrm{P}_{3/2}$’;
yl = ‘$E/h$ (MHz)’;
Amp = 1E-6;
yy = [-1500 1500];
str = ‘D2 line’;
error(‘Unexpected value of state.’);
% Get the spin operator matrices for I and J
[SxI, SyI, SzI] = espin(I);
[SxJ, SyJ, SzJ] = espin(J);
% Construct the spin operators, defined as the tensor product of the spin matrices S(I) and S(J) with
% indetity matrices 1(I) and 1(J)
Ix = kron(SxI, id(J));
Iy = kron(SyI, id(J));
Iz = kron(SzI, id(J));
Jx = kron(id(I), SxJ);
Jy = kron(id(I), SyJ);
Jz = kron(id(I), SzJ);
F_values = abs(I-J):(I+J);
degeneracies = 2*F_values + 1; % Degeneracies for each F value
%% We diagonalize the Hamiltonian symbolically and then evaluate the eigenvalues in terms of the external magnetic field
energies = zeros(length(BF), (2*I+1)*(2*J+1)); % Preallocate energy array
% Check the value of J before entering the loop
if J == 1/2
% Construct Hamiltonian for J = 1/2
HZeemanBase = A*(Ix*Jx + Iy*Jy + Iz*Jz) + …
mu_B*BF(1)*(g_I*Iz + g_J*Jz); % Use BF(1) just as a placeholder for the structure
elseif J == 3/2
% Construct Hamiltonian for J = 3/2
HZeemanBase = A*(Ix*Jx + Iy*Jy + Iz*Jz) + …
mu_B*BF(1)*(g_I*Iz + g_J*Jz) + …
(Bhfs/(2*I*(2*I-1)*J*(2*J-1)))*( 3*(Ix*Jx + Iy*Jy + Iz*Jz).^2 + (3/2)*(Ix*Jx + Iy*Jy + Iz*Jz) – (Ix.^2 + Iy.^2 + Iz.^2)*(Jx.^2 + Jy.^2 + Jz.^2) );
for j = 1:length(BF)
% Modify the Hamiltonian for each BF(j)
HZeeman = HZeemanBase;
% Update the Zeeman term for the current magnetic field strength
HZeeman = (Amp/(2*pi*hbar))*(HZeeman + mu_B*BF(j)*(g_I*Iz + g_J*Jz));
% Diagonalize the Hamiltonian
[eigenvectors, eigenvalues] = eig(HZeeman);
% Store the eigenvalues (energies)
energies(j, 🙂 = sort(diag(real(eigenvalues))); % Sort energies for clarity
% Plot levels for each F group with different colors
colors = {‘r’, ‘b’, ‘g’, ‘m’, ‘k’}; % Colors for each F group
level_start = 1; % Start index for each F group
legend_handles = []; % Store plot handles for the legend
Fig = figure;
hold on;
for f_idx = 1:length(F_values)
num_levels_in_group = degeneracies(f_idx); % Number of levels for this F
level_end = level_start + num_levels_in_group – 1; % End index for this F
h = plot(BF, energies(:, level_start:level_end), ‘LineWidth’,2, ‘Color’, colors{f_idx});
legend_handles = [legend_handles, h(1)]; % Store one handle per group
level_start = level_end + 1; % Update start index for the next F group
set(gca, ‘xminortick’, ‘on’, ‘TickLabelInterpreter’,’latex’,’fontsize’,18);
set(gca, ‘yminortick’, ‘on’, ‘TickLabelInterpreter’,’latex’,’fontsize’,18);
xlabel(‘$|B|$ (G)’, ‘Interpreter’, ‘latex’, ‘Fontsize’, 20);
ylabel(yl, ‘Interpreter’, ‘latex’,’Fontsize’, 20);
title(titleg,’Interpreter’, ‘latex’, ‘Fontsize’, 22);
legend_labels = arrayfun(@(f) sprintf(‘$F = %.0f$’, f), F_values, ‘UniformOutput’, false);
legend(legend_handles, legend_labels, ‘Interpreter’, ‘latex’, ‘Location’, ‘northwest’);
box on;
hold off;
Filename = sprintf(‘%s/Zeeman splitting %s.png’, Folder, str);
print(Fig, Filename, ‘-dpng’, ‘-r300’);
toc matrix, eigenvalues, diagonalization, atomic physics MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Issue with Rapid Accelerator Mode in parsim After Upgrading to R2024b
I am encountering issues with the workers in parsim when using the Rapid Accelerator mode.
After upgrading from R2024a to R2024b one week ago, I noticed that running parsim simulations no longer works as expected. I aim to run 6 simulations on a system with 6 physical (P) cores, allowing Matlab to compute all simulations simultaneously. However, only one worker completes the simulation, while the remaining five remain stuck in the "Running" state.
I tested this behavior with 6 identical models, but the issue persisted. Uninstalling and reinstalling Matlab did not do the trick.
Another observation is related to CPU behavior. When the parsim simulation starts, my laptop’s fan runs intensively, and some CPU cores reach 100% utilization—this is expected and matches the behavior in R2024a. However, as soon as the first worker completes its simulation, the fan slows down, and CPU utilization becomes erratic. The CPU usage fluctuates significantly, jumping between 20% and 90%.
Additionally, if I stop the parsim simulation via the Simulation Manager, Matlab becomes stuck at the "Cleaning up parallel worker" stage for the workers that were stuck during the simulation.
Interestingly, when switching from Rapid Accelerator to Accelerator mode, the parsim simulations work correctly, and some CPU cores consistently run at 100% utilization.
Does anyone have a clue what the cause for this behavior?I am encountering issues with the workers in parsim when using the Rapid Accelerator mode.
After upgrading from R2024a to R2024b one week ago, I noticed that running parsim simulations no longer works as expected. I aim to run 6 simulations on a system with 6 physical (P) cores, allowing Matlab to compute all simulations simultaneously. However, only one worker completes the simulation, while the remaining five remain stuck in the "Running" state.
I tested this behavior with 6 identical models, but the issue persisted. Uninstalling and reinstalling Matlab did not do the trick.
Another observation is related to CPU behavior. When the parsim simulation starts, my laptop’s fan runs intensively, and some CPU cores reach 100% utilization—this is expected and matches the behavior in R2024a. However, as soon as the first worker completes its simulation, the fan slows down, and CPU utilization becomes erratic. The CPU usage fluctuates significantly, jumping between 20% and 90%.
Additionally, if I stop the parsim simulation via the Simulation Manager, Matlab becomes stuck at the "Cleaning up parallel worker" stage for the workers that were stuck during the simulation.
Interestingly, when switching from Rapid Accelerator to Accelerator mode, the parsim simulations work correctly, and some CPU cores consistently run at 100% utilization.
Does anyone have a clue what the cause for this behavior? I am encountering issues with the workers in parsim when using the Rapid Accelerator mode.
After upgrading from R2024a to R2024b one week ago, I noticed that running parsim simulations no longer works as expected. I aim to run 6 simulations on a system with 6 physical (P) cores, allowing Matlab to compute all simulations simultaneously. However, only one worker completes the simulation, while the remaining five remain stuck in the "Running" state.
I tested this behavior with 6 identical models, but the issue persisted. Uninstalling and reinstalling Matlab did not do the trick.
Another observation is related to CPU behavior. When the parsim simulation starts, my laptop’s fan runs intensively, and some CPU cores reach 100% utilization—this is expected and matches the behavior in R2024a. However, as soon as the first worker completes its simulation, the fan slows down, and CPU utilization becomes erratic. The CPU usage fluctuates significantly, jumping between 20% and 90%.
Additionally, if I stop the parsim simulation via the Simulation Manager, Matlab becomes stuck at the "Cleaning up parallel worker" stage for the workers that were stuck during the simulation.
Interestingly, when switching from Rapid Accelerator to Accelerator mode, the parsim simulations work correctly, and some CPU cores consistently run at 100% utilization.
Does anyone have a clue what the cause for this behavior? parsim, rapid accelerator MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to detect ArUco markers in MATLAB?
I want to read ArUco markers using MATLAB for my workflow.
Does MATLAB support reading ArUco markers?I want to read ArUco markers using MATLAB for my workflow.
Does MATLAB support reading ArUco markers? I want to read ArUco markers using MATLAB for my workflow.
Does MATLAB support reading ArUco markers? opencv, computer, vision, toolbox, aruco, readarucomarker, generatearucomarker MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Extracting Data from Table
I am attempting to sort a large set of 3D data, into 2D frames. For context, the data I have imported is a text file and I want to seperate the text file into seperate tables, which all have the same X value. I had previously done this by creating several ID variables…
idx_250 = FFF1.x_coordinate == 0.25;
x_250 = FF1(idx_250,:);
This was repeated for each X value from 0.25 to 4, in 0.25 intervals. In attempt to neaten this up I tried to create a for loop.
for i = 1 :length(xv1)
id = FFF1.x_coordinate == xv1(i);
idTable = FFF1(id,:);
%Here I will process the data within idTable and save it in an appropriate array
Here, xv1 is a vector containing all of my x values [0.25 0.5 … 4].
However, when i = 1 and xv1(i) therefore equals 0.25, the id vector only has one true value. However if I put: id = FFF1.x_coordinate == 0.25, there is no problem. Could someone please explain why it would work if i directly type 0.25 vs a variable with the same value? Thanks!I am attempting to sort a large set of 3D data, into 2D frames. For context, the data I have imported is a text file and I want to seperate the text file into seperate tables, which all have the same X value. I had previously done this by creating several ID variables…
idx_250 = FFF1.x_coordinate == 0.25;
x_250 = FF1(idx_250,:);
This was repeated for each X value from 0.25 to 4, in 0.25 intervals. In attempt to neaten this up I tried to create a for loop.
for i = 1 :length(xv1)
id = FFF1.x_coordinate == xv1(i);
idTable = FFF1(id,:);
%Here I will process the data within idTable and save it in an appropriate array
Here, xv1 is a vector containing all of my x values [0.25 0.5 … 4].
However, when i = 1 and xv1(i) therefore equals 0.25, the id vector only has one true value. However if I put: id = FFF1.x_coordinate == 0.25, there is no problem. Could someone please explain why it would work if i directly type 0.25 vs a variable with the same value? Thanks! I am attempting to sort a large set of 3D data, into 2D frames. For context, the data I have imported is a text file and I want to seperate the text file into seperate tables, which all have the same X value. I had previously done this by creating several ID variables…
idx_250 = FFF1.x_coordinate == 0.25;
x_250 = FF1(idx_250,:);
This was repeated for each X value from 0.25 to 4, in 0.25 intervals. In attempt to neaten this up I tried to create a for loop.
for i = 1 :length(xv1)
id = FFF1.x_coordinate == xv1(i);
idTable = FFF1(id,:);
%Here I will process the data within idTable and save it in an appropriate array
Here, xv1 is a vector containing all of my x values [0.25 0.5 … 4].
However, when i = 1 and xv1(i) therefore equals 0.25, the id vector only has one true value. However if I put: id = FFF1.x_coordinate == 0.25, there is no problem. Could someone please explain why it would work if i directly type 0.25 vs a variable with the same value? Thanks! table MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Matlab Deployed Applications and Libraries
I have a very large Matlab application, and am able to use the mcc command to successfully make it a stand-alone application.
However, our application also supports the ability for the user to create custom *.m files to perform certain behaviors, sort of like a plugin. We do not compile these files, as they are in a separate location and can be changed at any time. To allow our users to utilize these files in a deployed application, when the user selects one of these files to be used, we actually open an instance of regular Matlab, process their file, and return the data produced back to our deployed application (in a struct), to allow the user to inspect it.
We would like to have a way to compile/create a library of those custom *.m files, that our deployed application could access, instead of having a very unstable interface. I have looked at the libraryCompiler tool, but that seems to be for Java/C++/etc, I can’t find anything for making a library of *.m files.
Quick summary:
* Currently have a large "main" GUI application.
* The application can access custom user-written functions (.m files) in a completely different directory, even across a network.
* Would like a way to compile/deploy those functions in a way that could be treated as an "external" library and be used by a deployed version of the main application.
Thanks a bunch! If there’s anything I can clear up, please let me know.Hello,
I have a very large Matlab application, and am able to use the mcc command to successfully make it a stand-alone application.
However, our application also supports the ability for the user to create custom *.m files to perform certain behaviors, sort of like a plugin. We do not compile these files, as they are in a separate location and can be changed at any time. To allow our users to utilize these files in a deployed application, when the user selects one of these files to be used, we actually open an instance of regular Matlab, process their file, and return the data produced back to our deployed application (in a struct), to allow the user to inspect it.
We would like to have a way to compile/create a library of those custom *.m files, that our deployed application could access, instead of having a very unstable interface. I have looked at the libraryCompiler tool, but that seems to be for Java/C++/etc, I can’t find anything for making a library of *.m files.
Quick summary:
* Currently have a large "main" GUI application.
* The application can access custom user-written functions (.m files) in a completely different directory, even across a network.
* Would like a way to compile/deploy those functions in a way that could be treated as an "external" library and be used by a deployed version of the main application.
Thanks a bunch! If there’s anything I can clear up, please let me know. Hello,
I have a very large Matlab application, and am able to use the mcc command to successfully make it a stand-alone application.
However, our application also supports the ability for the user to create custom *.m files to perform certain behaviors, sort of like a plugin. We do not compile these files, as they are in a separate location and can be changed at any time. To allow our users to utilize these files in a deployed application, when the user selects one of these files to be used, we actually open an instance of regular Matlab, process their file, and return the data produced back to our deployed application (in a struct), to allow the user to inspect it.
We would like to have a way to compile/create a library of those custom *.m files, that our deployed application could access, instead of having a very unstable interface. I have looked at the libraryCompiler tool, but that seems to be for Java/C++/etc, I can’t find anything for making a library of *.m files.
Quick summary:
* Currently have a large "main" GUI application.
* The application can access custom user-written functions (.m files) in a completely different directory, even across a network.
* Would like a way to compile/deploy those functions in a way that could be treated as an "external" library and be used by a deployed version of the main application.
Thanks a bunch! If there’s anything I can clear up, please let me know. library, compiler, deploytool, matlab, external library MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to select control points for B-spline smoothing?
I have an initial path that resulted from RRT-connect algorithm in the form (xi,yi) and i want to smooth it using B-spline algorithm. The question is "Shall i consider all the returned (xi,yi) values as control points or shall i choose some? and if the second what are the criteria to choose some waypoints as control points and not the others?I have an initial path that resulted from RRT-connect algorithm in the form (xi,yi) and i want to smooth it using B-spline algorithm. The question is "Shall i consider all the returned (xi,yi) values as control points or shall i choose some? and if the second what are the criteria to choose some waypoints as control points and not the others? I have an initial path that resulted from RRT-connect algorithm in the form (xi,yi) and i want to smooth it using B-spline algorithm. The question is "Shall i consider all the returned (xi,yi) values as control points or shall i choose some? and if the second what are the criteria to choose some waypoints as control points and not the others? path planning, path smoothing, b-spline MATLAB Answers — New Questions
I want to make a prediction from a trained neural network and have the prediction displayed on a display block
I am doing a school project using Neural networks to predict faults, I have already trained the neural network, but I am finding it difficult to use the trained model directly on simulink, using the predict blocks. I was able to use script to extract the data and make prediction and display on the workspace, but I want everything to run directly from simulinkI am doing a school project using Neural networks to predict faults, I have already trained the neural network, but I am finding it difficult to use the trained model directly on simulink, using the predict blocks. I was able to use script to extract the data and make prediction and display on the workspace, but I want everything to run directly from simulink I am doing a school project using Neural networks to predict faults, I have already trained the neural network, but I am finding it difficult to use the trained model directly on simulink, using the predict blocks. I was able to use script to extract the data and make prediction and display on the workspace, but I want everything to run directly from simulink neural network MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How can I add my own electrical supply data to the PEMElectrolysisSystem simulation?
I have on my workspace my own data of voltage and current that I would like to use as an Electrical Supply for the Electrolyzer. The data is type: double, size: 934906 x 1. I would like to understand how do I use my data and connect it in the Simulink model? I have tried using the ‘From Workspace’ block after adjusting my data to be in ‘timeseries’ class, but with no success. I would like to understand what class should my data be in, what block to use and where to connect my inputed data?
Thanks in advance!I have on my workspace my own data of voltage and current that I would like to use as an Electrical Supply for the Electrolyzer. The data is type: double, size: 934906 x 1. I would like to understand how do I use my data and connect it in the Simulink model? I have tried using the ‘From Workspace’ block after adjusting my data to be in ‘timeseries’ class, but with no success. I would like to understand what class should my data be in, what block to use and where to connect my inputed data?
Thanks in advance! I have on my workspace my own data of voltage and current that I would like to use as an Electrical Supply for the Electrolyzer. The data is type: double, size: 934906 x 1. I would like to understand how do I use my data and connect it in the Simulink model? I have tried using the ‘From Workspace’ block after adjusting my data to be in ‘timeseries’ class, but with no success. I would like to understand what class should my data be in, what block to use and where to connect my inputed data?
Thanks in advance! electric_supply MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Converting Mathcad to Matlab
I have a book with some good radar equations in it. However, everything is in Mathcad – I use Matlab. I’ve been converting everything I use from Mathcad to Matlab. I’ve run into one I’m not sure how to convert.
Mathcad has a function called root. The equation I’m interested in converting is:
root(f1(u) – sqrt(0.5), u, 0.3, 0.7
As I understand it, ‘root’ returns the value of u to make the function f1 equal to zero. With 0.3 and 0.7 being specified, root finds u on this interval.
How do I accomplish the same thing using Matlab?
KimI have a book with some good radar equations in it. However, everything is in Mathcad – I use Matlab. I’ve been converting everything I use from Mathcad to Matlab. I’ve run into one I’m not sure how to convert.
Mathcad has a function called root. The equation I’m interested in converting is:
root(f1(u) – sqrt(0.5), u, 0.3, 0.7
As I understand it, ‘root’ returns the value of u to make the function f1 equal to zero. With 0.3 and 0.7 being specified, root finds u on this interval.
How do I accomplish the same thing using Matlab?
Kim I have a book with some good radar equations in it. However, everything is in Mathcad – I use Matlab. I’ve been converting everything I use from Mathcad to Matlab. I’ve run into one I’m not sure how to convert.
Mathcad has a function called root. The equation I’m interested in converting is:
root(f1(u) – sqrt(0.5), u, 0.3, 0.7
As I understand it, ‘root’ returns the value of u to make the function f1 equal to zero. With 0.3 and 0.7 being specified, root finds u on this interval.
How do I accomplish the same thing using Matlab?
Kim mathcad, root MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Is there any way I can keep the “UIAxes” at the front of “UITable”?
How can I keep the "UIAxes" in front of the "UITable" in my MATLAB UI application?How can I keep the "UIAxes" in front of the "UITable" in my MATLAB UI application? How can I keep the "UIAxes" in front of the "UITable" in my MATLAB UI application? uiaxes, front, uitable MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Why does using “cd” with “dos” command does not work with switch directories?
The "dos" command does not work as expected for switching directory with "cd" command.
>> [status, cmdout] = dos(‘cd C:’)
cmdout =
0×0 empty char array
However, the "dos" command works for different operations like "dir" fine.
>> [status, cmdout] = dos(‘dir’)
cmdout =
‘ Volume in drive C is Windows
Volume Serial Number is 6405-C0AD
Directory of C:Users………..
12/26/2024 04:35 PM <DIR> .
12/30/2024 02:49 PM <DIR> ..
Why does "dos" command work with "dir" but not with "cd"?The "dos" command does not work as expected for switching directory with "cd" command.
>> [status, cmdout] = dos(‘cd C:’)
cmdout =
0×0 empty char array
However, the "dos" command works for different operations like "dir" fine.
>> [status, cmdout] = dos(‘dir’)
cmdout =
‘ Volume in drive C is Windows
Volume Serial Number is 6405-C0AD
Directory of C:Users………..
12/26/2024 04:35 PM <DIR> .
12/30/2024 02:49 PM <DIR> ..
Why does "dos" command work with "dir" but not with "cd"? The "dos" command does not work as expected for switching directory with "cd" command.
>> [status, cmdout] = dos(‘cd C:’)
cmdout =
0×0 empty char array
However, the "dos" command works for different operations like "dir" fine.
>> [status, cmdout] = dos(‘dir’)
cmdout =
‘ Volume in drive C is Windows
Volume Serial Number is 6405-C0AD
Directory of C:Users………..
12/26/2024 04:35 PM <DIR> .
12/30/2024 02:49 PM <DIR> ..
Why does "dos" command work with "dir" but not with "cd"? doscommand, cdcommand, switchingdirectories MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How can I configure my Docker microservice to use SSL/HTTPS?
I have created a Docker microservice image using the ‘compiler.package.microserviceDockerImage’ workflow. It is working correctly, but I would like to configure it to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. How can I accomplish this? I have an existing private key that I would like to use.I have created a Docker microservice image using the ‘compiler.package.microserviceDockerImage’ workflow. It is working correctly, but I would like to configure it to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. How can I accomplish this? I have an existing private key that I would like to use. I have created a Docker microservice image using the ‘compiler.package.microserviceDockerImage’ workflow. It is working correctly, but I would like to configure it to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. How can I accomplish this? I have an existing private key that I would like to use. docker, microservice, ssl, https, api, private-key MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How can I continue a Simscape simulation after altering some blockparameters?
I am using fast restart to run Simscape model. I have the initial states of the blocks as block parameters defined in the matlab workspace. I would like to change certain parameters (say change the pressure at one point to a higher value) to simulate an external event and continue the simulation without altering rest of the system state. Preferably using fast restart. What is the cleanest way to achieve this? Is is possible to reinitialize just a single block using setBlockParameter() function and contine the simulation?
I have tried:
Run simulation -> save state -> change blockparameters (structs defined in workspace) -> load state ->run.
This doesnt work as I get the following error:
‘Simulink cannot load the initial operating point because the model, ‘model..’, was changed after the operating point was saved. Run the simulation again and resave the operating point.’
I already verified that the struct that is being changed is of the same dimensions and datatype after, just their numerical values are changed.Hi,
I am using fast restart to run Simscape model. I have the initial states of the blocks as block parameters defined in the matlab workspace. I would like to change certain parameters (say change the pressure at one point to a higher value) to simulate an external event and continue the simulation without altering rest of the system state. Preferably using fast restart. What is the cleanest way to achieve this? Is is possible to reinitialize just a single block using setBlockParameter() function and contine the simulation?
I have tried:
Run simulation -> save state -> change blockparameters (structs defined in workspace) -> load state ->run.
This doesnt work as I get the following error:
‘Simulink cannot load the initial operating point because the model, ‘model..’, was changed after the operating point was saved. Run the simulation again and resave the operating point.’
I already verified that the struct that is being changed is of the same dimensions and datatype after, just their numerical values are changed. Hi,
I am using fast restart to run Simscape model. I have the initial states of the blocks as block parameters defined in the matlab workspace. I would like to change certain parameters (say change the pressure at one point to a higher value) to simulate an external event and continue the simulation without altering rest of the system state. Preferably using fast restart. What is the cleanest way to achieve this? Is is possible to reinitialize just a single block using setBlockParameter() function and contine the simulation?
I have tried:
Run simulation -> save state -> change blockparameters (structs defined in workspace) -> load state ->run.
This doesnt work as I get the following error:
‘Simulink cannot load the initial operating point because the model, ‘model..’, was changed after the operating point was saved. Run the simulation again and resave the operating point.’
I already verified that the struct that is being changed is of the same dimensions and datatype after, just their numerical values are changed. simscape, fastrestart, simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Using simscape’s unidirectional clutch with multibody
I am trying to attach a unidirectional clutch to a revolute joint using a multibody rotational interface and a rotational reference however this doesn’t seem to work.
What happen is that the "disengaged phase" goes well but at the moment the relative velocity between the hub and the ring changes direction the simulation crashes with the following message :
An error occurred during simulation and the simulation was terminated
Caused by:
[‘Modele_RZ/Solver Configuration’]: Transient initialization at time 1.903, solving for consistent states and modes, failed to converge.
Nonlinear solver: Linear Algebra error. Failed to solve using iteration matrix.
The model may not give enough information to make it possible to solve for values of some of its variables. Specific advice is given below.
all components and nodal across variables involved
Cannot solve for one or more variables:
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Rotational_Multibody_Interface.t’ (t)
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Rotational_Multibody_Interface.torque’ (Torque)
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Rotational_Multibody_Interface_t0’ (Rotational_Multibody_Interface_t0)
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Unidirectional_Clutch.fundamental_clutch.clutch.t’ (Torque)
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Unidirectional_Clutch.fundamental_clutch.torque’ (Torque)
I have tried a bunch of modification but nothing seems to work…
I would appreciate a bit of help.Hello,
I am trying to attach a unidirectional clutch to a revolute joint using a multibody rotational interface and a rotational reference however this doesn’t seem to work.
What happen is that the "disengaged phase" goes well but at the moment the relative velocity between the hub and the ring changes direction the simulation crashes with the following message :
An error occurred during simulation and the simulation was terminated
Caused by:
[‘Modele_RZ/Solver Configuration’]: Transient initialization at time 1.903, solving for consistent states and modes, failed to converge.
Nonlinear solver: Linear Algebra error. Failed to solve using iteration matrix.
The model may not give enough information to make it possible to solve for values of some of its variables. Specific advice is given below.
all components and nodal across variables involved
Cannot solve for one or more variables:
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Rotational_Multibody_Interface.t’ (t)
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Rotational_Multibody_Interface.torque’ (Torque)
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Rotational_Multibody_Interface_t0’ (Rotational_Multibody_Interface_t0)
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Unidirectional_Clutch.fundamental_clutch.clutch.t’ (Torque)
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Unidirectional_Clutch.fundamental_clutch.torque’ (Torque)
I have tried a bunch of modification but nothing seems to work…
I would appreciate a bit of help. Hello,
I am trying to attach a unidirectional clutch to a revolute joint using a multibody rotational interface and a rotational reference however this doesn’t seem to work.
What happen is that the "disengaged phase" goes well but at the moment the relative velocity between the hub and the ring changes direction the simulation crashes with the following message :
An error occurred during simulation and the simulation was terminated
Caused by:
[‘Modele_RZ/Solver Configuration’]: Transient initialization at time 1.903, solving for consistent states and modes, failed to converge.
Nonlinear solver: Linear Algebra error. Failed to solve using iteration matrix.
The model may not give enough information to make it possible to solve for values of some of its variables. Specific advice is given below.
all components and nodal across variables involved
Cannot solve for one or more variables:
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Rotational_Multibody_Interface.t’ (t)
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Rotational_Multibody_Interface.torque’ (Torque)
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Rotational_Multibody_Interface_t0’ (Rotational_Multibody_Interface_t0)
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Unidirectional_Clutch.fundamental_clutch.clutch.t’ (Torque)
‘Roue_Libre_Haut_Avant.Unidirectional_Clutch.fundamental_clutch.torque’ (Torque)
I have tried a bunch of modification but nothing seems to work…
I would appreciate a bit of help. simscape, multibody, clutch, simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Failed to create COM objectMatlabWrapper.wrapper: Automation error
Hi everyone,
Please, I have an application that uses MATLAB Runtime 9.9 (with Windows Server 2019 Std) and I’m facing the following error message:
"Failed to create COM objectMatlabWrapper.wrapper: Automation errorThe specified module could no be found".
Please, any tip to solve this issue?
Thanks.Hi everyone,
Please, I have an application that uses MATLAB Runtime 9.9 (with Windows Server 2019 Std) and I’m facing the following error message:
"Failed to create COM objectMatlabWrapper.wrapper: Automation errorThe specified module could no be found".
Please, any tip to solve this issue?
Thanks. Hi everyone,
Please, I have an application that uses MATLAB Runtime 9.9 (with Windows Server 2019 Std) and I’m facing the following error message:
"Failed to create COM objectMatlabWrapper.wrapper: Automation errorThe specified module could no be found".
Please, any tip to solve this issue?
Thanks. matlab runtime MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Trouble parsing ISO8601 date strings into datetime
Hi there I am trying to take some datasets with what I believe are ISO8601 timecodes and convert the timecodes to datetime for plotting and sorting by date and time. I think it is the data after the ‘+’ that is tripping me up, but I haven’t been able to find the right solution.
here is an example of one of the data entries, and the line that I am trying to excecute
Example data: "2023-06-09T23:55:00+00:00"
solardates= datetime(solar.Date,’InputFormat’,’uuuu-MM-dd”T”HH:mm:ss”+’,’TimeZone’,’UTC’);
And here are the errors I get when running the code.
Error using datetime (line 257)
Unable to convert the text to datetime using the format ‘uuuu-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss’+’.
Error in HistTest (line 30)
solardates= datetime(solar.Date,’InputFormat’,’uuuu-MM-dd”T”HH:mm:ss”+’,’TimeZone’,’UTC’);Hi there I am trying to take some datasets with what I believe are ISO8601 timecodes and convert the timecodes to datetime for plotting and sorting by date and time. I think it is the data after the ‘+’ that is tripping me up, but I haven’t been able to find the right solution.
here is an example of one of the data entries, and the line that I am trying to excecute
Example data: "2023-06-09T23:55:00+00:00"
solardates= datetime(solar.Date,’InputFormat’,’uuuu-MM-dd”T”HH:mm:ss”+’,’TimeZone’,’UTC’);
And here are the errors I get when running the code.
Error using datetime (line 257)
Unable to convert the text to datetime using the format ‘uuuu-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss’+’.
Error in HistTest (line 30)
solardates= datetime(solar.Date,’InputFormat’,’uuuu-MM-dd”T”HH:mm:ss”+’,’TimeZone’,’UTC’); Hi there I am trying to take some datasets with what I believe are ISO8601 timecodes and convert the timecodes to datetime for plotting and sorting by date and time. I think it is the data after the ‘+’ that is tripping me up, but I haven’t been able to find the right solution.
here is an example of one of the data entries, and the line that I am trying to excecute
Example data: "2023-06-09T23:55:00+00:00"
solardates= datetime(solar.Date,’InputFormat’,’uuuu-MM-dd”T”HH:mm:ss”+’,’TimeZone’,’UTC’);
And here are the errors I get when running the code.
Error using datetime (line 257)
Unable to convert the text to datetime using the format ‘uuuu-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss’+’.
Error in HistTest (line 30)
solardates= datetime(solar.Date,’InputFormat’,’uuuu-MM-dd”T”HH:mm:ss”+’,’TimeZone’,’UTC’); datetime, iso8601, iso 8601 MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How do I extract the contents of an HTML table on a web page into a MATLAB table?
I’d like to plot and analyze the TSA traveler data from this website: https://www.tsa.gov/coronavirus/passenger-throughput
The data is embedded on the page as an HTML table element.
How do I extract the table content into a MATLAB table?I’d like to plot and analyze the TSA traveler data from this website: https://www.tsa.gov/coronavirus/passenger-throughput
The data is embedded on the page as an HTML table element.
How do I extract the table content into a MATLAB table? I’d like to plot and analyze the TSA traveler data from this website: https://www.tsa.gov/coronavirus/passenger-throughput
The data is embedded on the page as an HTML table element.
How do I extract the table content into a MATLAB table? html, table MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to repaire MATLAB has experienced a low-level graphics error ?
MATLAB has experienced a low-level graphics error, and may not have drawn correctly.
Read about what you can do to prevent this issue at Resolving Low-Level Graphics Issues then restart MATLAB.
To share details of this issue with MathWorks technical support,
please include this file with your service request.MATLAB has experienced a low-level graphics error, and may not have drawn correctly.
Read about what you can do to prevent this issue at Resolving Low-Level Graphics Issues then restart MATLAB.
To share details of this issue with MathWorks technical support,
please include this file with your service request. MATLAB has experienced a low-level graphics error, and may not have drawn correctly.
Read about what you can do to prevent this issue at Resolving Low-Level Graphics Issues then restart MATLAB.
To share details of this issue with MathWorks technical support,
please include this file with your service request. #matword MATLAB Answers — New Questions