Custom Display for symbolic Object
I do alot of work with symbolic variables and latex, and I would like to have some custom output for when a semi colon is not put at the end of a line, I would like it to output the formated version of the symbolic variable so that I can use the copy as LaTeX. An example of how I would like it displayed is below, when I run the line sigma_i = 10*u.MPa I would like it to be displayed as if I had run myFunc.
u =symunit;
sigma_i =10*u.MPa
function myFunc(inputValue)
varName = inputname(1);
symbolicVarName = sym(varName);
disp(vpa(symbolicVarName == inputValue, 3)); % Adjust the precision as needed
I have tried creating class MySym which inherits from sym but whenever I do any operations the output ends up being a sym
classdef MySym < sym
% Constructor method
function obj = MySym(val)
% Convert input to sym and store it in the object
obj = obj@sym(val); % Call superclass constructor
% Custom display method
function display(obj)
varName = inputname(1);
if isempty(varName)
varName = ‘ans’;
symbolicVarName = sym(varName);
disp(vpa(symbolicVarName == obj, 3)); % Display with 3 digits precision
I do alot of work with symbolic variables and latex, and I would like to have some custom output for when a semi colon is not put at the end of a line, I would like it to output the formated version of the symbolic variable so that I can use the copy as LaTeX. An example of how I would like it displayed is below, when I run the line sigma_i = 10*u.MPa I would like it to be displayed as if I had run myFunc.
u =symunit;
sigma_i =10*u.MPa
function myFunc(inputValue)
varName = inputname(1);
symbolicVarName = sym(varName);
disp(vpa(symbolicVarName == inputValue, 3)); % Adjust the precision as needed
I have tried creating class MySym which inherits from sym but whenever I do any operations the output ends up being a sym
classdef MySym < sym
% Constructor method
function obj = MySym(val)
% Convert input to sym and store it in the object
obj = obj@sym(val); % Call superclass constructor
% Custom display method
function display(obj)
varName = inputname(1);
if isempty(varName)
varName = ‘ans’;
symbolicVarName = sym(varName);
disp(vpa(symbolicVarName == obj, 3)); % Display with 3 digits precision
end Hello,
I do alot of work with symbolic variables and latex, and I would like to have some custom output for when a semi colon is not put at the end of a line, I would like it to output the formated version of the symbolic variable so that I can use the copy as LaTeX. An example of how I would like it displayed is below, when I run the line sigma_i = 10*u.MPa I would like it to be displayed as if I had run myFunc.
u =symunit;
sigma_i =10*u.MPa
function myFunc(inputValue)
varName = inputname(1);
symbolicVarName = sym(varName);
disp(vpa(symbolicVarName == inputValue, 3)); % Adjust the precision as needed
I have tried creating class MySym which inherits from sym but whenever I do any operations the output ends up being a sym
classdef MySym < sym
% Constructor method
function obj = MySym(val)
% Convert input to sym and store it in the object
obj = obj@sym(val); % Call superclass constructor
% Custom display method
function display(obj)
varName = inputname(1);
if isempty(varName)
varName = ‘ans’;
symbolicVarName = sym(varName);
disp(vpa(symbolicVarName == obj, 3)); % Display with 3 digits precision
end symbolic variables, custom displaying MATLAB Answers — New Questions