Extracting Property Values from Property Functions
I’m encountering an error in MATLAB while attempting to extract `x` and `y` values from property functions. The property functions I’m working with look like this:
– `
@(P) (subs(P, x, 2) == 0)
– `
@(P) (subs(P, x, 6) == 0)
My goal is to extract the `x` value where the condition is met and then use that value to find the corresponding `y` by substituting into a simple polynomial. However, I’m encountering the following error:
Error using isSubspacePoly>get_property_values (line 208)
No valid x value found for the given property function.
Here’s the code snippet for the `get_property_values` function:
function [x_val, y_val] = get_property_values(propertyFcn)
syms x; % Symbolic variable
P = x; % Simple polynomial to apply the property function
% Get the condition from the property function
eqn = propertyFcn(P);
% Solve for x to meet the property condition
x_val = double(solve(eqn, x));
if isempty(x_val) % Handle cases with no valid solution
error(‘No valid x value found for the given property function.’);
% Compute y by substituting x_val into the polynomial
y_val = double(subs(P, x, x_val));
if isempty(y_val) % Ensure valid y_val
error(‘No valid y value obtained from the given property function.’);
The error occurs when there’s no valid solution for `x_val`. If I can’t get `x`, then I can’t find `y`. What might be causing this? Could it be an issue with the property function or something else? Any suggestions on how to extract `x` and `y` values correctly would be helpful.I’m encountering an error in MATLAB while attempting to extract `x` and `y` values from property functions. The property functions I’m working with look like this:
– `
@(P) (subs(P, x, 2) == 0)
– `
@(P) (subs(P, x, 6) == 0)
My goal is to extract the `x` value where the condition is met and then use that value to find the corresponding `y` by substituting into a simple polynomial. However, I’m encountering the following error:
Error using isSubspacePoly>get_property_values (line 208)
No valid x value found for the given property function.
Here’s the code snippet for the `get_property_values` function:
function [x_val, y_val] = get_property_values(propertyFcn)
syms x; % Symbolic variable
P = x; % Simple polynomial to apply the property function
% Get the condition from the property function
eqn = propertyFcn(P);
% Solve for x to meet the property condition
x_val = double(solve(eqn, x));
if isempty(x_val) % Handle cases with no valid solution
error(‘No valid x value found for the given property function.’);
% Compute y by substituting x_val into the polynomial
y_val = double(subs(P, x, x_val));
if isempty(y_val) % Ensure valid y_val
error(‘No valid y value obtained from the given property function.’);
The error occurs when there’s no valid solution for `x_val`. If I can’t get `x`, then I can’t find `y`. What might be causing this? Could it be an issue with the property function or something else? Any suggestions on how to extract `x` and `y` values correctly would be helpful. I’m encountering an error in MATLAB while attempting to extract `x` and `y` values from property functions. The property functions I’m working with look like this:
– `
@(P) (subs(P, x, 2) == 0)
– `
@(P) (subs(P, x, 6) == 0)
My goal is to extract the `x` value where the condition is met and then use that value to find the corresponding `y` by substituting into a simple polynomial. However, I’m encountering the following error:
Error using isSubspacePoly>get_property_values (line 208)
No valid x value found for the given property function.
Here’s the code snippet for the `get_property_values` function:
function [x_val, y_val] = get_property_values(propertyFcn)
syms x; % Symbolic variable
P = x; % Simple polynomial to apply the property function
% Get the condition from the property function
eqn = propertyFcn(P);
% Solve for x to meet the property condition
x_val = double(solve(eqn, x));
if isempty(x_val) % Handle cases with no valid solution
error(‘No valid x value found for the given property function.’);
% Compute y by substituting x_val into the polynomial
y_val = double(subs(P, x, x_val));
if isempty(y_val) % Ensure valid y_val
error(‘No valid y value obtained from the given property function.’);
The error occurs when there’s no valid solution for `x_val`. If I can’t get `x`, then I can’t find `y`. What might be causing this? Could it be an issue with the property function or something else? Any suggestions on how to extract `x` and `y` values correctly would be helpful. matlab code, matlab, matlab coder, matlab function MATLAB Answers — New Questions