sprintf in 2 lines, with 2 variables, in bold, and interpreter latex
In the following example,
alpha = 3;
string = ‘Hello’;
text(5,5,sprintf(‘$\textbf{%s}$ {\boldmath$\alpha=%d$}’,string,alpha),’interpreter’,’latex’,’FontSize’,20)
how can I bring the text corresponding to
to a second line, i.e. below the text "Hello"?In the following example,
alpha = 3;
string = ‘Hello’;
text(5,5,sprintf(‘$\textbf{%s}$ {\boldmath$\alpha=%d$}’,string,alpha),’interpreter’,’latex’,’FontSize’,20)
how can I bring the text corresponding to
to a second line, i.e. below the text "Hello"? In the following example,
alpha = 3;
string = ‘Hello’;
text(5,5,sprintf(‘$\textbf{%s}$ {\boldmath$\alpha=%d$}’,string,alpha),’interpreter’,’latex’,’FontSize’,20)
how can I bring the text corresponding to
to a second line, i.e. below the text "Hello"? sprintf, multiline, bold, interpreter, latex MATLAB Answers — New Questions